School paddling caught on security camera

With the increased security risks of today, all modern schools have very sophisticated surveillance systems, especially in the common areas of the school. This certainly makes school security easier when all areas can be watched by on person on multiple screens.  Something else that modern schools have is a very detailed corporal punishment policy.  With all of the lawsuits that sometimes stem from corporal punishment being used in a high school setting, teachers and administrators do their best to follow the policies in place.

real school paddling captured on camera

High school girl’s paddling caught on security camera.

For those schools that allow teachers to take discipline into their own hands, one policy is generally common throughout…students cannot be paddled in full view of other students.  This means the day of bringing a student up to the desk, in the front of the room, to be paddled for all to see, are pretty much long gone.  This does not however, stop a teacher from pulling an unruly student, or students, out into the hallway for their paddling.  Teachers have been known to take students into the hallway, a classroom that is not in use, an empty gym, or even the stairwell of the school building for their paddling.

real school paddling video

Taken out into the hall for a hard paddling, all captured on the school video cameras.

One would have to guess that with these policies in place, and school security cameras covering all of the common areas, that there are many more school paddlings captured on tape than we could imagine.  Somewhere, in a tiny room, a school security officer gets to see teen girl’s bottoms paddled on a regular basis.  He sees a young lady marched into the hall, as she is required to grab her ankles, or put her hands on the wall, and a very fed up teacher gets to work on her butt.  He probably gets to see many different styles of paddling.  Teachers that just give a swat or two, teachers who always give the maximum number of swats allowed, even those very strict teachers she swing the large paddle with two hands.

school security tape of girls being paddled

The lecture before their school paddling is watched by the school security.

Even is this security officer has no interest in such things, you would have to imagine that it gets his attention as he watches the paddlings administered.  Imagine him sitting at the desk, staring at a screen of mostly empty monitors.  He might see the occasional student walking to the bathroom, or late for class, or maybe the custodian mopping up.  But then on one of his monitors, he sees four girls being escorted out of a classroom.  They are lined up on a wall as a very animated teacher is clearly upset and lecturing the girls.  He cannot help but notice that she is lecturing these high school girls with a large wooden paddle in her hand.

school paddling video

The security camera in the hallway captures her grabbing her ankles for a hard school paddling from a teacher.

She finally grabs a girl by the arm and walks through a door that leads to the stairwell.  He can’t help but switch his attention to the camera that he know they will be appearing on in any moment.  Sure enough, the teacher and the student appear in the frame as the young lady is made to grab her ankles.  He knows from seeing this enough times that this girl is really in for it.  This is a hard hitting teacher and she always gives the 6 swat maximum.  Sure enough, the paddle is raised high in the air and brought down hard on the pretty teen’s young bottom.  With just a moment’s pause the paddle is raised again and brought down full force.  He is secretly impressed that a high school girl can stay in position for such a hard paddling.  After all six swats, the teacher grabs the girl’s arm and marches her back down the stairs.

school paddling video real

The other girls listen through the door to their friend being paddled, they know their little butts will be the next ones to feel the paddle.

Back on the other camera he sees them enter the hallway again as the teacher grabs another girl by the arm and marches her upstairs.  He sees the teen girl rubbing her bruised and sore bottom and the other girls asking her how it was.  He also sees that she is wiping away tears.  As the paddling begins on the other camera, this girl also grabbing her ankles, he sees the girls waiting to be paddled, gathered at the door, listening to every swat.  They all seemed stressed as they know their little butts are next. He wonders what these four girls must have done to be getting corporal punishment.  From the looks of the paddling they are each receiving, he guesses they will not be doing it again anytime soon.

school paddling video

Grabbing her ankles and assuming the position for a school paddling in the stairwell.

When the second girl’s paddling is complete, the third girl is marched up the stairs to her fate.  She grabs her ankles, presenting her teen bottom perfectly for her paddling, and then is begins.  It is clear this one is struggling as she can barely keep her position.  He sees some added lecturing; he guesses that it’s about her inability to hold still. It takes a little longer for this one, but she receives the full amount of paddle swats and leaves holding her bruised bottom.

school paddling captured on video

A very hard paddling at school, while she is grabbing her ankles, all caught on a security camera.

The last girl is brought up and it seems clear to him that she must be the ring leader of whatever trouble they are in.  He thought the previous three girls got their butts blistered. But she really lays into this girl.  Each swat knocks her up onto her toes.  He is not even sure he could hold still for such a brutal school paddling…this teacher really swings for the fences.  It is clear that she is learning a lesson, how could she not be?  That large wooden board hits her tiny butt, time and time again.  He questions how these girls will be able to sit through their classes for the rest of the day, this is only 1st period, they have seven to go.  When this paddling is complete, he sees her wiping away the tears.

paddled at school by a teacher

With sore bottoms and tears in their eyes they are marched right back into class.

Just as quickly as it began it is over.  The last girl is walked down the stairs and back into the hall with the other three.  There are a few final words from the teacher and then they are all marched back into the classroom still rubbing their sore bottoms and wiping away the tears.  He wonders how embarrassing that part must be for these girls.  Walking back into a classroom, everyone knowing that they just got their teen butts paddled at school with tears still in their eyes to prove it.

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Assuming the position for corporal punishment at school

school corporal punishment

Being made to lay over the desk for her school paddling

When a girl gets spanked at home by her mom or dad, there can be a variety of positions used for her punishment. Different parents have different styles and preferences as to how they spank their daughters.  The choice of implement can also be a deciding factor for a young lady’s spanking.  While a hand or a hairbrush may be effective for an OTK spanking, a belt does not serve its true purpose in this position.

In a school setting, when a young lady’s bottom needs to be paddled, there are also many choices of positions for her to assume for her paddling.  Unlike a spanking from mom and dad, when a paddle is used for a spanking, great care has to be given with considering a position.  The main reason for this is that with some hard woods, the wood can actually be harder than bone, so she needs to be positioned in a way that her tailbone is out of the way of the paddle.  When a student is in a lot of trouble and a severe paddling is required, this cannot be more important.  The goal is to bruise her bottom and teach her a lesson, but not to create an actual injury.

school paddling discipline

Hands and elbows on the desk for a hard paddling at school.

The position for a paddling is about more than just bending her over so her butt is available for discipline.  The position she is made to assume can add to the overall dynamic of the punishment itself.  Yes, just having her lay over a desk is quick and convenient and an easy way to get the job done, but some of the other positions add discomfort and embarrassment to the process.  When a young lady is told to just lay over a desk, all she really has to do is sit there and take her paddling.  When she is made to assume a different position, she becomes an active participant.

hand on knees for school corporal punishment

Hands on her knees makes her an active participant in her school paddling

Take for instance the position of having to bend over, in the middle of a room, or a hallway, with her hands on her knees.  There is nothing for her to grab onto during her paddling.  She has to actively cooperate during her paddling and work hard to maintain this position.  When a severe swat is placed onto her bottom, it tends to want to knock her forward.  This is her punishment, she earned it, it is fair that she have to help out with is and work hard to help see it to completion.

Another effective position is when she is bent fully at the waist with her arms outstretched and placed on a wall or the edge of a desk.  This position is not very comfortable and it is not a position anyone really assumes for any reason in life other than corporal punishment.

school paddling punishment

Bending over at school for a severe paddling.

It really reminds her of what is about to happen and why she is there.  With her body stretched out and her legs spread wide, it really creates a sense of vulnerability.  Another benefit of this position is that it requires her hands to stay in place.  Her balance is off and a single hand moved causes her to fall forward.  This position creates great stability as her arms and hands are in direct line with her bottom.  Very hard swats can be applied to her teen butt and she will not move at all.  This is an ideal position when the occasion calls for severe corporal punishment.

bending over for a paddling at school

Taken outside the classroom, into the hall, to have her teen bottom paddled severely, in such a way that she will never forget.

Probably the most effective, as it combines all of the above aspects is when a high school girl is made to bend over and grab her ankles for her school paddling.  This is the most embarrassing position for any girl who is getting paddled.  She is presenting her butt to be paddled

grabbing ankles for a school paddling

The worst of all of the positions to be paddled in at school…grabbing her ankles.

in just about the most intimate way.  When she bends over and grabs her ankles, just about every part of her body disappears except her bottom.  This really puts a focus on what is about to happen and what part of her body it is going to happen to.  She is very focused not only on the pain she is about to feel, but the fact that her bottom is on display.  For the person administering the paddling and the person who is witnessing it this is also their entire focus.  It is generally not appropriate as an adult male administrator to stare at the bottom of a 17 year old girl, but this is a situation in which is it basically a requirement.  This position is also more effective is she is made to assume it for some time before and after her paddling.  It is very effective to tell a young lady that she is going to be paddled, have her stand up, move to the middle of the office, and grab her ankles.  Then the appropriate paperwork is completed, the office door is opened as her goes to find a witness.  She becomes very aware of the students and staff members that pass by the office door, while she is there with her bottom in the air.  She has a lot of time to consider what brought her here and the paddling that is about to be administered.  With her bottom stretched that tight, she knows it is going to be a bad one.

These animations come from the member’s areas of and Join one site and you get full access to the other, plus full access to and One membership with full access to four teen girl sites that heavily feature school corporal punishment in progress.

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School paddle on display as a warning

school paddling

Sent to the principal, she cannot help but notice the school paddle hanging on her wall.

There are many houses throughout the world in which the implement that is used to punishment the bottom of a teen girl is prominently on display.  This is most typical in a community in which corporal punishment is very common and acceptable in most of the households.  It is not considered out of place or unusual to guests of the home, it is simply a reality.  It does however create a bit of embarrassment for the young lady whose bottom it is used on.  It is not only a daily reminder to her that her but can still be spanked at any time, it lets any friend of her that comes over know that there is no doubt that this teen girl still gets her bottom spanked.

It might be as plain and out in the open as a Spencer paddle, hung on a

school corporal punishment teen girl

She knows one of those paddles will be used on her bottom, but which one?

nail, right there in the middle of the family room, or a little more obscure like on a wall inside the laundry room.  I knew one girl when I was growing up that had her own paddle hanging on the wall in her room.  When I asked her about it, she was quite embarrassed and clearly lied to me by telling me she thought it was kind of cool so she hung it on her wall.  There was no doubt that it was indeed used to paddle her 14 year old bottom and I suspected each of her siblings probably had their own on their walls.

The tradition of displaying an implement is also alive in well in the school of the US that allow paddling.  Many principals, coaches, and teachers display a paddle, or multiple paddles on the walls of their offices or classrooms.  The primary reason is it serves as a reminder that regardless of a student’s age, that as long as they attend high school, they may still be subjected to

school corporal punishment

So many paddles and they are all so big. Her bottom will be bruised and sore for sure.

having their butts paddled. A girl may be 17 or 18, she may no longer get spanked at home, but as long as there is a school corporal punishment policy that allows it, she may indeed be subjected to a spanking at school.

A paddle hanging on the wall in a classroom does not have quite the same effect on a young lady’s nerves as the one hanging in a principal’s office.  Most students only see the inside of a principal’s office when they are sent there for disciplinary issues.  When she invited into his office and asked to sit down, this is typically the 1st thing she notices.  She studies every detail of the paddle.  Most students are aware they attend a school that they can be paddled at, but for many, they have never actually seen the paddle used.  It always seems huge in their eyes, they notice how thick it is, and they also notice that it seems well worn.  There is no doubt that this is not an ornamental paddle, it is really used to paddle teen butts.

In some schools, there is a room in which the paddling of students takes place, often in the main

girl paddled at school

School corporal punishment will be applied to her bottom.

office area, but in such a place that there is a little privacy.  Many students, told they are going to be paddled, are sent to that room to wait.  Some principals have multiple paddles, they may vary based on offense as well as the sex and age of the students.  A young lady sent to wait for her punishment, in a room with multiple paddles, can’t help but wonder which one will be used on her bottom.  Her eyes are transfixed on the biggest of paddles, wondering why in the hell a paddle that large even exists.  She tries to convince herself that there is no way that this paddle will be the one used on her butt.  After all, this is her 1st offense; she is 115 lbs., and a pretty good student.  That paddle must be used on the very bad kids, or the football players, anyone but her.

school paddling children

Grabbing her ankles to be paddled and her worst fears come true, he reaches for the big paddle.

Left alone with only her thoughts, far too long as far as she is considered, she convinces herself that the smallest paddle could be the only one to be used on her.  He finally enters the room, has her sign the paperwork that acknowledges that she will be paddled.  As she signs it she sees that she will be receiving six swats.  She is a little relieved as she knows that he is allowed to give as many as ten, which makes her feel he is going to go a little easy on her.  He tells her to step up to the line, widen her stance, and grab over and bend her ankles.  As she reaches down to grab her ankles, her jeans pulling tight on her bottom, she sees him walk up to the wall of implements and grab the biggest paddle on the wall…oh shit!


grabbing ankles for a school paddling

And it begins…the first swat with his biggest paddle.

Images come from the family of sites.  More than 200+ realistic school paddling videos included with the pass.

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The Wait

Just the thought of receiving a hard school paddling can create much anxiety for a high school girl.  This concept alone adds a lot to the effectiveness of a school paddling and quite often administrators, teachers, and coaches use this to their advantage.  It is a simple concept that I like to call “the wait”.

school corporal punishment

Just giving the news that she is to be paddled, she begins to tremble, her heart rate increases, and the heavy breathing begins.

Every school paddling is going to involve some aspect of the wait and some are more deliberate than others.  The most basic version is a young lady being sent to the office, checking in with the secretary, and then having to wait quite some time before she is seen by the principal.  This is not

school corporal punishment

Waiting and wondering if her bottom will be paddled or not.

deliberate; he may just be busy at the moment or have another student in his office.  There is no set time that she will be waiting; he will simply see her when he is able to.  A lot can go on in her head during this period of time.  She has time to think about what she did, if her parents are going to be notified, the fact that she is missing class, but most of all her thoughts are on the school’s corporal punishment policy.  The thought that she cannot escape is whether or not her butt is about to be paddled.  She knows her school paddles, she knows girls can be paddled, and she knows the principal’s reputation for paddling hard.

The next step in the chain as far as the wait, is when a young lady has met with the principal and has been told she will indeed be paddled.  There are many variations on this form of the wait.  It might be as simple as him filling out the paperwork, getting someone to witness it, and grabbing

school paddling

She hears the verdict…her bottom will be paddled in just a moment.

the paddle.  At the very least, she has 2-3 minutes before her paddling is to take place. This is the shortest variation of the wait, but a lot can go through her head in those few minutes.  She thinks about the last spanking she received, she thinks about everything she has heard about the school paddling, she wonders what position she will have to assume, how many swats she will get, and mostly…how much will it hurt.

For those tasked with the job of paddling a young lady’s bottom at school, they may be more creative with the wait and take full advantage of the effectiveness of making a student wait some time before her paddling.  Often a young lady is told to return to his office later in the day, during lunch, or after school   Her day becomes so much longer as all she can think about is that paddle she saw on his desk hitting her little butt.  Classwork, lectures, time with friends, they are all wasted…all she can think about is that she will be spanked at school, with a wooden board, from a man with a reputation for bruising bottoms.

cheerleader paddled texas

Amber, paddled at school when she was 17.

There is a famous case from a decade ago at Grand Prairie high school where the cheerleader captain, 17 year old Amber Page, was sentenced to a paddling for smoking on campus.  She was told that she would be paddled and would also be kicked off of the cheer squad.  For the moment, it was left at that and she was sent back to class.  The following Monday, the day she was sure she would be paddled, she detailed in a newspaper article that she wore heavy shorts, with overalls over the shorts, to pad her butt for a paddling that she was quite nervous about receiving.  She went to the

amber page paddled at school

Picture from the newspaper article that described her paddling at school.

office that morning, but was not paddled, he did not have the time at that moment.  In fact it would be several days before she was actually paddled and the wait had to be something terrible for her.  Every moment of every school day, she was consumed with the thought that she could be called to the office for a paddling at any time.  As the whole story unfolded and was reported on the news, she waited close to a week for her paddling and he chose a day that he saw her walking down the hall in a short and thin mini-skirt.  So much for her padded bottom, she got a very hard and embarrassing paddling in her tiny little skirt.

While the wait can be difficult when she has to go hours or even days before being paddled, one of the very hardest parts is when she has reported for her paddling and is sitting outside the office.  This is it, this is the moment that all of the stress

school corporal punishment

Waiting outside the office to have their butts paddled at school

and apprehension she has been feeling has been building up to.  She has been nervous about her paddling for a few hours to a few days, but this is the worst part.  She has tried to picture in her head how it is going to go, she has imagined the position, who might witness it in the office, but now all she can think about is the pain.  She has been able to talk to a couple of friends who have been paddled and they did not seem to be exaggerating when they described to her how bad it is.

One of the worst case scenarios for the last minute wait is when she is not the only girl being paddled that day.  She sits down with another girl who is also about to be paddled.  They share a nervous look, no words are spoken, they are both there for the same thing.  Who knows, she may have even gotten in trouble with this girl, or in a fight with this girl, but all of that is behind them at least for a moment.  Their thoughts are focused solely on the paddling they are about to receive.  The wait gets harder for the girl who is not 1st.  Now a

school paddling

Which girl will be paddled first?

few of her questions are about to be answered as she consider her paddling, as she is able to actually hear it take place.  The door opens and the 1st girl is invited in and he asks the secretary to come in and join them.  She now at least knows who is going to watch.  The door may be closed for some privacy, or left open and she is able to hear every word.

But the very worst part of this part of the wait is listening to the other girl getting paddled.  She has pictured it, imagined it, talked to her friends about it, but nothing fully prepared her for the sound.  This is not a spanking like she received when she was a little girl, it sounds like firecrackers going off in that office.  The 1st loud explosion startles her, it takes her a second to full process what the sound was, but it becomes clear when she hears the girl’s reaction.  A second later the next shot goes off and she just buried her head in hands, she knows that in 2 minutes, that sound will be that paddle, landing on her butt…there is no need to wait, the tears are already starting.

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The worst part of school corporal punishment

school corporal punishment

Receiving corporal punishment at school in front of a witness.

There are so many aspects to a school corporal punishment that make it an effective form of discipline. At the very moment that each of them are taking place, it seems like the worst part for the unfortunate young lady whose behavior led her to this place in her life.  Being lectured like a little kid, when she is almost a grown woman seems so very bad at the time.  Being told to stand up and present her bottom to be paddled seems like the worst part as it happens. As some stranger gets called into the office to witness, as she is bent over with her butt on display she is horrified and does not think it can get any worse.  All of those thoughts quickly go away as the 1st paddle swat lands on her bottom.  The 1st paddle swat being the worst part, is quickly fixed when another hits the same spot on her bottom.

A few swats into her paddling the tears begin to flow and now she is in as much pain

school corporal punishment

Her bottom throbs from corporal punishment administered at school

as she has felt before and crying like a child, clearly this must be the worst part.  The paddling is finally over and she heads back to class.  It is clear that the word has spread that she was getting paddled, and as she walks back into class already in progress, with her makeup clearly a mess, the looks on everyone’s faces let her know that they all know that she was just spanked like a child in the principal’s office.  This feels like the worst part of her punishment until she tries to sit down.  Her bottom is so sore, this must indeed be the very worst part.

Class ends and as much as it hurt to sit, it seems a whole new set of muscles are sore as she stands up.  She cannot believe how much her muscles have tightened up in the last 30 minutes, with every step her bottom seems to hurt more and more.  Then she is in the hall, at her locker, getting her books for her next class and her boyfriend sneaks up behind her and gives her a hard smack and asks her how her bottom is feeling.  The pain is intense and she fights back the tears.  She shoots him a look of death as everyone giggles at her discomfort…there is no doubt in her mind this is the worst part.  Her butt has never been so sore, everyone is giggling at her and making jokes, she is pissed at her boyfriend, and was just spanked like a child…nothing could be worse.

bruised butt from school corporal punishment

School corporal punishment can indeed lead to a very bruised bottom.

She gets home that afternoon and it is immediately clear from the look on her mom’s face that school called home and let them know what she did and that she was paddled for it.  The rules in this house are clear, get it at school, get it at home.  Her mom sends her to her room and tells her that her dad will be home in an hour to take care of her bottom.  Lying on her stomach, on her bed, waiting for her dad to get home and spank her butt, nothing could be worse than this.  An hour later she hears the squeaky brakes of her dad’s car pulling up, the front door opening and closing, and the muffled sounds of her parents talking.  She hears her dad’s footstep coming down the hall, she knows if her door opens then he will be using his belt, if he goes to the closet at the end of the hall, it will be dad’s paddle.  Her heart is racing, the footsteps get closer as she hears him walk right past her door…he is getting the paddle, how can she take the paddle on her bottom that already hurts so bad…nothing could be worse than this.

She hears the closet door open, the paddle banging on the inside of the door where it hangs on a

corporal punishment from dad

Corporal punishment from dad after her school paddling.

little hook.  It is kept out of sight from visitors to their home, but it is never really that far away.  The footsteps return towards her door and it opens.  Dad is visibly upset, he has no tolerance for smoking, which was her offense and he can barely find the words.  Her dad is not only mad at her, he is so very disappointed, nothing can be worse than this.  He tells her to stand up, place a pillow over the edge of her bed, and to bend over it.  As she starts to bend over he corrects himself, he means to bare her bottom and bend over.  It has been at least 5 years since he has spanked her bare bottom and just as long since he has even seen it.  As embarrassed as she has ever been, she find herself pulling down her pants and panties, lying over a pillow, putting her ass up in the air to be paddled, clearly this is as bad as it gets.

corporal punishment results

sore butt from corporal punishment

Every thought of being embarrassed, every thought that has been swimming in her head for the past 5 hours about how bad things are, are quickly replaced.  As his heavy frat style paddle hits its mark, all she knows is pain.  Over the last four hours her bottom has done nothing but grow sorer.  It is clear how mad her dad is by the intensity of the paddle swat.  She cannot recall ever being spanked this hard by him.  She thought the school paddling was rough, but this paddle, his intensity; on her bare bottom…nothing could be worse than this.  He typically paddles her butt between 10-12 times, and that is over her pants.  Through her tears she counts each swat in her head knowing it is close to being over.  When number 13 is applied to her bottom, she knows it is not over.  When he keeps paddling her butt after 20 she knows that nothing in the world could be worse than this.

She quits counting after 20 and has no idea how many she got total, all she knows that is when it is

corporal punishment from parents

Checking the results of hard corporal punishment applied at school and then again at home.

over, she really knows what true pain feels like.  Her dad quietly leaves the room and closes the door and she is alone with her tears.  How did she get to this moment in her life, why did she decide to have a cigarette at school, why cannot she not stop crying?  It takes her a full 20 minutes to compose herself and stop the tears.  Nothing could be worse until she pulls herself off the bed and looks at her bottom in the mirror on her wall…black and blue from top to bottom.  It was hard enough and lasted long enough that it had gone a little numb, but she knows from looking at it, it will not be numb for long.

Less than 30 minutes later her mom calls her down for dinner.  She is asked to set the table and when it is finally time to eat she looks at the hard wooden dining room chair that she is going to have to sit on.  She would prefer to skip dinner at this point but she knows it is not an option.  She winces in pain as she tries to sit and her parents just share a look, the look of success that she has been taught a very real lesson, and they are confident that smoking will never be an issue again.  Her little brother and sister have a nice laugh as the brother jokes, “what’s wrong your butt too sore to sit”? At this point, at this very moment, nothing could be worse than this.

She goes to bed that night and sleeps on her belly.  She tosses and turns all night long, constantly being woken up by her throbbing bottom.  It has not gotten better with time, it seems to be getting much worse.  She finally falls fully asleep about an hour before her alarm goes off.  She stands up, it hurts to walk, it hurts to move, every task seems like a chore.  She waits her turn for the

sore butt from corporal punishment

A very sore bottom will make her school day difficult.

bathroom, goes in and finds she cannot even sit to pee.  She ends up squatting over the toilet, in her own house, like it is some nasty public restroom.  It hurts to dress, even putting on her panties hurts more than she can bear.  In the 30 minutes she has been awake, her eyes have filled with tears three different times, she cannot believe how much her butt hurts, this has to be as bad as it gets.

She finally gets to school and it is clear that after a night of people on Facebook and Twitter the word has spread.  Students love to prey on the misfortune of others and the teasing starts immediately.  “Someone is walking a little slow today”, “good luck sitting down”, “awwww Sarah got her little bottom paddled”, “bad girls get spankings”.  Her bottom is black and blue, her boyfriend is mad because of the attitude she gave him the day before, the kids are teasing her, her dad is still a little pissed, her siblings would not stop the jokes on the way to school, it hurts to walk, the pants she chose are far too tight and are not helping the issues at all….this is as bad as a paddling gets.  Then she walks into her 1st class and tries to sit down on a hard wooden desk…the worst is yet to come.

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The 1st swat of a hard school paddling is always the worst

Even for the young lady who has been spanked by her mom and dad her whole life, and is even still spanked at home as an older teen, the shock of her first school paddling can be overwhelming.  Typical parents, ever very strict ones, tend to use implements that have a lot of sting to them, most often a leather belt.  Even when used on a girl’s bare butt it takes many strokes of the belt to really make a bottom sore for a long time.  There is a tremendous amount of sting associated with the strapping, especially as it is being applied, but a belt never really achieves a thud like a hard paddle swat.

school paddling corporal punishment

She thought she was prepared for the 1st swat of her school paddling, her face tells a different story.

School paddles are made large, thick, and heavy for a reason.  The primary reason is that school administrators are limited in the amount of swats they can apply to a young lady’s butt, so the implement needs to be effective with as few as three swats.  In addition, you have to factor in that the student is wearing pants and panties, so much of the sting of an implement applied directly to bare skin is minimized.  A large paddle needs to have much weight behind it to really make an impression.

school corporal punishment

The typical look, she squints her eyes, grits her teeth, and waits for it. There is a half a second after the swat where she thinks it might not have been that bad, but then you see it…her eyes go wide and her mouth drops wide open.

While you would think that is would be the last swat of a school paddling that hurts the most, this is generally not the case.  After a hard school paddling consisting of many swats, a girl’s teen bottom tends to go a little numb.  Her body starts to combat the pain after the first few swats by producing endorphins.  This is the body’s natural way to deal with unbearable pain.  This is often why a few minutes after a paddling a girl might report that it does not hurt as bad as she thought it would.  Fast forward 30 minutes and she will certainly be retracting that statement.  Once the endorphins stop flowing, the real pain from her paddling sets in.  Depending on the severity of the paddling, this pain can last as long as 3-4 days.

school corporal punishment

Each girl reacts differently to the 1st swat or her paddling. This young lady instantly starts to hyper ventilate as the pain travels from her bottom to her brain.

The reality is, the most painful swat from a paddle is the 1st one.  There is the anticipation leading up to the event, being told she is going to be paddled, bending over and presenting her bottom, and then the 1st lick being applied in a serious manner.  If the paddle is applied properly, that 1st swat will almost always take her breath away.  You can see it in the gifs included with the post and in many of the paddlings shown here, you can see it takes a moment for it to sink in.  There is the squinting of the eyes, her mouth drops open, and then you can see the pain register.  There is nothing to prepare a high school girl for a well-placed, full force paddle swat to her teen bottom. 

girl paddled at school

The 1st swat sinks in and the learning process begins.

The heavy board compresses her skin and then digs deep into the muscles of her tight bottom.  The muscles are compressed from the heavy wood paddle and this is what creates bruising.  This is also what teaches a long lasting lesson and provides a learning experience.  Unlike a whoopin at home from dad, the learning begins for this young lady from the very 1st swat.  While one swat is never enough to fully get the job done, a severe swat can indeed lead to long term bruising and a sore bottom for a day or two.

teen girl school spanking

Her whole body fights the pain. She wants to run, escape, do anything than take another swat…just 9 more to go.

Picture the 18 year old high school senior whose last spanking was over her mom’s knee, with a hand, when she was 5 years old.  Now it is 13 years later and her only frame of reference of a spanking was as a little girl over mom’s knee.  She is told she is going to be spanked at school and figures it can’t be that bad.  But then there is the whole formality of the situation.  Papers are being signed, a witness is brought in, it is not as simple as being pulled kicking and screaming over mom’s knee.  Her nerves really kick in when the large oak paddle is pulled from the drawer, she is told to stand up, a couple of chairs are moved out of the way, and she is told to bend over.  She is not told to simply bend over, he fine tunes her position.  She is told to bend more at the waist, widen her stance a bit, place her hands flat on his desk, head up and eyes forward.  This is definitely not a spanking from mommy.  He walks around behind her, the witness is focused on her watching every detail on her face.  She jumps as the paddle touches her bottom for a brief second.  He announces to the witness what she did and how many licks she will be receiving with the paddle.  Her heart races even more as she tries to prepare for it, as not it seems she is in over her head.  She can see out of the corner of her eye, the paddle high in the air, almost touching the ceiling.  And then it happens, the 1st swat.

teen school spanking

Her mouth says it all, her bottom is being bruised from her school paddling and she is learning a lesson that she will never forget…and that is just the 1st swat.

It is clear from the looks on the girl’s faces in the gifs above, that they are not acting.  These are the looks of young ladies, receiving the 1st of many swats with an authentic wooden school paddle.  Yes, they may be models, but acting goes out the window when that 1st swat lands on their bottoms.  The punishments are hard, they are authentic, and they are applied just as they are in the high schools of America.  All of these gifs were animated from real school paddling videos in the member’s area of

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teen paddled in high school

The paddle is clearly visible and she knows it will be used on her tiny teen butt in a matter of moments.

There is no real clear reason why some principals paddle harder than others.  Some take discipline very seriously, some may just be having a hard day, and there are some who grew up receiving that type of discipline themselves and know that sometimes this is what is required to keep an older teen in line.  There are those that look back at the good old days when teen girls were more respectful, much more modest, and had better manners in general.  They see it is as their job to make girls a little more grounded and better behaved in general.

This type of principal is every high school girl’s worst nightmare and

school corporal punishment

Being told to bend over for her school paddling, this one is going to be bad.

what makes it even worse for them, is when it is a school that allows corporal punishment.  Now you have an angry female administrator who takes personal offense to the transgressions of the young ladies in the school.  She is not one of those principals who distances herself from the process and paddles young bottoms free of emotion.  It is her mission to change the hearts and the minds of these young ladies, one bottom at a time.

She is able to look back at her own childhood and remember long sessions over mom’s lap with her grandmother’s antique wooden hairbrush, the same one that was used on her mom growing up.  She remembers her bare bottom being spanked for what seemed like hours at a time.  She remembers the spanking being applied until she quit squirming and quit crying altogether.  She also remembers her bottom being black and blue for days and literally not being able to sit.  She remembers the occasional follow up hairbrush spanking the next morning, on her bruised bottom, just to be sure the point had been made.  Most of all she remembers that after such a spanking, she was on her best behavior for months.  As brutal as it seemed at the time, she survived each and every one of them, and it taught her to be the women that she is today.  In retrospect, she felt it did her some good.

school paddling punishment

She prepares to be paddled, with the principal’s large maple paddle.

Now she is not just in charge of her own kids, but has been given the task of raising a whole school of young women and handling their discipline.  She cannot spank them like she does her own daughters; school policy has limits as to how she can administer a paddling.  If

school discipline girls

She is about to receive the school paddling of her life.

she had it her way, every one that found herself in her office would certainly be baring their bottoms and she would not be limited to 10 swats with the paddle.  But she has to work within the rules of the school, though she sure as hell is going to make sure that a real impression is made on the bottoms and attitudes of the girls she sees on a daily basis.

She has found many ways to make a trip to her office as uncomfortable as possible, while still following the school guidelines.  There is no policy that states what type of paddle she can use.  She had a nice and long conversation with the shop teacher and had him make her a very large, and very heavy maple paddle.  She was very specific that the handle needed to be long enough that she could swing it with two hands.  She figures that if she is limited to ten swats, she will make them

teen bottom paddling

That two handed paddle swing leaves will leave a long lasting impression on her tiny teen bottom.

each count.  As a woman who played softball in college, she has a swing that has a way of sticking with a girl for many days.  She takes advantage of the presence of her large paddle and leaves it hanging on the wall next to her desk.  This is the 1st thing each and every girl sees when they enter her office.

During the lecture with a student, she references the paddle frequently.  Over what is at least a 10 minute conversation, they have been told close to 10 times about the padding they are going to get.  She loves to drop comments like “we will be fixing that problem in just a few minutes with that board on the wall”, or “don’t worry, I am pretty sure this can be corrected with ten hard

young student paddled at school

She paddled young butts to achieve results.

swats to your bottom”, and comments like “once you’ve been paddled long and hard, I am sure you will see it differently” and “you will be amazed at how your behavior will change after a few days of trying sit on a bruised bottom”.  She has no problem with, and is very good at, bringing them to tears before it ever starts.

Eventually the lecture ends and the actual paddling must begin.  She breaks her down as far as she can mentally and then it is time for the physical part of the punishment.  She has her stand up, and then makes a big production over pulling the paddle from the wall.  She will sometimes hold it with both hands and do a few practice swings, before she bends over, so she can see what she are really in for.  She holds it with two hands, just

crying from a school paddling

The tears from her school paddling start immediately.

like a bat, and swings it the same way.  The young lady is then told to bend over and place her hands on the bricks on the wall.  She is made to bend fully at the waist with her arms extended way out.

This is where it gets serious as she knows she only has 10 swats to make her point.  It does not matter the size or age of the girl, she is going to swing for the fences with each one.  Before every paddling she administers, she thinks back to the severity of the hairbrush spankings she endured.  She thinks of the extreme pain she experienced, she thinks about how it seemed like it would never end, but mostly she thinks about how much she learned from those trips over her mother’s knee.  She raises the paddle high above her head, with both hands, and thinks about providing that same experience for the girl bent over before her.

tiny teen school paddling

The giant paddle is very effective on this tiny teen bottom.

With every ounce of energy in her body, she swings that paddle with bad intentions.  When that giant paddle hits the tiny teen bottom before her, it achieves results from the very 1st swat.  The young lady experiences pain like she has never felt before.  She is knocked up onto her toes and in an instant her teen bottom sends a signal to her brain. This swat alone would be enough to teach any teen girl a real lesson, but she has nine to go.  The tears start to flow, her butt begins to throb, and then

bruised butt paddling

A severely bruised bottom from a severe school paddling.

the next swat is applied in the exact same manner, on the exact same spot. This principal learned long ago to ignore the crying and pleading, this is being done for this student’s own good.  If anything, the tears and blubbering motivate her to keep up the good work.  She knows that she is making the most of each swat.  She knows that while she only gets ten, that she is getting the job done.  She knows that this sassy, unruly, and impolite teen girl is going to have a change in her attitude.  She knows that as long as this young lady attends this school, that she will never be back in this office again.  This school paddling is not just a punishment for an infraction of the school rules, it is a life changing event.  This 18 year old high school girl is bruised, sobbing, sore, and sorry…just 8 more swats to go.

school paddling high school

A hard, 10 swat, two handed paddling for a high school girl.

The above visual come from a two handed paddling Jessica received in the member’s area of when she was only 18 years old. A real teen who was really paddled in high school and discusses it on her site. A membership to her site buys a four pack to all of the teen sites on the network. All of these teen sites include very real school paddling videos.

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What does a real school paddling video look like?

What really goes on behind the closed office doors when a girl is paddled at school? Unless you have actually been paddled at school, you have no way to know.  What we do have are very real recreations of teen girls getting paddled in a school office environment.  Ask any girl who was actually paddled at school what it is like and she will describe something similar to below.  A stern administrator  being bent over a desk, and having her teen bottom paddled hard with a large wooden paddle.  The real teen below is actually paddled hard enough that the 1st paddle breaks on her tight bottom.

This very real school paddling video is from a recent update from the member’s area of 19 year old Roxie is fast becoming one of my favorites and her “School Swats” scene from last week’s update is amazing.  This is a full video of one of these two girls getting her bottom paddled at school.  Celebrating teens bottoms receiving real corporal punishment on video, it does not get better than This is as close as we get to a real school paddling being recorded.

Real school corporal punishment paddling video

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The scientific study of girls receiving a hard school paddling

I write a lot on this blog about how painful a school paddling can be and how bruised it can leave a teen girl’s bottom.  How realistic is all of this?  There are many questions:

Does a paddling applied to the bottom of a teen girl really hurt all that much?

girl paddled at school

Trying to rub away the sting of her 10 swat school paddling

Does 6-10 swats applied full force over a girl’s jeans really leave her bottom bruised?

school paddling bruises

Her bottom is very bruised and sore from her school paddling.

If  her bottom is bruised as a result of her paddling, is it really sore for several days?

bruised butt school paddling

How long do you think that school paddling is going to be with her?


Does it really hurt that much that sitting is a problem?

sore bottom from a school paddling

When you see the video of this school paddling, it is clear and she is not faking it, she can barely sit down and she never even touches her right butt cheek to the chair.  Now imagine the next class period in a hard wooden desk.

Is a hard paddling effective enough to really change a high school girl’s behavior?

Do girls who are paddled at school really get it at home from mom and dad?

Luckily there is an answer to all of these questions is a very real study done on the whole concept of school corporal punishment.  What makes this “study” so unique?  It is not some online questionnaire that fake “teen girls” take and we read the results.  It is a comprehensive analysis on the effectiveness of school paddling, done the only way we get real answers…by paddling girls and asking them if it works.  I am talking about the “School Swats” series by

teen school girl paddled

A very bruised bottom from her 10 swat school paddling.

In this video series, which currently consists of 53 different girls participating, we get all of the questions answered.  Girls who ages range from 18-22 are sat down and interviewed about their thoughts and experiences with school paddling.  Most of the girls were not paddled at school, but there are many who were. For those that were, we get to hear 1st hand what the experience was like for them.  Who paddled them, what position, how many swats etc. We also get to hear from one girl who goes into great detail about being paddled in school and then receiving more than 100 swats with a wooden dowel rod from her mom. All of the girls discuss their thoughts on school corporal punishment and whether they think it would have been effective on them.  They then lower their pants, show us their bottoms before, then pull their pants and panties back up and bend over.

school paddling in progress real

She will be feeling that paddling for more than just a couple of hours.

Each girl is then subjected to a very real 10 swat school paddling over her jeans.  The candid and fun nature of the video ends here and it all becomes quite serious.  They are required to stay in position and endure 10 very hard swats with a school paddle.  These swats are applied in a very realistic manner, just as a school paddling is applied in high schools throughout the US.  Each girl deals with the paddling in her own way, and we get to see how a hard paddling affects different girls.  Some scream their way through it, others grunt their way through, and many cry from the very 1st swatThere is nothing playful about these paddling, they are real punishments.  When the paddling is complete, each girl shows us her bare butt so we can see the results.  When this happens, a couple of our questions above are answered as they display very bruised and swollen bottoms.  I am not talking about tiny little pepper bruises, I am talking about black and blue on the entire lower portions of their teen butts.

school paddling video real

What does a teen bottom look like after a hard school paddling? Take a look.

The next question is answered when you see them try to sit down, there is no doubt that their little butts are very sore.  The rest of the questions are answered in the post interview.  They are asked how much it hurt, and more importantly, would a paddling like they just received change their behavior in high school.  Nowhere on the Internet can you see more realistic school paddling videos, and there is nowhere in the world were a young lady receives a real school paddling and is then interviewed about her experience.  Real teen girls, real school paddling, real bruised bottoms…for me it does not get any better.  The “School Swats” series has been going since 2003 with the most recent scene being added to the member’s area in March of 2013.  Did I mention their other series, “Bare School Swats”?

teen school paddling video

Yep, that seemed to have left a mark on her bottom.

Every animation used in this post comes from a video in the “School Swats” series.  You can see for yourself that bottoms do indeed get bruised from a very real high school type paddling.  See all 53 school swats videos in the member’s area of

real school paddling

Does it look like she learned a real lesson? I think a real school paddling might be a pretty good deterrent.

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Waiting with the other students to be paddled at school by the principal.

boy paddled in high school

A male student was just paddled, time to call in the next one.

Corporal punishment is very common at this school. It is a large high school and many students find themselves in the vice principal’s office every day. There are other VP’s at this school, but this one handles all the discipline issues. There is an endless stream of students in and out of his office for disciplinary referrals throughout the day. He is generous in his awarding of a school paddling for infractions of the school rules. Probably close to half of the students that are sent to his office, find themselves being told they will be paddled. It does not matter if they are male of

teen girl paddled in high school

She may be a female, and she may only weigh 110 lbs, but she is going to get the same paddling as the boy before her received.

female students, or in the tenth, eleventh, of twelfth grade, he paddles when he thinks it will help teach a lesson.

He does not paddle on the spot for infractions; he always paddles during the lunch hour. He does not feel that anytime should be wasted from their studies and time spent in class, so as soon as he decides that a student is going to have their bottom paddled, he tells them to return at the very beginning of their lunch period. For some

assuming the position for a school paddling

The time has come for her bottom to be paddled at school.

students, who get in trouble after lunch, this means they will be waiting almost 24 hours before they are paddled. They certainly do not get a good night sleep that night knowing that the following day they will be receiving what is known throughout school to be a very hard paddling.

When lunch time approaches, the student start filing into the main school office. There are 6 chairs against the wall and the students are expected to sit in the chairs and wait their turn. The paddlings are administered on a 1st come 1st serve basis, so whoever sits in the chair closest to the door is first. Some days there are only a couple of students

severe school paddling teen girl

A full force paddle swat to her teen bottom has the desired effect.

waiting to be paddled, but on a busy day, there may be more students than there are chairs. The secretary has those that are not sitting, form an orderly line. There is no talking allowed, they have to simply sit or stand and wait their turn to be paddled. When he is ready he comes out of his office with the paddle in hand. It is a large paddle, made by the woodshop teacher, and it has the word “Principal” etched into it in large letters. For the students who have only heard about it and never seen it, the reality begins to set in.

His office is quite small, so he prefers to use the after school detention room that is adjacent to his office. It gives him room to put them

teen corporal punishment

With a burning bottom and tears in her eyes, she leaves the office.

in a proper position and to swing the paddle as fully as he prefers to do. With a stack of pink slips in one hand, that detail how many swats each student will be getting, he invites the first student into the detention room and closes the door behind. He asks the student to remove anything, such as a wallet, from their back pocket and bend over. He swings the paddle hard and prefers for them to be in a position of stability. Each student is required to bend at the waist, reach far out and put their hands on the wall, with a wide stance. This makes their position stable, presents their bottoms nicely, and also helps prevent them from getting their hands in the way. In this position, both hands need to be on the wall or they will fall forward.

assume the position for a school paddling

Assuming the proper position for her school paddling. Butt out, hands on wall, wide stance.

Once they are in position, he flips through the stack of pink slips and finds theirs. Written in large letters on the slip is the amount of swats they will be receiving along with where the student

teen girl corporal punishment school paddle

Her tight teen bottom is feeling the sting of full force paddle swats.

initialed that they acknowledged that they would be receiving corporal punishment. He never gives less than 5 swats and never more than 10. He would announce to the student what they were being paddled for any how many they were to receive. With the formalities out of the way he would begin. The severity of the punishment was based on the number of swats, not how hard he paddled. He believed in fairness and equality in his school paddlings, and saw no reason why a girl should be paddled less severely than a guy, or a 16 less hard than an 18 year old. It could be a 100 lb. girl, or a 200 lb. guy, it was the severity of their offense and nothing else that influenced how many swats they got. All swats were always as hard as he could swing the paddle. He saw no point in giving a gentle paddling, this simply increased the chances

bruised butt from a school paddling

There is no doubt as to what is going on under her tight jeans…a bruised bottom and an attitude change.

of the student returning to his office for the same offense. It needed to be memorable and it needed to hurt, and most of all, it needed to leave their bottoms sore for quite some time.

With the student in position, for at least a minute or two as he looked through the paperwork, it would finally start. He would raise the paddle and bring it down full force on the bottom of the student. The sound was very clear to those outside the door and this really made them start to squirm. More times than not the student would shout out in pain after the 1st swat and everyone would hear it. With just a second or two pause to let the pain sink in, the next swat would be applied. Those waiting for their turn, especially those who had never been paddled at school before, start to get very nervous at this point. They hear what sounds like gunshot after gunshot going off in the room next to them and they know that in a few minutes, that will be the sound of the

teen corporal punishment at school

No amount of rubbing is going to change how her bottom feels. She is going to be sore for days.

paddle hitting their own bottoms. Clearly that is not a good feeling and all they want at that very moment is to be anywhere else in the world. The reality is, there is nothing they can do about it. After a few hard swats, they start to hear another noise mixed in, the sound of crying. With a paddling this hard, even the boys find it hard to hold back the tears. This is a good sign for the principal; he knows he is doing his job well. This is a bad sign for the students waiting, especially the young ladies, they know that when their bottoms feel the paddle, they too will be crying. Finally the sound of the paddling stops, the door opens, and a very tearful student walks out. Their butt is burning, they are crying, and they are horribly embarrassed as they have to walk past the row of students waiting for their school paddling. With the paddle still in hand, he motions to the next young lady in line and simply says “next”.

school corporal punishment paddling to tears

You be the judge, is she learning her lesson.?In the video this animation comes from she gets it long and hard and it ends in tears.

To see the full paddling that goes with this post, visit the member’s area of The paddling video that goes with these pictures is administered exactly as described in this post. Very hard swats, to the bottoms of two 18 year old girls, that results in tears and a bruised bottom. Very realistic and very hard school paddling video.

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