School Paddling, School Swats, and a Bruised Bottom for the Teen Girl

There is a reason that a paddle is used in the United States, for the application of corporal

a real school paddling

A school paddling and a bruised bottom

punishment in a school setting.  School corporal punishment does not take place on a bare bottom, so an implement that can still be effective, regardless of the state of dress, is required.  A large wooden paddle, at least ½” thick, is generally used and it works very well.  One of the primary reasons that it is so effective is that it bruises a young lady’s bottom with every swat.  This is an essential part of the learning process, as it teaches a long lasting lesson.  If the same punishment was applied, with a leather strap, over a teen girl’s jeans and panties, yes it would hurt.  However, once the actual strapping is over, so is the pain.  There may be a general soreness for a few minutes, but for the most part, a strapping over clothes is a very short lived punishment.  A punishment such as this, quickly fades from a teen girl’s mind, and therefore does not serve the purpose of reducing the chances of repeat

school paddling marks

Showing her bottom after a 10 swat school paddling

school paddling picture

Showing the paddle that she was disciplined with

behavior in the future.

Now with the school paddle, with as few as six swats to a teen girl’s bottom, a very real lesson can be taught.  Just as with the strapping, for the duration of the punishment, she will feel a great amount of discomfort.  If applied correctly, after just a couple of swats, tears will start to fall.  By the end of the paddling, her tears will have turned to full on sobbing.  The key to this punishment is that when she leaves the office and returns to class, the punishment is not over.  A hard paddling creates a somewhat unique experience for the high school girl who receives it.  While she is bent over in the office, getting her pretty little bottom paddled, the pain is intense.

a school paddling teen girl

Showing the marks from a hard school paddling over her jeans

teen girl corporal punishment

Looking at the paddle that just broke on her teen bottom during her paddling

Immediately after the paddling (or possibly during if it was a long paddling) her body begins to combat the pain by producing endorphins.  When walking back to class, she might even feel like her butt is not all that sore.  She will feel a little something when she sits at her desk, but she still might feel like she will be ok.

The real punishment for her will begin a few hours later.  Her body will decrease the production of endorphins and the adrenaline will no longer be pumping through her system.  A couple of classes after the paddling, she will begin to experience very real discomfort.  By the end of the day, she will hardly be able to believe how much her bottom hurts.  Now here is what makes corporal punishment with a paddle

high school girl paddled at school

Her school paddling left her entire bottom bruised

teen girl school paddling

Smiling at the moment, but not for long, she is about to be paddled

so very effective…the next day.  The morning after a fully clothed strapping, might not even register to a young lady that she had even been punished.  She would go about her day in a normal manner, and maybe even find herself committing the same offenses that got her spanked in the first place.  But the morning after a paddling, this would never be the case.  She would find that the moment she stood up out of bed, that the pain is quite intense.  It is not even just a matter of hurting to sit, she will feel discomfort by simply walking.  When she goes to the bathroom, she might not even be able to fully sit on the toilet seat.  If she looks at her bottom in the mirror, she will see the source of the problem.  She will have two large bulls’ eye looking bruises on her bottom.

school paddling teen girl bruised bottom

Sitting will not be an option after her school paddling

paddled school girl

Singing the school paddle

The bruises on her bottom will be why she will be unlikely to repeat the behavior that resulted in her getting a school paddling.  When she sits for breakfast that morning, she will remember what she did to get paddled.  When she rides to school that morning, she will be focused on why her bottom received 10 licks from the principal.  You can be 100% sure that as she goes through her day at school, sitting on hard wooden desks for 7+ hours, that she will be making promises to herself to never get in trouble at school again.   When a paddling is administered hard enough, with enough swats, this lesson does not end after just the next day.  While it will become more bearable as time progresses, she may indeed experience discomfort for 3-4 days.  This is why paddles are used, they get results.

school girl paddled

You can see where the pockets of her jeans added a little protection

children paddled at school

About to take part in the "School Swats" study and have her bottom paddled severely

The real effectiveness of a school paddling has been explored over the last ten years at  They have a series called “school swats” in which they interview girls, age 18-23, about their thoughts and experiences with school paddling.  Some have been paddled at school; others have no clue that school can even paddle students.  After their interview, they show their bare bottoms as a sort of “before” look.  They then pull up their pants and panties and prepare to receive a very realistic school paddling.  They are required to bend over and place their hands on a chair, assuming a very common position utilized in schools today.  At this point the whole process becomes quite strict and they are told to remain in position.  A large wooden paddle is used, and applied on the seat of their pants, most often tight jeans.  All girls that

severely bruised bottom

The Bull's eye bruises will make sitting almost impossible in the morning

school corporal punishment paddling

Adding her name to the "School Swats" paddle

participate in this school corporal punishment study, receive ten swats.  The swats they receive can only be described as severe.  While ten licks with the paddle might be a little more than the typical teen gets in school, the whole process is as authentic as any school paddling.  When it is over, they are asked to drop their pants and panties again, and bend over to show the results.  Just as described above, you get to see firsthand the bruises that a real school paddling produces.  Even just moments after, their bottoms are often black and blue.  They are asked to sit back down and we get to get some real insight as to the effectiveness of a real school paddling.  The effectiveness is often quite clear, as when the young lady sits, tears are running down

teenage girl paddled at school

Three girls, three bottom, ten swats each. The bruises from three very real school paddlings.

teen girl corporal punishment

Three girls sign the paddle after getting paddled together

her face.  They did not just receive a playful little paddling and tears are common.  What I like the most is they are then asked if a paddling like that would have kept them out of trouble in high school.  Most girls promise that they would be on the straight and narrow if they knew that would happen if they were in trouble at school.  When it is all over, each girl gets to sign the official paddle. Making things even more realistic is that at least a dozen of the girls that take part in this school corporal punishment study, are less than 6 months out of high school.  More than 40 girls have gone through a “School Swats” experiment, with a new one added often.

All of the pictures above are from the real school paddling these girls took on video, in the member’s area of

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