A very sore bottom after school corporal punishment

Clearly, I think that a school corporal punishment should be applied hard enough to make a real impression on a young lady, but I am fair in the fact that the punishment should fit the crime.  If it is a 1st time offense, that is a small infraction within the school code of conduct, a few swift swats with a paddle should do the trick.  Obviously, if that infraction is repeated, then more severe consequences are called for.  If a few moderate swats with the paddle did not get the job done, then clearly the level of severity needs to be raised significantly.

corporal punishment at school

Having to sleep on her stomach as the school corporal punishment she received was very effective.

But for those severe infractions, like bullying, fighting, and alcohol and drug related issues, from the very beginning, the paddling needs to be administered at a level in which very real learning takes place through the seat of her pants.  The goal is to not only create as much pain as possible at the time, but to leave her bottom sore well after the paddling.  But how hard is too hard and how long should her bottom really be left sore?

corporal punishment for the teen girl at school

Two days later, the corporal punishment she received is still having the desired effect.

I think if the paddling is administered in a safe manner, there is no such thing as too hard when dealing with severe offenses.  Many schools have limitations on the number of swats that can be applied, so each one really needs to count.  In addition, I think in order for there to really be long term benefits, each paddle swat needs to be applied in the exact same spot.  There is no reason to make all of her bottom a little sore, if it possible to make part of her bottom extremely sore.  The focus should always be on the lowest part of her bottom, on the exact spot that touches the seat when she sits down.  Both at home, but especially in the school environment, a young lady spend the majority of her day sitting.  In school, she will spend close to eight hours a day at a desk, which is rarely padded in a public school environment.  This gives the administrator the added benefit of her punishment continuing for at least eight hours a day.  This is quite the bonus when trying to teach a young lady a lesson, especially since most school paddlings are over with in less than a minute.  A one minute punishment is hardly a deterrent, regardless of the amount of sting she experiences during it.  But an eight hour punishment, for three consecutive days, starts to really address the problem.

sore from school corporal punishment

Five days later the corporal punishment she received at school is still very visible on her bottom, and the soreness remains.

But how long should her bottom remain sore in all fairness?  I think leaving her bottom sore for as long as possible should always be the goal.  If her bottom being sore for a day helps to teach her a lesson, then more days are even better.  The more time she has to struggle to sit down, the more time she is focused on what she did wrong.  Her infraction does not quickly become a distant memory, if she is still wiggling in her seat, trying to find a way to sit that doesn’t hurt…three days later.  If her bottom is paddled long enough and hard enough that she is still struggling to sit a week later, all the better.  If she has to try and cover up in the locker room, so none of the other girls see her bruised butt, then that is yet another added bonus.  Teen girls will go far out of their way to avoid being embarrassed in front of their peer group, and very few girls want to admit that they were spanked at school.  A bruised and sore bottom might seem excessive to some, but when it comes to educating a young lady through the use of corporal punishment, a bruised bottom has its place.

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School corporal punishment in Vietnam

It seems that today is the day that test scores are reviewed.  Each student is called up and receives between 1 and 9 swats with a ruler.  It is not the most effective punishment, and you can tell by the smile on the teacher’s face, that this is just a normal day in her classroom.

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Paddled on the last day of school

Miss Abigail, a well behaved student who never gets into trouble, decided to push the boundaries on the last day of school by breaking the school policy and wearing shorts.  She not only decided to wear shorts, but she wore the tiniest shorts that she owned.  While she enjoyed the attention she received walking down the halls, as every boy seemed to be looking at her cute teen bottom, things changed when she was sent to the office during her very 1st class of the day.  As she walked to the office, she convinced herself that there was not much they could do, as it was the last day of school.  As she sat across the desk from the school principal, she was shocked as he announced, that as it was the last day of school his options were limited, so his only choice was to paddle her.  She took ten severe swats on her barely covered teen bottom, which left her with a very bruised bottom and tears in her eyes.  The animations below are from this exact scenario from a recent update at Realspankings.com.

school paddling

Bending over and grabbing her ankles for a dress code violation on the last day of school.

teen school paddling

Getting her teen bottom paddled in her short shorts

teen girl school paddling

There is a price for breaking the school rules. In this case it is grabbing her ankles for ten severe paddle swats to her teen butt.

school paddling girl

Her reaction is proof that a school paddling is an effective punishment.

paddled at school

The result of a proper school paddling. She will be sitting gingerly for a few days.





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Girl receiving school corporal punishment

So, how often does a teenage girl actually get paddled at school?  Take a look at these recent stats from Gentry High School, in Mississippi:

At this senior high school (grades 10 through 12), corporal punishment is listed as appropriate only for “minor rule infractions” such as dress code violation, cutting class, missing detention, insubordination and disrespect), inadequate supplies for class, hall pass violation, littering, profanity, and sleeping in class.

Paddlings took place on about 395 occasions last year at Gentry High, for a total enrollment of some 600, according to government figures. 180 of these, or 45%, related to female students.

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School corporal punishment paddling statistics

school paddling girl

Bending over in the hallway, waiting for her school paddling, is much more common than you think.

So when taking a look at the recent statistics on school corporal punishment in the US, as reported by the Department of Education in recent years, they show that 223,190 students were paddled at school during a single school year.  I would have to guess that this number is very conservative, as in the more rural areas, especially in the ones in which the teachers and coaches are also allowed to paddle students, that 75% of the paddlings are undocumented.  This could easily bring the numbers to well over 500,000 students paddled, but I will use a conservative number and go with 350,000 students.

So if we want to question how often a school paddling really takes place, we need to crunch the numbers.  The average school, not including weekend and holidays, has 180 days in its school year.  The average school day, as far as time that the students are in class, is 6.7 hours a day.  If you do the math, that gives us an average of 1944 school paddlings a day in the US.  If looked at more closely, this is around 290 school paddling every hour, or about one every 12 seconds.  This means that in the time it took you to read to this point right here, at least two school paddlings were administered to the bottom of a student.

So while there are many posts on the internet about school paddling that are clearly someone’s fantasy, you must remember that a school paddling, actually taking place in the US schools every 12 seconds, is very much the reality.  At this very moment, as you read these very words, somewhere in America there is a teen girl, standing up from her chair in the principal’s office, being told to bend over and grab her ankles.  She has no say in the matter, not only is this allowed at this school, but her parents signed a form authorizing it.  This principal is not worried about lawsuits, or angry parents, as this community embraces corporal punishment.  His only concern is paddling her bottom hard enough to make sure that she never commits the offense again.  This is a school in which corporal punishment is the primary form of discipline and it is used not only liberally, but severely.  This punishment will be documented and she will be part of the statistics.

high school corporal punishment paddling

A high school girl bending over for a severe paddling is a daily occurrence in high school.

But in reality, when teachers are allowed to paddle students, this does not take place in such an official manner.  A teacher, finally fed up with a student’s disruptions in class, grabs her paddle from her filing cabinet and invites the student out into the hall.  There is no long discussion, there is no formal paperwork, and there is simply a teacher that has decided to teach a student that once and for all, she needs to stop being such a nuisance in class.  The offending girl is told to bend over, stretch her arms out, and place her hands on the wall.  This teacher’s only concern is making sure that this student and all the others who are about to hear it, know to get their acts together.  The very best way for her to accomplish this is to paddle this young lady’s bottom as hard as she can.  She elects to swing her paddle with both hands, channeling the energy she learned from playing softball in college.  Her goal is tears and a bruised butt and does not stop until she has accomplished both.

high school corporal punishment

Many teachers are authorized to apply corporal punishment in high school.

In the time it has taken you to read this far and look at the animations, there have been as many as 10 school paddlings administered.  And as you read this paragraph, there is no doubt, that in some small school, in a rural area of a Southern state, there are a group of girls standing and waiting their turn for a paddling.  Let’s face it; girls often get in trouble together, as it is the group mentality that often gives birth to poor decisions.  Maybe this school requires that students are paddled out of the view of other students, so one at a time, they are taken to a private spot like the school stairwell.  So one at a time, they are each marched up the stairs, told to grab their ankles, and then have their teen bottoms paddled long and hard.  Each of them have to endure an intense and severe session with the heavy paddle, and one by one they learn their lesson.

school paddling caught on camera

Each girl is paddled individually in the stair well.

As the end of the hour approaches, bells are ringing in classrooms across the country.  Most students will get up from their desk, go to their locker, and then head to their next class.  But as this blog post is being typed, somewhere, in one of the 1000’s of school that still paddle, there is a young lady who has been asked to stay behind in class.  She may have done something as bad as cheating, or something as innocent as chewing gum in class.  In today’s day and age, there is a very good chance that she was caught texting on her phone in class.  Regardless of the reason, at this very moment, she is bending over the teacher’s desk, in an empty classroom, and presents her bottom, in those way to tight jeans that she just loves to wear.  She is also, at this very moment in time, regretting the little G-string panties that she chose to wear under those jeans.  That thin layer of tight denim is not going to do much to protect her bottom from the man who is not only her teacher, but is a coach, one that even the boys fear a paddling from.  There are those few students who knew exactly what was about to happen and have gathered outside the classroom door, listening in and trying to sneak a peek through the tiny glass on the door.  As the 1st crack echoes beyond the classroom and into the halls, more students begin to gather to see who is getting licks.  A few feel sorry for her as they hear the crying begin from the way too severe licks, but mostly it is giggling and fun for those that are not on the receiving end.  It is possible, that right now, as you read these words, she is opening the door, tears in her eyes, and embarrassed as she can be as she walks past the students waiting to get into that classroom.

high school girl paddled

A girl getting paddled by a teacher is a daily occurrence in US high schools.

While every one of the 1944 paddlings that will be administered today will not be the most severe paddlings every administered, you

severe school paddling

The results of a severe paddling.

have to imagine that there will indeed be many bottoms bruised.  All of the paddlings will not take place

school swats

It only took six swats to bruise her bottom.

in high school, and they will not all be applied to girls.  But with close to 2000 paddling being administered today, the chances are that this evening, in many bedrooms, across many states, there will be high schools girls looking at their bare bottoms in the mirror and all they will see is black and blue.  Because there will be that one girl who was being paddled for a second offense of the same infraction and the administrator decided to give her the maximum number of swats and to do so as hard as he could.  Or maybe she was a 1st time offender, but she was caught bullying and a very real example needed to be made of her.  She might be a young lady who was unfortunate enough to be sent to that teacher or coach, who is known as a heavy hitter and prides himself on the severity of the paddlings he administers.  That coach that does not care if it is a 90 lb., 16 year old girl, or a 220 football linebacker that he is paddling.  He swings for the fences with every bottom that is presented to him and he sends them all away in tears.  Think this is the stuff of fantasies?  What about this girl whose name and cute little face and bottom have been all over the news in recent month.  She was paddled hard, by a male administrator, and in her own words explains that her little teen bottom still has marks days later.

texas teen paddled in high school

This Texas teen recently made the news as her mother complained that not only was she spanked by a male principal, but that it left marks for several days. She was caught letting another student copy from her test.

Out of those 1944 that went home today after having been paddled, I would guess at the very least, 10% are also going to get it at home.  Which means this evening, as you sit down for dinner, in the privacy of a conservative Christian home, there is a young lady getting her recently paddled and bruised bottom spanked.  It may be with dad’s belt or paddle, it could even be OTK from her mom.  She may be lowering her jeans and panties right now in mom’s bedroom for a good three minutes with a wooden hairbrush.  She might, at this very moment, be bending over the counter in the kitchen as mom pulls out the heavy wooden spoon and spanks her in front of her siblings.  Quite possibly, she is sitting in her room at this very moment, waiting for dad to get home from work.  Dad believes strongly in if you get at school you get it at home, and his paddle is even bigger than the one the school uses.

paddled by dad

After being paddled at school, this high school girl waits in her room, with dad’s paddle, knowing he will paddle her longer, harder, and on her bare bottom.

It might sometimes seem like fantasy, but statistics do not lie.  If you spent an average of 4 minutes to read this post and watch the animations, then the reality of it all is that more than 19 different paddlings occurred during the same time period.  In the time you took to read about school paddlings, more than 100 paddle swats occurred leaving young ladies throughout the country with bruised bottoms and tears in their eyes.

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High school girl paddling

Life teaches us that we have to follow the rules or there may be consequences.  In the high school environment, the consequences many indeed be a bruised bottom for the offender.  But she is not the only one that has to follow the rules, as the administrator tasked with bruising her teen bottom has rules to follow as well.  He generally has a limited number of swats that he can apply to her tight little bottom.  There often has to be a same sex witness present as he paddles her bottom.  If she does not follow the rules, she gets her butt paddled, but if he does not follow the rules, he will get fired, sued, or both.

So as required, as she is informed that she will be receiving a 6 swat paddling, he steps out of the office and calls in a female secretary from the front office.  This adds to the overall embarrassment for her, as it is hard enough to get her butt spanked at school, but now someone else comes in to watch it all take place.  She is instructed to bend over the front of the desk, with her hands and elbows touching the desk, and to spread her legs shoulder width apart.  She is warned that she needs to stay in position for the duration of the paddling for her own safety.  The witness watches the color drain from her face as he pulls out a heavy wooden paddle with holes.  He walks behind her and she sees the witness staring right into her eyes, watching every movement and upcoming emotion.  She flinches as she feels the paddle touch her bottom, there is a momentary pause and then her learning begins.

school paddling

Teen girl getting a hard school paddling

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A Good School Paddling

When is a school paddling a good school paddling?  Good is a relative term as the young lady getting paddled might not see anything good about the event.  But I see a good school paddling as consisting of just a few basic requirements:

1) The girl being paddled needs to have done something that actually warrants her getting paddled.  It might be a major offense, or the combination, or repeat, of previous small infractions.

2) The paddling need to be administered by a strict, but caring administrator that has her best interests in mind.  The paddling needs to be administered with emotion being put aside and with the goal of helping her change her attitude and behavior in the long run.

3) The paddling needs to be effective and not just ornamental.  There are far too many school administrators that just go through the motions of paddling a young lady’s rear end, as it is quick and easy and gets the girls out of their office quickly.  But the purpose of a good school paddling is not to just have an option that allows a school principal to get right back to work with their administrative duties.  A good school paddling needs to hurt, and it needs to hurt a lot.  It needs to be a situation that hurts so very much, that she would never, EVER, want it to be repeated.  The negative stimulus being applied to her bottom needs to be something that she cannot bare.  This is what a good school paddling is all about.  It is about that negative stimulus being intense and long lasting, so that there is not a moment that goes by, in the next three days, in which she is not reminded of her behavior.  Every time she sits, and every time she sees her naked teen butt in the mirror, she should be reminded to behave.

school paddling

A good school paddling involves a girl bending over for severe swats

The next time she is presented with a situation at school, that she knows goes against school policy, she

school paddling

A good school paddling leads to her bottom looking like this.

should remember bending over and presenting her bottom.  She should remember that helpless feeling as he walked behind her with that heavy wooden paddle.  The flinching of her whole body as that paddled taps her bottom before the 1st swat should be fresh on her mind.  But most of all, she should remember the feel of that 1st severe swat making contact with her bottom, how she could have never imagined that level of pain, and how she yelled at the top of her lungs as her eyes filled with tears.  The feeling of not knowing how she could endure another swat, as it was indeed applied to her bottom, should never become a distant memory.  The memory of breaking down and weeping like a child, while being a legal adult, will always be in the back of her mind.  The looks on the faces of everyone that stared at her as she left the office in tears, and the embarrassment and humiliation that she felt as a result, should always help her decision making process at school in the future.  And finally, the reality that after a paddling is over, that is has just begun.  If it was a good paddling, she will never forget struggling through every class for the next several days as her bruised bottom made it impossible to sit comfortably.  Now that is a good paddling.

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Grabbing her ankles for a proper school paddling

When it comes to a school paddling, there is really no position that is as great as when the young lady has to grab her ankles.  There are certainly many positions that a school administrator has to choose from, but making her grab her ankles is far superior for so many reasons.  After all, the goal of a school paddling is to provide the teen girl with an experience that she would never want to repeat, so let’s take a look at why a girl being paddled while grabbing her ankles makes for a better learning experience.

grabbing ankles for a school paddling

The option for teaching a teen girl a lesson during a school paddling is for her to have to grab her ankles

Obviously a school paddling is meant by design to create discomfort for a female student.  That act of taking a large board and applying it forcefully to a bottom is never comfortable for the person receiving it, but by having her grab her ankles, the level of comfort is reduced on many levels.  The first factor is that it is not very pleasant to have to grab your ankles for any length of time.  It tends to pull on the muscles of the bottom and legs and it also sends more blood to the head.  Simply having a young lady assume this position for any length of time will not be a great experience for her.  Unless she is extremely flexible, this position gets very old very fast.

paddled at school

After grabbing her ankles and presenting her bottom, she is given time to think about why she is about to be paddled at school

The next factor is that of embarrassment.  While teen girls squeeze their bottoms into the tightest jeans they can possible fit in, and they do indeed do it to show off their bottoms for the boys, it is a much different world when she is commanded by a middle aged man, that she barely knows, to bend over and grab her ankles.  There may have never been a moment in her life where she was so acutely aware of her bottom being on display as when she grabs her ankles to be paddled.  She might like the boys staring at her butt as she walks down the hall, but the purpose of this man staring at her bottom is so he can perfectly aim the wooden school paddle in a manner to create as much pain as possible.  This is not the kind of attention she hoped her bottom would receive that day, and being bent over with her bottom completely on display, can be quite overwhelming and embarrassing for the teen girl.

teen girl paddling

A proper paddling for the teen girl involves her grabbing her ankles

Along with the embarrassment comes a feeling of vulnerability.  With her legs spread wide and her hands on her ankles, this does not feel like a safe place for her.  There is nothing comfortable or reassuring about it in any way.  She if left feeling silly for whatever she did that led her to this moment in her life.  There is not the security of having something to hold onto like a desk or a chair, it is just her and her body that are participating in this ordeal.  With her legs spread wide, the very essence of her womanhood also feels quite vulnerable, helping to achieve the most uncomfortable experiences as possible for her.

This position really allows her a sense of ownership in her punishment.  While this exists to a certain degree in any position for a paddling, it certainly is really brought home when she has to grab her ankles.  She is not being gently leaned over a desk, she as actively presenting her bottom in the most intimate of ways to be punished.  She is not struggling like a kid getting a spanking from mommy at home.  She knows that in a matter of moments that a heavy wooden paddle is going to be used to bruise her bottom.  Despite these very circumstances, she is doing what she is told and she is making her bottom available for this very event.  When the paddling begins, no one will be holding her in position, nor will she have the benefit of a wall, desk, or a chair to help her stay in position.  This position forces her to not only endure her punishment, but to assist.  She cannot just zone out and try to go somewhere else mentally, it will take all of her concentration to even maintain the position during the paddling.  It makes her a partner in her punishment and a very active participant.  It is her punishment after all, and it makes great sense for her to assist in the process of getting her bottom properly spanked.

bruised butt from a school paddling

Her bottom bruises more easily during her school paddling when she is made to grab her ankles.

A punishment is further enhanced if she is required to remain in this position for quite some time before her paddling begins.  There is no rule that states that a young lady needs to be paddled as soon as she assumes the position.  Bent over with her legs spread wide and her bottom in the air, is a perfect time for some reflection.  There is not a girl in this world who will not be deep in thought on why she is where she is, and what she can do to avoid it in the future.  This is the reason for the paddling in the first place, to get her to think about her action and to adjust her behavior accordingly.  If leaving her with her bottom on display further enhances this process, it should by all means be included.  There is also the added benefit that this position is hard to maintain for any length of time.  If her legs start to shake a little and her muscles become sore, then all the better.

While all of the above are good arguments for the use of this position, the real heart of any school paddling is the amount of pain applied to a young lady’s bottom.  Obviously there is a direct correlation between how hard a girl is paddled and how much learning takes place.  No girl has ever learned anything from a paddling that does not hurt, it is simply not a deterrent.  However, the more pain that is achieved, the greater the deterrent in the long run.  If the goal is to extinguish a behavior permanently, then as much pain that can safely be applied to her bottom, the better.  Now if by utilizing a position that can further help to increase the pain her bottom feels, I say it should be used every time.

school paddling

Proper school swats, in the proper position, leads to a properly bruised bottom

The science behind why a school paddling hurts more when she is grabbing her ankles is quite simple.  When a female is standing straight up it is possible to actually grab her bottom and hold it in your hand.  There is quite of bit of muscle and fat in a female bottom and it gathers in the curvy part of her back side when she is standing or walking.  When she is required to bend over slightly, you see less of that tissue as it begins to get spread out over a greater area when she bends.  With a girl bent at a 90 degree angle, it gets much harder to grab and hold onto any of that tissue on her bottom.  When she is required to bend fully and grab her ankles, the skin is pulled tight, and the softer part of her bottom almost disappears.  On a tight teen bottom, it would be almost impossible to grab her butt while she is in this position and be able to hold onto anything.  The fatty tissue is really pushed to the side and her muscles become tight and much closer to the surface.  If she were simply to be paddled over the fleshiest parts of her bottom, without her bending, it would not lead to her lesson lasting as long.  But with her muscles pulled close to the surface, they will be impacted much more, which leads to a very sore and very bruised bottom, which should be the goal of any proper school paddling.

school paddling

All of the padding in her bottom is pulled aside to make so the paddling will leave her bruised and sore for longer.

I think that the really good school administrators out there, the ones who really care about their students, should go the extra mile when applying a school paddling.  If they want to change lives and changes behaviors, they owe it to their students to make them grab their ankles for each and every paddling administered.  Through a combination of factors such as embarrassment, vulnerability, cooperation, and discomfort the overall learning experience that comes from a school paddling can be greatly enhanced.  Most importantly, the use of this position can really help convince a student that she never again in her life wants to receive another school paddling.  If done right, a young lady will leave his office with tears in her eyes and a bruised bottom, that will make sitting difficult for many days to come.

These scenes come from the very real school paddling videos at Realspankings.com

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School Paddling VS Detention

One of main benefits of school paddling as a form of discipline in high school is that it is quick, cheap, and effective.  With detention, there is at least one employee responsible for hanging around while students stay after school, creating a further financial burden for the district.  But with corporal punishment, when done properly, an effective punishment can be applied in less than 30 seconds and the paddle used is generally made in the wood shop, at no cost to the school.  Detention is a little boring for a student, but what is the real deterrent in spending three days, after school, for 30 minutes at a time?  Does any student really fear detention as a punishment.  Has any student’s heart started beating rapidly as an AP tells them that they will have detention for three days?  I cannot imagine the final bell ringing at school, and as a student walks towards the office to check in for detention, that their heart rate goes crazy, their hands start to sweat, and they are overcome with a sense of dread.

Now picture that same student, sent to the office that morning, sentenced to a paddling, and told to return to the office after school for her paddling.  She spends her entire day preoccupied with the thought of that paddle, she saw sitting on his desk, being applied forcefully to her bottom.  She cannot concentrate at all in class, all she can do is think about the punishment she has coming and what she did to earn it.  She will probably also be considering what she can do in the future to avoid it.  She might find herself distracted for a moment at lunch, during a conversation with friends, but each time she revisits the thought of her paddling in her head, her heart starts to race again.  She begins to ask herself questions, “what position will I be paddled in“, “how many swats will I get”, “how hard will he paddle me“, “how bad will it hurt”, “how long will it last”?  She will not be thinking about how boring detention is, she will be thinking about how long her bottom will be bruised.

school paddling

Escorted into the board room where she bends over and presents her bottom to be paddled

When the final bell rings, the walk to the office will not be easy.  Her friends will be giggling and laughing in the halls, glad their day is over.  They will talk to her, but she will not even hear them, as all she can see in her head is that large and heavy wooden paddle that sat on his desk.  With each movement of her foot she finds herself one step closer to a fate that she fears on every level.  In a perfect world she would run away, far from that paddle, never looking back.  But her reality is much different as she is required to go to the office for a paddling.  She thinks of the other girls she knows who have been paddled before and their description of how much it hurts.  She never thought it would happen to her, but here she is, 18 years old, walking to the office to be spanked by a large wooden board by a man she has only met once before.  She questions how she could have been so stupid to end up in this situation and promises herself it will never happen again.

She opens the office door, her heart beating fast, her face beet red, and her whole body sweating like she just left the gym.  She sits outside his open door and waits to have pain applied to her bottom.  He walks out of the office, with the paddle in his hand, and she is horrified as every student and employee in the office looks to see who he walks towards with the paddle.  He tells her to stand up and to come with him.  She is escorted through the crowd of students in the office, most with smiles on their faces, and taken to the conference room that he utilizes when a paddling is required.  She cannot even look up at the faces of all of those around, staring right at her, knowing that her butt is about to be hurting.  Just as that morning, he is very casual and professional in his time with her.  For him it is just another day at the job, for her it is a total nightmare.

school paddling video

The 1st of a ten swat school paddling buckles her knees…she has many more to go.

He escorts her into the board room and tells her to bend over and place her hands on the wall.  She notices how bad her hands are shaking as she does as instructed.  The paddle in his hands looks even bigger than it did sitting on his desk and her fear is doubled.  She feels the paddle gently touch her bottom, which causes her to flinch.  He casually tells her “I think 10 will do it”, which was not the number she was hoping for.  He raises the heavy paddle into the air and then she feels it…pain, real pain, far more than she could have ever imagined.  With tears in her eyes and a burning bottom he raises the paddle again…her lesson is just beginning.

From this week’s updates in the member’s area of Realspankings.com

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Watching a cheerleader getting paddled at school

She still lived at home and had just moved to Texas with her parents.  She had graduated from high school just a few months before and was anxious to get out on her own.  Shortly after the move she got her 1st full-time job at a local high school as a receptionist.  Her primary duties were to answer the phone and direct students and visitors to the proper office or person that they were looking for.  What had the potential to be a boring and very monotonous job quickly became the dream job for her.  This all became clear to her during the second week of school.

teen school paddling

Bending over to have her tiny teen bottom paddled at school.

She had watched as several students had been sent to the office for disciplinary issues and the process seemed about the same as it had been in her high school.  The would come to the office with their pink slip, sit and wait a few minutes to see the asst. principal, go into the office, and come out a few minutes later, having received detention, suspension, or some other form of punishment.  But on that second week of school something very different happened, a very loud and startling noise came from the AP’s office.  It took her a moment to realize that it was the sound of someone getting spankedSchool corporal punishment did not exist in the state she had moved from, and she honestly did not even know it happened anywhere accept in the home.  She had not been spanked a single time in her entire life, but the reality of it all was, she had a spanking fetish.  She thought about spanking a lot, and most of her thoughts revolved around being spanked.  She had never told anyone about her desire and was quite embarrassed by them.

On that day, when she heard the sounds coming from the office, her heart began racing and she knew that her cheeks must have become flushed.  She waited and watched as a young lady came from his office, a few minutes later, with tears still in her eyes.  What she heard did not seem like it had been a gentle experience and it was clear by the look on the girl’s face that is had been effective.  She could not believe that this teen girl had just been spanked at school.  This changed everything for her and she wanted to hear and see more.  As the school year progressed, there were certainly more paddlings that took place.  She was able to hear, but not really see, at least 3-4 paddlings a month.  He never closed the door all the way, but her desk was just far enough away from the door that she did not have a clear view.  After a month or so of hearing these young ladies being paddled, she had to have a peek.  She started to find tasks to do in the office when it seemed a paddling would take place, which allowed her to walk past his slightly open door.  It was during one of these times that she finally saw a girl getting her butt whacked with his large paddle.

Being able to see it take place, however briefly, affected her in many ways.  It certainly fueled her fantasies and led to some very intense orgasms as she masturbated to the thought of young ladies being paddled.  But it also scared her and made her wonder if she could actually take such a hard spanking.  While she had often fantasized about being spanked, what she heard these girls receiving seemed like far more than she could ever take personally.  She grew tired of only hearing the paddling, and occasionally getting to walk by when a girl was bent over, or maybe seeing part of a single swat, she wanted to see an entire paddling.  She hatched a plan that would give her a better chance of seeing a paddling take place in its entirety.  Part of her duties was to sort the mail and get all of the mail into the various boxes for the staff and the teachers.  She typically did this at her desk, but it was always a mess.  She asked her direct supervisor if it was ok if she sorted the mail on the large table in the common area of the office.  This happened to be the one spot that had a good view into his office when a paddling was taking place.  She was told that it would not be a problem to use that table, and her heart was already beating faster.  All she needed now was for a student to be paddled while she sorted the mail.

paddled in high school

That large paddle on her tiny bottom is really going to leave a lasting impression.

It took a few weeks for her plan to really come together. She would always grab the mail and take it to the table when a student had been sent to the office, but it took a couple of weeks before someone was sent to the office for an offense that warranted a paddling.  But one day her luck finally played out as a young and petite Asian girl was sent to the office wearing her tiny little cheerleading workout clothes.  She really hoped that this girl would be paddled as she was wearing next to nothing and she knew it would really hurt her little teen bottom.  She barely sorted the mail as her attention was focused on the cracked door and what was going on inside.  Eventually her dreams came true as she saw the AP stand up, pull a chair up, and had the girl bend over it.  Her tiny little bottom was presented perfectly, and for once, she could see almost the whole thing.  She could not really see the AP, but she had a full view of the girl, her little bottom, and the wooden paddle which seemed huge in contrast to the girl’s butt.  He tapped it against her bottom and then swung it high in the air and brought it down with incredible force.  The girl cried out in pain after the 1st swat, but it did not end there.  He gave her 6 hard swats in total, and she was crying hard after just the 1st two.  When it was over she stood up, rubbed her bottom furiously, and danced around a little.

It was difficult for her to pretend to sort the mail, as all she could think about was the paddling she had just witnessed.  Her heart was racing as the girl came from the office, still wiping tears from her face.  It left her in a sort of a daze for the rest of the day as she replayed the paddling she had just witnessed over and over again in her head.  That night she laid in bed masturbating for hours, picturing the whole thing in her mind.  Over time, her fantasies starting taking over as she pictured herself bent over that very desk, getting her young bottom paddled.

cheerleader paddled at school

A hard school paddling for a deserving teen cheerleader.

The images from this post come from a very intense school paddling scene from the member’s area of RealspankingsInstitute.com

Filed in School Corporal Punishment, School Paddling Video | 1 Comment