Unfortunately for her, this was her 5th visit to the office that semester, which put her on step 5 of the campus disciplinary plan.  On each level of the plan she had received some level of corporal punishment, which started with just a single swat.  He had been hopeful that after her last visit, in which she received six swats, given three at a time, on two occasions on the same day, that she may have learned her lesson.  But here it is, just 5 weeks after her last disciplinary referral, once again in his office for some minor offense.

high school paddle

Today she will receive the paddling of her life.

While the offense may be minor, it was part of an overall pattern of behavior that needed to be addressed.  Step 5 of the campus disciplinary plan was the last one that allowed for corporal punishment, the next steps involved suspension and punishments that would have an overall effect on her grade.  He felt that he had failed in his previous attempts with her and clearly her innocence and the minor nature of her infractions had caused him to be lenient when applying the paddle to her pretty bottom.

Today he would have a better chance to emphasize his point, as step 5 of the plan called for 9 swats with the paddle.  The school corporal punishment policy only allowed for 3 swats at any given time, but how long in between punishments was a bit of a grey area.  He could spread them out over several days, but experience had taught him that this tended to affect what a student wore the next day, and he wanted to paddle a bottom that was in no way prepared for it.  She was currently wearing skin tight jeans and probably thong panties that seemed to be popular with the girls her age.  It was the right combination of clothing that would allow for him to make the impression he should have previously.

She was not surprised when she was told that she would be paddled, but she would indeed be surprised by how much the severity would be increased.  He told her that she would be receiving 9 total swats, getting 3 on each visit.  He would apply the first 3 at this very moment, the next 3 after lunch, and the final 3 after school.  This would allow for about 3 hours in between paddlings, enough time for her bottom to have grown sore from the previous swats with the paddle.

For this paddling she was surprised as a couple things seem to be changing since her last paddling.  On previous paddlings she was asked to approach the desk and simply place her hands on the top of it, which left her just partially bent at the waist.  On this occasion he had her stand much further back from the desk, with her arms stretched out, leaving her bent at the waist at a 90 degree angle.  This pulled her bottom tight in her already tight jeans.

girl paddling

Presenting her bottom for licks with the heaviest of school paddles

Another surprise for her was his choice of paddles.  In the past he had used the smaller and lighter paddle that he often used on the female students, but on this occasion she was quite surprised to see a paddle that was over 2 feet long, ¾” thick, and at least 4” wide.  This was his big boy paddle, used on his very toughest cases, and rarely had it been used on a female bottom.  This was his very last chance to make an impression on her with a paddling and he was going to make it count.

With her bottom being presented nicely, it was time to get to work.  This time he was not going to be effected by her charm, her very respectful manner, or that pretty smile of hers, this time he was going to make it count.  For this paddling he just pretended that the bottom presented to him was that of a male football player.  This would not be a paddling in which he just used his arm to swing, he was sure to put his shoulders and hips into it.  He applied her first 3 swats full force, giving it everything he had, and as quickly as possible.  He placed them all on the exact same spot, knowing that by the end of the day, that the soreness this would create would make sitting down quite difficult.  After the third swat it was quite clear he was doing a good job as she buckled at the knees and let out a loud cry.  He dismissed her, told her to come back at lunch for the next 3, and watched her leave his office with tears in her eyes.

Hard paddling of high school girl

Paddling her teen butt hard enough to make her knees buckle.

She was quite surprised at the force with which she had been paddled, but as much as it had hurt, as she walked to her class, her bottom did not hurt all that much.  During the rest of her second period class, her bottom began to lose some of the numbness it was feeling, and pretty quickly she began to feel quite uncomfortable.  By third period she was starting to realize that this was not going to be pleasant as her bottom began to hurt more and more.  When lunchtime came, she was quite nervous about the prospects of returning to the office for another round of paddle swats.

school swats

Time for another three swats at school

As much as her bottom hurt, she knew she had no choice so she reported to his office.  She knocked on the door and was immediately invited in. This time he told her to stand in front of his desk and to bend over and place her hands on her knees.  He grabbed the same large paddle and approached her from behind.  He fine-tuned her position and required her to bend her knees slightly.  This had the effect of having the target area perfectly presented for 3 more hard swats.  Just as before, 3 hard swats were perfectly placed on the lowest part of her bottom.  With each swat he heard the verbal reaction he was looking for and once again her knees buckled.  The tears were flowing before the last lick was applied, and he knew that he was actually making progress with her this time.  The tears began to flow even harder as he told her that he would see her once again after school.

girl gets licks at school

Her second set of 3 licks in one day…3 more to go.

She ran from his office and went right to the restroom to try and clean herself up, as she did not want anyone she knew to see her crying in the hall.  She dried her tears and reapplied some makeup and tried to make herself look normal before she went for lunch.  Her bottom was throbbing with every beat of her heart, and when she pulled down her pants and panties she was surprised to see two large bulls-eye shaped bruises on her bottom.  They were both hard to the touch and hurt terribly.  She did not know how she would be able to take anymore…but she did not have a say in the manner.

school paddling

Checking her bruised bottom in the bathroom.

She struggled through her last 2 classes, not really being able to find a way to sit comfortably at a desk.  He had really focused the paddle swats on the lowest part of her bottom and a bit of the top of her thighs, which made it impossible to be at a desk and not feel pain.  She made excuses after school why she could not get a ride from one of her closest friends as she reluctantly took the long walk to the office for the last of her paddlings.  This time his door was open and he invited her in as soon as he saw her.  He told her to once again approach his desk, but this time she was told to assume a wide stance and to bend over and grab her ankles.  Even the process of assuming this position created considerable discomfort as her skin was pressed tight in her snug jeans.

grabbing her ankles to be paddled at school

Grabbing her ankles and waiting for the last three swats of her paddling

For this paddling he was in no hurry to get started and left her in this position for a couple of minutes before beginning her.  He really wanted this to be the last time she was in his office, so he wanted her to have a little time to think about what was about to happen.  He knew her bottom must be quite sore by now and he planned on adding to it.  After he felt like enough time had passed to have made his point, he once again grabbed the heavy paddle and approached.   He knew that in this position that he would be able to paddle her in a manner that would result in long term learning.  Her bottom had to already be bruised, but this position really allowed for him to apply the board deep into the muscles of her bottom.  He was counting on this as it might be the one thing that would persuade her from returning to his office ever again.  Once again, he lifted the paddle high in the air, and brought the paddle down with every ounce of energy he had.  All three swats hit very low, and this time there were not just tears, she began to cry hard.  She tried her best to stay in position, but the force of the paddle knocked forward a little.  When it was over, her bottom was more than just on fire.  There was a painful throbbing so intense, she could barely contain herself.

bruised butt from school corporal punishment

Hard licks while she is grabbing her ankles will leave her bottom sore for days.

As quickly as it began, it was over, and with tears running down her face, he quickly told her that she was dismissed.  She walked from his office, tears still streaming down her face, as she saw every pair of eyes in the office looking at her.  She did not care, she was not even embarrassed as all she could think about was the pain she was feeling.  Back in his office, he did something he rarely did, as he picked up his phone and dialed this young lady’s parents.  He calmly her dad about his daughter’s frequent misbehavior and how she was on the verge of having her grades affected.  He politely explained that corporal punishment had been required and how he hoped that something similar would take place at home; as he felt it would help reinforce the discipline that was administered at school.  He felt confident at the end of the phone call that her young bottom would being feeling the sting of dad’s belt before the day was over.

paddling girl

A properly busied bottom from a hard school paddling

This post describes yesterday’s HD hard hitting punishment video in the member’s area of Realspankings.com.

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