Get it at school…get it at home

In many high schools, corporal punishment is a choice that is given to a student as an alternative to some other punishment they might find less desirable.  Not that getting paddle is ever all that desirable, but in many schools, a paddling is not reported to a student’s parents.  For many young ladies, as much as they do not want to be paddled, anything is better than their parents finding out they were in trouble at school.  Detention is generally something that will require a student to stay after school, and this is something that is very hard to hide, especially if they ride the bus or a parent picks them up.

girl paddled by dad for getting paddled at school

Dad had a special paddle that he made for those days when his daughter got it at school…only he applies it to her bare bottom.

The primary reason a student does not want their parents to know that they were in trouble at school, is the fact that in areas in which corporal punishment is still allowed, spanking is often the primary form of discipline at home.  In the school environment there are rules as to how a paddling can be administered, with a maximum number of swats allowed, but in the home this is not the case.  Many high school girls will suck it up at school and take a few bruises on their bottom in order for their parents to never know.  In many cases, a school paddling is by far the lesser of two evils as opposed to a spanking at home.

bare bottom paddling from dad

Mom received the phone call that their daughter was paddled at school. She is sent to her room after school to wait for dad and his paddle. With his little paddle be tears her sore bottom up even more.

Unfortunately for many naughty young ladies, not all schools give choices for the punishment they are to receive, and in many cases, there are some infractions that lead to a mandatory paddling.  In addition, many of these same schools require that a parent be notified that a student has been paddled.  This is not a phone call that takes place to ask for permission, it is generally a phone call that takes place after the paddling, and is simply district policy.  The administrator in charge of the discipline simply calls a parent and informs them that their daughter has been paddle and the reasons for the disciplinary action.

a whoopin for getting in trouble at school

This dad bares her bottom and wears it out with his belt as a result of her behavior at school.

This phone call serves a couple of different purposes.  The first is that many school districts require that a parent be notified.  It makes sense to cover all bases when the application of a physical punishment has taken place and to keep the parent in the loop.  Another reason is that it makes sense to keep the parents informed as to the conduct of their child in a school environment and to maintain good communication.  I suspect however, that many school administrators know exactly what will happen when that young lady gets home and they see this as a chance for her actions at school to be further reinforced at home.  Not all schools require that a phone call be made when a student is paddled, but there are many administrators that still make the call.

bare bottom paddling from dad

Dad’s policy has always been clear, whatever she received at school, she will get double at home…on her bare bottom.

They know that by picking up the phone, that there is a good chance that an additional spanking will take place.  There are so many cases in which the regulations for school paddling are limited and there is no way to fully allow the punishment to fit the crime.  Some school policies allow no more than 3 swats per offense, and while this is still enough to get the tears flowing; it is not always enough to address the issue at hand.  The phone call is an additional resource that an administrator can use to make sure that the job is finished properly.  While he may only be able to paddle her bottom three times, he is confident that no Southern parent will stop after three swats at home.

paddled on her bruised bottom

Ten swats at school left her bottom badly bruised, which just makes makes it easier for dad to reinforce her learning.

If you grew up in an area of the country in which school paddling is allowed, there is no doubt you have heard the phrase “get it at school, get it at home”.  This is not some made up phrase that only lives in the world of those with a spanking fetish.  This is a common approach to school discipline in the South and for many households it is simply a reality.  Many students go to school each day knowing that getting in trouble at school will indeed result in a spanking at home.  There are many dads out there that have gone as far as making their own school type paddle, so “get it at school, get it at home” means exactly that, another paddling when the young lady gets home.

school paddling

Grabbing her ankles for a hard paddling after school…

belt from dad

…and just a couple hours later she finds herself grabbing her ankles at home for a long session with dad’s belt on her already bruised and sore bottom.


For the naughty high school girl that lives in this situation, needless to say, the punishment at home will not be easy to take.  With as few as 3 swats with a school paddle, her bottom will be quite sore.  It does not matter what type of spanking she gets that evening at home, her bottom will be sore.  There are some parents that will repeat the exact paddling she got at school, but many parents are far stricter.  She may end up with double the amount of swats, and in the home environment, they can indeed be applied to her bare bottom.  Or it is possible she will just get the standard punishment she generally gets from dad, a couple of minutes with his leather belt.  Either way, after a hard school paddling, and an additional paddling or strapping at home, you can count in the fact that this will be a very well behaved young lady in school for many weeks to come.

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One Response to Get it at school…get it at home

  1. Goodgirl says:

    This rule holds true. I have a friend who was teaching at a school in Texas. Since she had gone to college in New York she wasn’t familiar with the corporal punishment policies, so the Principal suggested as part of her first day orientation that he give her three “licks”.

    Anxious to please and more than a little curious my friend agreed. Her-Pal-the-Principal made her go sit outside and wait on the bench where the students normally waited for punishment.

    The Secretary pulled her file and saw she was living with her Aunt. The Secretary the filled out a form for the Aunt to countersign detailing the punishment.

    My friend got her licks in the office, bent over and grabbing her ankles. The Principal took his time about, it rubbing her upturned bottom with the wooden paddle and joking about how he enjoyed spanking “Yankee butt”.

    The swats really hurt, and my friend told me she had wished she had worn a thicker skirt and panties to work that day.

    When she got home my friend found out that the Principal had called my Aunt, and they both agreed that in order to get the “full understanding” she should get a punishment at home, too. And this one was with the belt, and her skirt and underpants were NOT in the way. :-(

    My friend had to get the form countersigned by her Aunt, then turn it into the Principal, who made her tell her all the details. Finally, he let her go, saying that he “hoped she learned her lesson.”
