Tag Archives: school paddle

Paddled in the Hallway by the Teacher

It may come as a surprise to many people, but there are still many schools in the US in which corporal punishment with a paddle is not only common, but teachers are also allowed to paddle students.  There is no … Read the rest of this entry

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School Paddling at Realspankings.com

It has been a while since I have reviewed the school corporal punishment scenes at Realspankings.com and boy have they been busy.  They have added 20 school paddling videos in the last 6 months alone, so in general, with the membership, … Read the rest of this entry

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Sent from class to the office for the school paddling of their lives

It is a daily occurrence in schools throughout the South, and it tends to be the solution to many disciplinary problems.  In general, corporal punishment has been taken out of the classrooms and only takes place within the school’s office, … Read the rest of this entry

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High school girl paddled twice by the vice principal

The recent change in district policy modified the corporal punishment guidelines at the high school to “no more than four swats per application of corporal punishment”. This lowered the maximum number of swats from six to four, which was a … Read the rest of this entry

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School Paddling Voyeur

District policy in most schools, regarding corporal punishment, requires that “Corporal punishment will be administered outside the presence of other students”. Which in general, means that all school paddlings must take place in a private location.  This is why for … Read the rest of this entry

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Her 1st High School Paddling

Of course she was very aware that they used corporal punishment in her school, she had just managed to avoid it over the entire course of her school career.  She was an excellent student, very well behaved, but on this … Read the rest of this entry

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Forced to change clothes for her school paddling

Something that is rarely considered when it comes to the application of corporal punishment in the high school setting, is clothing.  Not all outfits actually allow for a paddle to be applied in a serious manner.  While yoga pants are … Read the rest of this entry

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A school paddling for the high school girl

For the most part, your average teenage girl will do what she can to avoid pain.  Yes, once she turns 18, there is a good chance that she will run off and get herself a tattoo, but that is pain … Read the rest of this entry

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Teen Girl School Corporal Punishment Paddling

In many schools in the South, corporal punishment is not rare, instead it is a common and everyday occurrence.  It is simply a fact of life for a teen girl who finds herself in trouble, that if she is sent … Read the rest of this entry

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Teen girl paddled at a private school

The rules are simple at this private and prestigious high school.  Any and all referrals to the headmaster will result in the application of corporal punishment.  This young lady was caught chewing gum in class and was referred to the … Read the rest of this entry

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