The recent figures released by the US Department of Education show that on the average, across the US, there are 1944 school paddlings administered a day. Of these 1944 school paddlings, approximately 1/3 of the paddlings are administered to females. That means today, 648 young ladies will be bending over for some good old fashion school corporal punishment with a paddle.
There are many ways that a paddling can play out over the course of a school day, but in the majority of school districts they will take place in the principal or vice principal’s office. The two ladies in today’s animations show us how a typical school paddling is handled for high school girls.
Earlier in the day they were both sent to the office for dress code infractions, specifically, wearing shorts that are far too short based on the school’s dress code policy. At this particular school, all corporal punishment is handled either during lunch, or after school, to minimize the time that they are out of the classroom. At lunchtime they both report to the office, for what they already know is going to be a paddling. They wait nervously in the school office waiting to be called in for their paddling.
As the first girl is called into the office, there is very little discussion as they both know the purpose of this little visit. She is immediately told to bend over as the paddle sits on the desk waiting to be used on her little bottom. At this school they use a fairly typical school paddle, around two feet long, made from hard wood, ¾” in thickness. She can’t help but notice the paddle sitting right next to her and she can tell from the look of things that it is going to be bad.
Very little time is wasted as he picks up the heavy paddle and gets to work. Being that both of these young ladies demonstrated a flagrant disregard for the school dress code policy, he has sentenced them both to the maximum amount of swats allowed by school policy…10. With her bent over and properly presenting her bottom in those tight and tiny shorts, it begins. He knows from past experience that he will not be doing her any favors by going easy on her. The only way that any real learning will take place is if he does his very best. Yes, she may squeal and cry a bit, but it is all being done for her own good.
School policy does require a witness, which is why the secretary’s desk is situated in a manner that she can see through the glass of his office. He feels there is no reason for her day to stop just so a naughty young lady can have her bottom paddled, so she is able to witness the paddlings from where she sits. The sound is muffled slightly through the closed door to his office, but the sounds still carries enough that the young lady waiting her turn can hear exactly what she has coming.

Even from outside the office it is clear that she is being taught a very real lesson with the paddle.
After all 10 swats have been applied in a very effective manner; there is no doubt that this young lady is regretting her decision to violate the dress code policy. Her bottom is completely on fire and she can feel the swelling begin from the paddle compressing her tiny bottom and making contact with the deep tissue. She does not know it at the moment, but the pain from this paddling is not going to get better, it is going to grow much worse as the day progresses. With a little rub to her sore cheeks, she is escorted out of his office and back into the common area of the main office.
It is even harder for the next girl as she has been listening in anticipation of her own paddling. She was surprised and scared to hear how loud the paddling actually was, and that was through the walls and the door. The swollen eyes and the rubbing of the bottom of the girl before her did nothing to ease her state of mind. Just as with the first girl, as she walks into his office, she is instructed to bend over the desk before the door is even closed. She too is now face to face with the paddle that she knows is about to be used on her petite bottom.
The secretary looks on, from the privacy of her own desk as the paddling begins. There is nothing kind of gentle about a school paddling in this office. He applies every swat with maximum intensity with the goal of changing behavior. Each swat is placed on the very lowest part of her bottom, as he knows that this is what will be touching the school desks for the remainder of the day, and the week.
The look on her face shows that he is achieving the exact results that he is looking for. Her cries of pain can be heard throughout the office as each hard swat lifts her onto her toes. But this is being done for her own good. Without rules society begins to break down, and he knows that this is a chance to help these girls realize that rules are in place for a very specific purpose. With each application of the paddle to her tender bottom he knows that he is better setting her up for success in life.
After their paddlings, all is forgiven and they are sent back to lunch with very sore bottoms. The paddle is very effective in changing behavior, and there is no doubt that these young ladies, each and every morning as they look through their closets to dress for school, will never consider the short shorts again.
One of the most effective parts of a proper school paddling designated to change a young lady’s behavior, is the after effects. As we can see in the final animation, a school paddling achieves results. By results, I mean it has the tendency to bruise a young lady’s bottom. A well bruised bottom leads to changes in behavior, and these effects often last for a couple of days. It is clear that they will not be sitting in a manner that is comfortable anytime soon, and you can already see that they are having difficulty getting their swollen bottoms back into those tight shorts. The tightness of those shorts, digging into their sore bottoms, will further serve as a lesson and you can count on the fact that when they get home that the first thing they will do is take them off.
The animations are from the 2 part, HD video, that shows corporal punishment as it is really used, in the member’s area of