Teen Girl School Corporal Punishment Paddling

In many schools in the South, corporal punishment is not rare, instead it is a common and everyday occurrence.  It is simply a fact of life for a teen girl who finds herself in trouble, that if she is sent to the office, she knows she may very well be paddled.  These rural Southern schools do not have to worry about angry parents or lawsuits, as corporal punishment is just as likely to occur in the home as well.  These are not communities in which everyone worries about political correctness, or the latest research and studies on spanking, if a young lady gets in trouble at home or school, her bottom will pay the price.  More importantly, the paddlings that are administered in these school are not ornamental in nature.  The goal of the paddling is to wear a young lady’s butt out in a manner that will decrease the chances of her being in trouble again anytime soon.

The overall process is pretty quick and simple, and when done right, achieves great results.  This young lady, sent to the office for the second time this semester for tardies, is about to see and feel exactly how the process works.  Very little time is spent with any sort of lecture or deliberation.  Her actions speak for themselves, she was indeed late for class, more than the 2 allowed times per semester.  The previous trip to the office resulted in a warning, so this time discipline is required.

high school girl corporal punishment paddling

This high school girl is about to discover how effective school corporal punishment really is.

She is asked to stand up and bend over the desk.  He grabs the large wooden school paddle, made to his specifications by the woodshop teacher, and approaches.  She is asked to lift the back of her shirt so it does not cover her bottom.  While it may just be a small layer of fabric, he wants to make sure that there is as little padding as possible for her paddling.  Her face shows that she is not very happy about the punishment that is about to take place.

paddled at school Texas

The look on her face shows the fear that she is experiencing. It takes a moment to process that first swat, but she has many more to go.

As she feels the heavy wooden paddle touch her bottom briefly, she tries to prepare herself, but the stress and anxiety she is feeling is clear.  While she has never been paddled before at school, she has heard the stories.  She knows that all girls leave this office with tears in their eyes and a bruised bottom.  She cringes as she sees the paddle being lifted high above his head, and then it begins…pain.  It takes a moment for her brain to catch up with the first swat, but it is clear that the learning process has begun.

teen girl cries from her school paddling punishment

It takes very little time to achieve the desired results. Her eyes fill with tears and she cries out in very real pain.

She would love to be one of those students who sucks it up for the duration of her paddling, but it simply is not possible.  With very little time between swats, and the paddle being used full force, she cannot help but scream out in pain after each lick.  He has barely gotten started, but her eyes are already filling with tears.

severe school paddling high school girl

His only goal…apply as much pain to her bottom as possible.

He does not dislike this student in any way.  He is simply there to enforce the rules of the school and do what he can to cut down on disciplinary issues in general.  He utilizes different methods to achieve results, and in the previous case of her tardies, he chose to give her a warning.  That clearly did not work, so today he is trying a different approach.  His only goal at the moment is to communicate with her brain, via her bottom, and send a message that being late is not OK.

bruised bottom from a high school paddling

Each swat is applied on top of the last, assuring a bottom that will be sore for days to come.

He swings the paddle very hard, as this is how real lessons are learned.  He would not be doing her any favors by paddling her lightly.  He focuses each and every swat on the exact same spot on her bottom, as he knows that this is how she will learn the most.  He does not find her screams and tears bothersome, it is a spanking after all, and this is the overall goal.  He continues to paddle her hard until the full number of swats has been reached and he feels that she has been properly punished.

teen girl bruised bottom from school paddling

It is clear from looking at her bottom that learning took place.

When given a moment to herself, she is able to inspect the damage.  As one would suspect, a very hard paddling, applied to her teen bottom, left it bruised and sore.  She rubs her bottom, trying to sooth the pain, but it will not be leaving her anytime soon.  The soreness will actually increase over time, sitting will become difficult, and it is a lesson that she will continue to learn from for the next couple of days.

high school girl corporal punishment paddling bruised bottom

A job well done and a lesson learned.

All animations come from the recent school paddling video in the member’s area of Realspankings.com.

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