A very sore and bruised bottom from her school paddling.

Her friends thought it was funny that she had been paddled at school.  She is 18, two months from graduation, has had a job for two years, drives a car, and is the president of more than one school club.  But yet, even as a legal adult, she is still a senior in high school and subject to the rules, and discipline of that school.  Her friends think it’s funny because they have never been paddled at school.  Since she received her paddling, two days before, all she hears is, “Lori got a spanking”.  In between each class someone asks her how her bottom feels.  It has been said loud enough and often enough that pretty much everyone knows.  It is a running joke to watch her sit in class and see her squirm.  She tries to laugh it off, but it is not all that funny to her.

severe school paddling bruised bottom

Her bottom is severely bruised from her school paddling two days before.

She was sent to the office for her 3rd tardy to a single class, and this was her 3rd time this year to be sent to the office for tardies.  She had received a warning, then detention, but this time it was the paddle.  He gave her 8 swats with a heavy wooden paddle and it left her in great pain.  It has been almost 48 hours since her paddling and her bottom has not gotten any better…if anything it is worse.  She has not shown any of her friends, but if she did, they might stop making fun of her.  She is not a petite girl and her big bottom is completely black and blue all over.  He really laid that paddle on hard and she is feeling the results.  She has yet to sit down to pee, it is far too painful, she chooses to squat over the toilet.  She has not had a decent night’s sleep since her school paddling; her butt wakes her up throughout the night, throbbing unbearably.  They think it is funny when she winces when she sits, but it is everything she can do to not cry, it hurts that bad.  She swears she will never be tardy again.

strict school punishment teen girl

Two days after she was paddled she can barely sit down.

This very severe paddling can be found in the member’s area of RealspankingsInstitute.com

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