Cheerleader Paddled in School

Cheerleaders are not immune from corporal punishment in high school, if anything, as school representatives the standards are higher.  From a recent update to the member’s area of  you see a young cheerleader get a the kind of paddling that she will never forget.  After 10 severe licks she goes to the locker room to check the results of her behavior adjustment.

cheerleader paddled at school

Present her bottom for a hard paddling on her cheer shorts.

cheerleader corporal punishment

Checking her bruised bottom in the locker room.

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Position is important for a high school girl paddling

girls bending over for a high school corporal punishment paddling 2

When it comes to a school paddling, almost all schools have policies and procedures in place as to exactly how a paddling should take place.  These policies generally address who may administer it, who needs to witness, who may or may not be present, how many swats can be administered, all the way down to the size of the paddle to be used.  What I have never really seen specified is the position the student is to be paddled in.  This allows for a lot of variation in positions and is generally up to the discretion of the person in charge of administering the paddling.  Many might think that any position will work, which they will, however some are clearly more effective than others.

high school corporal punishment

Paddling while bent over the desk.

One of the most common positions if for the young lady to simply bend over and place the lower partgirls bending over for a high school corporal punishment paddling 14 of her arms flat on the desk.  This gives her good body support during her paddling and does present her bottom in the proper manner.  I do feel there are a few drawbacks to this position.  The first is that this is a position that basically allows her to just sit there and take her paddling and does not require much assistance on her part during the paddling.  I much prefer positions in which she has to work a little bit to maintain her position, thus requiring her to be an active participant in her own punishment.  The other drawback to this position is that by bending 90 degrees or less at the waist, it the paddle tends to only hit the fleshiest part of her bottom.  This does indeed hurt, but it does not bring as much of the underlying muscles into play which helps to create long term soreness.

The next position that is quite common is similar, only the young lady is required to bend over and girls bending over for a high school corporal punishment paddling 10place her hands on a chair or a stool of some sort.  This adds a little more effectiveness to the overall process as it is not a common position that she would find herself in during the normal course of her day and adds to the discomfort.  The lower the chair is, the better the paddling, as this position begins to take her bend beyond 90 degrees and begins to bring some of the butt muscles closer to the surface.

girls bending over for a high school corporal punishment paddling 11Some administrators still utilize a desk, but instead of her simply leaning over it with her arms on the surface, she is required to grasp the edge of the desk and then walk her feet back, until her arms and her back run along the same plane.  While this position does not create more than a 90 degree bend, I feel it still adds a lot to the overall effectiveness.  There is really no situation in life in which this position is used other than for a punishment.  It begins to add a different degree of formality to the process, and this position really requires her to present her bottom to be paddled.  This is the first of the positions covered that begins girls bending over for a high school corporal punishment paddling 7to add a degree or her feeling a little exposed and vulnerable.  While still at the desk, she does not have the comfort and security that she would feel when simply leaning over the edge.  There is no doubt that she is being positioned in a manner that is going to lead to her being well punished.

girls bending over for a high school corporal punishment paddling 6The next position, which is practically the same as the previous one, involves the same basic structure but with the hand support being a wall or a locker or some sort.  This is a common position for teachers and coaches that may not have the benefit of a private office to use.  For the schools that allow the teachers and coaches to paddle, they typically have to do it in a location in which no other student is present to watch.  For most teachers, this generally involves simply taking the student out into the hallway.  While there are other positions that work in this environment, this one does allow the student to have a good amount of support and balance, therefore allowing a very hard paddling to take place.  There is no concern that any swat will knock them forward, so it provides for an extra degree of safety for harder corporal punishment.

high school girl paddled

Pulled from class and taken into the hallway for a hard paddling.

girls bending over for a high school corporal punishment paddling 5The next positions all basically fall into the category of being self-supporting.  Most commonly a student is required to assume a wide stance and then to bend over and place her hands on her knees. The wide stance allows for better balance in a position in which there is nothing to hold onto to support herself.  I feel that a self-supporting stance is more effective than one in which she is allowed to grasp something as it is more difficult to maintain this position while being paddled.  A paddling is not supposed to be easy, nor should it be something that she should not have to assist in.  By bending over with her hands on her knees, she is not only presenting her bottom, but doing so in a manner in which she will have to assist.  A hard paddle swat has the potential to knock her forward and off balance, so she has to actively work to maintain that position, making her a very active part of her paddling.  No one is going to hold her in girls bending over for a high school corporal punishment paddling 8place; it is her responsibility to present her bottom in a manner that allows a good paddling to take place.  This position can also be made a little more effective by requiring her to bend her legs slightly.  Too much of a bend can make the angle the paddle needs to swing from a little difficult, but a slight bend helps to tighten up her bottom, pulling the fleshier parts tighter.  The tighter her bottom is pulled, the less surface padding there will be, allowing for maximum effectiveness and long term learning.

girls bending over for a high school corporal punishment paddling 4What I believe to be the very best position for paddling is for a young lady to be required to bend over and grab her ankles.  It makes almost every part of a paddling more effective thus decreasing the likelihood of her repeating the offense.  First, it is highly unusual and there is really no other situation in which someone can tell someone else to bend over and grab their ankles.  By her even doing so demonstrates her submitting to the authority of the person in charge of punishing her.  On the surface the differences may seem slight, but I feel there is a huge difference in “lean over that desk” and “bend over and grab your ankles”.  It generally requires a fairly wide stance which adds to the intimacy and vulnerability of the position.  In general, it is also just not a comfortable position to be in for any length of time and the more discomfort one feels during a schoolgirls bending over for a high school corporal punishment paddling 3 paddling the better.  It also helps to really put the focus on her bottom.  When she assumes this position everything all of a sudden becomes just about her bottom.  Her face is no longer even visible, for the next minute her bottom and the paddle are the most important things in the room.  For just about every high school girl, this also adds a great deal of embarrassment to the proceedings.  No girl wants to be in a situation of spreading her legs and grabbing her ankles in front of some random person.  But her behavior is what triggered this event so now she has no choice but to suffer through the embarrassment of what she created.

girls bending over for a high school corporal punishment paddling 9The use of this position really allows for a paddling to be as effective as possible.  With the tight jeans that all the girls wear nowadays, everything is pulled extremely tight when she is grabbing her ankles. All of the muscles are brought to the very surface and all of the paddling is spread thin.  She is not only going to feel the sting of each and every swat, she is going to feel the full weight of the paddle as it hits the most sensitive areas.  Long term soreness is not created by smacking the padded part of a young lady’s bottom, it is created when wood meets muscles.  Every swat of the paddle will help to create a soreness that she will feel for a couple of days which should always be the goal.  With her grabbing her ankles the administrator can feel reassured that she will wake up the next morning and immediately think about her punishment.  The only way to really create more bend during a paddling is for the student to be required to place her hands on the floor.  This is not a very common position, but there are some coaches out there that still utilize it.

Proper positioning during a paddling is by far one of the most important aspects of the punishment.  It helps the student become part of the process; it can add anticipation, vulnerability, and some embarrassment.  But most importantly, the proper position during a paddling can increase the overall amount of pain that she experiences both during and after.

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A bruised and sore bottom is required for an effective school paddling

There are many different factors that make school corporal punishment, not only effective, but something that is feared by high schools girls across the South.  If administered in an effective manner, it can greatly reduce the chance of future misbehavior, not only specific to the offense they were paddled for, but all other offenses in general.

bruised bottom from school paddling

Two perfect bulls-eye shaped bruises will assure that sitting in difficult.

The punishment itself starts when a young lady finds herself with a disciplinary referral in her hand as she walks towards the office.  In a school in which a paddle is used, she knows that getting her bottom paddled is a very real option.  This anticipation and apprehension is further emphasized as she sits in the principal’s office and her behavior is evaluated.  At some point she is informed that her bottom will be paddled and this tends to send her body into a bit of a panic.

high school girl paddling

The visual indicators on this teen bottom demonstrate that an effective paddling was administered.

Another very important component is her bending over and presenting her bottom to be paddled.  This process is so important as this is her taking ownership for her offense and actually submitting to a punishment that she has earned.  The few moments she has to wait from the time she has bent over, until the time that the paddling takes place can be one of the most stressful parts of a paddling.

teen girl corporal punishment at school

Her tiny teen bottom is bruised and sore from a well deserved paddling.

While all of the above factors contribute overall to the process of school corporal punishment, and help to make it a very memorable experience, the most important factor is pain and soreness.  The whole concept of corporal punishment is based on the fact that most people will go out of their way to avoid feeling physical pain.  Yes, there are some people in this world that find some excitement when it comes to pain, or even have a very high tolerance, but your typical teenage high school girl does not fall into this category.

school paddling

Both of these bottoms were just paddled at school.

The typical high school girl wants nothing to do with a heavy wooden paddle being applied to her bottom, and for good reason.  The typical school administrator that is tasked with paddling a young lady’s backside is typically pretty good at their job.  Their goal is with as few as 3-4 swats, to produce enough pain that not only will serve as a punishment for her bad behavior, but will also serve as a deterrent for future behavior.

high school girl punishment

She checks her bottom after her paddling and knows that the lesson is just beginning.

Most schools use a fairly large paddle, one big enough to cover a large portion of a young lady’s bottom with a single swat.  This is not like a handspanking, or even a belt spanking, in which the spanker tries to move the implement around to cover as much of the bottom as possible.  With a paddle, each swat is generally laid on top of the last, which really helps in increasing the amount of pain that she experiences.  This also has the effect of creating bruises, which for all school paddlings should be the desired results.

school spanking

Severe transgressions require a severe paddlings.

The amount of pain she experiences during her paddling should be far more than she can handle, this is the only way for learning to take place.  We are not talking about an abusive punishment, but a spanking is supposed to hurt.  If she is not paddled in a manner that leads to some tears and a sore bottom, it is quite likely that she will be back once again for some type of disciplinary issue.  She needs for the pain to have been intense enough that she swears to herself that she will never get in trouble again.


She finds a private spot to check her freshly paddled bottom.

Just as important as the pain she feels during the paddling itself is the pain she experiences after her paddling.  A paddling of 4-5 swats has the tendency to leave a bottom a little numb, especially when the swats are laid on top of each other.  While the paddling is taking place, hopefully she is experiencing tremendous discomfort, but very quickly the body compensates for the pain by producing endorphins. Within a minute or so after her paddling, her body will quickly fight the pain, and she will indeed experience some temporary relief.

high school paddling

It takes just one look at these student’s bottom to see that real learning took place.

If it was a good paddling, one really designed to teach a good lesson, within 20 minutes or so the production of endorphins will decrease and the intense pain should return.  This can be a fantastic learning tool as she quickly discovers that the punishment is not over.  Even better is that over the next hour or so the pain should continue to grow.  With each class period, as she ends up sitting in desk after desk, she is constantly reminded of her behavior.  The squirming begins and finding a position of comfort becomes increasingly more difficult.

bruised bottom for the high school girl

This high school girl got exactly what she earned…a bruised bottom.

That afternoon after school, once she is in the privacy of her own room, just about every girl will take a look at her bottom.  If she was paddled in an effective manner, right there in front of her eyes, will be visual indicators of her bad behavior.  She will be able to look in the mirror and actually see the results of her behavior.  There are very few punishments in this world that when they are complete, there are visual cues to remind someone of how they behaved.  After a good paddling, she will have a daily reminder for several days after.

paddled cheerleader

This young cheerleader checks the results of her school paddling in the locker room.

One of the very beast reasons that a hard school paddling is effective is the next day.  After a night of sleeping, in which there has been very little movement and the effected muscles have really had a chance to tighten up, when she wakes up she will be feeling the full effects of the paddling.  While it will not hurt as much as it did during the paddling itself, the bottom really can become quite sore.  Compare it with how you feel a few hours after a hard workout at the gym, and how your muscles feel the next day.

school girl paddling

There is no doubt that her paddling will have the desired effect.

It is amazing how much you really use your glute muscles for everything.  Every movement she makes that morning and throughout the day will remind her of exactly what she did and the results of her actions.  Even better, is that a paddling by design targets the part of the body that is used for sitting, an activity that most people spend the better part of a day doing…especially at school.  With her bottom at the point of being as sore as it possibly can be, she still has to go to school.

bruised bottom paddling

Her bottom is going to be sore for just the right amount of time.

In the school environment there is no avoiding sitting down, nor is there really a classroom in the country that provides a comfortable sitting environment.  School desk are already hard and uncomfortable, but with a freshly bruised bottom, it is a whole different world.  Unlike after school detention, which is basically removed from someone’s mind the moment it is complete, school corporal punishment just continues to serve as a learning experience.

School corporal punishment is quite ineffective without a significant amount of pain being involved.  For it to really work and serve as a proper deterrent, the young lady needs to experience enough pain to her bottom that tears come into play.  It also needs to be administered in a manner that leaves her bottom quite sore and swollen, assuring that there will be enough bruising for the punishment to continue to be effective for at least two days later.

All of these animations come from the only two places that actual paddling happen hard enough to leave these young bottoms bruised: and

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Leggings, Yoga Pants, and a Hard School Paddling

It has become a recent fashion trend and I do not think many men out there are complaining.  They are leggings, or yoga pants, and it seems that most young ladies out there are wearing them.  If you ask any of these young ladies why there wear them, they will tell you that they are comfortable.  But the real reason is that they love to tease the men out there by showing off their tight little bottoms.  Women of all ages are wearing them, but they certainly look the very best on 18 year old girls.  These little pants are so tight, and often shear enough that very little is left to the imagination.  You can often see exactly the type of panties they are wearing, and can ever see what is written on their panties.

paddling on leggings

A paddling to that tight and unprotected bottom would be an experience that she would never forget.

You know as slide the tight little pants on each morning, that the first thing they do is look at their little bottoms in the mirror.  They want to make sure that they are going to achieve the desired effect as they walk down the halls of school.  As a result of how much leggings allow the boys to see, some schools have ruled that they are not allowed.  But the majority of the schools out there still allow a young lady to walk down the hall, showing her tight little ass off to everyone.

yoga pants paddling

When she bends over in her leggings to be paddled, it might as well be on her bare bottom.

When we look at corporal punishment in America, there is a reason why bare bottom spankings still take place.  When it comes to the spanking of an older teen girl, a significant amount of pain is required to achieve the desired effect.  While there are parents out there that use a paddle, the primary implement of choice for the teen girl is a belt.  An implement that primarily produces a stingy sensation is not all that effective over typical clothing.  As old fashioned as it may seem, this is why pants and panties still come down for a good whoopin.

school paddling in yoga pants

Presenting her bottom in yoga pants, she knows that this will be the school paddling of her life.

In the school environment, teachers and administrators do not have the luxury of being able to bare a bottom for corporal punishment, which is why the paddle has become the implement of choice.  Yes, certain clothing choices can reduce the overall sting that is created from a paddling, but for the most part, a paddle is a pretty good equalizer.  While the sting may be reduced slightly, the thud factor of a paddle assures that everyone learns a lesson regardless of what they are wearing.  It might not sting as bad, but with a proper paddle and an effective swing, her bottom will still end up bruised.

paddled over leggings

That paddle over those pants will equal learning.

For the young lady who made the decision to show off her petite little bottom, in skin tight leggings with a tiny little thong underneath, when she finds herself in trouble, she is in for quite a shock.  If there is one thing that yoga pants were never meant to do, it is to protect a bottom from a spanking.  She chose the pants in the first place because they better show what her bare bottom looks like, and when it comes to being paddled in them, it almost the same as a bare bottom paddling.  Heavy denim does quite a bit to protect a young lady’s bottom while being disciplined, but thin, stretchy cotton does not.

paddled in yoga pants

As she dressed to impress for school, even taking a selfie, I am guessing she did not consider a 3/4″ wooden board would be applied forcefully to her bottom.

Imagine the high school girl that has been sent from class to the office, and as she walks down the hall towards the principal, it occurs to her that she may be paddled, as that is a common occurrence in her school. Her thin little pants that were getting her all the attention that she was seeking, all of a sudden seem even smaller and thinner.  As she considers this option, she finds herself rubbing her bottom, and she now feels practically naked in the leggings.

Consider the young lady below.  She is pulled directly from gym class and marched right into the locker room for some much needed corporal punishment.  For the teacher, what she is wearing is not his problem, and he actually sees it as an opportunity.  This gives him the chance to make an even stronger impression to assure that her behavior does not become a reoccurring problem.  He does not have to worry about the extra protection that her clothing would normally afford her, and he gets the rare chance to basically apply a bare bottom paddling in a school environment.  She will not only end up with a much bruised bottom but she will be able to experience every bit of sting that a paddle can produce.

paddled at school in yoga pants

Bending over in her leggings for a proper paddlings.

paddled in gym class

Those thin pants and panties do nothing to protect her bottom from his heavy paddle swats.

school paddling

Her little dance and bruised bottom show that the paddling worked.



This next young lady made the decision to wear leggings to school after they had been forbidden in the dress code policy.  This administrator did not find it at all appropriate that they are so see through that he could read the writing on her panties.  A paddling through the thin material of her leggings make sure that what he could read on her panties “love pink” becomes very true.  But her clothing choice also allows him to add a considerable amount of purple to the equation.

severe school paddling in leggings

The administrator takes full advantage of the little protection that her leggings provide and paddles her bottom severely.

school paddle

The bruises are becoming visible through her thin pants.


The results of a paddling over yoga pants.



A school paddling is so very much more effective over leggings.  I would guess that if every girl who found herself in the school office to have her bottom paddled, was required to go to the locker room and change into leggings, that school misbehavior would be at an all-time low.

The proper results are visible on her bare bottom.

The proper results are visible on her bare bottom.

Watch both of these severe paddlings in full HD at

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School Paddling Punishments

OUTSTANDING!!! Realspankings has just released a new 1 hour and 40 minute compilation of some of their very best school paddling videos.  Here is the description:

Paddled at school is a unique video that features scenes that recreates school corporal punishment as it is administered in real life throughout the Southern United States.  The paddlings administered in this video are very realistic, with many leading to tears.  You will witness the real reactions as young ladies feel the sting of a large wooden school paddle applied full force to their young bottoms.  Highlights of this video include:

–          14 separate scenes, with as many as 1-4 girls being paddled at a time.
–          13 different young ladies are paddled, by 3 different male administrators.
–          Traditional school positions are utilized including bent over a desk, grabbing ankles, hands on knees, and hands on the walls.
–          Most punishments are administered over tight jeans, but we have also included a locker room paddling over gym clothes, and two punishments that are applied on their bare bottoms.
–          As a bonus, some scenes show the after effects and the young ladies drop their pants and show their bruised and sore bottoms.
–          All of the school paddlings show you the face view and the butt view of the paddling, so you are able to see each girl’s unique reaction to her punishment.
–          This video is 1 hour and 40 minutes in length, with a total of 199 swats applied in a very severe manner.  These are not fun, or playful paddlings.  This is real corporal punishment, with very real school paddles, swung full force, leaving this young ladies with very sore and bruised bottoms for days.

Here is the trailer:

School Paddling Trailer

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This video is available for as a PPV download for $15 at

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Get it at school…get it at home

In many high schools, corporal punishment is a choice that is given to a student as an alternative to some other punishment they might find less desirable.  Not that getting paddle is ever all that desirable, but in many schools, a paddling is not reported to a student’s parents.  For many young ladies, as much as they do not want to be paddled, anything is better than their parents finding out they were in trouble at school.  Detention is generally something that will require a student to stay after school, and this is something that is very hard to hide, especially if they ride the bus or a parent picks them up.

girl paddled by dad for getting paddled at school

Dad had a special paddle that he made for those days when his daughter got it at school…only he applies it to her bare bottom.

The primary reason a student does not want their parents to know that they were in trouble at school, is the fact that in areas in which corporal punishment is still allowed, spanking is often the primary form of discipline at home.  In the school environment there are rules as to how a paddling can be administered, with a maximum number of swats allowed, but in the home this is not the case.  Many high school girls will suck it up at school and take a few bruises on their bottom in order for their parents to never know.  In many cases, a school paddling is by far the lesser of two evils as opposed to a spanking at home.

bare bottom paddling from dad

Mom received the phone call that their daughter was paddled at school. She is sent to her room after school to wait for dad and his paddle. With his little paddle be tears her sore bottom up even more.

Unfortunately for many naughty young ladies, not all schools give choices for the punishment they are to receive, and in many cases, there are some infractions that lead to a mandatory paddling.  In addition, many of these same schools require that a parent be notified that a student has been paddled.  This is not a phone call that takes place to ask for permission, it is generally a phone call that takes place after the paddling, and is simply district policy.  The administrator in charge of the discipline simply calls a parent and informs them that their daughter has been paddle and the reasons for the disciplinary action.

a whoopin for getting in trouble at school

This dad bares her bottom and wears it out with his belt as a result of her behavior at school.

This phone call serves a couple of different purposes.  The first is that many school districts require that a parent be notified.  It makes sense to cover all bases when the application of a physical punishment has taken place and to keep the parent in the loop.  Another reason is that it makes sense to keep the parents informed as to the conduct of their child in a school environment and to maintain good communication.  I suspect however, that many school administrators know exactly what will happen when that young lady gets home and they see this as a chance for her actions at school to be further reinforced at home.  Not all schools require that a phone call be made when a student is paddled, but there are many administrators that still make the call.

bare bottom paddling from dad

Dad’s policy has always been clear, whatever she received at school, she will get double at home…on her bare bottom.

They know that by picking up the phone, that there is a good chance that an additional spanking will take place.  There are so many cases in which the regulations for school paddling are limited and there is no way to fully allow the punishment to fit the crime.  Some school policies allow no more than 3 swats per offense, and while this is still enough to get the tears flowing; it is not always enough to address the issue at hand.  The phone call is an additional resource that an administrator can use to make sure that the job is finished properly.  While he may only be able to paddle her bottom three times, he is confident that no Southern parent will stop after three swats at home.

paddled on her bruised bottom

Ten swats at school left her bottom badly bruised, which just makes makes it easier for dad to reinforce her learning.

If you grew up in an area of the country in which school paddling is allowed, there is no doubt you have heard the phrase “get it at school, get it at home”.  This is not some made up phrase that only lives in the world of those with a spanking fetish.  This is a common approach to school discipline in the South and for many households it is simply a reality.  Many students go to school each day knowing that getting in trouble at school will indeed result in a spanking at home.  There are many dads out there that have gone as far as making their own school type paddle, so “get it at school, get it at home” means exactly that, another paddling when the young lady gets home.

school paddling

Grabbing her ankles for a hard paddling after school…

belt from dad

…and just a couple hours later she finds herself grabbing her ankles at home for a long session with dad’s belt on her already bruised and sore bottom.


For the naughty high school girl that lives in this situation, needless to say, the punishment at home will not be easy to take.  With as few as 3 swats with a school paddle, her bottom will be quite sore.  It does not matter what type of spanking she gets that evening at home, her bottom will be sore.  There are some parents that will repeat the exact paddling she got at school, but many parents are far stricter.  She may end up with double the amount of swats, and in the home environment, they can indeed be applied to her bare bottom.  Or it is possible she will just get the standard punishment she generally gets from dad, a couple of minutes with his leather belt.  Either way, after a hard school paddling, and an additional paddling or strapping at home, you can count in the fact that this will be a very well behaved young lady in school for many weeks to come.

Pictures and animations from the member’s area of

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A hard school paddling from a teacher

While it is becoming less and less common, there are still many school, and entire school districts in which teachers are still allowed to apply corporal punishment as they see fit.  There is no long process of sending a student to the office, for the vice principal to evaluate if a paddling is required, they are simply allowed to do it themselves.  For the schools in which this takes place, the policy generally requires that the paddle used by a teacher be approved by the vice principal.  District and school policies also generally require that a witness (same sex as the student being paddled if the teacher is of the opposite sex) also be present for the duration of the paddling and that it be administered out of view of other students.

teacher paddles student

Marched from class, into the stairwell, for her bottom to be bruised with the heaviest of school paddles.

With those policies in place, it is pretty much up to the teacher to decide if a paddling is required.  There might be some documentation required, but this allows discipline to be administered on the spot.  The teacher simply needs to take the offender outside of the classroom, grab another teacher, and get to work.  This may take place in the hallway, in an empty classroom, or maybe in the privacy of a stairwell. But the teacher does not have to rely on anyone else to take care of their classroom discipline.  There is no concern that a student will be sent to the office only to get a warning, for an offense that is a constant issue for that teacher.  There is no opportunity for the student to offer a different version of events to an administrator that may lead to a lesser sentence.

paddled by a teacher

Two girls kept after class for a proper paddling from their teacher.

This really allows a teacher to make any given punishment fit the crime. If a young lady’s behavior really requires a bruised bottom, then the teacher has the freedom to provide exactly that.  He simply grabs the paddle, invites the young lady into the hall, and then borrows a teacher from another classroom to witness.  Most school policies will limit the number of swats that can be given, but no school policy really addresses the issue of severity.  If a hard paddling is what is required, then a hard paddling is what will be applied.  One of the major benefits of a hallway paddling is that it serves as a deterrent to other students.  While they are unable to watch the paddling take place, a school hallway not only does nothing to muffle the sounds of a paddling, it tends to really amplify the paddling, and it can be heard throughout that hallway.

teacher paddles students

He decides to fix the “chatting with her neighbor” problem in his class and takes them into the hallway and paddles their bottoms.

This whole process has the potential to take what is typically a fairly private event and make it a very public punishment. First of all, not only will the paddling be heard through the hall and neighboring classrooms, but so will the young lady’s reaction.  It is a far different experience than being sent to the principal, getting paddled, and then having time to compose herself on the way back to class.  In that situation, no would really even know that she had been paddled.  When everyone not only hears the swats, but then then yelp after each swat, and often active crying, it becomes a very embarrassing for her.  In addition, there is no policy that states that someone who has been paddled requires time to compose themselves and it is not uncommon for a young lady to be marched right back into class with tears still streaming down her face.  Take this one step further, as as soon as class is over, all of those in the neighboring classes that heard the paddling, will be asking who it was that was paddled.  Before the next class has started everyone will know who was spanked at school.

teacher corporal punishment on a student

Both young ladies are paddled right outside their classroom for everyone to hear.

All is these factors tend to serve as a much better deterrent than a paddling in the principal’s office. It allows other students to actually hear how hard of a paddling they may indeed find themselves receiving from any given teacher. It also allows them to see that for many teachers, the application of a paddling is not ornamental and that it is fully intended to bruise a bottom and produce tears.  No girl wants to experience that type of pain, nor does she want the extreme embarrassment that comes with that taking place in such a public fashion.  It also allows the teacher to show the rest of the students exactly what can happen for any given offense.  If a teacher decides that tardies are the biggest distraction to the educational process, and gives just one girl the paddling of her life for multiple tardies, that teacher can count on asses in chairs every time the bells rings from that day forward.

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High school girl paddling caught on security camera

Let’s be honest, if you are on this blog you are very interested in the whole concept of a teenage girl getting her bottom paddled at school.  You have probably read many true accounts from girls who were actually paddled in school growing up.  You are probably quite attentive when the news of a girl getting paddled makes the mainstream media.  Unless you are an educator in the South, or grew up in the South, there is a good chance that you have never actually seen a school paddling take place.  There are certainly those that grew up in the 50’s and 60’s that might have had the opportunity to hear, or possibly witness a girl getting paddled in high school, but today these things typically happen in private.

school paddling spy voyeur

Spying on a high school girl getting her bottom paddled hard.

There are some schools that allow teachers to paddle students, but never in front of other students, so it most common that a student is kept after class, or on occasion, taken out into the hallway.  This allows other students to hear the paddling take place, but not witness it.  The most common paddling clearly takes place behind the closed doors of the school office.  But what really goes on behind those closed doors? What does a real school paddling look like? If you were to hide in an adjacent room and watch, what would it look like? If the whole thing was captured on a school security camera, what would you see? Monday’s update on has made me happy, happy, happy as it shows us these exact views of the same paddling.  Sometimes I love the voyeur scenes more than the more professional scenes as it really adds a sense of reality.  Today’s animation are from these two scene and they are awesome!!!

school paddling caught on tape

Security camera showing a very real school paddling taking place.

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Unfortunately for her, this was her 5th visit to the office that semester, which put her on step 5 of the campus disciplinary plan.  On each level of the plan she had received some level of corporal punishment, which started with just a single swat.  He had been hopeful that after her last visit, in which she received six swats, given three at a time, on two occasions on the same day, that she may have learned her lesson.  But here it is, just 5 weeks after her last disciplinary referral, once again in his office for some minor offense.

high school paddle

Today she will receive the paddling of her life.

While the offense may be minor, it was part of an overall pattern of behavior that needed to be addressed.  Step 5 of the campus disciplinary plan was the last one that allowed for corporal punishment, the next steps involved suspension and punishments that would have an overall effect on her grade.  He felt that he had failed in his previous attempts with her and clearly her innocence and the minor nature of her infractions had caused him to be lenient when applying the paddle to her pretty bottom.

Today he would have a better chance to emphasize his point, as step 5 of the plan called for 9 swats with the paddle.  The school corporal punishment policy only allowed for 3 swats at any given time, but how long in between punishments was a bit of a grey area.  He could spread them out over several days, but experience had taught him that this tended to affect what a student wore the next day, and he wanted to paddle a bottom that was in no way prepared for it.  She was currently wearing skin tight jeans and probably thong panties that seemed to be popular with the girls her age.  It was the right combination of clothing that would allow for him to make the impression he should have previously.

She was not surprised when she was told that she would be paddled, but she would indeed be surprised by how much the severity would be increased.  He told her that she would be receiving 9 total swats, getting 3 on each visit.  He would apply the first 3 at this very moment, the next 3 after lunch, and the final 3 after school.  This would allow for about 3 hours in between paddlings, enough time for her bottom to have grown sore from the previous swats with the paddle.

For this paddling she was surprised as a couple things seem to be changing since her last paddling.  On previous paddlings she was asked to approach the desk and simply place her hands on the top of it, which left her just partially bent at the waist.  On this occasion he had her stand much further back from the desk, with her arms stretched out, leaving her bent at the waist at a 90 degree angle.  This pulled her bottom tight in her already tight jeans.

girl paddling

Presenting her bottom for licks with the heaviest of school paddles

Another surprise for her was his choice of paddles.  In the past he had used the smaller and lighter paddle that he often used on the female students, but on this occasion she was quite surprised to see a paddle that was over 2 feet long, ¾” thick, and at least 4” wide.  This was his big boy paddle, used on his very toughest cases, and rarely had it been used on a female bottom.  This was his very last chance to make an impression on her with a paddling and he was going to make it count.

With her bottom being presented nicely, it was time to get to work.  This time he was not going to be effected by her charm, her very respectful manner, or that pretty smile of hers, this time he was going to make it count.  For this paddling he just pretended that the bottom presented to him was that of a male football player.  This would not be a paddling in which he just used his arm to swing, he was sure to put his shoulders and hips into it.  He applied her first 3 swats full force, giving it everything he had, and as quickly as possible.  He placed them all on the exact same spot, knowing that by the end of the day, that the soreness this would create would make sitting down quite difficult.  After the third swat it was quite clear he was doing a good job as she buckled at the knees and let out a loud cry.  He dismissed her, told her to come back at lunch for the next 3, and watched her leave his office with tears in her eyes.

Hard paddling of high school girl

Paddling her teen butt hard enough to make her knees buckle.

She was quite surprised at the force with which she had been paddled, but as much as it had hurt, as she walked to her class, her bottom did not hurt all that much.  During the rest of her second period class, her bottom began to lose some of the numbness it was feeling, and pretty quickly she began to feel quite uncomfortable.  By third period she was starting to realize that this was not going to be pleasant as her bottom began to hurt more and more.  When lunchtime came, she was quite nervous about the prospects of returning to the office for another round of paddle swats.

school swats

Time for another three swats at school

As much as her bottom hurt, she knew she had no choice so she reported to his office.  She knocked on the door and was immediately invited in. This time he told her to stand in front of his desk and to bend over and place her hands on her knees.  He grabbed the same large paddle and approached her from behind.  He fine-tuned her position and required her to bend her knees slightly.  This had the effect of having the target area perfectly presented for 3 more hard swats.  Just as before, 3 hard swats were perfectly placed on the lowest part of her bottom.  With each swat he heard the verbal reaction he was looking for and once again her knees buckled.  The tears were flowing before the last lick was applied, and he knew that he was actually making progress with her this time.  The tears began to flow even harder as he told her that he would see her once again after school.

girl gets licks at school

Her second set of 3 licks in one day…3 more to go.

She ran from his office and went right to the restroom to try and clean herself up, as she did not want anyone she knew to see her crying in the hall.  She dried her tears and reapplied some makeup and tried to make herself look normal before she went for lunch.  Her bottom was throbbing with every beat of her heart, and when she pulled down her pants and panties she was surprised to see two large bulls-eye shaped bruises on her bottom.  They were both hard to the touch and hurt terribly.  She did not know how she would be able to take anymore…but she did not have a say in the manner.

school paddling

Checking her bruised bottom in the bathroom.

She struggled through her last 2 classes, not really being able to find a way to sit comfortably at a desk.  He had really focused the paddle swats on the lowest part of her bottom and a bit of the top of her thighs, which made it impossible to be at a desk and not feel pain.  She made excuses after school why she could not get a ride from one of her closest friends as she reluctantly took the long walk to the office for the last of her paddlings.  This time his door was open and he invited her in as soon as he saw her.  He told her to once again approach his desk, but this time she was told to assume a wide stance and to bend over and grab her ankles.  Even the process of assuming this position created considerable discomfort as her skin was pressed tight in her snug jeans.

grabbing her ankles to be paddled at school

Grabbing her ankles and waiting for the last three swats of her paddling

For this paddling he was in no hurry to get started and left her in this position for a couple of minutes before beginning her.  He really wanted this to be the last time she was in his office, so he wanted her to have a little time to think about what was about to happen.  He knew her bottom must be quite sore by now and he planned on adding to it.  After he felt like enough time had passed to have made his point, he once again grabbed the heavy paddle and approached.   He knew that in this position that he would be able to paddle her in a manner that would result in long term learning.  Her bottom had to already be bruised, but this position really allowed for him to apply the board deep into the muscles of her bottom.  He was counting on this as it might be the one thing that would persuade her from returning to his office ever again.  Once again, he lifted the paddle high in the air, and brought the paddle down with every ounce of energy he had.  All three swats hit very low, and this time there were not just tears, she began to cry hard.  She tried her best to stay in position, but the force of the paddle knocked forward a little.  When it was over, her bottom was more than just on fire.  There was a painful throbbing so intense, she could barely contain herself.

bruised butt from school corporal punishment

Hard licks while she is grabbing her ankles will leave her bottom sore for days.

As quickly as it began, it was over, and with tears running down her face, he quickly told her that she was dismissed.  She walked from his office, tears still streaming down her face, as she saw every pair of eyes in the office looking at her.  She did not care, she was not even embarrassed as all she could think about was the pain she was feeling.  Back in his office, he did something he rarely did, as he picked up his phone and dialed this young lady’s parents.  He calmly her dad about his daughter’s frequent misbehavior and how she was on the verge of having her grades affected.  He politely explained that corporal punishment had been required and how he hoped that something similar would take place at home; as he felt it would help reinforce the discipline that was administered at school.  He felt confident at the end of the phone call that her young bottom would being feeling the sting of dad’s belt before the day was over.

paddling girl

A properly busied bottom from a hard school paddling

This post describes yesterday’s HD hard hitting punishment video in the member’s area of

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School corporal punishment policies that allow for paddling on consecutive days

Last week we took a look at some unique school corporal punishment policies from school in Mississippi.  They were unique in that a school paddling was the first and primary punishment for smaller offenses at the middle school and high school level. Today I am going to look at the corporal punishment policies from two high schools in Texas that I also found to be quite unique.  The common thread with both of these schools is a policy that clearly will result in a very sore bottom for repeat offenders. Both have policies in place that allow for paddlings administered over a varying amount of consecutive days.

The policy below is for the first school, and I would have to guess that this is a school in which the students are fairly well behaved.  Basically, if discipline needs to be handled beyond the classroom level, the student will not only be paddled, they will also receive detention.  For the very first office visit, the punishment is a single swat and two days detention. I have always felt that sentencing a student to both is an effective policy as there will always be those students who can handle the pain of a paddling, but hate detention, as well as those that will do anything they can to avoid being paddled.  If every student knows that they will receive both no matter what, you can count on better behavior from the student body as a whole.

Where this school paddling policy, as well as the policy for the second school below, gets quite interesting is on step four.  This means this is the fourth time a student has been sent to the office for any offense from any class.  This school only allows a maximum of 3 swats on any given day; however, this does not mean that you cannot be sentenced to more than 3 swats.  Step three in the process is three swats and detention, but on a fourth office referral thing gets a bit more serious.  At this point detention becomes two full days of in school suspension and 6 paddle swats, to be administered 3 a day, two days in a row. Even better, on a fifth trip to the office is it 3 days of ISS and 9 swats over three days.

Let’s really consider what this means and the effect it must have on a young lady’s bottom.  For her 5th trip to the school office over the course of a school year, she falls into this category.  There are a lot of things a high school girl can find herself getting into trouble for, and many of them might indeed be minor.  She may have had a few tardies to various classes, ended up in trouble in a class for talking to her neighbor, and also caught using her cell phone during school.  Those offenses right there are enough for five referrals to the school office.  The results of the 5th referral means that the next morning, instead of reporting to her classes, she will report to the school office to have her butt paddled.  She will receive 3 hard swats with the paddle and then be sent to the designated room where ISS takes place.  She will be required to do all of her assignments in that location, with no breaks except for lunch.  Over the course of that day, she will certainly be experiencing some discomfort as a result of 3 good paddle swats.  The next morning, assuming the paddling was administered effectively, she will wake up with a sore bottom.  But this is where this school paddling policy becomes so very effective.  Once again she will start her school day with a visit to the school office to have her already sore bottom paddled again.  I assure you, three hard swats, the day after three hard swats, cannot be a pleasant experience.  The pain of the paddling is further emphasized as she is required to complete her entire school day with her sore bottom sitting at a hard school desk.  There is always a little discomfort the day after being paddled, but when she was required to bend over and get paddled again, that pain is amplified so much more.  Unfortunately for the young lady going through this experience, she gets to do it all again the next day.  I could argue that 3 swats, over three days is far worse than taking the 9 swat all at once.  The complete policy for this school is below.

Corporal punishment—spanking or paddling the student—may be used as a discipline management

technique in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct and policy FO(LOCAL) in the district’s

policy manual.

Campus Discipline Plan

Step 1: 1 swat and 2 days detention (7:55 – 8:15AM)

Step 2: 2 swats and 3 days detention (7:55 – 8:15AM)

Step 3: 3 swats and 4 days detention (7:55 – 8:15AM)

Step 4: 6 swats (3 per day for 2 days) and 2 days of ISS

Step 5: 9 swats (3 per day for 3 days) and 3 days of ISS

Step 6: 5 days of ISS

Step 7: 10 days of ISS

Step 8: Suspension

Step 9: Expulsion

Step 10: Discipline Alternative Educational Placement

The second school we are looking at is also a high school in Texas and they have created a discipline policy that runs heavy on paddling for three primary areas of misconduct, and clearly areas that discipline issues are quite common at the high school level.  For dress code, tardiness, and cell phone usage, multiple paddle swats are applied for multiple offenses of the same policy.  This school only allows 2 swats per day, but when it comes to tardies, they can be sentenced to up to 10 swats over five days.  Imagine the bruised and sore bottom that a young lady will have after 2 paddle swats a day for an entire week.  Clearly this would be quite an effective punishment to know that every morning before class she start her day with a good paddling, even if only 2 swats.  The school policy for dress code, cell phones, and tardies are all listed below.

E.H.S. Cell Phones/Electronic Devices Policy (Cumulative)

1st – Warning

2nd – $15

3rd – $15 + Lunch Detention

4th – $15 + 1 day of After School Detention and 1 swat

5th- $15 + 2 days of After School Detention and 2 swats

6th – $15 + 1 day of Saturday School and 3 swats and Loss of Open Campus privileges for

two weeks

7th – $15 + 3 days of ISS and 2 swats per day for 3 days (Parent must come pick up phone

from office)


Secondary Dress Code Policy

1st – Warning

2nd – Lunch Detention

3rd – 1 day of After School Detention and 1 swat

4th – 2 days of After School Detention and 2 swats

5th – 1 day of Saturday School and 3 swats and Loss of Open Campus privileges for two


6th – 3 days of ISS and 2 swats per day for 3 days



A student who is tardy to school/class by more than 10 minutes may be assigned to detention.

Repeated instances of tardiness will result in more severe disciplinary action, in accordance with

the Student Code of Conduct.

Students that are 20 minutes late to class will be marked as an unexcused absence. Repeated

instances of tardiness will result in more severe disciplinary action, in accordance with the

Student Code of Conduct.

EHS Tardy Policy

• 1ST Tardy – Warning (send to office on first tardy)

• 2ND Tardy – Lunch Detention

• 3RD Tardy – 1 day of After School Detention and 1 swat

• 4TH Tardy – 2 days of After School Detention and 2 swats

• 5TH Tardy – 3 days of ISS and 2 swats per day (6 total)

• 6TH Tardy – 5 days of ISS and 2 swats per day (10 total)

paddled on her bruised bottom

Having a paddle applied to this already bruised and sore bottom will be a punishment she will never forget.

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