Paddled on the last day of school

Miss Abigail, a well behaved student who never gets into trouble, decided to push the boundaries on the last day of school by breaking the school policy and wearing shorts.  She not only decided to wear shorts, but she wore the tiniest shorts that she owned.  While she enjoyed the attention she received walking down the halls, as every boy seemed to be looking at her cute teen bottom, things changed when she was sent to the office during her very 1st class of the day.  As she walked to the office, she convinced herself that there was not much they could do, as it was the last day of school.  As she sat across the desk from the school principal, she was shocked as he announced, that as it was the last day of school his options were limited, so his only choice was to paddle her.  She took ten severe swats on her barely covered teen bottom, which left her with a very bruised bottom and tears in her eyes.  The animations below are from this exact scenario from a recent update at

school paddling

Bending over and grabbing her ankles for a dress code violation on the last day of school.

teen school paddling

Getting her teen bottom paddled in her short shorts

teen girl school paddling

There is a price for breaking the school rules. In this case it is grabbing her ankles for ten severe paddle swats to her teen butt.

school paddling girl

Her reaction is proof that a school paddling is an effective punishment.

paddled at school

The result of a proper school paddling. She will be sitting gingerly for a few days.





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One Response to Paddled on the last day of school

  1. Goodgirl says:

    One has to wonder if she wasn’t naughty on purpose, just to see what it was like? :-) Sounds like she got her wish!