Not quite school paddling, but the next best thing.

There are many implements that can be used to administer corporal punishment to a naughty school girl, but for the last 100 years, there is one implement in particular that strikes fear into the hearts and minds of young ladies throughout the world…the cane.  Headmasters and teachers in England discovered that this one tool is so very effective in creating an immediate change in behavior.  When used properly and effectively, the cane has the ability to reduce a young lady to tears from the very first stroke.  The impact from a cane is very specific and creates a wave of pain that very few would ever want to experience again.

In this 1 hour and 20 minute video, you will see 11 different girls, receive 13 different punishments, which demonstrate exactly how effective a proper caning can be.  You will see first-hand their young bottoms become striped and bruised as the learning becomes visible with each and every stroke of the cane.  In traditional school uniforms, over their panties, bare bottom, and even fully nude… they will bend over desks, grab their knees, and touch their toes as they learn a lesson that will never be forgotten.  When all is said and done, you will see bruised bottoms and tearful eyes, as each and every girl learns that when it comes to traditional corporal punishment, the cane produces results.

Available Now at Spanking Library

Schoolgirls caned 2016

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