Monthly Archives: June 2013

A high school paddling administered by a teacher

There are those times that a school paddling has nothing to do with lectures and formality.  I believe that a long drawn out paddling experience can be a very positive thing and help with the overall learning process for the … Read the rest of this entry

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Sometimes a harder paddling is required for the high school girl

It was her second time in the office, for the same offense, in a single month.  For her 1st offense, the female VP gave her a hard paddling consisting of six swats with a medium sized school paddle.  It was … Read the rest of this entry

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High school girl paddled in her gym clothes

Sometimes it is just the luck of the draw as far as what a girl is wearing when she receives a school paddling.  It may be the day that she wore those ultra-thin cotton leggings to school that shows off … Read the rest of this entry

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Bending over and presenting her teen bottom to be paddled at school

There is a common thread to every school paddling that takes place in the high school of the United States, the presenting of the bottom.  Spankings in the home environment might not be so structured and formal and may even … Read the rest of this entry

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Knowing when a school paddling has resulted in a very real lesson being learned

How do we know if a school paddling has been effective?  If it is done properly, the results will be visible every time the young lady attempts to sit down.  If she was really naughty and required a severe school … Read the rest of this entry

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High school girls get their bottoms paddled for dress code violations

Dress codes exist in just about every school in the United States and for good reason. The purpose of high school is to get an education and anything that distracts from the educational process becomes an issue. Some schools have … Read the rest of this entry

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