Paddled at School, Paddled at Home

high school girl school corporal punishment paddling

Having just chosen to be paddled, she considers hoe the paddle will feel over her yoga pants.

As a cheerleader and a very visible face for her school, Mable had always worked hard to stay out of trouble.  She had only ever been sent to the office a single time in her entire high school career, and on that day, she was given a warning.  Unfortunately for her, today, she was sent to the office for the exact same reason as before.  It was very clear to the vice principal that the warning that he gave her before served no purpose, so this was not a mistake that he was going to make again.  She was given the option of a two-week suspension from school or a ten-swat paddling.  The last thing she ever wanted was to be paddled, but a suspension would mean not being able to cheer at any event for that time period and homecoming was next week.  Another motivation for not being paddled was the fact that her dad had always made it very clear that if she was ever paddled at school, that she could expect the very same thing at home, but worse. It was not an easy decision, as she knew she was probably committing to being paddled twice on that day, but homecoming was too important to miss. Reluctantly, she made the decision to be paddled and as her day progressed, it was a decision that she would soon regret.

high school girl paddling

Presenting her bottom and waiting for her 10 swat school paddling.

She was immediately asked to stand up, place her hands on the dry erase board in the conference room where all school paddlings took place.  Instead of grabbing one of the evil looking paddles on the wall and getting right to work on her bottom, he sat back down and began filling out the required documents that accompany all applications of school corporal punishment.  She spent the next couple of minutes, her bottom on display, and properly presented to be paddled, to consider exactly what was about to happen.  She was quickly regretting getting in trouble during cheer practice, as she was wearing her workout leggings, and they were paper thin.  She could only imagine how bad each swat was going to feel, from those giant and evil looking paddles on the wall, with so little protection for her teen bottom.  After what felt like an eternity, but was actually closer to three minutes, he finally stood up and grabbed a paddle from the wall.

school corporal punishment paddling

She is just moments away from some very real learning as a result of school corporal punishment and the paddle.

Her heart began to race as he approached her.  It had been years since she had been spanked at home, but just like at school, her dad had always used a wooden paddle.  The paddle he used was much smaller, but always left her bruised and crying, so she could not even imagine how bad this was going to hurt with the giant paddle he now held in his hand.  He explained to her that for her safety, it was very important that she hold her position for the duration of her paddling.  He had learned a long time ago that he was doing no one any favors by applying a gentle paddling, and that only severe paddlings had any effect on someone’s behavior.  It did not matter to him that there was a petite, 18-year-old cheerleader presenting her bottom to him, she would get it just like any male would that was sent to his office.  He was an equal opportunity paddler, and everyone was paddled the same…as hard as he safely could apply the swats.

paddling school

The paddling begins and so does her lesson.

Once he warned her about holding still, she cringed as she felt the paddle touch her bottom.  Without another word being spoken, she felt the paddle lift from her bottom, and could see out of the corner of her eyes as the paddled was raised well above his head.  She tried to brace herself and prepare for the moment of impact, but nothing could prepare her for what she felt.  The paddle exploded against her bottom and the sound echoed throughout the conference room.  There was a brief second before the pain fully registered, but when it did, she was almost in shock.  Her eyes instantly filled with tears, and just as she was gasping for a breath, the next swat landed in the exact same spot.  It was more pain than she could even comprehend as a result of a spanking, but he was just getting started.  The next two were applied in the exact same manner, each about 3 seconds apart.  Her dad had always worked her whole bottom when he had paddled her, but all of these swats were being applied right where her bottom met the top of her thighs.

school paddling over yoga pants

He knows that real learning only takes place as a result of a severe paddling. Each swat makes contact with the muscles of her bottom assuring a long lasting lesson.

After the first four there was a brief pause and all she could hear was her own heavy breathing and gentle sobbing.  She knew there was no way that she could take anymore and she was about to ask for the suspension instead.  Before those words could leave her mouth, the paddling resumed, and there was no break at all.  The next 6 swats were applied as hard and as fast as he could swing, and her bottom could barely take it.  Six swats, expertly applied in less than 3 seconds, were enough for her to totally break down.  Her bottom was on fire in a way that she had never felt before.  Once it was all done he politely asked her to take a seat so she could fill out her portion of the paperwork.  Her mind was in a bit of a fog as she did as she was told and took a seat.  That fog was quickly lifted when her bottom made contact with the chair and she quickly realized that this punishment was nowhere close to being over.  She struggled in the chair as she signed the paperwork, and just like that, she was dismissed.  The only thing left for him to do, was to make that phone call, the one required by school policy, anytime corporal punishment is administered.  He had a quick chat with Mable’s dad, who was very supportive of the paddling being administered and made it very clear that it was not the last one she would be receiving that day.

school paddling on security camera

School policy now requires that all corporal punishment be administered in a room with security cameras to assure that all paddlings are applied per district rules.

Mable had a very rough day after that.  She had two more class periods, as well as a full-on cheer practice after school where they worked on their homecoming routines.  Sitting in class became more and more difficult as they day progressed, and she found every excuse possible to not be at her desk in class.  She had found a private moment to change before cheer practice, as she was quite sure that her bottom had to show the marks from her paddling.  Cheer practice was equally as painful as every movement seemed to add to the discomfort she was feeling.  With every step, kick, and jump, she was reminded of her behavior.  As hard as she tried, she also had the lingering thought in the back of her mind that this was not the only paddling she would receive that day.  She had been paddled maybe twice since the age of 14, it just was not as common in her teen years as it had been when she was younger.  Her dad had never been quick to spank her, but when he did, it was always an event to be remembered.  She kept trying to convince herself that it had been so long since her last spanking that he probably would not even give her one for this.

bruised butt from school paddling

Far too bruised to change in front of the rest of the cheer squad.

After practice, she did not even go to the locker room to change, as she was far too embarrassed for anyone to know she had actually been paddled at school.  She gingerly climbed into her car, and drove herself home with a very sore bottom, filled with dread as to what she would be facing when she got home.  She rubbed her bottom a little at the stop lights and found that it had actually become hard to the touch.  She had two raised areas at the bottom of each cheek that were stiff and sore.  She had not looked at it yet, but she could only guess that it was already probably bruised.  Her heart sank as she pulled up at the house and saw that her father’s car was already in the garage.  She slowly walked to the front door, her heart rate having doubled over the last 30 steps.


bare bottom paddling from dad for teen girl

Sent to get dad’s paddle that in just a moment will be used on her bare bottom.

She walked in and it was very clear within the first 10 seconds that he had been called and informed of the paddling at school.  He had very little to say except to reexplain his policy about “get it at school, then get it at home”.  With his voice slightly raised, which was never a good sign, he told her to go to his room and get the paddle, bend herself over the couch, and he would be with her shortly.  It had been quite some time since she had been sent to get the paddle, and she was a little surprised to see it in the same spot it had been kept for most of her life.  She thought that maybe he was done with using the paddle on her, but it seems it was always ready just in case.  Just holding it brought back some very real and painful memories.  She walked slowly to the living room, where all spankings were administered in their house, and bent over the arm of the couch.  She was very nervous, but thankful that her little brother did not seem to be home.  He always managed to find a way to be in the room when she was spanked, and he loved every minute of it.

bare bottom paddling for a teen girl

Waiting is often the worst part as she knows how that paddle is going to feel on her already bruised bottom.

She laid over the arm of the couch for a good five minutes.  Each time she heard his footsteps get closer to her, her heart sank, but he was taking his time.  It gave her a lot of time to contemplate how very bad this was going to be.  Just three hours before she was barely able to even sit down at the hard-wooden school desks, and now, here she was waiting to be paddled again.  Her dad’s paddle, one that he had constructed himself many years ago, was not as long or as thick as the school paddle.  His was more of an oval shape, and while the school paddle was large enough to cover most of her bottom with a single swat, dad’s paddle was perfectly sized to cover one cheek at a time.  It seemed like forever, but finally he finished what he was doing and approached her.

paddled on bruised bottom teen girl

Dad gets right to work with the paddle on her already sore bottom.

She knew why she was in trouble, and knew what was about to happen, so there were very few words spoken.  He grabbed the paddle, lifted her cheer skirt, lowered her panties, and went right to work.  He was quite surprised as to how bruised her bottom already was, but that did not influence the paddling she was about to get, she was going to get exactly what she had earned.  When he had paddled her in the past, he tended to cover every inch of her bottom, but on this day, he decided to take advantage of her already bruised bottom, and just work the sore spots.  Being that her right cheek seemed worse off than the left, he tried hard to balance them out.  The paddling started fast and very hard and she was kicking and crying from the very first swat.  He paddled the low spot on both her cheeks relentlessly and the bruises quickly turned darker.  She began to struggle and move out of position, which was quickly corrected with even harder paddle swats, and the warning “you better hold still or we will do this all night long”.  This was just enough motivation to keep her a little more still, but she still struggled.

bruising his teen daughters bottom with a paddle

He works hard to make sure her bottom is equally as sore on both sides.

The pain she was experiencing, being paddled on her bare bottom, just five hours after her previous paddling, was unbearable.  While she had received ten swats at school, which seemed like far more than that, but this paddling did not seem like it would ever end.  He would place a single swat on her right butt cheek and then several in a row on her left.  The bruises were quickly balancing out, and there would be no sitting position that was comfortable for her by the time he was done.  He had very similar feelings regarding corporal punishment that the vice principal did at the school.  If he was going to take the time to use spanking as a means of discipline, it needed to be an event to be remembered.  It did not matter how much she kicked, squirmed, or cried, the punishment would not end until the job was done.  It was her behavior that led them to this moment in time, it was simply his job to spank her in a manner that assured that this behavior never occurred again…ever.  From the current state of her bottom, as he continued to paddle her bare bottom, he was fairly confident that this behavior would be fully extinguished.  Towards the end, he slowed his pace with the paddle, and instead placed the hardest of swats, slowly and deliberately, very low on her bottom, making sure to include the top of her thighs.  This achieved the results that he was looking for, and just like that, the paddling was over.

rubbing sore bottom

Rubbing her sore bottom after her second paddling of the day.

She was instructed to return the paddle to exactly where she found it, as he was guessing that it might have been tucked away for a little too long and it might need to come out more often.  After he left she spent a minute drying her tears and rubbing her bottom.  It had hurt a lot, but now was almost a little numb.  She rubbed it for a good minute, feeling that it had grown even harder and more swollen.  She put the paddle back in her dad’s room and went up to hers to inspect her bottom.  She bared her bottom and looked in the mirror and could not believe the results.  Most of her bottom showed signs of bruising, but the lowest parts were a total mess.  She had a large bull’s eye looking bruise on her right cheek, and her left cheek was covered with smaller bruises from her dad’s paddle.  As every minute passed her bottom grew sorer.  She could feel a pulsating in her bottom with each beat of her heart and there was nothing pleasant at all about it.  That evening at dinner, she could barely hold still, but dad had made it clear that sitting at the table was the only option.  Her younger brother smiled his way through the entire meal knowing that his sister was sitting on a freshly paddled bottom, which dad had proudly announced before dinner.  She finished dinner and her chores and went to bed early, hoping that things would be much easier the next day.  When she woke up the next morning, she quickly realized that things were not better…they were far worse.

teen girl spanked

She will be a sore and sore girl for many days to come.

This two part video series is currently online in the member’s area of  Member’s are able to watch the 10 swat school paddling, and 50 swat bare bottom paddling, exactly as described in this post.  Exclusively at


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