Monthly Archives: March 2014

Paddling the high school girl with maximum severity produces the best results

He was not a sadist and he certainly did not find any joy or pleasure as a result of the paddlings he administered as part of his job as the assistant principal at a very large high school in the … Read the rest of this entry

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Sentenced to a paddling after school

There are many principals and administrators, ones that are in charge of administering corporal punishment, that do their best to make sure that students do not miss any more class time than needed.  For many students, this means that once … Read the rest of this entry

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Two girls paddled hard in high school…a recreation.

I am so loving the latest school paddling videos added to last week.  As far as I am concerned this is as real as it gets.  Two girls report to the school office with pink slips in hand and wait … Read the rest of this entry

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