Tag Archives: School Paddling

High school girls receiving corporal punishment with a paddle

There are many aspects to a school paddling that make it quite effective and serves as a deterrent in preventing undesirable behavior at school.  Today we will break down the entire process and look at each element and how it … Read the rest of this entry

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Forced to change clothes for her school paddling

Something that is rarely considered when it comes to the application of corporal punishment in the high school setting, is clothing.  Not all outfits actually allow for a paddle to be applied in a serious manner.  While yoga pants are … Read the rest of this entry

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Teen Girl School Corporal Punishment Paddling

In many schools in the South, corporal punishment is not rare, instead it is a common and everyday occurrence.  It is simply a fact of life for a teen girl who finds herself in trouble, that if she is sent … Read the rest of this entry

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School corporal punishment is alive and well

So, for today’s look to demonstrate that school corporal punishment is alive and well, we will take a peek at Castleberry High School in Texas.  This school did not allow corporal punishment until 2011, in which they not only instituted … Read the rest of this entry

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Clothing changes the effectiveness of a school paddling

No high school girl ever gets up in the morning, planning on getting in trouble that day at school.  If she attends a school that uses corporal punishment, if she did know, you could count on her dressing in a … Read the rest of this entry

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Paddled at School, Paddled at Home

As a cheerleader and a very visible face for her school, Mable had always worked hard to stay out of trouble.  She had only ever been sent to the office a single time in her entire high school career, and … Read the rest of this entry

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When a proper school paddling is working

As the person tasked with administering corporal punishment is unable to see the actual results of a hard paddling, they have to look for visual indicators, beyond what is happening underneath her clothing to assure that they are doing a … Read the rest of this entry

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Two girls paddled in high school

The recent figures released by the US Department of Education show that on the average, across the US, there are 1944 school paddlings administered a day.  Of these 1944 school paddlings, approximately 1/3 of the paddlings are administered to females.  … Read the rest of this entry

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Paddled by a high school teacher

While becoming a little less common than 20 years ago, there are still many school districts that allow teachers to paddle students, without a disciplinary referral to the school office.  In Mississippi, Alabama, and Oklahoma there are still dozens of … Read the rest of this entry

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School Paddling- Short Shorts and Yoga Pants

School corporal punishment is still widely used in the Southern US for a reason…it works.  On a daily basis young ladies are required to bend over a desk, or place their hands on their knees, or maybe even required to … Read the rest of this entry

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