A very sore bottom after school corporal punishment

Clearly, I think that a school corporal punishment should be applied hard enough to make a real impression on a young lady, but I am fair in the fact that the punishment should fit the crime.  If it is a 1st time offense, that is a small infraction within the school code of conduct, a few swift swats with a paddle should do the trick.  Obviously, if that infraction is repeated, then more severe consequences are called for.  If a few moderate swats with the paddle did not get the job done, then clearly the level of severity needs to be raised significantly.

corporal punishment at school

Having to sleep on her stomach as the school corporal punishment she received was very effective.

But for those severe infractions, like bullying, fighting, and alcohol and drug related issues, from the very beginning, the paddling needs to be administered at a level in which very real learning takes place through the seat of her pants.  The goal is to not only create as much pain as possible at the time, but to leave her bottom sore well after the paddling.  But how hard is too hard and how long should her bottom really be left sore?

corporal punishment for the teen girl at school

Two days later, the corporal punishment she received is still having the desired effect.

I think if the paddling is administered in a safe manner, there is no such thing as too hard when dealing with severe offenses.  Many schools have limitations on the number of swats that can be applied, so each one really needs to count.  In addition, I think in order for there to really be long term benefits, each paddle swat needs to be applied in the exact same spot.  There is no reason to make all of her bottom a little sore, if it possible to make part of her bottom extremely sore.  The focus should always be on the lowest part of her bottom, on the exact spot that touches the seat when she sits down.  Both at home, but especially in the school environment, a young lady spend the majority of her day sitting.  In school, she will spend close to eight hours a day at a desk, which is rarely padded in a public school environment.  This gives the administrator the added benefit of her punishment continuing for at least eight hours a day.  This is quite the bonus when trying to teach a young lady a lesson, especially since most school paddlings are over with in less than a minute.  A one minute punishment is hardly a deterrent, regardless of the amount of sting she experiences during it.  But an eight hour punishment, for three consecutive days, starts to really address the problem.

sore from school corporal punishment

Five days later the corporal punishment she received at school is still very visible on her bottom, and the soreness remains.

But how long should her bottom remain sore in all fairness?  I think leaving her bottom sore for as long as possible should always be the goal.  If her bottom being sore for a day helps to teach her a lesson, then more days are even better.  The more time she has to struggle to sit down, the more time she is focused on what she did wrong.  Her infraction does not quickly become a distant memory, if she is still wiggling in her seat, trying to find a way to sit that doesn’t hurt…three days later.  If her bottom is paddled long enough and hard enough that she is still struggling to sit a week later, all the better.  If she has to try and cover up in the locker room, so none of the other girls see her bruised butt, then that is yet another added bonus.  Teen girls will go far out of their way to avoid being embarrassed in front of their peer group, and very few girls want to admit that they were spanked at school.  A bruised and sore bottom might seem excessive to some, but when it comes to educating a young lady through the use of corporal punishment, a bruised bottom has its place.

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