Teen Bottoms, Daisy Dukes, and a hard paddling in high school

high school girl paddling

Squeezing her teen bottom into a tiny skirt.

Now that spring is fully here, teen girls across the country and squeezing their tight teen bottoms into the tightest and shortest shorts and skirts that they can get away with wearing to school.  The current trend is tiny and tight daisy dukes that creep up to the very bottom of a young lady’s butt cheeks.  The one thing that no girl really considered as she looks at her little ass in the mirror, on her way out the door to school, is the fact that she may indeed find herself in trouble at school that day.

paddled in short shorts

Those little shorts are great for showing off her tight teen bottom, but not so good for her when it comes time to bend over for a school paddling.

If any of these young ladies in their tiny little shorts attend a public or private school in which corporal punishment is allowed, she might find herself showing a little more of her bottom than she planned that day.  Clearly the whole goal of the little shorts is to show off her bottom to the boys in school.  She wants to be the one, walking down the hall shaking her stuff, that all the boys lust after.  She is old enough now to know the power that her teen bottoms holds and she will use that power as often as possible.

tight bottomed teen

The kind of bottom that the boys just love to watch walk down the hall.

This is why she chose those little daisy dukes in the first place.  They are skin tight and hug her body in a way to show off each and every detail of her perfect little bottom.  They are short enough that every inch of her leg in uncovered and there is the additional tease of almost being able to see the bottom of her ass cheeks.  She knows that with every step down the hall that heads are turning, and some boys are even changing direction, just for the simple pleasure of walking behind her, soaking it all in.

short shorts school corporal punishment

As she checks her perfect little butt out in the mirror, she never considered that she would be grabbing her ankles for a paddling in those very same shorts.

But now this young lady finds herself walking down the hall, all by herself, as everyone else is in class.  She is walking with a pink slip in hand, a disciplinary referral from one of her teachers.  Maybe it was one too many tardies, or talking in class, or being a distraction, but whatever it is, at this school, she knows that a paddling is a very real option.  Those tiny little shorts, the ones that show off her tiny little bottom, and get her so much attention, are feeling even shorter than they did when she slid into them that morning.

The truth is, when the teen girls put on those shorts, they mostly think about how their ass looks when they stand or even walk, but not as much consideration is put into what happens when she bends over.  If she is a proper young lady, she bends with her knees when she needs to.  But if she is in a school office and has earned a paddling, she is not really in control of how she is going to bend for her paddling.  She is going to assume the position that she is told and will have no say in the matter.  The one thing that she can count on is that his priority will not be her modesty, but rather how to bring the most amount of pain as possible to her teen butt.

school paddling girl

As she presents her bottom to be paddled some bare skin becomes part of the target area.

It depends on the shorts that she chose to wear that morning, but with the current style, there is a very good chance that when she bends over, part of her butt cheeks are going to become visible.  If she is required to grab her ankles, the chance of her butt cheeks being visible is almost assured.  As much as she enjoys the attention that her tight little bottom often brings her, the attention it is going to receive today is unwanted.  It will not be a horny teen boy checking her bottom out with sexual thoughts; it will be a grown man that only sees her bottom as a target and an opportunity for some very serious learning.

school dress code paddling

These shorts are well within the school dress code as no part of her bottom is actually visible.

bare bottom school paddling

Now that she is actively being paddled, the shorts present much of her bare bottom, allowing a more severe paddling to be applied.

From the administrative side, paddling a high school girl that is wearing tiny little shorts becomes a major benefit to the overall learning process.  The person tasked with the job of paddling naughty young ladies can capitalize on her choice of dress in many ways.  The first is indeed the embarrassment factor.  Having a young lady wearing daisy dukes bend over, or even grab her ankles to be paddled, can make the overall situation even more embarrassing for her that it already would be.  Here she is, a 17 year old girl, bent over with her butt cheeks on display to the world, and not just on display, but being presented to be spanked.  Obviously an effective administrator would require her to assume this position and then maintain it while he fills out the appropriate paperwork.

high school girl corporal punishment

Grabbing her ankles in her little Daisy Dukes for a paddling in high school.

The biggest benefit for the administrator paddling a young lady in short shorts, is that some skin will be visible.  There is no public school in the country in which a bare bottom school paddling is allowed, but if the young lady’s choice of clothing that morning is one that happens to present part of her bare bottom, then certainly the administrator should see this as an opportunity for some additional learning.  While the primary pain from a heavy wooden school paddle is from the overall force, the addition of jeans and panties does help to reduce the overall sting.  Being able to apply the paddle to even a small portion of her bare bottom, and even the very top of her thighs, will greatly improve the overall effectiveness of the process and help in reducing the chance of repeated behavior.

high school girl paddling

When these high school girls dressed for school that morning, they did not know that they would be caught smoking. The one on the left never considered that she would be presenting part of her bare bottom for a long session with the principal’s paddle.

With a little bare skin to paddle, it also allows the administrator some immediate feedback that he would otherwise have with a girl wearing pants.  If the paddle is hitting bare skin, he should be able to see how well she is bruising.  If it is clear that the paddle swats are not causing any bruising to her teen bottom, then he has adjust the severity to assure that she is learning a long term lesson.  For the young lady wearing shorts that are just way too short, the results of her lesson may be visible even when she is not bending over.  Imagine her embarrassment as she walks down the halls and the young men get to clearly see bruises peeking out from the bottom of her shorts.

high school girl bruised from a paddling

Those tiny shorts will not hide the bruises from her recent school paddling.

high school girl paddled

The short shorts and light fabric allow for a much more effective paddling for this high school girl.

bruised butt girl from a school paddling

A closer inspection shows that the portion of her bottom that was not fully covered, is indeed bruised more substantially.

All pictures and animations come from the very real, very painful, and full HD school paddling videos in the member’s area of Realspankings.com. They have more real school paddling videos than all other spanking sites combined!

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