Tag Archives: waiting

Anticipation of her paddling with examples from Twitter

When applied properly we all know that corporal punishment can be very effective in the school environment. With today’s social media, we do not have to look too far to see that this is actually the case: But as you … Read the rest of this entry

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High school girl paddled twice by the vice principal

The recent change in district policy modified the corporal punishment guidelines at the high school to “no more than four swats per application of corporal punishment”. This lowered the maximum number of swats from six to four, which was a … Read the rest of this entry

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High school girls receiving corporal punishment with a paddle

There are many aspects to a school paddling that make it quite effective and serves as a deterrent in preventing undesirable behavior at school.  Today we will break down the entire process and look at each element and how it … Read the rest of this entry

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Forced to change clothes for her school paddling

Something that is rarely considered when it comes to the application of corporal punishment in the high school setting, is clothing.  Not all outfits actually allow for a paddle to be applied in a serious manner.  While yoga pants are … Read the rest of this entry

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Realistic School Paddling Videos

Today we are going to play catch up and take a look at the various paddling videos from the Realspankings Pass family of sites.  Here are the various hard hitting paddling videos from the last couple of months at Realspankings.com. … Read the rest of this entry

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Listening to her friends getting paddled in school and waiting her turn

During the application of corporal punishment in the high school setting, there are typically very clear rules that have to be followed.  While sometimes these rules are overlooked a little, especially within the athletics department, in which the coaches tend … Read the rest of this entry

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Unfortunately for her, this was her 5th visit to the office that semester, which put her on step 5 of the campus disciplinary plan.  On each level of the plan she had received some level of corporal punishment, which started … Read the rest of this entry

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A hard paddling for the high school girl to make sure she is sore for days

Paddling is used in high schools as a way to teach a young lady a lesson for inappropriate behavior that she has engaged in.  There are many variables that can make a paddling effective, but the main goal is the … Read the rest of this entry

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Two girls paddled hard in high school…a recreation.

I am so loving the latest school paddling videos added to Realspankings.com last week.  As far as I am concerned this is as real as it gets.  Two girls report to the school office with pink slips in hand and wait … Read the rest of this entry

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Paddling a high school girl

The primary goal, of corporal punishment in school, is to provide pain to a girl’s bottom.  There are many more dynamics involved, but the reality is that most people do not like pain.  When there are school policies in place, … Read the rest of this entry

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