Tag Archives: severe

High school girls receiving corporal punishment with a paddle

There are many aspects to a school paddling that make it quite effective and serves as a deterrent in preventing undesirable behavior at school.  Today we will break down the entire process and look at each element and how it … Read the rest of this entry

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Paddled at School, Paddled at Home

As a cheerleader and a very visible face for her school, Mable had always worked hard to stay out of trouble.  She had only ever been sent to the office a single time in her entire high school career, and … Read the rest of this entry

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414 School corporal punishment paddling videos

So you are visiting this blog which means that you like to see young ladies paddled in a school environment.  Chances are you want to see videos in which the paddlings administered are hard, yet realistic as to how corporal … Read the rest of this entry

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A high school girl is being paddled at school at this very moment

Right now, at this very moment as you read this post, a school paddling is taking place in the US.  Based on the statistics from the US Department of Education, from the first bell to the last bell, in schools … Read the rest of this entry

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A hard paddling for the high school girl to make sure she is sore for days

Paddling is used in high schools as a way to teach a young lady a lesson for inappropriate behavior that she has engaged in.  There are many variables that can make a paddling effective, but the main goal is the … Read the rest of this entry

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Paddling the high school girl with maximum severity produces the best results

He was not a sadist and he certainly did not find any joy or pleasure as a result of the paddlings he administered as part of his job as the assistant principal at a very large high school in the … Read the rest of this entry

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School corporal punishment paddling statistics

So when taking a look at the recent statistics on school corporal punishment in the US, as reported by the Department of Education in recent years, they show that 223,190 students were paddled at school during a single school year.  … Read the rest of this entry

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Grabbing her ankles for a proper school paddling

When it comes to a school paddling, there is really no position that is as great as when the young lady has to grab her ankles.  There are certainly many positions that a school administrator has to choose from, but … Read the rest of this entry

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Knowing when a school paddling has resulted in a very real lesson being learned

How do we know if a school paddling has been effective?  If it is done properly, the results will be visible every time the young lady attempts to sit down.  If she was really naughty and required a severe school … Read the rest of this entry

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Indicators that her bottom was paddled properly at school

There are many signs that demonstrate that a high school girl is learning a lesson during her before, during, and after her paddling.  The 1st sign, one that show things are being handled correctly, it that of fear.  This is … Read the rest of this entry

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