High School Paddling Voyeurs

The girls both had a love for spanking and it was something that they discussed together in private frequently.  While neither of them had ever been paddled at school, corporal punishment was used quite often on both the male and female student population.  On one particular school day, one of the girls was in the school office, running an errand for a teacher, when she saw someone being marched out of the office by the vice principal, paddle is hand.  The young lady was taken just down the hall, through a room used for storage, to an old classroom that is used as a makeshift teacher’s lounge.  She lingered just long enough to hear the sounds of the wooden paddle being applied forcefully to the young lady’s bottom, and the very clear sounds of someone in a great deal of pain.

school paddling voyeur

Sneaking in to watch a high school senior take a hard school paddling.

She presented her friend with this newfound information, and they both knew that they had to see it actually happen.  Over the next several weeks, they skipped out of lunch early from the cafeteria, and found various reasons to linger down the hall from where the paddlings took place.  After several weeks of this recon, they finally managed to see what they were looking for.   They watched as a very popular and beautiful senior was marched out of the office, followed by the VP, with the large wooden paddle in his hand.  They waited outside the storage room door until they heard the first crack of the paddle and then hurried in quietly to see the rest of the action.  To their enjoyment, there she was, bent over with her hands on the dry erase board, and her lovely bottom in skin tight pants, bent over getting her bottom paddled hard.  They could barely contain themselves as they watched her take an additional 7 hard swats that caused her to cry quite loudly.  After the last swat they hurried back to lunch having just witnessed their first ever school paddling.

school paddling voyeur

Spying while school corporal punishment is administered.

Watch the full scene at Realspankings.com

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