High school girls receiving corporal punishment with a paddle

There are many aspects to a school paddling that make it quite effective and serves as a deterrent in preventing undesirable behavior at school.  Today we will break down the entire process and look at each element and how it helps with the overall disciplinary process.  All animations and pictures come from Realspankings.com as well as RealspankingsInstitute.com.  I have been quite happy with the recent videos coming from RealspankingsIntitute.com lately, as they have really stepped it up in the area of realistic school paddling videos, especially in regards to hard school paddlings over yoga pants.  Previously most of their school paddling videos featured bare bottom paddlings, which while wonderful to watch, they fall out of the realm of realism in school paddling videos.  With many school paddlings added each month, with girls getting hard swats over yoga pants, there are many scenes not to be missed there.

school corporal punishment paddling high school teen girl 23

100’s of times a day, in schools throughout the country, teen girls find themselves bending over for a very real school paddling.

Obviously, the precursor to any school paddling is a young lady engaging in a behavior that is forbidden by school policy.  In most cases, these young ladies are making a conscious decision to break a rule and are simply hoping that they will not be caught.  Once they are caught, they must face the music, and make that dreaded trip to see the principal or vice principal of the school, whichever has been charged with the disciplinary needs of the school.  In most cases, unless the behavior is so blatant and witnessed, a discussion must take place between the student and the administrator.  The administrator will need to weigh all of the factors involved, such as severity of the offense, past behavior, previous trips to the office, and the general attitude of the young lady in trouble.  A discussion will take place in which guilt is determined, weighing the description of the incident from the referring staff member vs. the student’s own account.  When all is said and done, the administrator is left in the position of deciding the appropriate punishment.

In many school, district policy clearly spells out exactly when corporal punishment may be utilized.  For many administrators, this leaves their hands tied, and they can only assign a punishment based on what the policy allows. However, in many schools, corporal punishment is an option that may be used at the administrator’s discretion and can be assigned for each and every offense that they may be presented with.  Currently, in well over 1000 schools throughout the South, corporal punishment is not only an option for any offense, it is often the primary form of discipline.  Once the decision to utilize corporal punishment, the process begins at that very moment.  There is more involved in school corporal punishment than just applying a paddle to her teen bottom, as there are many elements that make the entire process effective.

teen high school girl paddling

These girls were just informed that they are about to have to bend over for 10 swats with a heavy wooden school paddle.

Informing a young lady that she is going to be paddled for her behavior is a big part of the process.  This is the very moment in which it is being made very clear that her behavior is unacceptable and that there will be consequences for her actions.  This is not resulting in a warning, she will not be spending a couple of mindless hours sitting in a desk after school, instead, someone is going to physically apply pain to her bottom to teach her a very real lesson.  This is a very powerful moment in the mind of the teenage girl, as she realizes that regardless of how old she is, or how grown up she feels she is, that when she misbehaves, she can still be spanked.  She may have been spanked as a young child by her parents, or never spanked before in her life, but it does not matter in this environment…bad behavior will result in her being paddled.  This often leads to an almost “fight or flight” moment, in which she desperately tries to figure out a way to not be paddled.  But she has committed an offense, one that at this school, can and will result in the paddle being applied to her bottom in a very forceful matter.  She no longer has a say, or a way out, she is indeed going to be paddled.

waiting for her school paddling

After 10 minutes to consider how bad their bottoms are about to hurt…it begins.

Ideally, the paddling she is to receive will not take place at that very moment.  At the very least, she should be sent out of the office while he puts together the required paperwork to paddle a student.  Even better, the paddling that she has been sentenced to, is to be applied at a later time, or date.  A school paddling is a powerful thing, and not just because of how much it hurts.  Her anticipation of how bad the paddling will be is a very important part of the overall process.  She needs to have some time, from minutes to days, to consider exactly how bad it will actually be.  No teen girl is able to just fully block from her mind the fact that she has a paddling coming.  Regardless of what she is doing, or who she is with, at least several times an hour, up until the moment the paddling finally takes place, she will experience that elevated heart rate, as she considers her fate.  This is an important part of the learning process as it creates additional mental struggles that will help guide her towards making better decisions in the future.

teen paddling

This high school girl present her petite teen bottom to be paddled by the principal.

Presenting her bottom
After the minutes, hours, or days have passed while she has considered the paddling she will be receiving, the moment finally arrives.  In general, in a school office environment, she will be called into the room or office where the paddling will be administered in private.  This may be the office where the discussion previously took place, or a side room that is designated for corporal punishment to be administered in.  After being sentenced to her paddling, made to wait a period of time, it is finally time to put that board to work in correcting her behavior. All of this begins with her being told to assume the position that she is to be paddled in.  The importance of this part of the process is often overlooked.  Yes, she needs to be placed into a position that is functional and allows for her bottom to be properly paddled, but her participation is such a defining part of the overall process.

paddled in school over yoga pants

He is in no hurry to start paddling her bottom, instead, he gives her a few minutes to consider exactly how bad it is going to hurt over those very thin yoga pants. From the intense paddling scene at RealspankingsInstitute.com

She is not a young girl, in third grade, being pulled into place over mom’s lap, that is going to be held in place for her spanking.  She is a legal adult, or within a couple of years of that age, and it is expected that she will assist in the entire paddling.  The administrator is not going to pull her into position, he is simply going to tell her what position to assume.  This is the moment is which she is taking full ownership of her transgressions and it is important.  Regardless of the position she is told to assume, she will be presenting her bottom to be punished with a heavy wooden school paddle.  This is often not an easy thing for the teen girl to do.  Her bottom, in general, is a forbidden place that at this age, no one has access to without consent.  But in this environment, as a full result of her behavior, she no longer is in control of her own bottom.  In fact, she is now being told exactly what to do with it, how to present it, for the sole purpose of pain being applied to it.

grabbing her ankles for a school paddling

By having her grab her ankles, she is uncomfortable and feeling embarrassed and vulnerable.

Position is an important part of a school paddling for a few reasons.  The primary reason is functionality, as she needs to be positioned in a manner that allows for the hard application of the school paddle in a safe manner.  She needs to be bent over enough that her tailbone is out of the way, and in general, she needs to be put in a position that allows her stability, so the force of the paddle on her bottom does not throw her off balance.  But position also goes well beyond functionality.  Simply having a young lady bend over the principal’s desk, in a position of relative comfort, certainly works, but takes away some of the powerful elements that can add to the overall effectiveness of the process.  Obviously, the paddling will still hurt, but the more things that can be added to make the overall experience something that she would unlikely want to repeat, the better.

paddled at school

Grabbing her ankles for a hard school paddling in yoga pants. From the two girl school paddling scene at RealspankingsInstitute.com

Consider instead, the teen girl, being told to stand up, turn around, assume a very side stance, and then to grab her ankles.  This is still a very functional position, but one that is far more uncomfortable to assume.  There is nothing about a school paddling that should be comfortable, including the position.  This position also has the added effect of adding feeling of embarrassment and vulnerability.  There really is no way to feel comfortable, or confident, when she is bent over, presenting her bottom to be paddled in such a manner.  While she may have chosen those skin-tight jeans to show off her petite bottom to all of the boys, it feels much different when she is now presenting that same bottom to a man that she barely knows, for the express purpose of him spanking it with a large wooden paddle.

school paddling

Presenting her bottom for the school paddling of her life.

Once she is in the designated position, there should be no hurry for things to get started.  Just as the waiting period before the paddling, this is an important moment for her to consider what is exactly about to happen.  It allows her to not only consider how much it is about to hurt, but for her to reflect on the decisions that led her to this moment in her life.  With her bottom in the air, on display, and waiting to be spanked, she begins to start making promises to herself to be good in the future.  Ideally, she is left bent over, waiting to be paddled, for a good couple of minutes.

While there are many elements that add to the effectiveness of a school paddling, the number one reason that it is so effective is the pain.  There is no reason to sugar coat it, or dance around the issue…school corporal punishment needs to hurt, a lot.  There is a reason that a paddle is being used in the first place, because it hurts like hell even over clothing.  If the goal was not as much pain as possible, then school corporal punishment would be administered with a hand or a ruler.  Paddles are made from hard wood, are long and wide, and generally at least ½” thick.  The reason for all of this, is that when it is applied to a high school girl’s bottom it hurts.  Why go through all of the trouble of constructing a proper spanking implement if it is not going to be applied in a manner that hurts?

school girl crying from corporal punishment

It is clear from the very first swat that this is a paddling she will never forget.

The primary factor in making sure that a young lady does not find herself in trouble, and in the same position again, is to provide her with an experience that she would never in her lifetime want to repeat.  All schools have a maximum number of swats that can be administered, written within the school policies, and with this number often being quite low, each and every swat needs to be applied in the most effective, and most painful manner.  This means that from the first swat to the last, each swat needs to be administered in a manner in which they hurt as much as possible.  Real lessons are not learned from a gentle spanking, they are learned from a safe but severe paddling.

school corporal punishment

With a giant paddle and a hard swing, real lessons are being learned today.

Each swat needs to hit on the lowest part of her bottom, the exact spot that touches a chair when she sits.  With her bent over, the skin will already be tight, allowing the paddle to further compress the skin, and make contact with the large muscles of her bottom.  A paddling in not like a handspanking in which it is all about how much sting is provided to her skin, it is about heavy contact with deep muscles.  It is about sending a very powerful message to her brain, through her bottom, alerting her that this behavior will never be tolerated.  Her reactions to the paddling should not have any effect on the overall process.  Yes, she will scream, moan, and cry, but isn’t that the goal?  Every high school girl will benefit more from a paddling that instantly leaves her in tears, than one that does not.  At the very core, this is a spanking, and spankings are supposed to hurt her bottom and lead to tears…this is why they are effective.

It is clear from the tears in her eyes that a lesson was learned today.

It is clear from the tears in her eyes that a lesson was learned today.


The body has a magical way of dealing with the stress of intense pain through endorphins.  Yes, the entire paddling will indeed hurt, but in most cases, after the first couple of swats, the body goes into overdrive with the production of endorphins and helps to combat the pain.  While the paddling will hurt, and she will cry, just a few minutes later her body will take care of the problem…for a little while.  Real lessons are not learned over the course of 6 swats in 30 seconds.  A proper paddling will linger for days and this is exactly how it should be.  If applied correctly, after about 30 minutes, the effects of the endorphins will begin to wear off.  The pain will once again return, and she will begin to experience a gentle throbbing of her bottom.  Over time, this throbbing will intensify and her bottom will grow increasingly sore.

There is no doubt after their paddling at RealspankingsInstitute.com that sitting is going to be a problem.

There is no doubt after their paddling at RealspankingsInstitute.com that sitting is going to be a problem.

If the paddling happened exactly as it should have, with heavy swats making contact with the muscles deep within her bottom, the real lesson will begin the next morning.  After a night of sleep, her sore muscles will have continued to tighten, and the soreness will have increased.  As she swings her legs out of bed, and puts her weight onto her bottom, she is in for a real surprise.  The paddling is not some distant event, something that she can now just put out of her mind.  Instead, the results of the paddling are very real and very present, and will affect everything she does for the next 48 hours.  The first reminder of her behavior from the previous day will take place when she sits on the toilet.  The very best part of the lesson will take place exactly where her offense occurred…at school.  School desks are always constructed of hard materials and there is simply no padding seating to be found.  She will spend the next eight hours, with a painful and constant reminder of her behavior, as she struggles to try to sit comfortably.

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