Grabbing her ankles for a School Paddling

When it comes to the application of corporal punishment at the high school level, there are many positions utilized by administrators, coaches, and teachers.  Within the school office the most widely used position is to have a student bend over the desk for her paddling.  It offers a position of comfort and stability and allows a student to more easily receive her licks.  When teachers pull a student out into the hallway, they are typically required to put their hands on their knees and to bend with their hands against the locker.

high school girl paddling

Grabbing her ankles in her short shorts for a school paddling she will never forget.

The most effective position when it comes to a school paddling is to require the naughty young lady to widen her stance and grab her ankles.  This position accomplishes so very many things all at once.  The 1st, and primary reason for utilizing this position is severity.

teen girl school paddling

Making sure the skin of her bottom is pulled tight so she will feel every bit of her school paddling.

When simply bent at the waist, her bottom still presents much of the padding that naturally exists.  For the bigger bottom girl who finds herself on the receiving end of a paddling, this can involve quite a bit of padding.  This is not to say that a paddling still does not hurt, but the paddle is still only making contact with the fleshy parts.

girl licks at school

School policy requires a female administrator to paddle the girls.

But when a young lady is required to grab her ankles, it pulls on the fleshy parts very tight and brings the muscles closer to the surface.  This part is key, as direct contact with the underlying muscles from a paddling is what leads to long term soreness.  With all of it pulled tight, each swat of the paddle lands in a manner that leaves her bottom sore to the touch.

cheerleader paddling in high school

Cheerleaders are not exempt from school corporal punishment, nor are they exempt from grabbing their ankles to make sure a real lesson is learned.

A real lesson is not learned if she walks from the office with a bottom that only has a bit of a warm glow once the paddling is complete.  Paddle swats on a young lady that is grabbing her ankles have a way of teaching a very long term lesson, far more so than when bent 90 degrees at the waist.  A high school girl who is paddled while grabbing her ankles will be reminded of her paddling every time she sits for at least 48 hours.

grabbing ankles for a school paddling

Her partner in crime also receives her licks while grabbing her ankles.

The other reasons why a school paddling with a student grabbing her ankles is more effective has to do with ownership of her transgressions and to a certain degree…submission.  When bent over a desk, there is a certain sense of just holding on and suffering through it until the paddling is complete.  When a student is required to grab her ankles she becomes an active participant in her own paddling.  She does not just get to hold on and suck it up, instead, she has to actively work to keep her balance and stay in position.  She has to actually put in effort to see to it that her paddling is effective.

tiny teen paddled at school

In those tight jeans, while grabbing her ankles, that tiny bottom is going to be sore for days from her school paddling.

Having her grab her ankles also demonstrates control, power, and authority. There are very few situations in this world in which a man can demand that a woman grab her ankles…for any reason (maybe prison and workouts as an exception).  But in this situation, as a result of her actions and breaking of the rules, he now has the authority to require her to grab her ankles.  She is not only going to be punished for her misdeeds, but he is going to decide how it takes place.

school girl paddling

Grabbing her ankles with her nice round bottom assures that the paddle will land in a manner that will change her attitude.

He has no authority to randomly tell any student to grab her ankles.  But when she misbehaves, as a result of her behavior, she can indeed be told to do exactly that.  He is not going to grab her and bend her over, he is simply going to inform her of the position that she needs to assume.  It is now her responsibility to step into the middle of the room, widen her stance, and to present her own bottom to be paddled in the manner that her behavior requires.

teen girl cry from paddling

Grabbing her ankles and presenting her bottom for a hard school paddling.

All animations come from recent school paddling videos at, part of the family of sites (currently half price for a pass to all of their sites).  These videos are also included in the PPV video “Grab Your Ankles” now available at Spanking Library and Clips4Sale.

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Paddled in the Hallway by the Teacher

It may come as a surprise to many people, but there are still many schools in the US in which corporal punishment with a paddle is not only common, but teachers are also allowed to paddle students.  There is no pink slip, no being sent to the office, the naughty young lady is simply walked out into the hall to be paddled.

high school girl paddled in the hallway

After more than one warning for classroom disruptions, these two young ladies are pulled from class and taken to the hallway.

In general, most schools have a policy that the student cannot be paddled in the classroom in the full view of the other students, so the walk into the hallway is typically a requirement.  While this may add a little bit of “privacy” and take things out of view, it does not mean that this is not heard by all the students, in not only that classroom, but all of the classrooms within earshot.

school paddling in the hallway from a teacher

There is no need for a discussion, or to try to figure what happened, as he witnessed the behavior himself. All that is left to do is for them to present their bottoms for the paddle.

This adds a very public element to her paddling, as in many cases when a paddling takes place in the school office, no one really knows about it.  A student is generally sent to the office and then returns to class, with none of the other students knowing the outcome.  But when she is paddled in the hallway, everyone knows who was paddled and get to listen to their reactions.

teen girl school paddling from teacher

As much as she would like to keep quiet, with full force paddle swats, she cannot help but cry out for all to hear.

Even more difficult and embarrassing for the young lady who was paddled, there is no walk back to class from the office, or a stop in the bathroom to compose herself or fix her makeup.  The moment the paddling is over she is walked right back into class in whatever emotional state she happens to be in.  Many young ladies have made the very embarrassing return to class with tears still streaming down her cheeks.  This adds to the overall effectiveness of the paddling and serves as a warning to others.

high school paddling caught on video

After the maximum number of licks that are allowed, it is time for her partner in crime to present her bottom.

As a result of most hallways not having furniture, it also changes the typical positioning for her paddling.  In most US high schools, in which a paddling is administered in the principal’s office, it is common for a student to be told to bend over the desk.  In the hall, there are only a few options.  Students are generally required to bend over and grab their ankles or knees, or to place their hands on a wall or a locker and present their bottom to be paddled.

big bottomed girl gets paddled at school

Just as with her friend, she cannot help but cry out as each severe swat digs deep into her bottom.

As you can imagine, in schools in which any teacher can have a paddle in their classroom, and are well known to use it often, students tend to be on their best behavior.  It is one thing when their behavior may lead to being sent to the office, where choices are presented…such as detention or in-school suspension, in lieu of a paddling, but far different than a paddling on the spot.

high school girl paddled at school

The moment that the last swat is applied, she is made to stand up and go right back into the classroom.

Even if they take a paddling in the school office, it is a far different experience in the privacy of the office than in the hallway with everyone listening.  In such cases, the word travels fast and by the end of the next period, everyone will know.  This often leads to teasing from other students and the overall embarrassment of getting spanked at school.

high school girl paddled to tears

With the eyes still sparkling with tears, they know every pair of eyes in the classroom is about to be on them.

These animations come from the very real school paddling videos in the member’s area of

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The Wooden School Paddle

For many generations, spanking has been an effective method for providing discipline to naughty young ladies.  Corporal punishment provided within the home is traditionally done so with objects that have been found to be effective, but not purpose-made for spanking.  For at least a few generations, naughty young ladies have found themselves on the receiving end of belts, wooden spoons, hairbrushes, and switches.

Teen girl high school  paddling

Taking heavy swats on her tiny bottom.

teen girl school paddling

The results of her school paddling are quite clear.

Corporal punishment within schools is not a new development and has been around for more than 100 years.  In Scotland they use the Tawse, and in England and many Asian countries, the cane is the implement of choice.  It was within the US school system that paddles became the preferred tool of discipline.  As with the Tawse, this was a purpose-built instrument designed for exactly one reason…to being as much pain as possible to the clothed backsides of naughty students.  It is a great equalizer in that it does not manner what a student is wearing, results are achieved regardless.

high school corporal punishment

Even over jeans and panties, she will be feeling every bit of her school paddling.

teen paddled at school

She will indeed be feeling it for quite some time.

Many spanking implements gain their effectiveness as a result of the amount of sting provided, making them better suited for home-based punishments in which a bottom can be bared.  In the public school environment, a student is paddled over whatever they happen to be wearing at the time and bottoms are never bared, so administrators required an implement that provided much more thud than sting, hence the popularity of the heavy wooden school paddle. A paddle does not require contact with bare skin to be effective.  The goal of a proper school paddling is to compress the skin with each swat and make direct contact with the underlying muscles of the bottom.

paddled at school

It seems she chose the wrong day to wear yoga pants.

paddled in the classroom

These two young ladies were kept after class for a proper school paddling.

bruised butt from school paddling

They will be sitting gingerly for the next 24 hours.

Unlike a handspanking, or a belt spanking in which there is tremendous sting involved that often fades fast, a paddling makes deep contact with the muscles.  The pain is far different at the time, but the results last much longer.  A proper handspanking might last for minutes at a time in order to achieve the desired results, but school teachers, coaches, and administrators have learned that as few as 3-4 swats can quickly solve most disciplinary problems.  Even better, and unlike a handspanking, the overall results of a proper paddling is a bruised bottom that remains sore for a couple of days.

The longterm soreness is an important component of a paddling.  For the young lady who is handspanked at home, yes, her bottom might burn for a few minutes after her spanking, and certainly burned during the spanking, but within 30 minutes she is only left with a warm glow and the punishment is well behind her.  The act of spanking her bottom was the punishment, and when the spanking is complete the punishment is pretty much over.  With a proper school paddling, as short as the paddling might actually be, the punishment lasts much longer than a typical spanking.

Many young ladies, even if they find themselves in tears during their school paddling, tend to believe that the punishment is over when the paddling is complete, and maybe was not even all that bad.  The act of receiving hard paddle swats concentrated on one spot on her bottom forces the body to provide endorphins quickly.  The pain is tremendous and the body fights back quickly by combating the pain through the release of endorphins.  This is often why some describe the end of a school paddling as not being so bad as their bottom went numb.  Many young ladies find themselves leaving the school office after their paddling with numb, or barely sore bottoms and think that they are in the clear.

paddled over yoga pants

Even with a bigger bottom, you can see the paddle make deep contact with the muscles in her bottom.

bruised from high school corporal punishment

There is no doubt she learned a real lesson today.

The biggest benefit of the use of a school paddle is when the endorphins begin to settle down.  As she sits through her next class and some of the numbness goes away she begins to feel the true power of a school paddle.  Her bottom is not fine, the punishment is not over, and she quickly realizes it is just beginning.  The aching and pulsating of her now tender bottom starts to present itself fully.  Had it been simply a handspanking, she would be in the clear, as her bottom feels better as every minute passes. But with each minute after her paddling, it will only get worse.  She will feel it with every step, every movement…and especially when she finds herself sitting at a hard wooden school desk.

As with a proper gym workout, the soreness and the stiffness of her bottom continues to get worse, especially the day after.  The 1st morning after her paddling, as she wakes up, she is going to quickly realize how much worse the soreness is.  Not only will she realize how sore she is, but she will also realize why.  Her behavior from the previous day is not simply forgotten as the punishment continues to be effective.  With every step, and with every seat she sits on that day, she is going to be reminded of her behavior and the consequences for her actions.

grabbing her ankles for a school paddling

Required to grab their ankles brings the muscles closer to the surface making the paddling even more effective.

school paddling

Now her partner in crime’s turn.

They will be feeling this for a while.

A wooden school paddle is made for a singular purpose…to teach a proper lesson.  It works equally well over jeans and panties, a dress, a skirt, or shorts.  While it may only involve a few swats and is generally short in duration, it quickly makes the point to the student that their behavior was unacceptable.  The punishment is two-fold in that she experiences a tremendous amount of pain while it is being applied and this pain does not go away.  Not only does it not go away, but it also continues to build over the next 24 hours.  As an added bonus to the disciplinary process, even when the soreness begins to settle, she will still see the marks of her behavior every time she looks at her bottom for a week.

All the animations in this post are from recent scenes in the member’s area of You will see very realistic school paddling scenes with the benefit of being able to see the bare bottom results.

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Paddled at School- 2019

Here we go again…yummy. “For the fans of school corporal punishment, this video features 20 separate school paddlings presented in the most realistic way. From gym class, to the classroom, taken out in the hall, and in the principal’s will see lovely young bottoms paddled in a manner that is intended to change behavior. All scenes are filmed from two angles, and you always get to see the bruised bottom results after each paddling. This is 90 straight minutes of hard paddlings that always lead to bruised bottoms and often to tears.”

Full video now available at Spanking Library.

Pas 2019

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Full video now available at Spanking Library.

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School Paddling at

It has been a while since I have reviewed the school corporal punishment scenes at and boy have they been busy.  They have added 20 school paddling videos in the last 6 months alone, so in general, with the membership, they are creating 5 new school paddling scenes every month that are included with your membership.

As we have come to expect, these scenes tend to be the most realistic school paddling videos to be found.  The scenarios are realistic, covering issues that are quite common in the schools of the South including smoking, vaping, tardies, skipping school, and so on.  Unlike most spanking sites out there, the paddlings administered are done so in a manner that it is clear this is a real punishment.  There are no little love taps and a lot of pretending, it is indeed the real thing…which is clear at the end as they always include a reveal of her bare bottom so you can see the results. The realism and effectiveness of the paddling are also made clear in that in almost half of the scenes, very real tears are produced.

Here are some screenshots of some of their more recent school paddling scenes:

And if you find yourself questioning the severity and the authenticity of the school paddlings videos that they film, take a look at the results:

As of today, has 556 scenes that feature the use of a wooden school paddle, enough to keep the biggest fan of school paddling videos entertained for a very long time.

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The Very Best of School Paddling- 2019

Hell YEAH!

Now Available at Spanking Library

“I am pleased to bring you our latest video featuring the most realistic school paddling videos ever filmed.  These are some of my latest and greatest clips, with the realism and severity you have come to expect from my work.  This video runs a full 90 minutes, with 19 different scenes, featuring 10 different models.  Each clip shows exactly how a hard school paddling is applied in principal’s offices through the South. Each scene features full force paddle swats applied to the bottoms of naughty school girls, filmed from the butt view and the face view.  While all paddlings are administered over clothing, each young lady bares her bottom at the end so you can see the bottom bruising results.  You will see exactly how effective severe school paddle swats can be, each young lady leaving with a very bruised bottom, and many scenes lead to very real tears and crying. I see so many producers here charging $8-11 for a single clip.  This video is $19, for 19 different scenes, which I feel is a very fair price.  So if you are a fan of realistic school paddlings, with realistic scenarios, is zero acting once the paddling begins…this is the video for you.”

The Very Best of School Paddling

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Now Available at Spanking Library

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Anticipation of her paddling with examples from Twitter

When applied properly we all know that corporal punishment can be very effective in the school environment. With today’s social media, we do not have to look too far to see that this is actually the case:

But as you will see in further posts below, sometimes the anticipation of being paddled at school can be just as bad.  Being sentenced to a paddling in high school, and it occurring on a different day seems to be quite common.  There are literally more Twitter posts than one can count in which a girl is posting about the paddling that she will receive the next day.

It is one thing to be in the school office, be told that you are in trouble, and then for it to be announced that she is to be paddled right then and there.  Yes, she will instantly feel it in the pit of her stomach and her heart rate will double, but typically she will only feel this fear for a couple of minutes before it is all over with.  The fear will be replaced with a very sore bottom, but there is no more anticipation.  Now consider the young lady that goes home from school that day and has an entire night to consider the paddling she will receive.

It does not really matter if she has been paddled at school before, as if she has, she knows how bad it is going to be.  If she has never been paddled at school, her mind can really get to working and create an even worse case scenario. There may be moments throughout her day where she distracts herself enough to forget for a few minutes, but it will always come right back to dominating her thoughts.

Generally, the night before, as she is going to bed will be the worst part.  She is no longer distracted with screens and conversations and once she is alone with her thoughts, all she will be able to do is think about bending over for the paddle the next morning.  This is an important part of the overall disciplinary process as she not only has time to think about how bad the paddling is going to be, but she gets to think about what she did to earn it and how to prevent that from happening. As hard as she tries, as she lays in bed, her mind is focused on the fact that she is going to be spanked at school, with a large wooden board.

For those principals and administrators that are delaying the paddling of a high school girl by a day or more, I would say keep it up.  Because as we can see through social media, the anticipation is working and adding to the overall punishment experience.

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Sent from class to the office for the school paddling of their lives

It is a daily occurrence in schools throughout the South, and it tends to be the solution to many disciplinary problems.  In general, corporal punishment has been taken out of the classrooms and only takes place within the school’s office, by the vice principal or a designated administrator.  This does not affect the control the teacher has over their classroom as the pen is just as mighty as the paddle.

sent to the office to be paddled

The teacher presents them both with disciplinary referrals and sends them straight to the office.

As we can see here, two girls, constantly getting in trouble for being distractions in class, are asked to stay after class for a talk.  The teacher is more than fed up with their behavior and decides to write up disciplinary referrals for both of them.  While the punishment will ultimately be up to the VP, there is a box on the form labeled “recommended course of action”.  Both of these young lady’s hearts drop as they are handed the form and see that box filled in with “corporal punishment, maximum licks allowed”.  This allows the teacher to convey to the school VP that this is not an isolated incident and that it is a problem that needs to be addressed in a very serious manner.

high school girl sent to the principal to be paddled

Knowing that “corporal punishment is recommended”, the walk to the office becomes quite difficult.

With the referrals in hand, knowing exactly what they both say and what is recommended, they begin the long walk to the school office.  Being no stranger to corporal punishment at home, they both walk filled with dread and anticipation.  They check in with the school secretary and are told to have a seat.  After what feels like an eternity, the male VP finally comes and looks at the referrals.  While it is clear from what is written on the forms, that both girls are in a considerable amount of trouble, he brings them into his office one at a time, to hear their version of the events.  For this VP, anything that interferes with the learning process, especially within the classroom, is a very big problem for him.  Being that it seems that this is an ongoing issue, with multiple warnings and discipline at the classroom level, he decides that the teacher is right and that corporal punishment will be utilized.

Both of the girls are informed of the sentence are sent back into the lobby while he fills out the proper corporal punishment report forms and makes the phone calls to notify the parents that corporal punishment will be used on their daughters.  The policy requires that a parent be notified, but he finds it to be very helpful in the process because it encourages parents to be part of the overall process.  In general, here in the rural South, “parents being part of the process”, generally means that both girls will get their bottoms whooped when they get home.  There is nothing like dad’s heavy belt, applied to a recently paddled bottom, to make sure that actual change takes place in the classroom.

After many minutes of that dreaded feeling, knowing they are going to be paddled at any moment, The VP returns to the lobby with the paddle in his hand.  This adds a big element of embarrassment as every student and staff member’s eyes go right to the young ladies waiting.  There is no longer a question as to why they are there and what is about to happen, it is now clear to everyone in the room that these your ladies are about to have their bottoms spanked, in a very effective way, at school.  He invites the 1st girl to stand up and to follow him to his office.

paddled by the high school principal

Now that the lecture and paperwork are complete, is it time for their bottoms to be paddled.

There is no more lecture required, no further conversation as to what they did wrong, all that is left is to punish their bottoms in a manner that will effect a permanent change in behavior.  The moment she walks into the office, and as soon as the door closes, she is told to bend over his desk and to present her bottom to be paddled.  He gives her detailed instructions as to the position she is to assume, and more importantly, that she is required to hold still throughout.  The paddle to be used was made in the school’s woodshop, to the VP and school board’s exact specifications.  It is long and wide enough to cover both bottom cheeks nicely, and thick enough that the panties and jeans they are wearing will provide very little protection from the thud of such a heavy paddle.

With the naughty young lady in position, he lines up the paddle for her 1st swat.  Different administrators, at different schools, have various methods for administering corporal punishment, but he has always found one method to be most effective.  His goal is not to spread the swats around, trying to cover as much of the bottom as possible.  Instead, he chooses to place every single swat in the exact same place, the lowest part of her bottom.  The target area is always the part of her bottom that feels the most pressure when she spends her day at the hard school desks.  His experience is that in general, corporal punishment should be utilized in a manner that creates a very sore bottom.  He does not want the punishment to be over the moment the last swat lands.  He finds that if the young ladies spend the next couple of days squirming in their seats because of how much their bottoms hurt, that there is a greater chance of a change in behavior.  With all of this as a solid game plan, it is time to get to work.

high school girl getting paddled by the principal

It does not matter that she is a teen girl, a paddling is meant to teach a lesson and he does not go easy.

The paddle is lifted high in the air and is brought down full force on her poor teen bottom.  The crack of the paddle can be heard throughout the main office, even through the closed door.  The first person to react to the sound is the young lady waiting her turn for the paddle.  Any questions she had in her mind about how hard they were going to be paddled were just answered with what sounded like a gunshot from down the hall.  The young lady that just received the swat is greeted with a sensation of pain that she has rarely experienced in her life.  There is a second of shock, as her breath is taken away, and the full pain sinks in.  She is not sure how she can take another one, much less another nine, but before she can finish processing that thought the next swat lands.

teen girl school paddling

It is clear that the message being applied to her bottom is making it to her brain.

He has always been an equal opportunity paddler and treats all of the high school aged students the same.  For him, very little consideration is given to age, sex, or body type of the person in trouble.  He always found the concept of paddling the girls lighter than the guys to be unfair.  A behavior that requires a paddling, is exactly that, so if a paddling has been earned, it needs to be one that tries to change that behavior.  For him, it has always been simple, paddle each and every bottom as hard as it can accurately and safely be done.  It does not matter if it is a petite cheerleader or a linebacker, he is going to do his very best with both of them.  He is also not influenced by tears, which are certainly more common when paddling a female.  She gets exactly what she earned and at no point does the intensity of the paddling change as a result of her emotional response.  He actually sees tears as a very good sign as it means he is doing his job effectively and that real learning is taking place.  Over his years of applying corporal punishment, he has found that the harder a student cries during their paddling, the lower the chances of her ever coming back to his office.

This one is already fighting back the tears as the next swat is applied.  The school board only allows a maximum of 10 swats, which they will both be receiving, but he has found that with his style and severity, 10 in generally enough to get the job done.  She struggles to stay in position, and her knees begin to buckle after each swat, but a firm reminder from him helps her stay in position.  He continues, paddling the exact same spot on the lowest part of her bottom, until he finally reaches ten.  While she tries to remain tough and is not audibly crying, her eyes are filled with tears and her face is streaked.  With no time to compose herself, she is told to stand back up, and is marched out of his office, down the hallway filled with students and staff members, and sat back down in the lobby.  He finds this to be a powerful warning to anyone that is watching.  If you get in trouble in school, there is a very good chance you will be spanked, and you will indeed cry, is the message he wants to send to everyone.

schoolgirl paddling

Having just listened to her friend getting the school paddling of her life, it is now her turn to present her bottom for some much-needed discipline.

The waiting girl, with her heart going 100 mph after hearing the whole thing, and now seeing her best friend gently crying in front of everyone, is asked to stand up as she makes the walk to his office.  She finds herself holding back tears before she even gets to her office.  Sure, she gets her butt whooped at home on occasion, and it certainly is not pleasant, but it sounds nothing like what she just heard.  As soon as the door closes, she is told to bend over the desk.  He adjusts her position slightly so he has more room for a big swing.  She is given the same directions as the previous girl, feels the paddle touch her bottom, and then it begins.  Unlike her partner in crime, she is unable to remain as stoic and from the very 1st swat she creams out at the top of her lungs.  The tears fill her eyes instantly and she finds herself wanting to flee.  Before that idea can be fully processed, the next swat lands, exactly on top of the 1st one, and she screams even louder.  Tears pour from her eyes, as she feels a tiny little tap on her bottom, and then the next swat.

school paddling corporal punishment

He does not go easy on her and makes sure her cute little bottom feels the full effect of the paddle.

While it was hard to endure her own paddling, now sitting in the lobby listening to the loud screams of her best friend, she is really beginning to regret their behavior.  The teacher had warned them on numerous occasions, but they never really thought it would lead to this.  As she hears the next swat land from down the hall, and the screams that accompany it, she knows that they will both act differently in that class.  Swat after swat hits her bottom, again all in the same place, and it is clear to everyone in the entire office that real learning is taking place.  She tries her best to hold still as they get closer to the last swat, but it is not easy.  Her bottom is on fire, as swollen as it can be, and the pain is just too much to take.  Unfortunately for her, it is not up to her as to when it ends.  She will take exactly what she has earned and not a single swat less.  After what felt likes days, but was actually less than a minute, the paddling is complete.

teen girl cries from school paddling

There is no doubt that the heavy paddle being applied to her little bottom is having the desired effect.

Just as with her friend, without any time to compose herself, she is walked down the hall into the lobby, where all eyes are now on both of them.  For any student that was in the office when this took place, that has never been paddled before, they find themselves quietly making self-promises to never get in any amount of trouble that leads to that.  While a pretty large school for a rural area, there were enough students present that the word of this paddling, and who was paddled, will spread like wildfire and everyone will know by lunchtime.  He returns to his office, finishes filling out the forms, and writes passes to get them both into their next classes which have already started.  He tells them that they each have five minutes in the restroom to compose themselves but they need to get right to class.

school paddling high school girl

Two properly paddled bottoms that will be sore for days.

As they walk down the hall in silence, both trying to wipe away the tears, there is no doubt that a real lesson was learned.  Words do not have to be spoken, they both know that their classroom behavior, especially in that class, will change permanently.  There is no way that either of them will consciously engage in a behavior that will ever lead to that punishment being repeated.  They both go straight to the restroom and grab tissues to clean up their faces.  They take a quick second with their makeup to try and hide the evidence that they just cried like babies.  A quick rub reveals bottoms that they are swollen and hard to the touch.  They can both feel the pulsating of their hearts in their bottom cheeks, and as every minute passes, it seems to hurt even more.  The only question left to be answered is what will happen when they each get home and what will daddy’s belt feel like over their bruised and swollen bottoms.

This two-part scene, that begins in the classroom and ends with both girls getting the paddling of their lives, is now online at

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Cheerleader school corporal punishment

cheerleader paddled

She knows that one of those paddled is about to be used on her tiny little bottom.

Cheerleaders are the very visible faces of a school and represent them at most school events and activities.  As a result, within all cheer squads, there is a set of rules that they are to abide by, beyond those presented for the rest of the school population.  Generally, it is based on a demerit system, with a certain number of demerits leading to disciplinary action.  In schools throughout the South, this disciplinary action can indeed include corporal punishment.

cheerleader school corporal punishment

This young cheerleader knows exactly what is about to happen with that paddle and she is not very happy about it.

Beyond the additional rules as a result of being on the cheer squad, all cheerleaders must also follow the same rules set forth for other students.  Being that they are so very visible in the entire eyes of the school, the school administrators charged with discipline, often hold cheerleaders to a higher standard.  Cheerleaders are supposed to set a good example for other students, so when their behavior is less than ideal, they often face harsher consequences than the average student.

cheerleader high school corporal punishment

Presenting her little bottom for a hard paddling…the skirt will come up soon.

Being young and cute does not get them any special favors when it comes to the disciplinary process and they are certainly not exempt from corporal punishment for their actions.  Just like any other student in the school, if their behavior calls for it, they may find themselves in the vice principal’s office, bending over his desk, or grabbing their ankles, for a hard session with the paddle.

high school cheerleader paddled at school

He chooses his largest paddle to make sure that a real lesson is learned.

As illustrated in the ongoing cheerleader paddling series at, the part of the uniform worn under a cheer skirt are called spankies.  This is a designated piece of clothing that is worn to cover their panties.  It is very common during stunts, flips, and kicks for what is under the cheer skirt to become visible to the audience.  It is very common to see this article of clothing and it is not considered to be their panties, instead, it is a separate piece of their uniform.  Being that this is not their underwear, more so considered cheer shorts, exposing it for a paddling is not considered to be inappropriate.  It is basically the same as being sent to see the principal while wearing gym shorts and getting paddled.

cheerleader bruised bottom from school paddling

Half into her paddling, it is clear from looking at her bottom that this is a lesson she will remember.

As the pictures and videos demonstrate, when a naughty cheerleader finds herself bent over, with her skirt lifted, there is a lot of bare skin visible, below and to the sides of her spankies.  When a properly sized school paddle is applied to her bottom, there is definitely direct contact with the skin.  Trying to apply a paddling over a pleated cheer skirt would provide far too much padding for a proper lesson to be learned, so if some of the paddle hits her bare bottom, all the better.

cheerleader paddling at school

The pain of each swat causes her legs to tremble.

cheer paddle swats

The look of a young cheerleader regretting her behavior.

In the cheerleader discipline section in the member’s area of, there are currently 48 separate scenes.  All of the scenes filmed in the last couple of years seem to feature the exclusive use of a heavy wooden school paddle.  The scenarios are very realistic, and there is no doubt that the paddlings are as severe as you will see online when it comes to the use of a school paddle.  The pictures and animations from this post are from the last two cheerleader paddlings in their member’s area.  If you are a fan of traditional and realistic school corporal punishment, this is as good as it gets.

paddled at school

The results of a well-paddled bottom.

A lesson learned.

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High school girl paddled twice by the vice principal

The recent change in district policy modified the corporal punishment guidelines at the high school to “no more than four swats per application of corporal punishment”. This lowered the maximum number of swats from six to four, which was a little more limiting for the vice principal in charge of discipline, but his hands were tied when it came to district policy. However, there were indeed moments in time when he needed to be a little creative in the interpretation of policies.

teen girl school paddling

She sees the paddle that is about to be used on her teen bottom and the fear is quite clear.

A perfect example is this young lady. She was sent to the VP during her 5th period class with a disciplinary referral in hand. The VP reviewed the teacher’s notes and saw that her behavior was very much out of control. The pink slip showed that she had shown “direct defiance and disobedience” towards her teacher. In addition, over the course of this incident she used vulgar and profane language in the classroom, directed at the teacher. This was clearly a situation in which a hard paddling would be required.

teen girl paddled at school

Presenting her teen bottom in those tiny shorts for her well earned paddling.

Knowing that behavior like this grows like a cancer in the classroom, if not dealt with quickly and effectively, this was one of those instances in which the four swat maximum was getting in the way of the disciplinary process. A young lady that is going to yell at her teacher in class, and use profanity at the same time, clearly needs more than just four swats to adjust her attitude. She would need to be sent back to class with a bruised bottom and tears in her eyes.

school girl paddling

It is clear from the very first lick that he is going to teach her a proper lesson.

She was quite unhappy when she saw the very large school paddle placed onto the desk. She also knew that she may have picked the wrong day, and the wrong outfit, for such a punishment. Her bad day got much worse, and quickly, as he told her that she would be receiving four licks with the paddle for direct disobedience towards a staff member. He further explained, that as policy only allows for four licks per application of corporal punishment, that after her paddling she would go into the office for a “cool down period”, and would then be called back into his office for a “separate paddling” for her language.

high school girl paddled by the principal

Four swats seems to have be doing the trick, but this is only the first of her two paddlings.

Before she could process the fact that she was going to be paddled twice, she found her chair being turned around and her kneeling and bending over it. He had always been a firm believer in corporal punishment at the high school level, and found it to be particularly effective when he was dealing with female students. But he knew from experience that he would not be doing her any favors by going light. Real lessons are learned from paddle swats that overwhelm the senses in every way, and based on her behavior, this was exactly his goal.

high school paddling video

The paddle has clearly made contact with her bare bottom, but her clothing choices are of no concern to him.

The fact that this position, in those shorts, exposed a little bit of her bare bottom, was not his concern. If anything, it was an opportunity to help her correct her behavior, and a little paddle to skin contact would expedite the process. He always paddled low, as he wanted the parts of a young lady’s bottom that touched the desk when she sat, to feel the full impact of the paddling. A paddling is always about more than just the minute that it is being applied and needs to be something that lingers as a reminder for a couple of days. The bare skin would simply make his job easier.

high school girl paddled by principal

Presenting her already bruised and sore bottom is no easy task.

She felt a quick little tap of the heavy board on her bottom, and then it began. The first swat literally took her breath away. It hit low, exactly how he intended it, and she felt it both on her shorts and on her bare skin. Before the first swat fully registered with her brain, the next one was applied over the exact spot as the previous one…and this is when the tears began to flow. He was well beyond being effected by a young lady crying during her paddling, if anything, he saw it as a good sign. Tears generally demonstrate that learning is taking place, so the more the better.

school paddling video

Her reaction shows that this second paddling is even more effective.

The last two swats were applied exactly as the first two…severely. There was no doubt in his mind that this little problem with disobedience and disrespect was fully covered, and he doubted it would happen again any time soon. He had her sit back down and sign the form that recorded for the district that corporal punishment had been utilized. But there was still the little issue of her use of foul language. With tears still in her eyes, he walked her out into the main office, and had her sit on the nice and hard wooden chair against the wall. He walked back into his office to let her bottom cool down a little bit, before her next paddling.

high school paddling from principal

The kind of swat that permanently changes behavior.

While her bottom was still throbbing a little bit, it had actually gone a little numb. She was very aware of the fact that all eyes in the office were on her and she was horribly embarrassed. Obviously everyone had just heard the paddling take place, even behind closed doors. She knew they had to have heard shouts of pain, and she was still gently crying. She buried her face in her hands and tried to block out the fact that she was just spanked in school, and was about to be spanked again. She had no idea how long it would be before she was presenting her already bruised bottom for another round with the paddle.

teen school paddling girl

Her bottom is clearly feeling the results of her behavior.

After about twenty minutes, the numbness she was experiencing began to fade, and the pain from the paddling returned in a very real way. She found herself trying to adjust her sitting position on the hard wooden chair, but nothing really solved the problem. She wanted nothing more at this moment than to stand, but she felt that that would be a bad decision under the circumstances. She sat gingerly for an additional 20 minutes before his office door opened. Her heart raced, as she knew the moment had come. To make matters worse, he came out of his office with the paddle already in his hand. Again, every student and staff member in the office adjusted their attention to her. She stared at the ground as he walked her back into his office.

The chair was still in the same place and she was told to once again kneel and bend over the chair. She could feel the fabric of her tight shorts pull tight onto her sore bottom as she presented it for her next paddling. The lecture had already taken place, so all he said was “Let’s take care of that potty mouth of yours”. He walked up behind her with the giant paddle and could see the bruises from the previous paddling just below the bottom of her shorts.

As before, there was a quick little tap on her little teen bottom and then the first swat was applied, just as forcefully as before. Her bottom already hurt so much, that the first swat was enough to push her over the edge. The tears were immediate and the pain was unbearable. He saw this is a very good sign and was quite confident that he would not be seeing her in his office ever again. He was positive that after three more licks to her little bottom, that this would indeed be the case. Crying or not, it was her behavior that led to this second paddling and he was going to give her everything she had earned.

The results of a proper school paddling for a teen girl.

The paddle tapped her bottom gently again, and the second swat was applied, just as hard as all of the previous swats. Her reaction was exactly what he was looking for and it was clear that very real learning was taking place. After the third swat she was sobbing like a two year old, which was exactly what her behavior required. He applied the last swat, harder than all previous swats, to finish the learning process in a memorable manner.

bruised bottom from school paddling

A look at the after effects and a lesson learned.

He told her to stand up, he spun the chair back around, and told her to have a seat to sign the new corporal punishment form. Sitting was barely an option, even with the padded chair, and she winced as her bottom made contact. He filled out the form, spun it around and told her to sign it. Through her tears she scribbled her name on a line she could barely see, and was then dismissed, with a pass in hand to get her into her sixth period class. As she opened the office door, all eyes were again on her, and she pretty much ran out of the office. She went to her locker, to get her books for sixth period, wondering exactly how she was going to sit through class on the hard wooden desk. It would not be until the following morning that she would realize that the punishment had just begun.

To watch this young lady receive two different paddlings, exactly as described, visit the member’s area of for the full HD video.

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