Tag Archives: crying

School Paddling- Short Shorts and Yoga Pants

School corporal punishment is still widely used in the Southern US for a reason…it works.  On a daily basis young ladies are required to bend over a desk, or place their hands on their knees, or maybe even required to … Read the rest of this entry

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High school girl corporal punishment paddling while grabbing her ankles

Let’s face it and not beat around the bush, the purpose of corporal punishment is to provide a very painful stimulus to a young lady’s backside in order to enact a change in behavior or attitude.  Yes, there are several different aspects … Read the rest of this entry

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18 year old high school senior paddled by vice principal for dress code violations

It was quite exciting for her that day at the mall, when she found that super cute outfit.  She modeled it in the mirror in the dressing room, and it was just perfect.  It showed off her cute little belly … Read the rest of this entry

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A hard school paddling from a teacher

While it is becoming less and less common, there are still many school, and entire school districts in which teachers are still allowed to apply corporal punishment as they see fit.  There is no long process of sending a student … Read the rest of this entry

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Unfortunately for her, this was her 5th visit to the office that semester, which put her on step 5 of the campus disciplinary plan.  On each level of the plan she had received some level of corporal punishment, which started … Read the rest of this entry

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Audio recording of school corporal punishment in progress

Not every paddling administered to the bottom of a high school girl is going to result in tears, but if done right, it will certainly provide plenty of discomfort.  Most 18 year old girls are going to do their very … Read the rest of this entry

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A severe high school paddling when required

In the good old days, it was little less of a hassle to apply corporal punishment to a young lady’s bottom in the high school setting.  In the Southern states, pretty much any teacher that wanted a paddle had one … Read the rest of this entry

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A high school girl is being paddled at school at this very moment

Right now, at this very moment as you read this post, a school paddling is taking place in the US.  Based on the statistics from the US Department of Education, from the first bell to the last bell, in schools … Read the rest of this entry

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Paddled at school in a manner designed to make sitting difficult

Is there any validity to the phrase “will not be able to sit down for a week” when it comes to school paddlings?  I think “a week” will always be a little optimistic when we are talking about teaching a … Read the rest of this entry

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A hard paddling for the high school girl to make sure she is sore for days

Paddling is used in high schools as a way to teach a young lady a lesson for inappropriate behavior that she has engaged in.  There are many variables that can make a paddling effective, but the main goal is the … Read the rest of this entry

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