School Paddling at Clips4Sale

It seems they just went live today, but there are several of my favorite scenes that can be purchased individually at Michael Masterson’s Clips4Sale site.

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A school paddling for the high school girl

For the most part, your average teenage girl will do what she can to avoid pain.  Yes, once she turns 18, there is a good chance that she will run off and get herself a tattoo, but that is pain in small doses, in a very controlled environment, in which she has the ability to stop and take a break whenever she needs it.  But with a school paddling, it is far different.

teen paddled by principal

The principal knows that a heavy wooden paddle, applied to her teen bottom, will assure a change in her behavior.

Corporal punishment, applied with a paddle in a school environment, works for only one reason, and that is indeed pain.  There is a reason that a heavy wooden paddle is used to spank the teen girl’s bottom in school, it hurts like hell, which is exactly the point.  No administrator is going to be pulling off his belt, or using his hand, when history has shown that a paddle is far more effective.

teen girl school paddling

A wooden school paddle is designed in a manner to assure the maximum amount of pain if felt on her teen bottom.

Many parents use whatever is handy to spank their daughter, but a school paddle was actually designed specifically for this purpose.  At some point in history, someone decided that they needed to create something that would bring as much pain as possible to a young lady’s bottom, and what better way than a heavy board, cut into the right shape to allow it to be swung with force and with accuracy.  It is not only effective in its use; it is also a powerful deterrent when simply displayed.  There are very few high school girls in this world that see a school paddle and think, “That won’t be so bad”.

cute teen paddled at school

Hands on her knees, receiving exactly the kind of punishment that her behavior requires.

Paddles are used effectively in many areas of the school environment.  Young ladies are pulled from the classroom, into the hallway, for a quick reminder about classroom discipline from their teachers.  Coaches throughout the South have armed themselves with large wooden paddles to make sure that discipline is maintained in the sports environment.  But the most common use of the paddle takes place in the main office, where the principal or vice-principal, charged with maintaining order and discipline use them on a very regular basis.

swats in high school teen girl

Her cute little bottom is feeling the pain, only 9 more swats to go.

Regardless of the environment, or even the reason, paddles are so commonly used because they achieve results.  A well-placed swing, with a heavy wooden paddle, applied forcefully to the bottom of a teenage girl produces results.  The immediate result is the application of pain to her teen butt.  When that paddle hits hard, and compresses her skin, making contact with the muscles deep within her bottom, learning immediately takes place.  Her bottom sends a signal to her brain that tells her to change whatever she needs to change to make sure that this never happens again.  It is the same concept as a small child putting their finger into a flame, which rarely happens twice.

teen girl paddled at school

Even the teen girl with a bigger bottom struggles to get through her paddling.

But real lessons are not learned from just a single swat to her bottom.  Yes, that first swat hurts like hell, will generally fill her eyes with tears, but it simply is not enough.  The point that is being made needs to be reinforced several times, to assure that long term learning takes place.  Simply filling her eyes with tears does not always solve the problem, so the typical paddling will include enough swats to assure actual crying.  Many swats placed on top of each other also leads to long-term learning.

teen girl bruised butt from school paddling

This teen girl is learning that even over jeans, the paddling was quite effective in bruising her cute butt.

A typical school paddling will be over in well under a minute.  It will indeed be a rough minute for her, with her bottom really feeling it for the duration of her paddling.  But teen girls tend to have a very short memory regarding such things.  But one of the reasons that a paddling is so very effective, is that the punishment is not over, once the last swat has been applied to her bottom.  If her teen bottom was paddled exactly the way it should have been, then she will be very aware of this lesson for days to come.

bruised bottom from school paddling

It is quite clear that sitting will be part of the lesson for several days to come.

Heavy wooden paddles, on tiny teen bottoms, lead to a young lady being sore for a considerable period of time.  The bottom is well suited to survive such a punishment, but it is also quite convenient that the spot that the punishment was applied to is also the spot that she uses the very most of the course of her school day.  She will spend the better part of 8 hours a day sitting at a hardwood desk.  Public schools do not really consider the comfort of the student when purchasing desks and I have yet to see one with a padded seat.  For the typical student, a desk is already a fairly uncomfortable piece of furniture, but for the recently paddled high school girl, a desk becomes part of the long-term punishment.

hard paddling at school

He applies the paddle as hard as he can to assure that a real lesson is learned.

With her bottom being bruised and nice and sore, the punishment will continue for at least another 48 hours.  She will not just go to school the next day and forget all about her paddling.  Instead, from 1st period through 7th period, each and every time she sits, she will be reminded of her behavior.  The rest of the class will be focused on the lesson being taught at any given moment, she will be focused on the lesson she learned the day before.

sore bottom teen from a spanking

Her bottom shows the results of her behavior.

A hard paddling, for the teen high school girl, will always be an effective form of discipline.  A proper paddling is something that all girls fear, and after receiving just one, they tend to be on their best behavior.  All pictures and animations come from the member’s area of, truly the only real source for realistic and hard hitting paddling videos.  As of today, they currently have 467 different videos featuring young ladies being punished with a wooden paddle at school and at home, often leading to bruised bottoms and tears.

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Teen Girl School Corporal Punishment Paddling

In many schools in the South, corporal punishment is not rare, instead it is a common and everyday occurrence.  It is simply a fact of life for a teen girl who finds herself in trouble, that if she is sent to the office, she knows she may very well be paddled.  These rural Southern schools do not have to worry about angry parents or lawsuits, as corporal punishment is just as likely to occur in the home as well.  These are not communities in which everyone worries about political correctness, or the latest research and studies on spanking, if a young lady gets in trouble at home or school, her bottom will pay the price.  More importantly, the paddlings that are administered in these school are not ornamental in nature.  The goal of the paddling is to wear a young lady’s butt out in a manner that will decrease the chances of her being in trouble again anytime soon.

The overall process is pretty quick and simple, and when done right, achieves great results.  This young lady, sent to the office for the second time this semester for tardies, is about to see and feel exactly how the process works.  Very little time is spent with any sort of lecture or deliberation.  Her actions speak for themselves, she was indeed late for class, more than the 2 allowed times per semester.  The previous trip to the office resulted in a warning, so this time discipline is required.

high school girl corporal punishment paddling

This high school girl is about to discover how effective school corporal punishment really is.

She is asked to stand up and bend over the desk.  He grabs the large wooden school paddle, made to his specifications by the woodshop teacher, and approaches.  She is asked to lift the back of her shirt so it does not cover her bottom.  While it may just be a small layer of fabric, he wants to make sure that there is as little padding as possible for her paddling.  Her face shows that she is not very happy about the punishment that is about to take place.

paddled at school Texas

The look on her face shows the fear that she is experiencing. It takes a moment to process that first swat, but she has many more to go.

As she feels the heavy wooden paddle touch her bottom briefly, she tries to prepare herself, but the stress and anxiety she is feeling is clear.  While she has never been paddled before at school, she has heard the stories.  She knows that all girls leave this office with tears in their eyes and a bruised bottom.  She cringes as she sees the paddle being lifted high above his head, and then it begins…pain.  It takes a moment for her brain to catch up with the first swat, but it is clear that the learning process has begun.

teen girl cries from her school paddling punishment

It takes very little time to achieve the desired results. Her eyes fill with tears and she cries out in very real pain.

She would love to be one of those students who sucks it up for the duration of her paddling, but it simply is not possible.  With very little time between swats, and the paddle being used full force, she cannot help but scream out in pain after each lick.  He has barely gotten started, but her eyes are already filling with tears.

severe school paddling high school girl

His only goal…apply as much pain to her bottom as possible.

He does not dislike this student in any way.  He is simply there to enforce the rules of the school and do what he can to cut down on disciplinary issues in general.  He utilizes different methods to achieve results, and in the previous case of her tardies, he chose to give her a warning.  That clearly did not work, so today he is trying a different approach.  His only goal at the moment is to communicate with her brain, via her bottom, and send a message that being late is not OK.

bruised bottom from a high school paddling

Each swat is applied on top of the last, assuring a bottom that will be sore for days to come.

He swings the paddle very hard, as this is how real lessons are learned.  He would not be doing her any favors by paddling her lightly.  He focuses each and every swat on the exact same spot on her bottom, as he knows that this is how she will learn the most.  He does not find her screams and tears bothersome, it is a spanking after all, and this is the overall goal.  He continues to paddle her hard until the full number of swats has been reached and he feels that she has been properly punished.

teen girl bruised bottom from school paddling

It is clear from looking at her bottom that learning took place.

When given a moment to herself, she is able to inspect the damage.  As one would suspect, a very hard paddling, applied to her teen bottom, left it bruised and sore.  She rubs her bottom, trying to sooth the pain, but it will not be leaving her anytime soon.  The soreness will actually increase over time, sitting will become difficult, and it is a lesson that she will continue to learn from for the next couple of days.

high school girl corporal punishment paddling bruised bottom

A job well done and a lesson learned.

All animations come from the recent school paddling video in the member’s area of

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Teen girl paddled at a private school

The rules are simple at this private and prestigious high school.  Any and all referrals to the headmaster will result in the application of corporal punishment.  This young lady was caught chewing gum in class and was referred to the headmaster during her second period class.

teen girl paddled at a private school

Rolling up his sleeves so he can apply the paddling more effectively to her tiny bottom.

As per the school policy, a same sex witness was brought in to witness her paddling.  She is required to bend over while he prepares to paddle her tiny teen bottom.

teen girl private school paddling from the headmaster

The swats come hard and fast to assure that they do not have this little gum issue in the future.

After the mandatory six swats with a paddle, she is required to sit down on her now sore bottom while he fills out the appropriate paperwork.

teen girl private school paddling

She will be sitting gingerly for the rest of the day.

Just two classes later, she is sent up for visiting with a neighbor, when she should be studying. He does not even bother with the witness this time and simply gets to work paddling her already sore bottom.

christian school girl paddling

He has had enough of her behavior today and drags her right into his office to paddle her already sore bottom.

teen school paddle

He wastes no time and gets right to work on her bottom with his biggest paddle.


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School Swats

Well, if you love school corporal punishment, and being that you are here, you must, then you just have to love the ongoing series “School Swats” at  As far as I know, this is the longest running corporal punishment series on the web and has been going strong since 2000.  Over the last 16 years they have paddled some of the cutest young ladies around.

The general concept of the series is to explore the overall effectiveness of school paddling.  Each girl is sat down for an interview, exploring their personal thoughts on the paddle being used as a disciplinary tool at the high school level.  After a discussion, which allows us to get to know the girl a little better, it is time to put her through the school swats experience.

It begins with her baring her bottom so we get to see a before view.  I love this part because I am always curious as to the actual effects a wooden school paddle can have on a young lady’s bottom.  After we get a peek at their lovely bare butts, the pants and panties comes back up.  The paddler typically gives them a realistic scenario, that a teen girl in high school might find herself in trouble for, like having her cell phone on in class.  This allows the girl to try and get into the mindset of what someone might really be paddled for in high school.

The girl is then bent over for what has to be the most realistic school paddlings you will ever see.  I say realistic, as unlike many spanking videos out there, there is no warm-up of any kind.  The paddle that is used is always a very large, and heavy, oak paddle, very similar to what you would see in a typical school in the South.  The only thing that is a little unrealistic is the number of swats each girl receives, which is 10.  Most schools do not allow that many swats for a single infraction, but it is great to see such a hard paddling that consists of that many swats.

The reactions from the girls vary, but it is clear that this is no easy thing to endure.  Even the girls, who confess to have a huge spanking fetish and love to be spanked, struggle to get through the whole thing.  There is nothing at all fake about any of this, and the severity of the swats are unrivaled in any other spanking video.  He does not just swing his arm, his whole body gets involved, and the swats often lift the girls up onto their toes.  The realism is quite apparent as tears are not all that unusual in these scenes.

When the paddling is complete, he once again has them bare their bottoms so we can see what a school paddling actually does to a young lady’s bottom.  Almost without fail, their bottoms are black and blue from the school paddling, often leaving a huge bull’s eye type bruise on the bottoms of their butt cheeks.  Once they have shown their bare bottom, they are told to sit down on the hard wooden stool, and the reactions on their faces are priceless.  It is clear that a punishment with a school paddle is not something that is over after the last swat.  They always cringe as their bottom meets the wood, and some ask if they can stand (which he never allows).

They are once again interviewed about the whole experience and then asked if that would change their behavior if they were to receive it at high school.  With the exception of a couple of the girls with the biggest spanking fetish, they all say that it would change their behavior and that they would do anything in the power to avoid ever getting paddled that hard again.  After it is all said and done, they are allowed to add their name to the signature paddle.

Below are the young ladies who have gone through this experience in 2016 at  While they might be smiling in the after pictures, you can tell from the picture of their bruised bottoms that this is an experience that they will not forget anytime soon.

Meet Reverie

Meet Reverie

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Meet Devon

Meet Devon

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Meet Rylee

Meet Rylee

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Meet Stella

Meet Stella

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Meet Mable

Meet Mable

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Meet Kitty

Meet Kitty

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Meet Peaches

Meet Peaches

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Meet Amelia Jane Rutherford

Meet Amelia Jane Rutherford

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Meet Vivian

Meet Vivian

realspankings school swats girls getting paddled at school 1

Meet Ten Amorette

Meet Ten Amorette

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Meet Bianca

Meet Bianca

realspankings school swats girls getting paddled at school 12

Meet Adriana Evans

Meet Adriana Evans

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Meet Jessy

Meet Jessy


Meet Anabelle Lily

Meet Anabelle Lily


All scenes come from the member’s area of

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School corporal punishment is alive and well

So, for today’s look to demonstrate that school corporal punishment is alive and well, we will take a peek at Castleberry High School in Texas.  This school did not allow corporal punishment until 2011, in which they not only instituted it, but at the same time, removed in school suspension as a means of discipline.  The chart below shows how often corporal punishment was used the very first year that is was allowed in the school.  This chart comes from the US department of education for the 2011/12 school year and I will take a moment to explain that statistics you see here.

–        The search is for “corporal punishment, students, without disabilities”

–        “Enrollment w/o disabilities (district)” shows the total number of students in all of the schools in the district- 3,407 total students.

–        “Students in category (district)” refers to how many total students were paddled at all of the schools in the district combined- 877 total students paddled.

–        “Enrollment w/o disabilities (school)” shows the total high school population for the 2011/12 school year- 744 students.

–        “Students in category (school)” shows how many total students were paddled in the high school that year- 628 students paddled in the high school.

–        The colors show the ratio of males paddled vs females.  For this school year, 50.2% of the school paddling were administered to females and 49.8% were administered to males.

When looking at this chart it is important to remember that these figures are based on how many students were paddled, not how many paddlings were administered.  This means that 86.7% of the male students and 82.2% of the female student population were paddled AT LEAST once that year.  The average school year, in most districts, is 180 days.  This means at the very least, there are an average of a little more than 4 paddlings administered a day, with more than half being administered to females.

While we do not have the statistics of how many actual paddlings were administered, only how many students were paddled, we would have to guess that this number has to be much larger.  In a school where around 85% of all students are paddled, you would have to assume that many of them were paddled on many occasions.  I would think it is safe to assume that the 4 paddlings a day is a very low number, as most students do not get in trouble only a single time in a school year.  It seems that school corporal punishment is the PRIMARY form of discipline at this school, so it is not hard to believe that this number could be closer to 10-12 paddlings a day.

So if you think that school corporal punishment is slowing dying around this country, take a look at the chart below, and think again.

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Clothing changes the effectiveness of a school paddling

No high school girl ever gets up in the morning, planning on getting in trouble that day at school.  If she attends a school that uses corporal punishment, if she did know, you could count on her dressing in a very specific manner to prepare for her paddling.  But the young ladies of today, dress for school each morning with one of two thoughts.  What is going to make them look the most amazing and drive the boys crazy, or what can she wear that is the most comfortable?

teen girl paddled at school

The thin material of this skirt is going to do little to protect her bottom from that heavy wooden paddle.

Unfortunately for these young ladies, looking their best, or being comfortable is often the worst case scenario when it comes to protecting their bottoms from a hard school paddling.   In the grand scope of things, as far as choices of what to wear to school, jeans probably protect better than most clothing choices.  Denim protects far better than most thin fabrics, but current fashion trends have most teen girls wearing the tightest jeans possible.

school paddling girls

Three girls lined up for a paddling in their tight jeans.

In the last year or so, yoga pants have become one of the most popular things for high school girls to wear.  They are extremely comfortable, but still allows them to show off their cute teen bottoms to the boys.  For the young lady who finds herself presenting her bottom for a good paddling in yoga pants, she is in for quite a shock.  This is about as close as she can get to getting a bare bottom paddling at school, and it highly increases the overall effectiveness of a school paddling.

cheerleader paddled at school

She is about to feel the full effect of this school paddling.

During the warmer months of the year, shorts are very popular for the teen girl.  While many schools have dress codes that do not allow short shorts, many of them do not.  She got up that morning and slipped into the tightest and tiniest shorts that she owns, with the intention of showing off her cute little ass to the boys.  Little did she know that she would be presenting that cute little bottom to a male administrator to have it paddled.

paddled at school

This was not the type of attention she had hoped her bottom would receive when she got dressed this morning.

The short shorts have another issue that the young ladies did not consider as they dressed this morning.  It is not only embarrassing to have to present her teen bottom to the male administrator, but it often has a way of presenting more skin than typically shows during a school paddling.  No public high school allows a student to be paddled on the bare bottom, but in these types of shorts, sometimes part of her bare bottom is exposed.  A good administrator will do his best to paddle far away from a student’s tailbone, which means that he needs to aim low.  It really is not his fault if the lowest part of her bottom happens to be bare as a result of her clothing choice.

bare bottom school paddling

It is her clothing choice, and not his aim, that lead to direct contact with her bare bottom

paddled in shorts in high school

Once she bends over in those tiny shorts, her cute little butt cheeks become visible. The paddle is clearly making contact with bare skin and the bruises are already clear.

school discipline paddling

His paddle swat is perfectly on target, it is not his concern that the target area is not covered as a result of her shorts.

This same problem can also occur with skirts.  Young ladies love their little skirts, and while walking, or even sitting properly, they do not show too much off, but when bent over, things have a tendency to change.

The outfit she is wearing seems totally appropriate for the high school environment.

The outfit she is wearing seems totally appropriate for the high school environment.

school girl paddling

At least it was until she was asked to place her hands on the wall and bend over.

The class a young lady finds herself in when she is in trouble can also effect how much she feels her paddling.  When the teen girl is acting up in gym, and sent to the office, it is not like she is allowed to stop at the locker room and change.  If she is going to be paddled, it will take place in whatever she was wearing when she steps into his office.

high school gym paddling teen girl

Get in trouble in gym, get paddled in gym clothes.

And we cannot forget about cheerleaders.  There are many days of the week they find themselves in the cheerleader uniforms.  It might be game day, a pep rally, or just practice, but they are not immune to school corporal punishment and may indeed find themselves bent over in their tiny little skirts.

high school cheerleader paddled at school

The paddle is going to make contact below her skirt and she will have visible marks at the game that night.

I anticipate some very real learning is about to take place.

I anticipate some very real learning is about to take place.

All images come from the hard hitting paddling video at

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A high school paddling is supposed to hurt…a lot

There is only one way for corporal punishment to work, it must actually hurt.  Any administrator that is charged with the discipline at a school, is not doing anyone any favors, by paddling in a gentle to moderate manner.  Spanking has been used for centuries because it actually achieves very real results, but in no case does it work, if it only hurts a little.

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The entire reason a paddle is used in the school environment, as a means for punishment, is because it is more effective than a hand spanking.  It is a tool, that was specifically designed and crafted, for one reason, and one reason only…to cause pain.  Schools are filled with rulers and yardsticks, but they are not used in the high school environment for corporal punishment because they are not all that effective.

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A paddle, when in the right hands and used effectively, is a powerful tool for student discipline.  But if a student is paddled with it, and they do not fear getting it again, then it was all just a waste of time.  It is supposed to be used to punish them for the behavior that they engaged in, and to serve as a deterrent against future bad behavior.  Without generous amounts of pain being applied to a young lady’s behind, she will not worry too much about getting it again.

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We are talking about teenage girls, who are more than capable of adapting to a little pain.  Hell, it seems half of the girls out there, once they turn 18, go and get tattoos. Gone are the days of cute little heart tattoos, now they are getting full sleeves done.  Do you know how much that hurts, I would guess quite a bit.  But here they are, not only volunteering for such an experience, but paying for it.  They will sit for hours while someone brings pain to their bodies and them come back for more.  This right here should tell us a little something about the severity in which a paddle needs to be used.  It sure as hell better hurt more than a tattoo.

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A paddle is not like a belt, or even a hairbrush, that people adapted over time to use for discipline.  There is nothing else you can do with a paddle expect spank.  There is a reason that they are large, wide, heavy, and often drilled full of holes.  People have learned through design changes over time, what hurts the most.  This is also why all school paddles look quite similar, as we have figured out what really works.  There is no high school in the Southern states in which they use a small ping pong type paddle.  They use large, up to 2 foot long paddles, as thick as ¾” made out of heavy wood.  They actually have someone build them paddles to specification, as smaller ones do not have the same effect.

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The paddle needs to be swung safely, but with authority.  Each swat should be lifting the young lady up onto her toes.  After a single swat, it should be quite clear that it is having the desired effect, if not, what is the point?  We are talking about bringing as much pain to someone’s bottom as we possibly can, it just doesn’t work if this is not the goal.  She should not be able to just suck it up and take it, the entire process should be a visible struggle for her to endure.

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There should be changes in her breathing before the first swat ever lands, that is how we know she is scared about what is about to happen.  After the first crack of the paddle, that should echo throughout the entire office, it should be clear in her verbal response that pain is being applied to her bottom.  If she is not making any noise, once again, it is not being done right.

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The paddling should be visible in every way.  She should be struggling to stay in position.  Her legs should buckle after each swat.  Her hand and her legs should begin to tremble, as that is how we know what is taking place is actually working.  But most importantly, after just a couple of swats, she should be crying.  I am not just talking about a single tear rolling down her cheek, I am talking about crying like a little girl.  This might be a school environment, but this is still a spanking.  A spanking is supposed to hurt.  The goal of a spanking is always tears.  It does not matter that she might be 18 years old and in school, THIS IS STILL A SPANKING!

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The administrator is not her parents and is governed by a clear set of rules.  He does not get to bare her bottom, he may be limited in what position he can use, and is certainly limited in the number of swats he can administer.  That is why he is using a paddle in the first place, as he may only get 2-10 swats to make sure she learns a lesson.  He needs to take full advantage of every swat he is allowed, to make sure that she gets a proper spanking that results in a very sore and sorry young lady who cannot stop sobbing for several minutes after it is over.

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The paddling needs to hurt a lot.  It needs to be unbearable for the duration, but even more importantly, it needs to remain sore for a couple of days.  People figured out centuries ago that the bottom is the ideal place to apply physical punishment.  It is perfectly padded and well suited for a well-earned punishment.  As long as care is taken to avoid the tailbone, the paddling needs to be severe.  She needs to be in a place mentally, that after the first swat, she feels there is no way she can take another one.

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The paddle is an implement that by design, is meant to provide a lot of thud.  A belt on the bare bottom is very effective because of the sting, but the paddle works under different principles. Any form of spanking will sting to some degree, but a paddling is meant to hurt the bottom deeply.  A proper paddle swat compresses the skin, moves the fatty tissue to the side, and makes direct contact to the muscles of her bottom.  This is not a toddler who will respond to a few light smacks to their bottom.  This is an older teen girl, in many cases a legal adult, and we are trying to punish them as a result of their behavior.

hard school corporal punishment paddling to tears high school 4

Each swat needs to hit with enough force to make contact with the muscles of her bottom, as this is how real learning takes place.  First, this is what is required to shock the system to assure that she will never return to that office again.  But more importantly, her bottom needs to be sore for a few days to serve as a long-term reminder to be on her best behavior.  It may sound cruel, but her bottom needs to be bruised.  A black and blue bottom not only hurts, but it will serve as a visual reminder of what her behavior caused for a week or more.  She needs to be able to look in the mirror every day and see just exactly what happens to naughty young ladies who feel they are above following the rules.

hard school corporal punishment paddling to tears high school 6

Let’s remember, that it is not the school administrator that is responsible for this taking place.  It is her behavior and conscious decision making that led her here.  She is old enough now, to not only know all the rules that governs the school, but to follow them.  These rules exist for a reason and there are very real consequences for breaking them.  Yes, there are small offenses that do not warrant a paddling, but there is a reason why the paddle is an option for the more severe transgressions.  When you break the major rules, you must be punished in a manner that will leave a lasting impression.

hard school corporal punishment paddling to tears high school 9

A school paddle is large and intimidating, and the mere thought of it should strike fear in to the mind of any girl facing it.  It should be used in the manner in which it was intended, and it should cause some very real and intense pain.  It should not be easy to get through; it should be one of the hardest physical things that she has faced in her school career.  The tears should start to flow after the first swat and they should continue well after the paddling is complete.  Her body shaking, voice cracking, and knees buckling, demonstrate that the paddling is working, and these things should be seen as positive signs.  This is a spanking, this type of reaction is the goal, it means progress is being made.  It only works if she leaves his office crying, with a bottom so sore that sitting in a desk becomes a punishment all in itself.  This is how real lessons are learned and how behavior improves.

All of the pictures and animation in this post come from the very real school paddling videos featured in the member’s areas of and


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Paddled at School, Paddled at Home

high school girl school corporal punishment paddling

Having just chosen to be paddled, she considers hoe the paddle will feel over her yoga pants.

As a cheerleader and a very visible face for her school, Mable had always worked hard to stay out of trouble.  She had only ever been sent to the office a single time in her entire high school career, and on that day, she was given a warning.  Unfortunately for her, today, she was sent to the office for the exact same reason as before.  It was very clear to the vice principal that the warning that he gave her before served no purpose, so this was not a mistake that he was going to make again.  She was given the option of a two-week suspension from school or a ten-swat paddling.  The last thing she ever wanted was to be paddled, but a suspension would mean not being able to cheer at any event for that time period and homecoming was next week.  Another motivation for not being paddled was the fact that her dad had always made it very clear that if she was ever paddled at school, that she could expect the very same thing at home, but worse. It was not an easy decision, as she knew she was probably committing to being paddled twice on that day, but homecoming was too important to miss. Reluctantly, she made the decision to be paddled and as her day progressed, it was a decision that she would soon regret.

high school girl paddling

Presenting her bottom and waiting for her 10 swat school paddling.

She was immediately asked to stand up, place her hands on the dry erase board in the conference room where all school paddlings took place.  Instead of grabbing one of the evil looking paddles on the wall and getting right to work on her bottom, he sat back down and began filling out the required documents that accompany all applications of school corporal punishment.  She spent the next couple of minutes, her bottom on display, and properly presented to be paddled, to consider exactly what was about to happen.  She was quickly regretting getting in trouble during cheer practice, as she was wearing her workout leggings, and they were paper thin.  She could only imagine how bad each swat was going to feel, from those giant and evil looking paddles on the wall, with so little protection for her teen bottom.  After what felt like an eternity, but was actually closer to three minutes, he finally stood up and grabbed a paddle from the wall.

school corporal punishment paddling

She is just moments away from some very real learning as a result of school corporal punishment and the paddle.

Her heart began to race as he approached her.  It had been years since she had been spanked at home, but just like at school, her dad had always used a wooden paddle.  The paddle he used was much smaller, but always left her bruised and crying, so she could not even imagine how bad this was going to hurt with the giant paddle he now held in his hand.  He explained to her that for her safety, it was very important that she hold her position for the duration of her paddling.  He had learned a long time ago that he was doing no one any favors by applying a gentle paddling, and that only severe paddlings had any effect on someone’s behavior.  It did not matter to him that there was a petite, 18-year-old cheerleader presenting her bottom to him, she would get it just like any male would that was sent to his office.  He was an equal opportunity paddler, and everyone was paddled the same…as hard as he safely could apply the swats.

paddling school

The paddling begins and so does her lesson.

Once he warned her about holding still, she cringed as she felt the paddle touch her bottom.  Without another word being spoken, she felt the paddle lift from her bottom, and could see out of the corner of her eyes as the paddled was raised well above his head.  She tried to brace herself and prepare for the moment of impact, but nothing could prepare her for what she felt.  The paddle exploded against her bottom and the sound echoed throughout the conference room.  There was a brief second before the pain fully registered, but when it did, she was almost in shock.  Her eyes instantly filled with tears, and just as she was gasping for a breath, the next swat landed in the exact same spot.  It was more pain than she could even comprehend as a result of a spanking, but he was just getting started.  The next two were applied in the exact same manner, each about 3 seconds apart.  Her dad had always worked her whole bottom when he had paddled her, but all of these swats were being applied right where her bottom met the top of her thighs.

school paddling over yoga pants

He knows that real learning only takes place as a result of a severe paddling. Each swat makes contact with the muscles of her bottom assuring a long lasting lesson.

After the first four there was a brief pause and all she could hear was her own heavy breathing and gentle sobbing.  She knew there was no way that she could take anymore and she was about to ask for the suspension instead.  Before those words could leave her mouth, the paddling resumed, and there was no break at all.  The next 6 swats were applied as hard and as fast as he could swing, and her bottom could barely take it.  Six swats, expertly applied in less than 3 seconds, were enough for her to totally break down.  Her bottom was on fire in a way that she had never felt before.  Once it was all done he politely asked her to take a seat so she could fill out her portion of the paperwork.  Her mind was in a bit of a fog as she did as she was told and took a seat.  That fog was quickly lifted when her bottom made contact with the chair and she quickly realized that this punishment was nowhere close to being over.  She struggled in the chair as she signed the paperwork, and just like that, she was dismissed.  The only thing left for him to do, was to make that phone call, the one required by school policy, anytime corporal punishment is administered.  He had a quick chat with Mable’s dad, who was very supportive of the paddling being administered and made it very clear that it was not the last one she would be receiving that day.

school paddling on security camera

School policy now requires that all corporal punishment be administered in a room with security cameras to assure that all paddlings are applied per district rules.

Mable had a very rough day after that.  She had two more class periods, as well as a full-on cheer practice after school where they worked on their homecoming routines.  Sitting in class became more and more difficult as they day progressed, and she found every excuse possible to not be at her desk in class.  She had found a private moment to change before cheer practice, as she was quite sure that her bottom had to show the marks from her paddling.  Cheer practice was equally as painful as every movement seemed to add to the discomfort she was feeling.  With every step, kick, and jump, she was reminded of her behavior.  As hard as she tried, she also had the lingering thought in the back of her mind that this was not the only paddling she would receive that day.  She had been paddled maybe twice since the age of 14, it just was not as common in her teen years as it had been when she was younger.  Her dad had never been quick to spank her, but when he did, it was always an event to be remembered.  She kept trying to convince herself that it had been so long since her last spanking that he probably would not even give her one for this.

bruised butt from school paddling

Far too bruised to change in front of the rest of the cheer squad.

After practice, she did not even go to the locker room to change, as she was far too embarrassed for anyone to know she had actually been paddled at school.  She gingerly climbed into her car, and drove herself home with a very sore bottom, filled with dread as to what she would be facing when she got home.  She rubbed her bottom a little at the stop lights and found that it had actually become hard to the touch.  She had two raised areas at the bottom of each cheek that were stiff and sore.  She had not looked at it yet, but she could only guess that it was already probably bruised.  Her heart sank as she pulled up at the house and saw that her father’s car was already in the garage.  She slowly walked to the front door, her heart rate having doubled over the last 30 steps.


bare bottom paddling from dad for teen girl

Sent to get dad’s paddle that in just a moment will be used on her bare bottom.

She walked in and it was very clear within the first 10 seconds that he had been called and informed of the paddling at school.  He had very little to say except to reexplain his policy about “get it at school, then get it at home”.  With his voice slightly raised, which was never a good sign, he told her to go to his room and get the paddle, bend herself over the couch, and he would be with her shortly.  It had been quite some time since she had been sent to get the paddle, and she was a little surprised to see it in the same spot it had been kept for most of her life.  She thought that maybe he was done with using the paddle on her, but it seems it was always ready just in case.  Just holding it brought back some very real and painful memories.  She walked slowly to the living room, where all spankings were administered in their house, and bent over the arm of the couch.  She was very nervous, but thankful that her little brother did not seem to be home.  He always managed to find a way to be in the room when she was spanked, and he loved every minute of it.

bare bottom paddling for a teen girl

Waiting is often the worst part as she knows how that paddle is going to feel on her already bruised bottom.

She laid over the arm of the couch for a good five minutes.  Each time she heard his footsteps get closer to her, her heart sank, but he was taking his time.  It gave her a lot of time to contemplate how very bad this was going to be.  Just three hours before she was barely able to even sit down at the hard-wooden school desks, and now, here she was waiting to be paddled again.  Her dad’s paddle, one that he had constructed himself many years ago, was not as long or as thick as the school paddle.  His was more of an oval shape, and while the school paddle was large enough to cover most of her bottom with a single swat, dad’s paddle was perfectly sized to cover one cheek at a time.  It seemed like forever, but finally he finished what he was doing and approached her.

paddled on bruised bottom teen girl

Dad gets right to work with the paddle on her already sore bottom.

She knew why she was in trouble, and knew what was about to happen, so there were very few words spoken.  He grabbed the paddle, lifted her cheer skirt, lowered her panties, and went right to work.  He was quite surprised as to how bruised her bottom already was, but that did not influence the paddling she was about to get, she was going to get exactly what she had earned.  When he had paddled her in the past, he tended to cover every inch of her bottom, but on this day, he decided to take advantage of her already bruised bottom, and just work the sore spots.  Being that her right cheek seemed worse off than the left, he tried hard to balance them out.  The paddling started fast and very hard and she was kicking and crying from the very first swat.  He paddled the low spot on both her cheeks relentlessly and the bruises quickly turned darker.  She began to struggle and move out of position, which was quickly corrected with even harder paddle swats, and the warning “you better hold still or we will do this all night long”.  This was just enough motivation to keep her a little more still, but she still struggled.

bruising his teen daughters bottom with a paddle

He works hard to make sure her bottom is equally as sore on both sides.

The pain she was experiencing, being paddled on her bare bottom, just five hours after her previous paddling, was unbearable.  While she had received ten swats at school, which seemed like far more than that, but this paddling did not seem like it would ever end.  He would place a single swat on her right butt cheek and then several in a row on her left.  The bruises were quickly balancing out, and there would be no sitting position that was comfortable for her by the time he was done.  He had very similar feelings regarding corporal punishment that the vice principal did at the school.  If he was going to take the time to use spanking as a means of discipline, it needed to be an event to be remembered.  It did not matter how much she kicked, squirmed, or cried, the punishment would not end until the job was done.  It was her behavior that led them to this moment in time, it was simply his job to spank her in a manner that assured that this behavior never occurred again…ever.  From the current state of her bottom, as he continued to paddle her bare bottom, he was fairly confident that this behavior would be fully extinguished.  Towards the end, he slowed his pace with the paddle, and instead placed the hardest of swats, slowly and deliberately, very low on her bottom, making sure to include the top of her thighs.  This achieved the results that he was looking for, and just like that, the paddling was over.

rubbing sore bottom

Rubbing her sore bottom after her second paddling of the day.

She was instructed to return the paddle to exactly where she found it, as he was guessing that it might have been tucked away for a little too long and it might need to come out more often.  After he left she spent a minute drying her tears and rubbing her bottom.  It had hurt a lot, but now was almost a little numb.  She rubbed it for a good minute, feeling that it had grown even harder and more swollen.  She put the paddle back in her dad’s room and went up to hers to inspect her bottom.  She bared her bottom and looked in the mirror and could not believe the results.  Most of her bottom showed signs of bruising, but the lowest parts were a total mess.  She had a large bull’s eye looking bruise on her right cheek, and her left cheek was covered with smaller bruises from her dad’s paddle.  As every minute passed her bottom grew sorer.  She could feel a pulsating in her bottom with each beat of her heart and there was nothing pleasant at all about it.  That evening at dinner, she could barely hold still, but dad had made it clear that sitting at the table was the only option.  Her younger brother smiled his way through the entire meal knowing that his sister was sitting on a freshly paddled bottom, which dad had proudly announced before dinner.  She finished dinner and her chores and went to bed early, hoping that things would be much easier the next day.  When she woke up the next morning, she quickly realized that things were not better…they were far worse.

teen girl spanked

She will be a sore and sore girl for many days to come.

This two part video series is currently online in the member’s area of  Member’s are able to watch the 10 swat school paddling, and 50 swat bare bottom paddling, exactly as described in this post.  Exclusively at


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Severe Corporal Punishment Video

There looks to be many hard school paddling scenes in this video.

“For many of us that watch spanking videos, there is often one thing that really defines if we like the video or not…realism.  It can be presented in many different ways, but in general, it is the severity of the punishment that shows us what is and is not real.  I grow tired of the videos in which a young lady is getting a gentle handspanking and is screaming her head off like she is being beaten with a 2×4.

Today we are proud to announce the release of our video “Severe Corporal Punishment”.  These videos have all been hand selected by me as ones that I feel show spankings as they are intended to be…as a means to discipline a young lady and change her behavior.  You will see no warm-ups, no acting, just strict and severe corporal punishment being administered very hard from the beginning to the end.  There are lots and lots of tears, bruised bottoms all around, and at no point will you think that any of these young ladies are acting.  This is the hard stuff, for those that like such things, and filmed for pay or not, none of these young ladies will be sitting down any time soon.

This video includes 16 different hard corporal punishment scenes featuring 11 different models.  In the over 80 minutes of this video you will watch as real corporal punishment is applied with the intent of changing the actions and behaviors of naughty girls.  This video features a lot of the use of a heavy wooden school paddle, as that is how real lessons are learned, but also includes strict discipline with the wooden spoon, Tawse, prison strap, and hairbrush.  These are all new scenes, filmed in 2016.”

Now available at Spanking Library

severe corporal punishment

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