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Teen girl taken to the male coach for an extra hard paddling

I know a girl that moved from California to Texas in the early 80’s while she was in middle school.  Her family lived in a small, but affluent suburb of Dallas, one town away from where the Dallas Cowboy’s practice.  … Read the rest of this entry

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School Paddling, School Swats, and a Bruised Bottom for the Teen Girl

There is a reason that a paddle is used in the United States, for the application of corporal punishment in a school setting.  School corporal punishment does not take place on a bare bottom, so an implement that can still … Read the rest of this entry

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How Hard of a School Paddling is Required to Teach a Real Lesson?

Her face show the pain of her paddling

When a young lady is sent to the school office, or possible taken out into the hallway, for discipline which utilizes corporal punishment, how hard of a paddling is required to teach her a good lesson? The punishment should certainly fit the … Read the rest of this entry

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