A Good School Paddling

When is a school paddling a good school paddling?  Good is a relative term as the young lady getting paddled might not see anything good about the event.  But I see a good school paddling as consisting of just a few basic requirements:

1) The girl being paddled needs to have done something that actually warrants her getting paddled.  It might be a major offense, or the combination, or repeat, of previous small infractions.

2) The paddling need to be administered by a strict, but caring administrator that has her best interests in mind.  The paddling needs to be administered with emotion being put aside and with the goal of helping her change her attitude and behavior in the long run.

3) The paddling needs to be effective and not just ornamental.  There are far too many school administrators that just go through the motions of paddling a young lady’s rear end, as it is quick and easy and gets the girls out of their office quickly.  But the purpose of a good school paddling is not to just have an option that allows a school principal to get right back to work with their administrative duties.  A good school paddling needs to hurt, and it needs to hurt a lot.  It needs to be a situation that hurts so very much, that she would never, EVER, want it to be repeated.  The negative stimulus being applied to her bottom needs to be something that she cannot bare.  This is what a good school paddling is all about.  It is about that negative stimulus being intense and long lasting, so that there is not a moment that goes by, in the next three days, in which she is not reminded of her behavior.  Every time she sits, and every time she sees her naked teen butt in the mirror, she should be reminded to behave.

school paddling

A good school paddling involves a girl bending over for severe swats

The next time she is presented with a situation at school, that she knows goes against school policy, she

school paddling

A good school paddling leads to her bottom looking like this.

should remember bending over and presenting her bottom.  She should remember that helpless feeling as he walked behind her with that heavy wooden paddle.  The flinching of her whole body as that paddled taps her bottom before the 1st swat should be fresh on her mind.  But most of all, she should remember the feel of that 1st severe swat making contact with her bottom, how she could have never imagined that level of pain, and how she yelled at the top of her lungs as her eyes filled with tears.  The feeling of not knowing how she could endure another swat, as it was indeed applied to her bottom, should never become a distant memory.  The memory of breaking down and weeping like a child, while being a legal adult, will always be in the back of her mind.  The looks on the faces of everyone that stared at her as she left the office in tears, and the embarrassment and humiliation that she felt as a result, should always help her decision making process at school in the future.  And finally, the reality that after a paddling is over, that is has just begun.  If it was a good paddling, she will never forget struggling through every class for the next several days as her bruised bottom made it impossible to sit comfortably.  Now that is a good paddling.

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