High School Paddling Voyeurs

The girls both had a love for spanking and it was something that they discussed together in private frequently.  While neither of them had ever been paddled at school, corporal punishment was used quite often on both the male and female student population.  On one particular school day, one of the girls was in the school office, running an errand for a teacher, when she saw someone being marched out of the office by the vice principal, paddle is hand.  The young lady was taken just down the hall, through a room used for storage, to an old classroom that is used as a makeshift teacher’s lounge.  She lingered just long enough to hear the sounds of the wooden paddle being applied forcefully to the young lady’s bottom, and the very clear sounds of someone in a great deal of pain.

school paddling voyeur

Sneaking in to watch a high school senior take a hard school paddling.

She presented her friend with this newfound information, and they both knew that they had to see it actually happen.  Over the next several weeks, they skipped out of lunch early from the cafeteria, and found various reasons to linger down the hall from where the paddlings took place.  After several weeks of this recon, they finally managed to see what they were looking for.   They watched as a very popular and beautiful senior was marched out of the office, followed by the VP, with the large wooden paddle in his hand.  They waited outside the storage room door until they heard the first crack of the paddle and then hurried in quietly to see the rest of the action.  To their enjoyment, there she was, bent over with her hands on the dry erase board, and her lovely bottom in skin tight pants, bent over getting her bottom paddled hard.  They could barely contain themselves as they watched her take an additional 7 hard swats that caused her to cry quite loudly.  After the last swat they hurried back to lunch having just witnessed their first ever school paddling.

school paddling voyeur

Spying while school corporal punishment is administered.

Watch the full scene at Realspankings.com

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A High School girl paddling

It is a common occurrence at many schools throughout the South.  Current statistics from the US Department of Education show that on an average school day that 1,944 school paddlings will be administered throughout the states that still use corporal punishment. Over the course of a school day this is 1 paddling every 12 seconds, and the statistics show that about 1/3 of those on the receiving end are females.   So on the average, a female student bends over to receive a paddling around every 30 seconds in the Southern half of the US.

There are many ways in which a high school paddling takes place, but for the young lady in the pictures below, her experience is pretty typical.  She was sent to the principal’s office for an infraction in gym, one that she has been in trouble for before.  The first time it happened it resulted in a warning from the gym coach.  The second time it happened, she was sent to the office and was assigned a few days of after school detention.  In this district, a third violation, can and often does result in corporal punishment.

The female vice principal, who is in charge of all female student disciplinary issues, sentences her to a 10 swat paddling, the maximum allowed in this school district. She has very little tolerance for repeat offenders and believes that if corporal punishment is going to be utilized, that it should be done in a manner that has a strong chance of eliminating all future bad behavior.  This VP has also learned that corporal punishment administered by a male administrator tends to leave a longer lasting impression.  Once the sentence is handed down, the student is asked to go and wait in the room where all corporal punishment is administered.

girl paddled in high school

She knows now that this will be far different than the spanking she got from mom.

She waits nervously in the “punishment room” where a selection of paddles is hanging on the wall.  Left alone with only her thoughts and the paddles on the wall, her mind begins to consider the worst.  She has been sent from gym and is still in her leggings, which is pretty much the worst case scenario for a school paddling.  At this point in time she would give just about anything to be back in her tight fitting jeans.  While she was spanked when she was a small child by her parents, it was only with a hand, and the occasional few strokes with a belt.  What she sees hanging in the wall is very foreign to her and her heart begins to race.  She has never once been paddled at school, but like all of the students, she has heard the stories and it never sounded pleasant.

school girl corporal punishment

He calmly explains that she is about to receives 10 swats with the paddle.

Her heart races even faster as she hears the sound of someone coming down the stairs to the room she has been waiting in.  He appears from the doorway with a clipboard in his hand and begins a quick discussion with her.  He verifies that the name on the clip board is indeed her.  He calmly and politely asks her if she understands why she is here and the punishment that has been assigned as a result of her behavior.  She is struck by how “matter of fact” his approach is.  While the female VP seemed a little irritated, and her voice was raised on more than one occasion, she is getting none of this from him.  He is not mad at her and he is showing no signs of being bothered by her behavior, he is simply here to perform a function of his duties as a male administrator.  The niceness of his tone helps to relax her a little and she begins to convince herself that it might not be that bad.

school corporal punishment paddling

Assuming the position for her corporal punishment.

Her heart rate once again increases as she is asked to stand and he reaches for a paddle on the wall.  He did not grab the biggest paddle, but he also did not grab the smallest.  She is told to place her toes on the blue line that is taped to the floor and to place her hands on the blue x’s that are taped to the wall.  This leaves her outstretched with her bottom perfectly presented for the task at hand.  He gently tells her that it is very important that she keep her hands and feet in place at all times and to do her best not to move.  He explains that with the intensity of the paddle swats she is about to receive, that it could be dangerous for her to move out of position.  He wants to be sure that each swat only hits her bottom, so it would be best if she cooperates throughout the entire process.  This does nothing to calm her nerves as she did not consider that any part of this “process” could be dangerous, and this “intensity” sounds terrifying.

high school girl paddled in Texas

Moments before she feels the first swat…her life is about to change.

A brief moment passes and then she feels the paddle touch her bottom.  Without another word being said, she feels the paddle leave her bottom, and then a deafening sound fills the room.  Her brain processes the sound before the pain, and she is startled for a millisecond before the pain sets in.  Her knees buckle as the full reality of the first swat kicks in.  She tries to let out a little scream but it seems her breath has left her.  She is bent over with her mouth open as the tears begin to fill her eyes.  She knew this would not be easy, but this is a pain like no other that she has ever felt.  Just as she begins to get her breath back the next swat lands…on the very same spot.  With her lungs now filled with air, she makes a sound that is heard from all the way down the hall.  The gentle scream quickly becomes uncontrollable sobbing and the full reality of her situation sets in.

crying from a high school paddling

The reality of the situation begins to settle in.

She is being spanked at school, with a large wooden paddle, by someone who really knows how to use it.  No thought is being given to her age or her gender, the only focus is how to apply as much pain as possible to her bottom to help guide her through the rest of her high school experience.  With each swat the promises she is making to herself continue to intensify…she will do anything in her power to make sure that she never, EVER, has to endure this again.  She is experiencing corporal punishment in the exact manner that it was intended.  There is nothing fun, or gentle about any of this.  It is not meant to serve as a warning, she already had one of those, this is intended to punish her for her previous behavior, and punish her in such a way that it will never happen again.

teen bottom paddled at school

He swings the paddle with a single purpose, to create pain for her bottom.

He does not feel good about what he is doing, nor does he feel bad.  He knows that only through the force of the licks that are being applied to her bottom is there a chance that she will get her act together.  He will not be doing her any favors at all by going easy on her, as easy just puts her back in this same position again, or even worse.  He is able to ignore the cries, the tears, and the eventual full on sobbing because he knows that this experience will be good for her in the long run.  His only focus is each and every swat, being placed on the exact same spot, as hard as he can safely apply them.  He has no hard feelings towards this girl, or bad intentions of any kind, he simply wants to make sure that she receives exactly the punishment that she has earned.

girl getting licks at school

Each and every lick helps with the overall learning process.

As the paddling continues it becomes harder and harder for her to maintain her position.  If it was not for her hands on the wall she would have been knocked forward with every swat.  She works very hard to maintain this position because she just wants it all to be over with and to never have to face such a thing again in her life.  Just after the halfway point she already knows that her behavior in gym will change forever.  Barely able to even see now through her tears, the paddling continues.  She can see the paddle out of the corner of her eye, being raised far above his head, and then it hits so very hard, compressing all of the skin on the lowest part of her bottom and making contact with the muscles of her bottom.  Swat after swat is applied to her bottom until all ten have been perfectly placed.

school swats for a teen girl

Hard swats for her teen bottom until a lesson has been learned.

Just as quickly as it all began it is over.  She is asked to have a seat, which is already turning out to be quite difficult for her.  The paddle is hung back on the wall and she is asked to sign her name on the form on his clipboard.  She has to wipe away the tears several times to even see where she is required to sign.  After she signs her name, he thanks her for her cooperation and tells her that she can have a few minutes “to put herself back together” and then she needs to return to gym class.  With that said, the whole ordeal is over.  She stands back up immediately as sitting is not much fun at the moment.  She rubs her bottom gently and feels that it is quite hard to the touch.  Now having a little bit or privacy she quickly pulls down her leggings to have a peek at the results of her paddling.  She is shocked to see that the entire lower portion of her bottom is black and blue.  She knows that changing after gym class is going to be very embarrassing and she is already making plans on how to that privately.  She takes another minute or two to compose herself and then begins the walk back to the gym.  Over the course of the three minute walk she continues to make promises to herself to change her behavior and to do whatever it is that is required to never get paddled at school again.


bruised teen school paddling punishment

The is no doubt that she will be feeling this little lesson for quite some time.

All pictures and animations come from the very real, and very intense school paddling video in the member’s area of Realspankings.com

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Waiting her turn

School policy does not allow one student to be paddled in front of another.  But he knows that the psychological effects of listening to a paddling, before getting hers, is quite an effective tool for correcting behavior.  The look on her face as she listens tells the entire story…the results on their bottoms is a preview of what the next few days will be like for them.

two girl high school paddling 4

Waiting for her turn to be paddled, she gets to hear exactly how severe it is going to be.

waiting for her school paddling

Now it is her turn and those thin little yoga pants do very little to protect her poor bottom.

bruised bottom high school girl from paddling

They are given a private moment to inspect the damage.

sore bottom teens

There will not be a moment over the next few days in which they are not reminded of their behavior.

From a recent severe paddling update in the member’s area of RealspankingsInstitute.com




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When a proper school paddling is working

As the person tasked with administering corporal punishment is unable to see the actual results of a hard paddling, they have to look for visual indicators, beyond what is happening underneath her clothing to assure that they are doing a good job.  Take for instance the young lady below.  For constant disruptions during gym class, she was taken the locker room so her paddling could be administered in private, as school policy does not allow a student to be paddled in front of others.  With limited protection from her thin and tight yoga pants, the visual indicators are all there.  There is no doubt that each and every swat is having the desired effect on her tight bottom, even without being able to actually see the results.

high school girl paddling

Getting a hard school paddling in the locker room.

Another good indicator that a paddling is being administered effectively is a young lady’s body language.  As you can see with the young lady below, when the paddle hits her bottom over her little daisy duke shorts, her body tried to enter into a “flight mode”.  She knows that she has to remain in position for the duration of her paddling, but her body still reacts and tries to almost escape after each swat.  It takes every ounce of energy and courage that she has to maintain her positions.

school corporal punishment paddling for the high school girl

Struggling to hold her position while she is paddled at school.

These next three young ladies have all been lined up in the privacy of the teacher’s lounge for a paddling.  As the first girl receives severe swats with the heavy paddle to her petite bottom, the others have to watch and listen as they know the paddle will soon be visiting their own bottoms.  Their nervousness grows as the first girl cries out with each lick of the paddle.

three girl high school paddling

Three girls lined up and paddled at school.

This next young lady found herself in the principal’s office for dress code violations.  Her top allows her bra to be seen through her shirt and the shirt itself shows midriff which is a clear violation of the dress code policy. The indicators that demonstrate that this paddling is effective are much easier for this principal to detect as she burst into tears after the very first swat.  This does not affect how the paddling is applied, in any way, as tears should always be the goal from the very first swat.

high school girl crying from being paddled at school

Crying as a result of a proper school paddling.

The next young lady is clearly fighting against the pain that she is feeling over the course of the paddling.  She manages to stay strong for the first few swats, but as each and every swat lands, the pain intensifies and tears are finally the end result.

school paddling girl

Fighting against the pain from her school paddling.

All of these animations come from recent school paddling updates in the member’s area of Realspankings.com


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Two girls paddled in high school

The recent figures released by the US Department of Education show that on the average, across the US, there are 1944 school paddlings administered a day.  Of these 1944 school paddlings, approximately 1/3 of the paddlings are administered to females.  That means today, 648 young ladies will be bending over for some good old fashion school corporal punishment with a paddle.

There are many ways that a paddling can play out over the course of a school day, but in the majority of school districts they will take place in the principal or vice principal’s office.  The two ladies in today’s animations show us how a typical school paddling is handled for high school girls.

Earlier in the day they were both sent to the office for dress code infractions, specifically, wearing shorts that are far too short based on the school’s dress code policy.  At this particular school, all corporal punishment is handled either during lunch, or after school, to minimize the time that they are out of the classroom.  At lunchtime they both report to the office, for what they already know is going to be a paddling.  They wait nervously in the school office waiting to be called in for their paddling.

high school girls waiting to be paddled

Waiting to be paddled.

As the first girl is called into the office, there is very little discussion as they both know the purpose of this little visit.  She is immediately told to bend over as the paddle sits on the desk waiting to be used on her little bottom.  At this school they use a fairly typical school paddle, around two feet long, made from hard wood, ¾” in thickness.  She can’t help but notice the paddle sitting right next to her and she can tell from the look of things that it is going to be bad.

high school girl bending over to be paddled

Assuming the position for her school paddling.

Very little time is wasted as he picks up the heavy paddle and gets to work.  Being that both of these young ladies demonstrated a flagrant disregard for the school dress code policy, he has sentenced them both to the maximum amount of swats allowed by school policy…10.  With her bent over and properly presenting her bottom in those tight and tiny shorts, it begins.  He knows from past experience that he will not be doing her any favors by going easy on her.  The only way that any real learning will take place is if he does his very best.  Yes, she may squeal and cry a bit, but it is all being done for her own good.

hard school paddling for a teen girl

He paddles her teen bottom very hard.

School policy does require a witness, which is why the secretary’s desk is situated in a manner that she can see through the glass of his office.  He feels there is no reason for her day to stop just so a naughty young lady can have her bottom paddled, so she is able to witness the paddlings from where she sits.  The sound is muffled slightly through the closed door to his office, but the sounds still carries enough that the young lady waiting her turn can hear exactly what she has coming.

high school girl corporal punishment paddling

Even from outside the office it is clear that she is being taught a very real lesson with the paddle.

After all 10 swats have been applied in a very effective manner; there is no doubt that this young lady is regretting her decision to violate the dress code policy.  Her bottom is completely on fire and she can feel the swelling begin from the paddle compressing her tiny bottom and making contact with the deep tissue.  She does not know it at the moment, but the pain from this paddling is not going to get better, it is going to grow much worse as the day progresses.  With a little rub to her sore cheeks, she is escorted out of his office and back into the common area of the main office.

bruised bottom from school paddling

She tries to rub away the pain, but her bottom is going to be bruised for a couple of days.

It is even harder for the next girl as she has been listening in anticipation of her own paddling.  She was surprised and scared to hear how loud the paddling actually was, and that was through the walls and the door.  The swollen eyes and the rubbing of the bottom of the girl before her did nothing to ease her state of mind.  Just as with the first girl, as she walks into his office, she is instructed to bend over the desk before the door is even closed.  She too is now face to face with the paddle that she knows is about to be used on her petite bottom.

bending over to be paddled at school

After listening, it is now her turn to bend over for a hard paddling.

The secretary looks on, from the privacy of her own desk as the paddling begins.  There is nothing kind of gentle about a school paddling in this office.  He applies every swat with maximum intensity with the goal of changing behavior.  Each swat is placed on the very lowest part of her bottom, as he knows that this is what will be touching the school desks for the remainder of the day, and the week.

school girl paddling punishment

He uses the paddle to communicate with her brain, through her bottom.

The look on her face shows that he is achieving the exact results that he is looking for.  Her cries of pain can be heard throughout the office as each hard swat lifts her onto her toes.  But this is being done for her own good.  Without rules society begins to break down, and he knows that this is a chance to help these girls realize that rules are in place for a very specific purpose.  With each application of the paddle to her tender bottom he knows that he is better setting her up for success in life.

school corporal punishment paddling

That look on her face is clear…she is learning.

After their paddlings, all is forgiven and they are sent back to lunch with very sore bottoms.  The paddle is very effective in changing behavior, and there is no doubt that these young ladies, each and every morning as they look through their closets to dress for school, will never consider the short shorts again.

sore butt from school paddling

Sent out of the office with sore bottoms.

One of the most effective parts of a proper school paddling designated to change a young lady’s behavior, is the after effects.  As we can see in the final animation, a school paddling achieves results.  By results, I mean it has the tendency to bruise a young lady’s bottom.  A well bruised bottom leads to changes in behavior, and these effects often last for a couple of days.  It is clear that they will not be sitting in a manner that is comfortable anytime soon, and you can already see that they are having difficulty getting their swollen bottoms back into those tight shorts.  The tightness of those shorts, digging into their sore bottoms, will further serve as a lesson and you can count on the fact that when they get home that the first thing they will do is take them off.

bruised bottom high school girls from a paddling

Their bottoms show that the learning will continue for quite some time.

The animations are from the 2 part, HD video, that shows corporal punishment as it is really used, in the member’s area of Realspankings.com

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Not quite school paddling, but the next best thing.

There are many implements that can be used to administer corporal punishment to a naughty school girl, but for the last 100 years, there is one implement in particular that strikes fear into the hearts and minds of young ladies throughout the world…the cane.  Headmasters and teachers in England discovered that this one tool is so very effective in creating an immediate change in behavior.  When used properly and effectively, the cane has the ability to reduce a young lady to tears from the very first stroke.  The impact from a cane is very specific and creates a wave of pain that very few would ever want to experience again.

In this 1 hour and 20 minute video, you will see 11 different girls, receive 13 different punishments, which demonstrate exactly how effective a proper caning can be.  You will see first-hand their young bottoms become striped and bruised as the learning becomes visible with each and every stroke of the cane.  In traditional school uniforms, over their panties, bare bottom, and even fully nude… they will bend over desks, grab their knees, and touch their toes as they learn a lesson that will never be forgotten.  When all is said and done, you will see bruised bottoms and tearful eyes, as each and every girl learns that when it comes to traditional corporal punishment, the cane produces results.

Available Now at Spanking Library

Schoolgirls caned 2016

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Paddled by a high school teacher

While becoming a little less common than 20 years ago, there are still many school districts that allow teachers to paddle students, without a disciplinary referral to the school office.  In Mississippi, Alabama, and Oklahoma there are still dozens of school districts in which the majority of corporal punishment is handled at the classroom level.  There are basic policies in place that the teachers much follow before administering corporal punishment. Included in some of these policies are typically approved dimensions of the paddle to be used, whether a witness is required, same sex paddling policies and most commonly, that a student be paddled outside of the view of other students.

high school paddling

Escorted to the locker room by a teacher for corporal punishment.

This allow a lot of flexibility when it comes to teachers wanting to utilize corporal punishment and you would have to guess also leads to come pretty well behaved classrooms. Instead of the typical process of having to fill out a referral and then send a student to the principal, who then decides on a disciplinary course of action, these teachers are empowered to handle discipline on the spot.  For those who have chosen to possess a paddle, and to handle corporal punishment themselves, it allows them to instantly fix an undesirable behavior at the very moment that it occurs. It also allows them to personally choose the amount of swats the will be applied as well as the severity of the paddling itself.

paddled in the locker room

No time is wasted, she is bent over and the paddling begins immediately.

Consider the high school girl in the illustrations in this post.  Throughout class she was serving as a general distraction to the learning process by chatting with her neighbors, giggling, passing notes, etc.  Her teacher gave her several warnings, which did not lead to the change in behavior the teacher was looking for.  Not wanting the further distraction of stopping her class to take this girl out to the hall for a good paddling, she chose to wait until after class.  When the bell rings, the naughty girl is invited to hang back for a moment. The teacher explains to her exactly what aspect of her behavior was found to be unacceptable and what the results will be.  With students for the next class already filing into the classroom, she needs to find a better location to paddle her bottom.

school paddling

The teacher swings the paddle full force to assure a proper lesson is learned.

The teacher grabs her large wooden school paddle from her desk, and tells the young lady that they will be headed to the locker room.  While she will be paddled in private, it is no secret to the other students in the halls, as they watch this young lady escorted down the hall, by a teacher with a paddle in hand, that a paddling is about to occur. Before they ever reach the locker room, the word is beginning to spread about someone who is about to be spanked at school.  By the time it is all over and she walks into her next classroom, every student in that class will know that she is about to be sitting on a very sore bottom.

school paddle

She is paddled hard, getting the maximum amount of swats allowed.

The walk continues until they reach the locker room, located below the gym.  Very little time is wasted as she is instructed to bend at the waist and place her hands on the locker.  With a considerable amount of frustration to get out, the teacher raises the paddle high and begins to teach this girl a much needed lesson.  A couple of warning may have led to a less severe paddling, but this young lady has had this and more coming for many weeks now.  This is this teacher’s chance to give her exactly what she deserves and she deserves a lot.  Each and every swat is applied with as much force as the teacher can muster.  She raises the paddle way above her head and with every ounce of energy brings the large paddle down hard on the teen bottom presented before her.

Inspecting her bruised and sore bottom

Inspecting her bruised and sore bottom

In her many years as a teacher she has learned exactly how to make the proper impression on a young lady’s bottom.  She places each and every swat on the exact same spot, nice and low, in a spot that she knows will touch every time this young lady finds herself at a hard wooden desk.  She knows that by layering the swats that it will create more long term soreness than trying to spread the sting around.  Plus, with this paddle, she is able to cover almost the entire tiny bottom before her with each and every swat.  She wishes there was not a limitation placed on the amount of swats she is allowed to apply, as she would prefer to keep paddling until the tears are flowing, but she is still generally able to start the tears with the number of swats she is limited to.

Squeezing her swollen bottom back into her jeans.

Squeezing her swollen bottom back into her jeans.

She knows that with the cry of pain she hears, after each swat, that learning is finally taking place with this young lady.  She is also learning that in this teacher’s class, that a warning about one’s behavior is not an idle threat.  This may be a school environment, of older teenage students, but if someone’s behavior calls for a spanking, then that is exactly what they will receive.  When the paddling is finally complete, the teacher heads quickly back to her classroom to start her next lesson.  The recently paddled young lady takes a few moments to compose herself, before she heads to her next class.  She knows that people are going to know that she was just paddled, so she wants a minute to dry her eyes and fix her makeup, so she can at least put on a brave face, like it was no big deal.  In the privacy of the locker room, she does pull down her pants and inspect the damage.  As would be excepted from a paddling that hurt that bad, her bottom is indeed quite bruised and sore.  It is hard to the touch and she really feels how much it is swollen as she tries to squeeze her skin tight jeans back over her bottom.  The rest of her day is going to be filled with soreness, and the embarrassment of everyone knowing that this 18 year old, high school senior, just had her bottom spanked at school.

All animations come from the hard hitting, HD paddling video in the member’s area of Realspankings.com

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School Paddling- Short Shorts and Yoga Pants

School corporal punishment is still widely used in the Southern US for a reason…it works.  On a daily basis young ladies are required to bend over a desk, or place their hands on their knees, or maybe even required to grab their ankles for many hard swats with a wooden school paddle.  Unfortunately for these young ladies, they do not get to decide what they wear for their paddling as it generally happens on the same day that the infraction occurs.  With the popularity of yoga pants, and daisy duke shorts, you can count on the fact that many young ladies find themselves assuming the position wearing something that adds very little protection and also provides little in the way of modesty.  She may have choose that outfit that morning to show her cute little bottom off to the boys in the hallway of her school, but she had no idea she would be bending over and presenting it to the principal for a paddling she would never forget.

In our latest release we highlight this exact concept and show you what true school corporal punishment applied over yoga pants or short shorts looks like.  In this 70 minute video, you will watch 16 different scenes in which school corporal punishment is applied in the most realistic and severe manner.  These are not playful little paddlings with tiny little paddles.  You will witness first-hand the effect that full force swats, with very large and heavy school paddles, can have on a young lady’s attitude and more importantly…her bottom.  Through a variety of positions you will see how lessons are learned when corporal punishment is used in a manner designed to do one thing…bruise a young lady’s bottom.

Each scene features two camera angles so you can see each swat hit her young bottom as well as her facial reaction to each severe swat with a heavy wooden paddle.  In each and every scene, when the girl finds a moment to herself, you will see her reveal her bare bottom and show you exactly the kind of results a true school paddling can produce.  You will see that every single girl ends up with a much bruised bottom, and many are left in tears. The one thing that is common to each scene is a young lady taught a very serious lesson and changes in behavior.  For fans of realistic and severe corporal punishment, this video is not to be missed.

Now available at Spanking Library

School Paddling Short Shorts and Yoga Pants

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High school girl corporal punishment paddling while grabbing her ankles

grabbing her ankles for a paddling

Bending over and grabbing her ankles for a hard corporal punishment paddling at school.

Let’s face it and not beat around the bush, the purpose of corporal punishment is to provide a very painful stimulus to a young lady’s backside in order to enact a change in behavior or attitude.  Yes, there are several different aspects of a girl being paddled at school that she might not like, and that can aid in the learning process, but at the very core of this event is the fact that her bottom will end up hurting.  She probably does not like it that as an older teen, that already feels like she is an adult, that there is this person at school that has the power to discipline her in a manner that they see fit.  In most cases, especially in larger high schools, the person charged with such discipline probably does not even know this young lady.  It is very similar to the court system, in which the person in charge of deciding her fate was not present during her infraction.  They are presented with facts, maybe a statement from a witness (teacher), and then they have the responsibility to provide a sentence that is equal to the crime.

grabbing ankles for a school paddling

Waiting for her paddling, while grabbing her ankles.

There are many different “sentences” that this person has at their disposal, including detention, in-school suspension, home suspension, even expulsion.  Luckily, there are still 19 states that allow corporal punishment in the public school setting, and even more in which it still takes place in private schools.  Now the “judges” in these schools, typically a school administrator, or vice principal, and in some cases the teachers themselves, find corporal punishment to be a very effective tool to be used in the sentencing process, so much so that the most recent report released in 2014, showed that corporal punishment was “officially” administered 838 times a day in those 19 states.  This equate to someone getting their bottom paddled at school roughly every 34 seconds, every single day in the US public school system.

The reason this sentence is used so liberally in the schools that allow it, is that it is a quick, effective, and memorable disciplinary tool.  But the only way that it is

bruised bottom high school paddling

She is assured a properly bruised bottom from this paddling

effective is if it is applied in a forceful, meaning very painful, manner.  No lesson has ever been learned as a result of school corporal punishment when it is applied lightly.  A young lady that walks out of the office thinking “it was not that bad” will do nothing to change her behavior.  It is that principal, coach, or teacher, with the reputation as being a “heavy hitter” that commands the most respect, and in turn, has the best behaved students.  When a young lady knows that the results of her actions will result in a bruised bottom and tears in her eyes, she tends to follow the rules even better.

Over the years, many administrators have figured out that applying corporal punishment in an effective manner is not just about swinging full force with the paddle.  Yes, how hard the swat is applied is the cornerstone of all corporal punishment and great care should be taken to paddle a young lady’s bottom as hard as possible.  However, there are other elements that can be added to make it a longer lasting punishment.  One of the primary ways this is accomplished is positioning.  Many people might think that when a young lady’s bottom is getting spanked, with a large wooden paddle, that all positions are created equal, but this is certainly not the case.

severe high school paddling

Grabbing her ankles for a severe paddling at school.

The very best position for paddling a high school girl’s bottom will be one that pulls her bottom as tight as possible.  Everyone has a padded backside, which is why it is the designated target for spanking.  This is a spot on the body that we have learned over generations of spanking that is pretty resilient and can take a considerable amount of punishment. But as a result of this padding, it also takes a considerable amount of force to make the proper impression, especially when we are spanking over clothing.  A large wooden school paddle is a pretty good equalizer, in that it hits with a heavy thud, not as much of a sting, and it can provide the amount of discipline required even over clothing.  But the most effective administrators out there do whatever they can to stack things in their favor, assuring the most pain as possible, which after all, is the very point or paddling a young lady’s bottom in the first place.

teacher paddles girl

Grabbing her ankles for a paddling from a teacher.

In the school environment, the most effective position for paddling a naughty girl’s bottom will always be her grabbing her ankles.  It pulls the skin very tight, assuring the least amount of padding as possible, but it also serves a few other purposes.  The very first, is the fact that this position is not comfortable at all to be in.  People might use it to stretch at the gym, but never for very long, as it pulls all the muscles tight.  It is even less comfortable for the young lady who was just told to assume it, right there in a school office.

This is also a position that leaves one feeling very vulnerable and exposed.  It might seem like a slight difference, but being bent over a desk, with the comfort of having her arms resting on the desk, providing her with support, seems far less intimidating than grabbing her ankles.  Every day, in one way or another, we find ourselves leaning over objects in the home and in an office environment, but this is certainly not the case with grabbing our ankles.  This is a very foreign feeling, not something that happens very often at all, and is even more meaningful when she knows that she is assuming this position so a large wooden paddle can be used to spank her bottom full force.

This is also a position of control, which establishes the authority of the person charged with carrying out such a punishment.  In the classroom, a teacher may very

teen girl paddled at school

Getting her teen bottom paddled by a teacher.

well be in charge, and have the ability to write up a disciplinary referral for any student.  But as in control as they are, they do not have the authority to tell a student to stand up, turn around, widen their stance, and grab their ankles. Really, there is no one in this young lady’s life who has the power or authority to tell her to grab her ankles.  But at this school, in this state, THIS person, the one in charge of all of the discipline, does have this authority.  And in this case, she is being told to grab her ankles for a very specific purpose.

When she finds herself in that moment, with her hands on her ankles, everything becomes very focused on the primary topic at hand, her bottom.  There is no denying it, there is nothing to distract from it, as at this very moment her bottom is sticking up in the air.  The rest of her body, her face, and everything else become a footnote to the subject at hand.  It was indeed her behavior that led up to this very moment, a long conversation has taken place, maybe even a phone call to her parents has already happened, but now the entire focus is on her bottom.  She feels exposed and vulnerable and all she can think about is what is coming next.

paddled over tight jeans

Grabbing her ankles, in those tight jeans, is going to make this a very successful paddling.

While this administrator has already accomplished quite a bit as a result of this position, the most important part of it all once again leads us back to padding.  The skin could not be pulled any tighter on her bottom as a result of this position.  The layers of fat that gather at the surface when she is in a standing position have now been pulled out of the way, giving better access to the muscles of her bottom.  With a hand spanking, the purpose is to provide a great amount of sting to her skin, with positioning being far less important.  But a school paddling, applied over clothing, is not about the sting to her skin, it is about contact with her muscles.  The super tight jeans that most high school girls are so fond of, also help in compressing her bottom while she is bent, further allowing access to the muscle groups that allow for the most learning to take place.

A paddle is quite effective in pushing the skin and fat out of the way to get to the muscles below (see attached animation of a bare bottom school paddling and

bare bottom school paddling

A heavy school paddle, forces the padding aside.

you can see the paddle move the top layers out of the way, while getting deeper to her muscles), but the tighter the bottom when the paddling begins the more effective it will be overall.  The goal of a school paddling is not 30 seconds of discipline; it is about 3 days of a lingering punishment that continues to remind her of her behavior.  By doing whatever is requires to gain better access to the muscles of her bottom, the administrator can be better assured that she will not be back to his office anytime soon.

With the conversations over, the paperwork done, the phone call made, with her legs spread wide, and her grabbing her ankles, it is now all about the application of pain.  She is now in a position that is ideal for the learning process.  She is not only embarrassed and vulnerable with her skin is pulled very tight, she really is in the ideal position to allow for the very best swing with a heavy wooden school paddle.  A good administrator generally will have a paddle close to 20” in length and 5” in width.  This allows for better coverage with each swat of the paddle.  More important than the length and width is the thickness of the paddle.  Anything less than ½” in thickness is not going to get the job done as well as a thicker paddle.  A ¾ inch paddle is ideal and really allows for maximum force of impact.  It carries enough weight to really do deep with each swat, assuring that maximum effectiveness is achieved with each swat.

school girl paddling

The paddle is doing its job and learning is taking place.

With a young lady before him in his office, bottom in the air, proper paddle in hand, it is time to get to work.  The effective administrator will do his or her very best to make each and every swat count.  With very few swats allowed to get the job done, the very first should be applied as hard as the last.  In addition to this, the swats should be layered on top of each other.  With a heavy school paddle, it is not safe to try and cover all of her bottom as her parents might do at home with a belt.  This is a heavy wooden implement, so care must be exercised to stay clear of her tailbone.  Each and every swat should be applied to her “sit spot”, just above where her thighs meet her bottom.  The first purpose for this location as the target is that it is the spot in which they can paddle as hard as they can, without fear of injury. We are not talking about a young child here, in many cases, these are 18 year old “adults”, and a gentle little spanking is no longer going to do the trick when trying to change a behavior.  Behavior is changed by applying the paddle in the most forceful manner that it can safely be applied.

grabbing ankles for a paddling

She struggle to maintain her position as he bruises her bottom.

As the paddle is now being applied forcefully to her bottom, another element of this position comes into play.  She is not able to just sit there and take it, like she might if bent over a desk.  If the swats are being applied effectively, it is going to be hard for her to maintain her position.  At the very least, she will be lifted up to her toes with each swat, and if it is a really good paddling, the force will try and knock her forward.  At this point, she becomes a part of the process in that she needs to actively work to stay in position.  It is not easy to hold your ankles as someone paddles you, and every part of her body comes into play to simply stay in place.  This is fantastic in that she is now actively helping with her own paddling.  She has to work to keep her bottom in the air making it the best target possible to allow for the hardest paddling possible.  With each and every swat, it gets harder and harder for her, but she has no choice but to comply and take her punishment.

When the paddling is finally over, within the hour, the choice of positions will really begin to pay off.  When her body has calmed down, her adrenaline and endorphin dumps long gone, the learning starts again.  Yes, the paddling itself was a very painful experience, hopefully one that left her in tears, but a paddle is used for a very good reason…long term learning.  As each hour passes after her paddling, the soreness will grow.  The affected muscles will tighten and become very sore to the touch.  With each step she takes, in those way too tight jeans, the fabric will pull into her now very sore bottom.  When she sits, the jeans will pull even tighter into her bottom, but here comes the very best part…sitting.

The bottom is the ideal target for the reasons stated above, but also for long term learning.  The average high school student spends close to 8 hours a day at a desk.

bruised bottom paddling

He is effectively working the “sit spot” assuring a few painful days for this young lady.

These are not padded, comfy, office seats, these are hard wood desks.  In addition, in today’s day and age of every teen girl spending all her time staring at a screen, there is a good chance of at least another 4-6 hours of sitting after school.  So now we have taken her least favorite part of the day, being school, and added an element of learning that makes it unbearable to even sit in class, AND, we have taken her favorite activities such as Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, and everything else and turned even those things into part of the learning process.  For the next few days, nothing she does is going to allow her an escape from the pain, and even more importantly, her understanding of why that pain in her bottom exists in the first place.

This is the goal and the very motivation for paddling a high school girl in the first place, to hurt her bottom in such a way that she changes her behavior.  The science is simple, the harder the paddling, the more likely she will do everything in her power to avoid one in the future.  The more her bottom hurts, and the longer her bottom hurts, the better the chances for success.  When a young lady is required to grab her ankles for hard school corporal punishment with a paddle, the experience will become much more beneficial in her long term growth and development.

All pictures and animations come from the very hard hitting and extremely realistic school corporal punishment videos in the member’s area of Realspankings.com

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Grabbing her ankles for strict school corporal punishment

Today we are going to play catch up and take a look at the various paddling videos from the Realspankings Pass family of sites.  Here are the various hard hitting paddling videos from the last couple of months at RealspankingsInstitute.com.

This young lady learns that school bullying will never be tolerated.  In her thin gym shorts, she is required to grab her ankles for a school paddling that she will never forget.

realspankingsinstitute.com school paddling videos 13 realspankingsinstitute.com school paddling videos 14


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