High school girl paddling caught on security camera

Let’s be honest, if you are on this blog you are very interested in the whole concept of a teenage girl getting her bottom paddled at school.  You have probably read many true accounts from girls who were actually paddled in school growing up.  You are probably quite attentive when the news of a girl getting paddled makes the mainstream media.  Unless you are an educator in the South, or grew up in the South, there is a good chance that you have never actually seen a school paddling take place.  There are certainly those that grew up in the 50’s and 60’s that might have had the opportunity to hear, or possibly witness a girl getting paddled in high school, but today these things typically happen in private.

school paddling spy voyeur

Spying on a high school girl getting her bottom paddled hard.

There are some schools that allow teachers to paddle students, but never in front of other students, so it most common that a student is kept after class, or on occasion, taken out into the hallway.  This allows other students to hear the paddling take place, but not witness it.  The most common paddling clearly takes place behind the closed doors of the school office.  But what really goes on behind those closed doors? What does a real school paddling look like? If you were to hide in an adjacent room and watch, what would it look like? If the whole thing was captured on a school security camera, what would you see? Monday’s update on Realspankings.com has made me happy, happy, happy as it shows us these exact views of the same paddling.  Sometimes I love the voyeur scenes more than the more professional scenes as it really adds a sense of reality.  Today’s animation are from these two scene and they are awesome!!!

school paddling caught on tape

Security camera showing a very real school paddling taking place.

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