The paddling she received at school hurt a lot, but she did have the benefit of the school uniform to help her endure it. The pleated skirt that she was required to wear, as well as the full panties, took much of the sting away, but it did leave her bottom a little bruised. After she received her paddling, as required whenever corporal punishment is administered, the headmaster picked up the phone and called her dad. She knew based from past experience, that when she got home, her school uniform would be of no help to her. Dad’s paddle was just as big as the school paddle, and he always paddled her teen bottom on the bare. He also had a direct ratio that he always used to calculate how many swats her bottom would receive, and it was 4 to 1. She dreaded the rest of her day as she knew that the 5 swat paddling, that had made her butt so sore, was going to be nothing compared to 20 from her bad on her bare butt. The moment she walked in the door, she was greeted by her dad, who already had the paddle in his hand. He had her lower her panties, raise her skirt, and then bend over the counter in front of the sink. Her young bottom was then paddled black and blue with the 20 swats she had coming.