A school paddling for the high school girl

For the most part, your average teenage girl will do what she can to avoid pain.  Yes, once she turns 18, there is a good chance that she will run off and get herself a tattoo, but that is pain in small doses, in a very controlled environment, in which she has the ability to stop and take a break whenever she needs it.  But with a school paddling, it is far different.

teen paddled by principal

The principal knows that a heavy wooden paddle, applied to her teen bottom, will assure a change in her behavior.

Corporal punishment, applied with a paddle in a school environment, works for only one reason, and that is indeed pain.  There is a reason that a heavy wooden paddle is used to spank the teen girl’s bottom in school, it hurts like hell, which is exactly the point.  No administrator is going to be pulling off his belt, or using his hand, when history has shown that a paddle is far more effective.

teen girl school paddling

A wooden school paddle is designed in a manner to assure the maximum amount of pain if felt on her teen bottom.

Many parents use whatever is handy to spank their daughter, but a school paddle was actually designed specifically for this purpose.  At some point in history, someone decided that they needed to create something that would bring as much pain as possible to a young lady’s bottom, and what better way than a heavy board, cut into the right shape to allow it to be swung with force and with accuracy.  It is not only effective in its use; it is also a powerful deterrent when simply displayed.  There are very few high school girls in this world that see a school paddle and think, “That won’t be so bad”.

cute teen paddled at school

Hands on her knees, receiving exactly the kind of punishment that her behavior requires.

Paddles are used effectively in many areas of the school environment.  Young ladies are pulled from the classroom, into the hallway, for a quick reminder about classroom discipline from their teachers.  Coaches throughout the South have armed themselves with large wooden paddles to make sure that discipline is maintained in the sports environment.  But the most common use of the paddle takes place in the main office, where the principal or vice-principal, charged with maintaining order and discipline use them on a very regular basis.

swats in high school teen girl

Her cute little bottom is feeling the pain, only 9 more swats to go.

Regardless of the environment, or even the reason, paddles are so commonly used because they achieve results.  A well-placed swing, with a heavy wooden paddle, applied forcefully to the bottom of a teenage girl produces results.  The immediate result is the application of pain to her teen butt.  When that paddle hits hard, and compresses her skin, making contact with the muscles deep within her bottom, learning immediately takes place.  Her bottom sends a signal to her brain that tells her to change whatever she needs to change to make sure that this never happens again.  It is the same concept as a small child putting their finger into a flame, which rarely happens twice.

teen girl paddled at school

Even the teen girl with a bigger bottom struggles to get through her paddling.

But real lessons are not learned from just a single swat to her bottom.  Yes, that first swat hurts like hell, will generally fill her eyes with tears, but it simply is not enough.  The point that is being made needs to be reinforced several times, to assure that long term learning takes place.  Simply filling her eyes with tears does not always solve the problem, so the typical paddling will include enough swats to assure actual crying.  Many swats placed on top of each other also leads to long-term learning.

teen girl bruised butt from school paddling

This teen girl is learning that even over jeans, the paddling was quite effective in bruising her cute butt.

A typical school paddling will be over in well under a minute.  It will indeed be a rough minute for her, with her bottom really feeling it for the duration of her paddling.  But teen girls tend to have a very short memory regarding such things.  But one of the reasons that a paddling is so very effective, is that the punishment is not over, once the last swat has been applied to her bottom.  If her teen bottom was paddled exactly the way it should have been, then she will be very aware of this lesson for days to come.

bruised bottom from school paddling

It is quite clear that sitting will be part of the lesson for several days to come.

Heavy wooden paddles, on tiny teen bottoms, lead to a young lady being sore for a considerable period of time.  The bottom is well suited to survive such a punishment, but it is also quite convenient that the spot that the punishment was applied to is also the spot that she uses the very most of the course of her school day.  She will spend the better part of 8 hours a day sitting at a hardwood desk.  Public schools do not really consider the comfort of the student when purchasing desks and I have yet to see one with a padded seat.  For the typical student, a desk is already a fairly uncomfortable piece of furniture, but for the recently paddled high school girl, a desk becomes part of the long-term punishment.

hard paddling at school

He applies the paddle as hard as he can to assure that a real lesson is learned.

With her bottom being bruised and nice and sore, the punishment will continue for at least another 48 hours.  She will not just go to school the next day and forget all about her paddling.  Instead, from 1st period through 7th period, each and every time she sits, she will be reminded of her behavior.  The rest of the class will be focused on the lesson being taught at any given moment, she will be focused on the lesson she learned the day before.

sore bottom teen from a spanking

Her bottom shows the results of her behavior.

A hard paddling, for the teen high school girl, will always be an effective form of discipline.  A proper paddling is something that all girls fear, and after receiving just one, they tend to be on their best behavior.  All pictures and animations come from the member’s area of Realspankings.com, truly the only real source for realistic and hard hitting paddling videos.  As of today, they currently have 467 different videos featuring young ladies being punished with a wooden paddle at school and at home, often leading to bruised bottoms and tears.

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