A bruised and sore bottom is required for an effective school paddling

There are many different factors that make school corporal punishment, not only effective, but something that is feared by high schools girls across the South.  If administered in an effective manner, it can greatly reduce the chance of future misbehavior, not only specific to the offense they were paddled for, but all other offenses in general.

bruised bottom from school paddling

Two perfect bulls-eye shaped bruises will assure that sitting in difficult.

The punishment itself starts when a young lady finds herself with a disciplinary referral in her hand as she walks towards the office.  In a school in which a paddle is used, she knows that getting her bottom paddled is a very real option.  This anticipation and apprehension is further emphasized as she sits in the principal’s office and her behavior is evaluated.  At some point she is informed that her bottom will be paddled and this tends to send her body into a bit of a panic.

high school girl paddling

The visual indicators on this teen bottom demonstrate that an effective paddling was administered.

Another very important component is her bending over and presenting her bottom to be paddled.  This process is so important as this is her taking ownership for her offense and actually submitting to a punishment that she has earned.  The few moments she has to wait from the time she has bent over, until the time that the paddling takes place can be one of the most stressful parts of a paddling.

teen girl corporal punishment at school

Her tiny teen bottom is bruised and sore from a well deserved paddling.

While all of the above factors contribute overall to the process of school corporal punishment, and help to make it a very memorable experience, the most important factor is pain and soreness.  The whole concept of corporal punishment is based on the fact that most people will go out of their way to avoid feeling physical pain.  Yes, there are some people in this world that find some excitement when it comes to pain, or even have a very high tolerance, but your typical teenage high school girl does not fall into this category.

school paddling

Both of these bottoms were just paddled at school.

The typical high school girl wants nothing to do with a heavy wooden paddle being applied to her bottom, and for good reason.  The typical school administrator that is tasked with paddling a young lady’s backside is typically pretty good at their job.  Their goal is with as few as 3-4 swats, to produce enough pain that not only will serve as a punishment for her bad behavior, but will also serve as a deterrent for future behavior.

high school girl punishment

She checks her bottom after her paddling and knows that the lesson is just beginning.

Most schools use a fairly large paddle, one big enough to cover a large portion of a young lady’s bottom with a single swat.  This is not like a handspanking, or even a belt spanking, in which the spanker tries to move the implement around to cover as much of the bottom as possible.  With a paddle, each swat is generally laid on top of the last, which really helps in increasing the amount of pain that she experiences.  This also has the effect of creating bruises, which for all school paddlings should be the desired results.

school spanking

Severe transgressions require a severe paddlings.

The amount of pain she experiences during her paddling should be far more than she can handle, this is the only way for learning to take place.  We are not talking about an abusive punishment, but a spanking is supposed to hurt.  If she is not paddled in a manner that leads to some tears and a sore bottom, it is quite likely that she will be back once again for some type of disciplinary issue.  She needs for the pain to have been intense enough that she swears to herself that she will never get in trouble again.


She finds a private spot to check her freshly paddled bottom.

Just as important as the pain she feels during the paddling itself is the pain she experiences after her paddling.  A paddling of 4-5 swats has the tendency to leave a bottom a little numb, especially when the swats are laid on top of each other.  While the paddling is taking place, hopefully she is experiencing tremendous discomfort, but very quickly the body compensates for the pain by producing endorphins. Within a minute or so after her paddling, her body will quickly fight the pain, and she will indeed experience some temporary relief.

high school paddling

It takes just one look at these student’s bottom to see that real learning took place.

If it was a good paddling, one really designed to teach a good lesson, within 20 minutes or so the production of endorphins will decrease and the intense pain should return.  This can be a fantastic learning tool as she quickly discovers that the punishment is not over.  Even better is that over the next hour or so the pain should continue to grow.  With each class period, as she ends up sitting in desk after desk, she is constantly reminded of her behavior.  The squirming begins and finding a position of comfort becomes increasingly more difficult.

bruised bottom for the high school girl

This high school girl got exactly what she earned…a bruised bottom.

That afternoon after school, once she is in the privacy of her own room, just about every girl will take a look at her bottom.  If she was paddled in an effective manner, right there in front of her eyes, will be visual indicators of her bad behavior.  She will be able to look in the mirror and actually see the results of her behavior.  There are very few punishments in this world that when they are complete, there are visual cues to remind someone of how they behaved.  After a good paddling, she will have a daily reminder for several days after.

paddled cheerleader

This young cheerleader checks the results of her school paddling in the locker room.

One of the very beast reasons that a hard school paddling is effective is the next day.  After a night of sleeping, in which there has been very little movement and the effected muscles have really had a chance to tighten up, when she wakes up she will be feeling the full effects of the paddling.  While it will not hurt as much as it did during the paddling itself, the bottom really can become quite sore.  Compare it with how you feel a few hours after a hard workout at the gym, and how your muscles feel the next day.

school girl paddling

There is no doubt that her paddling will have the desired effect.

It is amazing how much you really use your glute muscles for everything.  Every movement she makes that morning and throughout the day will remind her of exactly what she did and the results of her actions.  Even better, is that a paddling by design targets the part of the body that is used for sitting, an activity that most people spend the better part of a day doing…especially at school.  With her bottom at the point of being as sore as it possibly can be, she still has to go to school.

bruised bottom paddling

Her bottom is going to be sore for just the right amount of time.

In the school environment there is no avoiding sitting down, nor is there really a classroom in the country that provides a comfortable sitting environment.  School desk are already hard and uncomfortable, but with a freshly bruised bottom, it is a whole different world.  Unlike after school detention, which is basically removed from someone’s mind the moment it is complete, school corporal punishment just continues to serve as a learning experience.

School corporal punishment is quite ineffective without a significant amount of pain being involved.  For it to really work and serve as a proper deterrent, the young lady needs to experience enough pain to her bottom that tears come into play.  It also needs to be administered in a manner that leaves her bottom quite sore and swollen, assuring that there will be enough bruising for the punishment to continue to be effective for at least two days later.

All of these animations come from the only two places that actual paddling happen hard enough to leave these young bottoms bruised: Realspankings.com and Realspankingsinstitute.com

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One Response to A bruised and sore bottom is required for an effective school paddling

  1. paddlel says:

    I really enjoy all of your posts on this blog.

    On this particular entry, you could have included the embarrassment the young lady would endure when she would have to undress and dress for gym class displaying her bruised bottom in front of all of her female classmates. I think this would also serve as an incentive not to put herself in the same predicament in the future.