It is an injustice to the teen girl to not paddle her bottom in the most effective manner possible. The whole purpose of a school paddling is to provide a negative stimulus so as to reduce the chance of misbehavior in the future. When utilizing corporal punishment, the negative stimulus is pain. A little bit of pain to her bottom does very little good. If a young lady is paddled and it only hurts a little bit, the chances or her getting in trouble again are quite high. This is really not fair to the girl getting her bottom paddled. A paddling is a punishment, but it also serves to help guide her to make good decisions in her life. When she is a teen girl, the bad decisions she makes are often not all that harmful, but as she gets older, bad decisions can have far higher consequences. It is the job of the person tasked with the job of administering discipline to do so in a way that changes her behavior, before it is too late.

A proper school paddling. He swings the paddle as hard as he can, she is lifted up onto her toes. There is no doubt her teen butt is bruised from just the 1st swat.
It may be hard for some administrators to apply the paddling that is required. After all, we may just be talking about a 17 year old girl, 100 lbs., with a tiny teen butt. Her offense may not even be all that major in the grand scope of things. But it is often the little infractions, which build to become bigger infractions. If she grows used to getting away with the small things, it is a natural progression for her to push the boundaries in life. This progression outside of school can lead to jail, DUI’s, and even worse. Administrators need to take advantage of the situations as they present themselves and stop bad behavior on the spot. This is exactly why when that tiny teen bottom is bent over before him, even for something as simple as tardies, he needs to make a real difference in her life.
She needs to learn that there are consequences for all of her actions. She needs to know
that rules exist for a reason. She also needs to know that breaking the rules, however small, will lead to her receiving discipline. After all, is 30 minutes of detention after school really that much of a deterrent? On that same note, are three gentle swats with a wooden paddle that much of a deterrent? A school paddling is something that has been earned. It is her actions that have led to this event taking place in the 1st place. All schools have very clear and concise rules spelled out and every student knows when they are breaking them. It is not an accident; it is a conscious choice to misbehave. It is the duty of the person tasked with disciplinary issues as a school to do their very best when handling such problems. As a result, administrators who go easy during a school paddling are not doing the young lady any favors. In fact, it is the exact opposite and it is a disservice to the student being paddled. A young lady who walks away from her paddling thinking “that was not so bad”, learns nothing.
A school administrator, who has the best interest in mind of the students in his school, needs to suck it up and be strict. When he is choosing the type of paddle to have the shop teacher build for him, he needs to choose a hardwood. Why use pine when he can have an oak paddle? He should not go with the smallest dimensions as possible; he needs the biggest paddle the school will allow. Yes, a ½” paddle stings a bottom pretty good, but ¾” leaves much longer lasting impression. He should also choose a paddle that has holes in it. First of all, a paddle with holes is much more intimidating to the young lady it is about to be used on. In addition, it helps the paddle hit more forcefully as there is less air to displace as it strikes her bottom. A paddle with holes will also compress the skin slightly into the holes, and help with bruising.
Remember, we are talking about creating an experience that was not only very uncomfortable for the student, but one that she never again in her life wants repeated. It may seem a little unfair, or even cruel, but it is crueler to have a young lady that is not afraid to get in trouble as she can handle the consequences. We do not want her to be able to handle the consequences; we want her to fear them. Everything that can be done to make it a far worse experience the better it is for her. Besides using the most severe paddle as possible, there are so many other factors that can make her paddling worse. She should not be allowed to just bend over the desk and hold on; she should be made to grab her ankles. This pulls all of the muscles tight in her bottom, bringing them close to the surface. The closer the muscles are to the surface, and the tighter her bottom is stretched, the more pain she will feel. Once again, as with the paddle with holes, this will help with bruising.
Twice now I have stated “will help with bruising”. This is contrary as to how that term is

A properly paddled teen bottom the morning after her paddling. There will be no way for her to sit at school without being painfully reminded of her behavior.
usually used. Typically when people speak about something helping with bruising, they are referring to decreasing it, or making it go away quicker, this is not the case when it comes to a school paddling. A proper paddling, meant to teach a very real lesson, should be administered in a way to increase bruising. We do not want a young lady who gets a few pops to her butt, it goes a little numb, and then the experience is over for her. A proper paddling is done in a manner for it to not only hurt as much as physically and safely possible, but done so with the intention of making it sore for days, if not a week. There is a direct correlation between the amount of bruising and the amount of soreness she experiences. There is also a direct correlation between maximum soreness and learning. A bruised bottom equals results; it is as simple as that. There is no reason for a student to go home with a pink bottom when black and blue is an option. Not only will her bottom be almost too sore to sit for days, but it serves as a visual reminder for her. While the soreness might go away after 5-7 days, her bottom will be marked for up to two weeks. Every time she gets out of the shower and looks at her tight teen bottom in the mirror, there will indeed be a reminder for her of her previous behavior. This can also serve as a source of embarrassment in the school locker room and others see the results of her actions.

Even with a large paddle, he does not go easy. Notice that the paddle starts high in the air, he swings using his hips as well, his arm fully commits, and he even uses his wrist at the end for even more force. This si the type of paddle swat that teaches a real lesson.
It will be hard for many administrators, but they should know it is for her own good. When he grabs that heavy oak paddle and has her grab her ankles, it is indeed decision time for him. His instinct may be to go easy on her. After all he has this very heavy wooden board in his hand and sees her tiny little bottom before him. He could swing the paddle using just his wrist, or

Three days after her paddling, this is the results we are looking for and demonstrates that real learning took place.
maybe just the lower part of his arm. Yes, this will sting her little butt, he might even be able to get a couple of tears out of her, but once again, this would not be fair for her. If he really has her best interests in mind, that paddle will be lifted high in the air for each and every swat. He will not go easy at 1st and end with a few hard ones, tears should be the goal from the very 1st swat. When that paddle hits her bottom, she should be lifted onto her toes, with the sounds of both the paddle hitting her bottom and her reaction to it, should echo throughout the building. She should be in tears after just the 1st paddle swat on her bottom. Her bottom should be swelling and the bruises already forming. She should be thinking in her mind, after just one, that she will never misbehave again. The pain should be overwhelming, more than she can ever recall feeling. After just that one swat, she should have been taught the lesson of her life. We now have real learning taking place and have a situation that she will never again in her young life want to repeat. This is the reactions we want. This is giving her not only what she has earned, but what she deserves. He is now helping her with her life and helping her with becoming a productive and well behaved citizen. Her butt is bruised, throbbing, and she is crying uncontrollably, now for the nine swats.