Sometimes a harder paddling is required for the high school girl

It was her second time in the office, for the same offense, in a single month.  For her 1st offense, the female VP gave her a hard paddling consisting of six swats with a medium sized school paddle.  It was clear, if she was going to commit the same offense, less than a month later, that the initial paddling had not had the desired effect.  The VP considered suspending Jessica, but finals were a couple of days away and she really hated for someone to fail their classes as a result of a suspension and missing the tests that made up such a large portion of the student’s grades.  She decided that a ten swat paddling would be awarded to Jessica this time; however, the VP would not be the one to administer the paddling.  She told Jessica what was going to happen but that she needed to find someone who could achieve better results with the paddle.  She excused herself and left Jessica alone with her thoughts of being paddled even harder than the previous time.  That paddling had been no joke and Jessica’s tiny little bottom remained bruised for a few days after.  She really could not picture having to endure something longer and even harder than the one before.

severe high school paddling

She knows that this will be the hardest paddling of her life…all she can do now is wait for it.

The VP knew exactly who she was going to get to administer the paddling.  There was a coach on campus that had a reputation as the hardest hitting paddler.  The boys on his football team often spoke of the legendary paddlings that took place in his office.  He was known to paddle for any little offense, and regardless of the offense, he paddled hard.  She had had a few complaints over the years, as to the severity of his paddlings, but severity was what she needed at the moment.  She returned to her office with the hard hitting coach and calmly explained the situation, as if Jessica was not even in the room.  She explained that she had a student that was in her office for a repeat offense that required immediate action.  She stated that the student had been previously paddled, but it was clear that it was not effective.  She told him that a suspension was probably the right move, but that finals were approaching.  She asked if he was able to provide a paddling, similar to that that his players received, as she wanted this to be a paddling that she would never forget.  He was not one to disguise his emotions and he smiled and happily replied that he would gladly provide her with the paddling of her life.  The truth was, he enjoyed administering paddlings, especially well-deserved ones.  He had no issues with paddling a male player to tears, which was often the outcome, and just because it was a cute teen girl whose bottom was about to be presented to him, he saw no reason to go easy.  He was going to paddle her just as he paddled the boys and was quite looking forward to it.

severe school paddling teen girl high school

The coach prides himself on the severity of the paddling he administers. Just because she is a female with a tiny little bottom does not mean he will go easy on her. He lays the paddle on full force, bruising her bottom with every swat.

The VP instructed Jessica to grab the largest paddle off of the wall and to hand it to the coach.  She stated that the previous time she had obviously chosen the wrong paddle and the wrong paddler, a mistake that she would not be making again.  Jessica was told to bend over the desk and waited for her paddling.  The VP reemphasized to the coach that this needed to be a very hard paddling as it was a second offense.  The coach responded that that would certainly not be a problem.  He touched the long maple paddle against Jessica’s tiny teen bottom and went right to work.  The crack of the 1st swat was almost deafening in the small office and Jessica was lifted up onto her toes.  Her legs buckled a little and she cried out in pain.  The VP was quite impressed and told him that he was doing a good job and asked for nine more, just like the first one.  The coach was enjoying himself, as he usually had a 220 lb. linebacker bent over his desk, but now he had a perfect little 18 year old bottom before him and he found swatting her teen bottom to be quite satisfying.  He raised the paddle again and gave her an equally hard swat.  He was immune to the cries and pain at this point in his career, and he viewed tears and crying as a sign that he was doing a good job.  It made no difference to him that it was a girl that was not crying before him, he knew she deserved every swat she was gettingHe continued paddling her teen butt until all ten swats had been administered.  When it was all said and done, she was crying and hyperventilating like he had never seen before.  It was clear in his mind that this young lady learned the lesson she needed and he suspected that she would not be back in that office any time soon.

teen girl swats at school

With each swat a whole new level of learning takes place.

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