Tag Archives: cheerleaders

School Paddling at Realspankings.com

It has been a while since I have reviewed the school corporal punishment scenes at Realspankings.com and boy have they been busy.  They have added 20 school paddling videos in the last 6 months alone, so in general, with the membership, … Read the rest of this entry

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The Very Best of School Paddling- 2019

Hell YEAH! Now Available at Spanking Library “I am pleased to bring you our latest video featuring the most realistic school paddling videos ever filmed.  These are some of my latest and greatest clips, with the realism and severity you … Read the rest of this entry

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Cheerleader school corporal punishment

Cheerleaders are the very visible faces of a school and represent them at most school events and activities.  As a result, within all cheer squads, there is a set of rules that they are to abide by, beyond those presented … Read the rest of this entry

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Clothing changes the effectiveness of a school paddling

No high school girl ever gets up in the morning, planning on getting in trouble that day at school.  If she attends a school that uses corporal punishment, if she did know, you could count on her dressing in a … Read the rest of this entry

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Paddled at School, Paddled at Home

As a cheerleader and a very visible face for her school, Mable had always worked hard to stay out of trouble.  She had only ever been sent to the office a single time in her entire high school career, and … Read the rest of this entry

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Waiting her turn

School policy does not allow one student to be paddled in front of another.  But he knows that the psychological effects of listening to a paddling, before getting hers, is quite an effective tool for correcting behavior.  The look on … Read the rest of this entry

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School Paddling- Short Shorts and Yoga Pants

School corporal punishment is still widely used in the Southern US for a reason…it works.  On a daily basis young ladies are required to bend over a desk, or place their hands on their knees, or maybe even required to … Read the rest of this entry

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Cheerleader Paddled in School

Cheerleaders are not immune from corporal punishment in high school, if anything, as school representatives the standards are higher.  From a recent update to the member’s area of Realspankings.com  you see a young cheerleader get a the kind of paddling … Read the rest of this entry

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Paddling a high school girl

The primary goal, of corporal punishment in school, is to provide pain to a girl’s bottom.  There are many more dynamics involved, but the reality is that most people do not like pain.  When there are school policies in place, … Read the rest of this entry

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High school cheerleader paddled by the principal

It started with a very public argument in the hallway, with dozens of students watching, which eventually led to both girls pushing each other.  The whole incident was witnessed by a teacher and they were both taken to the principal’s … Read the rest of this entry

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