High school girl paddled twice by the vice principal

The recent change in district policy modified the corporal punishment guidelines at the high school to “no more than four swats per application of corporal punishment”. This lowered the maximum number of swats from six to four, which was a little more limiting for the vice principal in charge of discipline, but his hands were tied when it came to district policy. However, there were indeed moments in time when he needed to be a little creative in the interpretation of policies.

teen girl school paddling

She sees the paddle that is about to be used on her teen bottom and the fear is quite clear.

A perfect example is this young lady. She was sent to the VP during her 5th period class with a disciplinary referral in hand. The VP reviewed the teacher’s notes and saw that her behavior was very much out of control. The pink slip showed that she had shown “direct defiance and disobedience” towards her teacher. In addition, over the course of this incident she used vulgar and profane language in the classroom, directed at the teacher. This was clearly a situation in which a hard paddling would be required.

teen girl paddled at school

Presenting her teen bottom in those tiny shorts for her well earned paddling.

Knowing that behavior like this grows like a cancer in the classroom, if not dealt with quickly and effectively, this was one of those instances in which the four swat maximum was getting in the way of the disciplinary process. A young lady that is going to yell at her teacher in class, and use profanity at the same time, clearly needs more than just four swats to adjust her attitude. She would need to be sent back to class with a bruised bottom and tears in her eyes.

school girl paddling

It is clear from the very first lick that he is going to teach her a proper lesson.

She was quite unhappy when she saw the very large school paddle placed onto the desk. She also knew that she may have picked the wrong day, and the wrong outfit, for such a punishment. Her bad day got much worse, and quickly, as he told her that she would be receiving four licks with the paddle for direct disobedience towards a staff member. He further explained, that as policy only allows for four licks per application of corporal punishment, that after her paddling she would go into the office for a “cool down period”, and would then be called back into his office for a “separate paddling” for her language.

high school girl paddled by the principal

Four swats seems to have be doing the trick, but this is only the first of her two paddlings.

Before she could process the fact that she was going to be paddled twice, she found her chair being turned around and her kneeling and bending over it. He had always been a firm believer in corporal punishment at the high school level, and found it to be particularly effective when he was dealing with female students. But he knew from experience that he would not be doing her any favors by going light. Real lessons are learned from paddle swats that overwhelm the senses in every way, and based on her behavior, this was exactly his goal.

high school paddling video

The paddle has clearly made contact with her bare bottom, but her clothing choices are of no concern to him.

The fact that this position, in those shorts, exposed a little bit of her bare bottom, was not his concern. If anything, it was an opportunity to help her correct her behavior, and a little paddle to skin contact would expedite the process. He always paddled low, as he wanted the parts of a young lady’s bottom that touched the desk when she sat, to feel the full impact of the paddling. A paddling is always about more than just the minute that it is being applied and needs to be something that lingers as a reminder for a couple of days. The bare skin would simply make his job easier.

high school girl paddled by principal

Presenting her already bruised and sore bottom is no easy task.

She felt a quick little tap of the heavy board on her bottom, and then it began. The first swat literally took her breath away. It hit low, exactly how he intended it, and she felt it both on her shorts and on her bare skin. Before the first swat fully registered with her brain, the next one was applied over the exact spot as the previous one…and this is when the tears began to flow. He was well beyond being effected by a young lady crying during her paddling, if anything, he saw it as a good sign. Tears generally demonstrate that learning is taking place, so the more the better.

school paddling video

Her reaction shows that this second paddling is even more effective.

The last two swats were applied exactly as the first two…severely. There was no doubt in his mind that this little problem with disobedience and disrespect was fully covered, and he doubted it would happen again any time soon. He had her sit back down and sign the form that recorded for the district that corporal punishment had been utilized. But there was still the little issue of her use of foul language. With tears still in her eyes, he walked her out into the main office, and had her sit on the nice and hard wooden chair against the wall. He walked back into his office to let her bottom cool down a little bit, before her next paddling.

high school paddling from principal

The kind of swat that permanently changes behavior.

While her bottom was still throbbing a little bit, it had actually gone a little numb. She was very aware of the fact that all eyes in the office were on her and she was horribly embarrassed. Obviously everyone had just heard the paddling take place, even behind closed doors. She knew they had to have heard shouts of pain, and she was still gently crying. She buried her face in her hands and tried to block out the fact that she was just spanked in school, and was about to be spanked again. She had no idea how long it would be before she was presenting her already bruised bottom for another round with the paddle.

teen school paddling girl

Her bottom is clearly feeling the results of her behavior.

After about twenty minutes, the numbness she was experiencing began to fade, and the pain from the paddling returned in a very real way. She found herself trying to adjust her sitting position on the hard wooden chair, but nothing really solved the problem. She wanted nothing more at this moment than to stand, but she felt that that would be a bad decision under the circumstances. She sat gingerly for an additional 20 minutes before his office door opened. Her heart raced, as she knew the moment had come. To make matters worse, he came out of his office with the paddle already in his hand. Again, every student and staff member in the office adjusted their attention to her. She stared at the ground as he walked her back into his office.

The chair was still in the same place and she was told to once again kneel and bend over the chair. She could feel the fabric of her tight shorts pull tight onto her sore bottom as she presented it for her next paddling. The lecture had already taken place, so all he said was “Let’s take care of that potty mouth of yours”. He walked up behind her with the giant paddle and could see the bruises from the previous paddling just below the bottom of her shorts.

As before, there was a quick little tap on her little teen bottom and then the first swat was applied, just as forcefully as before. Her bottom already hurt so much, that the first swat was enough to push her over the edge. The tears were immediate and the pain was unbearable. He saw this is a very good sign and was quite confident that he would not be seeing her in his office ever again. He was positive that after three more licks to her little bottom, that this would indeed be the case. Crying or not, it was her behavior that led to this second paddling and he was going to give her everything she had earned.

The results of a proper school paddling for a teen girl.

The paddle tapped her bottom gently again, and the second swat was applied, just as hard as all of the previous swats. Her reaction was exactly what he was looking for and it was clear that very real learning was taking place. After the third swat she was sobbing like a two year old, which was exactly what her behavior required. He applied the last swat, harder than all previous swats, to finish the learning process in a memorable manner.

bruised bottom from school paddling

A look at the after effects and a lesson learned.

He told her to stand up, he spun the chair back around, and told her to have a seat to sign the new corporal punishment form. Sitting was barely an option, even with the padded chair, and she winced as her bottom made contact. He filled out the form, spun it around and told her to sign it. Through her tears she scribbled her name on a line she could barely see, and was then dismissed, with a pass in hand to get her into her sixth period class. As she opened the office door, all eyes were again on her, and she pretty much ran out of the office. She went to her locker, to get her books for sixth period, wondering exactly how she was going to sit through class on the hard wooden desk. It would not be until the following morning that she would realize that the punishment had just begun.

To watch this young lady receive two different paddlings, exactly as described, visit the member’s area of Realspankings.com for the full HD video.

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