It has become a recent fashion trend and I do not think many men out there are complaining. They are leggings, or yoga pants, and it seems that most young ladies out there are wearing them. If you ask any of these young ladies why there wear them, they will tell you that they are comfortable. But the real reason is that they love to tease the men out there by showing off their tight little bottoms. Women of all ages are wearing them, but they certainly look the very best on 18 year old girls. These little pants are so tight, and often shear enough that very little is left to the imagination. You can often see exactly the type of panties they are wearing, and can ever see what is written on their panties.
You know as slide the tight little pants on each morning, that the first thing they do is look at their little bottoms in the mirror. They want to make sure that they are going to achieve the desired effect as they walk down the halls of school. As a result of how much leggings allow the boys to see, some schools have ruled that they are not allowed. But the majority of the schools out there still allow a young lady to walk down the hall, showing her tight little ass off to everyone.
When we look at corporal punishment in America, there is a reason why bare bottom spankings still take place. When it comes to the spanking of an older teen girl, a significant amount of pain is required to achieve the desired effect. While there are parents out there that use a paddle, the primary implement of choice for the teen girl is a belt. An implement that primarily produces a stingy sensation is not all that effective over typical clothing. As old fashioned as it may seem, this is why pants and panties still come down for a good whoopin.
In the school environment, teachers and administrators do not have the luxury of being able to bare a bottom for corporal punishment, which is why the paddle has become the implement of choice. Yes, certain clothing choices can reduce the overall sting that is created from a paddling, but for the most part, a paddle is a pretty good equalizer. While the sting may be reduced slightly, the thud factor of a paddle assures that everyone learns a lesson regardless of what they are wearing. It might not sting as bad, but with a proper paddle and an effective swing, her bottom will still end up bruised.
For the young lady who made the decision to show off her petite little bottom, in skin tight leggings with a tiny little thong underneath, when she finds herself in trouble, she is in for quite a shock. If there is one thing that yoga pants were never meant to do, it is to protect a bottom from a spanking. She chose the pants in the first place because they better show what her bare bottom looks like, and when it comes to being paddled in them, it almost the same as a bare bottom paddling. Heavy denim does quite a bit to protect a young lady’s bottom while being disciplined, but thin, stretchy cotton does not.

As she dressed to impress for school, even taking a selfie, I am guessing she did not consider a 3/4″ wooden board would be applied forcefully to her bottom.
Imagine the high school girl that has been sent from class to the office, and as she walks down the hall towards the principal, it occurs to her that she may be paddled, as that is a common occurrence in her school. Her thin little pants that were getting her all the attention that she was seeking, all of a sudden seem even smaller and thinner. As she considers this option, she finds herself rubbing her bottom, and she now feels practically naked in the leggings.
Consider the young lady below. She is pulled directly from gym class and marched right into the locker room for some much needed corporal punishment. For the teacher, what she is wearing is not his problem, and he actually sees it as an opportunity. This gives him the chance to make an even stronger impression to assure that her behavior does not become a reoccurring problem. He does not have to worry about the extra protection that her clothing would normally afford her, and he gets the rare chance to basically apply a bare bottom paddling in a school environment. She will not only end up with a much bruised bottom but she will be able to experience every bit of sting that a paddle can produce.
This next young lady made the decision to wear leggings to school after they had been forbidden in the dress code policy. This administrator did not find it at all appropriate that they are so see through that he could read the writing on her panties. A paddling through the thin material of her leggings make sure that what he could read on her panties “love pink” becomes very true. But her clothing choice also allows him to add a considerable amount of purple to the equation.

The administrator takes full advantage of the little protection that her leggings provide and paddles her bottom severely.
A school paddling is so very much more effective over leggings. I would guess that if every girl who found herself in the school office to have her bottom paddled, was required to go to the locker room and change into leggings, that school misbehavior would be at an all-time low.
Watch both of these severe paddlings in full HD at