When a proper school paddling is working

As the person tasked with administering corporal punishment is unable to see the actual results of a hard paddling, they have to look for visual indicators, beyond what is happening underneath her clothing to assure that they are doing a good job.  Take for instance the young lady below.  For constant disruptions during gym class, she was taken the locker room so her paddling could be administered in private, as school policy does not allow a student to be paddled in front of others.  With limited protection from her thin and tight yoga pants, the visual indicators are all there.  There is no doubt that each and every swat is having the desired effect on her tight bottom, even without being able to actually see the results.

high school girl paddling

Getting a hard school paddling in the locker room.

Another good indicator that a paddling is being administered effectively is a young lady’s body language.  As you can see with the young lady below, when the paddle hits her bottom over her little daisy duke shorts, her body tried to enter into a “flight mode”.  She knows that she has to remain in position for the duration of her paddling, but her body still reacts and tries to almost escape after each swat.  It takes every ounce of energy and courage that she has to maintain her positions.

school corporal punishment paddling for the high school girl

Struggling to hold her position while she is paddled at school.

These next three young ladies have all been lined up in the privacy of the teacher’s lounge for a paddling.  As the first girl receives severe swats with the heavy paddle to her petite bottom, the others have to watch and listen as they know the paddle will soon be visiting their own bottoms.  Their nervousness grows as the first girl cries out with each lick of the paddle.

three girl high school paddling

Three girls lined up and paddled at school.

This next young lady found herself in the principal’s office for dress code violations.  Her top allows her bra to be seen through her shirt and the shirt itself shows midriff which is a clear violation of the dress code policy. The indicators that demonstrate that this paddling is effective are much easier for this principal to detect as she burst into tears after the very first swat.  This does not affect how the paddling is applied, in any way, as tears should always be the goal from the very first swat.

high school girl crying from being paddled at school

Crying as a result of a proper school paddling.

The next young lady is clearly fighting against the pain that she is feeling over the course of the paddling.  She manages to stay strong for the first few swats, but as each and every swat lands, the pain intensifies and tears are finally the end result.

school paddling girl

Fighting against the pain from her school paddling.

All of these animations come from recent school paddling updates in the member’s area of Realspankings.com


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