Paddled three times in one day for tardies, 9 licks total

At the high school she attended, the school policy for tardies was very clear, 2 tardies were allowed for any one class over the course of a semester, on a third tardy, it was an automatic referral to the office.  As a school in which the primary form of discipline for minor offenses was a paddling, most students knew that three tardies would equal three swats to their bottom.  Amy had never been in any trouble before at school, so when she found herself in the office, during her senior year, for tardies, she was given what the principal called a suspended sentence.  As long as he did not see her in his office again, her 1st referral would never make it to her file, nor would she be punished for it.

During her last semester as a senior, she was perpetually late to a class in which everyone knew the teacher was a bit of a pushover, and rarely did she ever send anyone to the office.  Amy came into this class late on a regular basis, but never more than a minute or two.  She knew she had gone over the three tardy mark, but she did not think the teacher cared, much less even noticed or kept track.  She realized one day, that the teacher did indeed keep track, when as she walked in late, before she was able to sit down the teacher called her over to her desk.  The teacher pulled out a disciplinary referral and filled in all of the required boxes and lines.  In the section for “reason for referral” she wrote “6 tardies, one semester”, and then underlined “6 tardies” twice with a red sharpie.

Amy’s walk to the office was a slow one as she was quite nervous.  When she had sat in his office, during the previous semester, she had been quite nervous.  While she had never been paddled at school before, she had been spanked by her mom when she was a little girl.  She was six or seven the last time she had been spanked at home, but she still remembered how much she hated it.  Her mom only ever gave her 5-6 smacks with a wooden spoon over her panties, but she always cried.  When she has previously sat before him, all she could see was the wooden paddle the hung on the wall next to his desk.  Her friends that had been paddled at school before, had told her how much it hurt, so she was quite relieved when he let her off with a suspended sentence.

She walked into the main office doors and handed her referral to the secretary.  She was told to have a seat as the secretary walked the referral into the principal’s office.  Her heart raced as she considered three hard swats to her bottom with that wooden paddle.  After several minutes he called her into his office and she sat down in a chair in front of his desk.  She watched as he pulled her file and flipped through it.  He pulled out the previous referral, where she saw her signature next to where he had written, “3 swats, suspended sentence”.  He then looked over the new referral and spent a minute studying her grades, her school schedule, and studied the current courses she was taking.  With the exception of the words “have a seat” he still had not said anything to him.

When he finally spoke, he explained to her that they had a little problem.  He informed her that school policy did not allow more than three swats for any given offense, and clearly she was facing more.  Her heart began to pound even harder and her eyes went back to the paddle on the wall.  It was not a huge paddle, but it was certainly much bigger than the spoon her mom used to spank her with, and she had learned to fear that spoon.  He calmly explained that he needed to take care of the suspended sentence, so she had three “licks” coming for that.  He further explained that she had an additional three licks coming for each of the three tardies.  He told her that he would rather just give her all nine in a row, as he hated for a student to miss more class than was needed, but that he did not have that option.  She thought her heart might explode as she realized this trip to his office could result in more than the three swats.  She thought that the suspended sentence had meant the next time she was sent up for tardies that she would receive the three she was owed, she had not considered this new math and the number of swats she was now facing.

He told her that policy required that they deal with each offense individually, and there had to be a gap in between for them to be considered three separate paddlings.  He told her that she would receive three now, then be sent back out to the main office, and then he would call her back in, two different times.  He apologized that she would have to miss the rest of this class, and the one following it, but he did not see any other way to resolve it.  He promised that they would be done in time for her to make it to lunch.  Her brain was overloaded as she processed this information and she just wanted to cry.  She was not sure how she would handle a single paddle swat, much less nine over the next ninety minutes.  He pointed to another chair in his office against the back wall, and told her to move over to that chair and to bend over and place her hands on the seat.

getting licks at school

Assuming the position for her first three licks with the paddle

She had somehow expected more of a process or a delay, but it was as simple as that.  He had decided that she was going to be paddled, and she had no say in it.  She was not offered an option, her parents were not contacted, and even at the age of 18, she had no say in the matter.  It struck her as odd, that as a legal adult, this man had the power to tell her to bend over so he could spank her ass with a paddle.  With the sweat beginning to form on her face, she stood up, walked over to the chair, and bent over and put her hands on the chair.  This was a far different experience than the spankings she had gotten from her mom.  Her mom would grab the spoon, yank down her pants, and then start the spanking.  Her mom would always grab her left arm and hold it up and she spanked, while Amy would fight and struggle, and pretty much do a full circle around her mom as the spoon hit her bottom, and occasional her hand as she tried to block the smacks.  But the process of being spanked at school, as an adult, was a much different feeling.  She was not being chased down to be spanked, and she was not being held in place, instead she simply bent over a chair, presenting her butt to be spanked.

high school licks

She realizes what she is really in for as the first lick hits her tight bottom.

It was a strange feeling for her, bent over that chair, her butt in the air for him to paddle.  It was even stranger for her to be in that position as she watched him out of the corner of her eye, filling out paperwork.  She wondered why she needed to already be bent over if he was not ready to paddle her yet, but she did not really have a choice; she was doing as she was told.  Being that any moment this man would be spanking her, she felt doing what she was told was the best bet.  After a few minutes, she watched him reach up and grab the paddle off the hook on the wall, and he then stepped into place behind her.  While he had taken his sweet time at his desk, he wasted no time at all for the actual paddling.  For a split second she felt the paddle touch her bottom, and then instantly she felt nothing but pain.  The 1st swat caused her leg to buckle and she was quite surprised that she let out a little shriek.  This was a whole different world than the spankings she received as a kid.  Her eyes instantly began to fill with tears and then the next swat landed.  Both of her legs buckled this time and the tears began to spill down her cheeks.  Without even a second in between to catch her breath, the third swat landed on her already sore bottom.

After the third swat, she was actively crying and he walked back to his desk.  She was not sure what to do, as he had not said anything yet, so she stayed in place, her bottom aching, and vision blurred.  He called her back to his desk, and slid a corporal punishment report in front of her and told her to sign it.  She could barely read it through her tears and just scribbled her name on the line he had pointed to.  He handed her a single tissue and then told her to go back out to the chairs in the office and let her bottom “cool off”.  She dabbed her eyes with the tissue and rubbed her bottom as she walked out to the chairs and gently had a seat.  She could not believe how much it had hurt and her bottom was throbbing like crazy.  She continued to wipe her eyes and feel sorry for herself; with her entire being focused on the pain her bottom was feeling.  For a minute or so, she was living in her own little painful world, just wanting the pain to go away.  It took her a minute or so, to fully realize her surroundings.  When she finally looked around the room, she noticed how many eyes were on her.  She had not considered that every student and staff member in the office had just heard every swat being applied to her bottom.  The student aids who worked in the office were staring at her, as was just about everyone else present.  She had sat there in that chair, crying and rubbing her bottom like a little girl, and had not even noticed that she had an audience.  Now that was all she was noticing and she was very embarrassed.  She dried her eyes more and tried to suck it up, but her butt just hurt so badly.

She began to control her breathing as the initial sting from the paddling settled a little.  The burning sensation was slowly being replaced with a throbbing of the muscles in her bottom.  She was surprised as that pain did not seem to go away, but continued to build.  There had been a slight numbness that was leaving her body and it the pain was getting worse.  She sat at that chair, still aware of the occasion person looking at her and she was quite embarrassed.  Here she was, an 18 year old girl, old enough to vote, old enough to join the military, and here she sat in the school office with a sore bottom, waiting to be spanked again.  After 30 minutes, his door opened again and she was called into his office.

girl gets licks from principal

Bending over and presenting her already bruised and sore bottom for more licks with the principal’s paddle.

He had her sit down in front of his desk and he asked her how she was doing.  She said “ok, I guess”.  He asked her how her bottom was feeling and she told him it was quite sore.  He said “Good, that is the desired response that we are looking for”.  He made it clear that the previous paddling was for the tardies she had received last semester and that they would now be dealing with today’s referral.  He told her to stand up and approach the wall, not the chair.  He instructed her to step a little farther back, bend over, and extend her arms until they were touching the wall.  She did as she was told and felt even more vulnerable than before.  She was not sure why she was being paddled in a different position, but once again, it was not up to her.  Just as before, she stayed in position while he filled out a new corporal punishment form.  Just the thought of that paddle hitting her already sore bottom, caused her eyes to begin to fill with tears.

severe school paddling

A severe lick with the paddle, on her already bruised bottom, causes her legs to buckle.

After the form was complete, the process started all over again.  He grabbed the paddle and stepped up behind her and she felt it touch her bottom.  She gritted her teeth just in time to feel the 1st swat.  This swat made the previous three seem playful.  Her butt was already so sore and throbbing, that she instantly screamed out in pain and began to cry very hard.  The next swat landed in the same spot as the previous one and she thought she might faint from the pain.  In just an instance, the next swat landed, and it was all over.  She was left bent over, hands on the wall as he walked back to his desk and sat down.  He added the date and the time of the paddling to the piece of paper, and asked her to once again join him.  She could not stop crying at this point and wandered to his desk in a daze.  He had her sign this new form, gave her a single tissue, and told her to go back out to the chairs, and that they would finish up soon.

Just as before, she was still crying hard as she left his office, and every eye in the room was on her.  She sat down gingerly on the chair, buried her face in her hands, and cried for several minutes.  She could not believe this was happening to her and she could not believe how much her bottom hurt.  She knew there was no way she could go through this a third time, her butt has already had way too much.  She was far too embarrassed, to be sitting there like a crying little girl to even look up.  She knew everyone was looking, she wanted to be strong like it was no big deal, but that was not possible at the moment.  It took her a good ten minutes to get herself together.  While she was now slightly composed, her bottom was not doing any better.  The slight numbness was leaving her body and with every beat of her heart her butt pulsated.  Even with the padded seat of the chair was in, she was starting to shift around trying to find a position that did not hurt as much.  The problem was, he kept smacking the same spot on her bottom, and that was the part that touched the chair.  No matter how much she wiggled and squirmed, she just could not get comfortable.

Once again, 30 minutes passed, and she knew that she was moments from the final set of licks.  She reached back and rubbed her bottom a little and it was so very sore to the touch.  She wondered how she would get through the next three, and found herself looking at the door out of the main office, thinking about an escape.  Just as she was beginning to convince herself to run, his door opened and she was called back in.  She walked slowly to his office, like she was approaching a firing squad.   She was told to sit down, one last time, and she did so hesitantly.  He saw the discomfort as she attempted to sit and he smiled.  He told her that this was exactly what they wanted.  He explained that the difficulty she was experiencing when sitting was demonstrated that she was learning.  He told her it might seem a little rough at the moment, but the paddlings she received today would indeed assure that she always gets to class on time.  He apologized to her for not paddling her the first time she was in his office, as he knows if he had, they would not be having this conversation at the moment.

licks at school

Grabbing her ankles for her final three licks with the paddle.

He told her to stand up, move back towards the wall, and to bend over and grab her ankles.  She did not like the sound of this at all, but she did as she was told.  He told her to widen her stance and to straighten her legs, which she did.  He started on a new form while she waited with her bottom in the air.  He eventually stood up, walked towards her, and then his phone rang.  He set the paddle on the desk, and took the phone call.  She stayed in that position, grabbing her ankles, with her throbbing butt in the air for close to four minutes.  She listened as he discussed some administrative detail regarding paper and supplies for the computer lab.  She wanted to scream at him, and tell him to get it over with, even though she never wanted to feel that paddle ever again in her life.  The phone call eventually ended and he was right back to business.

paddled on her bruised bottom

The final set of licks on her bruised bottom assures a real lesson was learned.

The paddle touched her bottom and the tears began before she felt the 1st swat.  It hit the same poor spot on her bottom that felt like it was broken at this point.  Even after six previous swats, this was not getting easier for her, it was getting harder.  The pain jolted her so much; she jumped up a little and started to grab her bottom.  Her knees buckled and she was already crying like a 3 year old in the middle of a temper tantrum.  He told her to grab her ankles again and the next swat came.  The sound echoed through the main office and the only thing louder was her reaction.  The final swat was applied to her bottom and it was finally over.  He sat, filled in the rest of the paperwork, and then called her over.  He asked her to take a seat, but she declined.  He told her it was not optional and to “sit her butt down”.  She struggled with the pain as her bottom touched the seat.  He had her once again sign the form and then asked her if they would be having any tardy issues even again.  While still wiping away the tears she promised that he would never see her in this office again in her lifetime.

teen girl licks at school

The real results of a nine lick school paddling over jeans.

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