Grabbing her ankles for a proper school paddling

When it comes to a school paddling, there is really no position that is as great as when the young lady has to grab her ankles.  There are certainly many positions that a school administrator has to choose from, but making her grab her ankles is far superior for so many reasons.  After all, the goal of a school paddling is to provide the teen girl with an experience that she would never want to repeat, so let’s take a look at why a girl being paddled while grabbing her ankles makes for a better learning experience.

grabbing ankles for a school paddling

The option for teaching a teen girl a lesson during a school paddling is for her to have to grab her ankles

Obviously a school paddling is meant by design to create discomfort for a female student.  That act of taking a large board and applying it forcefully to a bottom is never comfortable for the person receiving it, but by having her grab her ankles, the level of comfort is reduced on many levels.  The first factor is that it is not very pleasant to have to grab your ankles for any length of time.  It tends to pull on the muscles of the bottom and legs and it also sends more blood to the head.  Simply having a young lady assume this position for any length of time will not be a great experience for her.  Unless she is extremely flexible, this position gets very old very fast.

paddled at school

After grabbing her ankles and presenting her bottom, she is given time to think about why she is about to be paddled at school

The next factor is that of embarrassment.  While teen girls squeeze their bottoms into the tightest jeans they can possible fit in, and they do indeed do it to show off their bottoms for the boys, it is a much different world when she is commanded by a middle aged man, that she barely knows, to bend over and grab her ankles.  There may have never been a moment in her life where she was so acutely aware of her bottom being on display as when she grabs her ankles to be paddled.  She might like the boys staring at her butt as she walks down the hall, but the purpose of this man staring at her bottom is so he can perfectly aim the wooden school paddle in a manner to create as much pain as possible.  This is not the kind of attention she hoped her bottom would receive that day, and being bent over with her bottom completely on display, can be quite overwhelming and embarrassing for the teen girl.

teen girl paddling

A proper paddling for the teen girl involves her grabbing her ankles

Along with the embarrassment comes a feeling of vulnerability.  With her legs spread wide and her hands on her ankles, this does not feel like a safe place for her.  There is nothing comfortable or reassuring about it in any way.  She if left feeling silly for whatever she did that led her to this moment in her life.  There is not the security of having something to hold onto like a desk or a chair, it is just her and her body that are participating in this ordeal.  With her legs spread wide, the very essence of her womanhood also feels quite vulnerable, helping to achieve the most uncomfortable experiences as possible for her.

This position really allows her a sense of ownership in her punishment.  While this exists to a certain degree in any position for a paddling, it certainly is really brought home when she has to grab her ankles.  She is not being gently leaned over a desk, she as actively presenting her bottom in the most intimate of ways to be punished.  She is not struggling like a kid getting a spanking from mommy at home.  She knows that in a matter of moments that a heavy wooden paddle is going to be used to bruise her bottom.  Despite these very circumstances, she is doing what she is told and she is making her bottom available for this very event.  When the paddling begins, no one will be holding her in position, nor will she have the benefit of a wall, desk, or a chair to help her stay in position.  This position forces her to not only endure her punishment, but to assist.  She cannot just zone out and try to go somewhere else mentally, it will take all of her concentration to even maintain the position during the paddling.  It makes her a partner in her punishment and a very active participant.  It is her punishment after all, and it makes great sense for her to assist in the process of getting her bottom properly spanked.

bruised butt from a school paddling

Her bottom bruises more easily during her school paddling when she is made to grab her ankles.

A punishment is further enhanced if she is required to remain in this position for quite some time before her paddling begins.  There is no rule that states that a young lady needs to be paddled as soon as she assumes the position.  Bent over with her legs spread wide and her bottom in the air, is a perfect time for some reflection.  There is not a girl in this world who will not be deep in thought on why she is where she is, and what she can do to avoid it in the future.  This is the reason for the paddling in the first place, to get her to think about her action and to adjust her behavior accordingly.  If leaving her with her bottom on display further enhances this process, it should by all means be included.  There is also the added benefit that this position is hard to maintain for any length of time.  If her legs start to shake a little and her muscles become sore, then all the better.

While all of the above are good arguments for the use of this position, the real heart of any school paddling is the amount of pain applied to a young lady’s bottom.  Obviously there is a direct correlation between how hard a girl is paddled and how much learning takes place.  No girl has ever learned anything from a paddling that does not hurt, it is simply not a deterrent.  However, the more pain that is achieved, the greater the deterrent in the long run.  If the goal is to extinguish a behavior permanently, then as much pain that can safely be applied to her bottom, the better.  Now if by utilizing a position that can further help to increase the pain her bottom feels, I say it should be used every time.

school paddling

Proper school swats, in the proper position, leads to a properly bruised bottom

The science behind why a school paddling hurts more when she is grabbing her ankles is quite simple.  When a female is standing straight up it is possible to actually grab her bottom and hold it in your hand.  There is quite of bit of muscle and fat in a female bottom and it gathers in the curvy part of her back side when she is standing or walking.  When she is required to bend over slightly, you see less of that tissue as it begins to get spread out over a greater area when she bends.  With a girl bent at a 90 degree angle, it gets much harder to grab and hold onto any of that tissue on her bottom.  When she is required to bend fully and grab her ankles, the skin is pulled tight, and the softer part of her bottom almost disappears.  On a tight teen bottom, it would be almost impossible to grab her butt while she is in this position and be able to hold onto anything.  The fatty tissue is really pushed to the side and her muscles become tight and much closer to the surface.  If she were simply to be paddled over the fleshiest parts of her bottom, without her bending, it would not lead to her lesson lasting as long.  But with her muscles pulled close to the surface, they will be impacted much more, which leads to a very sore and very bruised bottom, which should be the goal of any proper school paddling.

school paddling

All of the padding in her bottom is pulled aside to make so the paddling will leave her bruised and sore for longer.

I think that the really good school administrators out there, the ones who really care about their students, should go the extra mile when applying a school paddling.  If they want to change lives and changes behaviors, they owe it to their students to make them grab their ankles for each and every paddling administered.  Through a combination of factors such as embarrassment, vulnerability, cooperation, and discomfort the overall learning experience that comes from a school paddling can be greatly enhanced.  Most importantly, the use of this position can really help convince a student that she never again in her life wants to receive another school paddling.  If done right, a young lady will leave his office with tears in her eyes and a bruised bottom, that will make sitting difficult for many days to come.

These scenes come from the very real school paddling videos at

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One Response to Grabbing her ankles for a proper school paddling

  1. Goodgirl says:

    I don’t think you can overstate the embarrassment. While I was bent over the secretary and the Principal discussed my corporal punishment slip endlessly, and at one point the Principal even remarked “bare is best” while staring right at my butt, which is not what a young lady wants to hear in that vulnerable position.

    They were simply trying to freak me out, of course, but they succeeded, and by the time the paddling began I was SOOOO humiliated, and a nervous wreck!