A severe high school paddling when required

In the good old days, it was little less of a hassle to apply corporal punishment to a young lady’s bottom in the high school setting.  In the Southern states, pretty much any teacher that wanted a paddle had one in their classroom to use at their discretion.  As times changed fewer teachers had their own paddle so physical punishment was limited to being applied by coaches and administrators.  As more time passed, with administration more involved than ever in corporal punishment polices, school paddlings became an event that only took place in the school principal, or vice principal’s office.

high school corporal punishment paddling

Hard paddle swat to her teen butt will teach her a lesson for days.

For one particular administrator this led to him being far more busy as a result of having to handle each and every case of discipline within the high school.  He soon found his days filled with a stream of students at his office door waiting for him to evaluate whatever transgression they had committed.  He appreciated the simpler times when coaches and teaches were allowed to make their own judgment calls and apply the appropriate punishment.  The time finally came when he could no longer handle it all on his own, so he reached out to the staff and made one point very clear…if you have a student that you are sending to me that needs to be paddled, just make a notation on their disciplinary referral and they will be paddled, no questions asked.

Texas girl paddled in high school by the principal

Hard licks over her gym shorts are producing the desired effect.

This policy really sped up the overall process of having a student in his office.  He trusted the teachers and coaches, and he had hired many of them himself.  If they had a student that was causing problems, creating disruptions, or just had a total disregard for the rules, then they could make the decision for that student to get their butt worn out, even if they could not do it themselves.  Now when a student sat down his desk and nervously pushed their pink slip across the desk to him, if he saw a notation that read “licks” or “swats” then he knew without a doubt that this bottom needed to be bruised.

school paddling texas high school

Slow motion really shows the impact of the paddle, producing bruising and soreness deep down into her tiny bottom.

He did not have to consult their file, look up past offenses, or really ask them much in the way of what they did or how they felt about it.  He knew that 10 years ago he would not ever have even heard about this offense, or maybe even have ever met that student.  The problem would have been corrected in the school hallway or in the locker room and there would be no paperwork involved in the first place.  With their options now limited, the teachers were putting their trust in him to solve the problem in the exact method they would like him to use.

young teen school corporal punishment

Those leggings are offering very little protection as the giant paddle punishes her bottom.

This made his life a lot simpler and made the process of discipline much swifter and effective.  If two high school seniors got in a fight during gym class, and the coach felt they needed to be paddled for the offense, she simply needed to fill out two pink slips, fill in the offense, and add “***hard licks***”.  As he looks at the pink slips the offense and punishment are as clear as day.  He job now is as easy as grabbing the appropriate paddle and getting to work.  It does not matter to him the age of the girl, the size of the girl, her grades, her attitude or anything else.  He is simply the executioner for a crime that has already been committed and the judgment already handed down.

bruised butts from school paddling

When we take a look beneath their gym clothes we are able to see how good of a job he actually did. These tiny teen butts will be sore for days and a lesson was clearly learned.

The only judgment really required for him now is how to apply as much pain as possible to these teen bottoms to prevent the problem from occurring again.  He knows from experience that having them each grab their ankles for the paddling will make it far more effective.  It is too bad for them that they got in trouble in gym as the shorts and leggings they are wearing are going to do very little to protect their tiny bottoms.  It does not matter to him that they are females, when he swings a paddle for discipline he swings for the fences.  He knows ten good licks as hard as he can are far more effective as a preventative measure than ten medium swats.  He knows that bruised bottoms equals results, so bruises will always be the goal.  The days of being effected by a young lady’s tears or pleading and crying are way behind him. Tears demonstrate to him that he is doing his job well, so the more tears the better, and is he is not getting them, he will just have to work harder at his job.  His life at school has become so much easier now that he can just focus on the job of paddling the bottoms of young ladies in need.

A job well done

A job well done

The post was illustrated from an severe paddling, filmed in HD, exclusively in the member’s area of RealspankingsInstitute.com

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