The teacher that administers severe school paddlings

There are still many states in the US in which a paddling may be administered by something other than a school administrator.  Within these high schools, coaches and teachers that chose to handle the corporal punishment themselves are allowed to.  They still have to follow the same school guidelines as the administrators, but they are free to paddle students when they feel it is required.  Within every school in which the teachers are allowed to paddle, there are those one or two teachers that have a reputation as the hardest hitting paddlers in the school.

school paddling severe

The real results of a severe school paddling.

This will typically be the classroom in the school in which the students are the best behaved and create the least amount of distractions during class. Tardies are typically also much lower in a class with a hard paddling teacher. It is not that this teacher is meaner than the rest of the teachers, it just means that this is a teacher that decided a long time ago, that they are going to utilize every free moment in class to teach, and anything that distracts from the process, needs to be eliminated.

By being a teacher that is known for hard paddling, he ends up paddling far less than the other teachers as his reputation is well known throughout the student body.  Even incoming freshman have heard the stories of how he can really light a bottom on fire, even if they have not been present on occasion when it takes place.  He is strict and uncompromising in all aspects of the discipline he administers.  It does not matter to him if it is a male or female student, a freshman or a senior, or for a small offense or a large offense.  If there is a situation that needs to be dealt with via a paddling, he simply gets the job done to the very best of his ability.

school paddling severe

Severe swats with a school paddle provide dramatic results.

When the situation does present itself, he is all business, and whoever is on the receiving end, ends up in a world of hurt.  He calls the student from her desk, opens the door to the hallway, and tells her to step to the middle of the hall, assume a wide stance, and to bend over and grab her ankles.  He continues with whatever he was doing at the moment, as he hates for discipline to get in the way of the learning process.  The student, who knows of his reputation, is made to sweat it out in the hallway while he finishes that portion of his lecture.  With her little butt in the air, even if she has been paddled at school before, she knows that this is not going to be a typical paddling.

When he finds a good stopping place, he opens the cabinet to pull out his legendary paddle.  He constructed it himself, and it is considerably longer than the standard school paddle.  It is made from heavy oak, and there is taped wrapped around the handle to assure a good grip.  He reminds the class to stay busy and the closes the door behind him as he walks out into the hall, to join the poor young lady who is still in the middle of the hall, with her hands on her ankles.  It does not matter to him that she has never been in trouble in his class before, nor does it matter to him that she is 110 lbs.  He pays no regard to the fact that she is a straight A student or that he can see her arms and legs trembling as she waits to feel the paddle on her bottom.

severe school paddling

Paddled so severely the seems from her pockets are imprinted onto her bottom.

He knows that by paddling her with a severity that only he is fully capable of, that he is avoiding a dozen paddlings in the future.  He knows that students will talk and that the word will spread about the severe paddling she received for even such a small infractions.  Everyone in his class will hear it, as well the students in every classroom on that hall.  It is because of the paddling he is about to administer, that he will only have to give a few more that semester.  He knows of teachers that paddle just about every day, and he sees that as ineffective discipline if the results or so ineffective that it happens many times a week.  This girl’s bottom is about to pay the price, but it is worth it to him to have an orderly, organized, and well behaved class.

He also knows that this is for this girl’s own good.  Students who get away with small misdeeds, here and there, tend to move up to bigger offenses.  He is going to make sure, right now while he has her full attention, that she remember this paddling throughout her high school career.  The next time she is goofing around in the hall and running late to a class, passing notes, or does not have everything required for a class, she will look back on this day.  He learned many years before to disregard the pain, the pleading, and the crying from a paddling, as he simply sees all of those things as progress and learning.  The more a student reacts to a paddling, the more he knows he is doing a good job.  He is also very aware that the louder the reaction, the better it is heard by other students, and the better his reputation becomes.

severe high school paddling

Even over her cheer skirt and panties, the results of her severe school paddling are very clear.

He walks up behind her and reminds her of why she is about to be paddled.  Once again, it does not matter what she did wrong, if it requires a paddling, he will give her the school maximum of 6 swats.  He tells her to try her best to stay in position, but he knows that this really isn’t possible for a petite teen girl grabbing her ankles.  The large oak paddle is placed on her bottom and he swings for the fences.  He does not just use his arm; he twists his whole body into it and pivots his hips as he lays on the 1st swat.  The sound echoes through the hall like a gunshot, and she is knocked forward, taking a few small steps to catch herself from falling.  For the first couple seconds she makes no sound as her breath is fully taken away, but when she gets her breath back, it is the sound of pain.  She begins to wail and cry loudly, no longer concerned about the other students hearing her.  This single swat is harder than any other spanking she has ever had in her life and she does not know how she will take even one more.

He gently tells her to step back into position and she takes two steps back and grabs her ankles again, with her whole body now trembling.  When her bottom is once again presented properly, he lays on the second swat, with the similar reaction as the 1st one.  Her crying becomes louder and the pain to her bottom intensifies.  While he does not like to distractions to the learning process, he knows that the work in all of the surrounding classrooms has stopped as every student listens to the paddling taking place in the hallway.  He knows that before lunch, the word of this paddling will have made its way around the entire school.  He also knows that any student that can hear it will do everything in the power to make sure that they never experience what they are hearing, which is half the point in his eyes.  This girl might be paying the price for a lesson he wants everyone to get, but she had indeed earned this paddling.

severe school paddling

The results of her severe school paddling are still quite visible when she gets home.

As he has her bend over for her next swat, there is no doubt in his mind that she has already learned a very real lesson.  He has no doubt that his two swats with the paddle has turned her tiny little bottom black and blue and that she will not ever pose any more discipline problems in his class.  But he is very fair as a teacher and a disciplinarian and long ago he decided that every student in his class that needs to be paddled, will get the full six he is allowed.  The remaining swats do not get an easier, if anything, he likes to finish strong to make sure a real impression is made.  With her blinded by her tears and crying uncontrollably, he lays on the rest of the swats.  The next step he feels is just as important as the paddling itself, and that is providing a visual for the students in his class.  School policy does not allow for him to paddle a girl in front of other students, so they never actually get to see it take place.  But there is nothing in the policy that prevents him from showing them the results of what they just heard, so the moment the paddling is over, he walks her right back into the classroom.  The students now get to see the look of pain that goes along with what they just listened to.  They get to see an 18 year old girl still crying hard from the pain of her paddling.  Every eye in the classroom is on her as she walks to her desk, trying to rub the pain from her bottom.  They watch as she tries to sit and are able to see how sore her bottom when she flinches as her bottom touches the seat.  They listen to the gentle crying and whimpers coming from her, for the next ten minutes, as the pain just will not go away.

severe school paddling

A severe school paddling will leave the teen bottom black and blue.

As soon as the bell rings, and students begin filing into the hallway, the students from the neighboring classrooms begin to ask who he paddled.  Within minutes her name is circulating in the hallway, but it should not have been much of a mystery as the look on her face makes it clear that she was the one.  Those that heard it describe it in detail to their friends, and describe how brutal it sounded and how hard she cried.  The story grows a little as people talk about her coming into class, bawling like a baby and unable to sit-down at all.  His large paddle is described as giant, big enough that he must swing it using both hands.  The story continues to grow as some people are now reporting that she took 10 swats with that evil paddle.  When the next bell rings, every one of his students is already at their desk, backpacks put away, books open, and pens in hand.  No one comes into his class late, there is no taking, and he has the complete and undivided attention of everyone in his class.

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