Tag Archives: discipline

High school girl paddled twice by the vice principal

The recent change in district policy modified the corporal punishment guidelines at the high school to “no more than four swats per application of corporal punishment”. This lowered the maximum number of swats from six to four, which was a … Read the rest of this entry

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A school paddling for the high school girl

For the most part, your average teenage girl will do what she can to avoid pain.  Yes, once she turns 18, there is a good chance that she will run off and get herself a tattoo, but that is pain … Read the rest of this entry

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Two girls paddled in high school

The recent figures released by the US Department of Education show that on the average, across the US, there are 1944 school paddlings administered a day.  Of these 1944 school paddlings, approximately 1/3 of the paddlings are administered to females.  … Read the rest of this entry

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High school girl corporal punishment paddling while grabbing her ankles

Let’s face it and not beat around the bush, the purpose of corporal punishment is to provide a very painful stimulus to a young lady’s backside in order to enact a change in behavior or attitude.  Yes, there are several different aspects … Read the rest of this entry

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A high school girl is being paddled at school at this very moment

Right now, at this very moment as you read this post, a school paddling is taking place in the US.  Based on the statistics from the US Department of Education, from the first bell to the last bell, in schools … Read the rest of this entry

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A hard paddling for the high school girl to make sure she is sore for days

Paddling is used in high schools as a way to teach a young lady a lesson for inappropriate behavior that she has engaged in.  There are many variables that can make a paddling effective, but the main goal is the … Read the rest of this entry

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The process of getting paddled at school by a very strict vice principal

It was one of the largest high schools in that state with a student population of over 3000.  This school had two principals and six assistant principals.  Two of the VP positions were strictly administrative, two were direct links to … Read the rest of this entry

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Waiting with the other students to be paddled at school by the principal.

Corporal punishment is very common at this school. It is a large high school and many students find themselves in the vice principal’s office every day. There are other VP’s at this school, but this one handles all the discipline … Read the rest of this entry

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A hard paddling at school

This gallery contains 18 photos.

Neither of these young ladies has ever been spanked at home or paddled at school.  They were in for quite a shock on the very 1st visit to the principal’s office.  They were good students and never got in trouble, so they … Read the rest of this entry

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Waiting to be paddled at school.

Sometimes waiting to receive a school paddling is just as difficult as the paddling itself.  Two young ladies, sent to the office, and being informed they are to be paddled.  They are sent from the office to wait, while the … Read the rest of this entry

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