School Paddling Voyeur

District policy in most schools, regarding corporal punishment, requires that “Corporal punishment will be administered outside the presence of other students”. Which in general, means that all school paddlings must take place in a private location.  This is why for the most part, even in schools in which a teacher is allowed to paddle a student, at the very least it needs to be done in the hallway and not in a classroom full of students.  Where a paddling takes place is generally up to the administrator tasked with the job.  Most commonly a school paddling will take place in the office of the vice principal in charge of discipline.  In some schools, there is a designated room in the general office area that a paddling will take place, as not all offices are suited for applying a proper paddling due to space restrictions.

But not all locations that a paddling takes place in are as private as one might think.  When utilizing an empty classroom as the designated spot for an after school paddling, there may on occasion be prying eyes.  Let’s face it, even for those without a spanking fetish, given the opportunity to see a high school girl getting paddled, will not look the other way.  It is normal human behavior, when faced with such a rare situation, to want to see how it plays out.

At this school, there is an older classroom that has been converted to a conference room for staff meetings.  To cut down on the distractions of the loud sounds of a school paddling, this has become the designated spot for all corporal punishment to be administered.  The administrator in charge of corporal punishment keeps a couple of paddles hanging on the wall for whenever the occasion presents itself.  As a result of the alternate location for corporal punishment to be administered, all sentenced paddlings are carried out after school. For this young lady, whose final period of the day is athletics, that runs well after school, has to get a pass from the coach in order to report for her paddling at 3:35 PM.  She sits in the room and waits, as instructed by the VP, with the large paddles ever so present on the wall behind her.  She is not too happy about the fact that she is in her practice clothes, as the thin leggings are not going to provide much protection during her paddling.

While this classroom is no longer used for classes, it is not all that inaccessible, and it is just 50 steps off of the main hallway.  On more than one occasion, a curious student, hearing the sounds coming from this room, finds themselves sneaking in for a peek. Today, having watched this gorgeous young lady walk to what most know to be the corporal punishment room, wearing her tight fitting yoga pants, this student just could not help himself and had to sneak in to the adjoining room to watch her tight little bottom get paddled.

His bravery is quickly rewarded as he sees her sitting on a little stool in the corner, with two giant paddles hanging on the wall behind her.  He has to do a quick duck and cover as he hears the footsteps of the VP coming down the hall.  He pops out of his little hiding place as soon as he hears the words “grab your ankles”.  He peaks around the corner just in time to see this cute young lady, in her skin tight workout pants, bending over and grabbing her anklesHer cute little bottom perfectly presented as he grabs one of the large paddles off of the wall.

Having never been paddled himself, he is quite surprised when the 1st swat is applied.  He had no idea that a school paddling was administered with such intensity, especially for a girl.  He raised the paddle all the way back and brought it down full force on her pretty little bottom.  As soon as the 1st swat was applied, there was barely any pause and the paddle was raised into the air again, and once again brought down forcefully on her bottom.  She managed to mostly maintain her position for the 1st three, but on the 4th swat, she buckled at the knees.

He continued to watch in utter amazement as the paddling continued.  After the 4th swat, just about every swat caused her knees to buckle again.  He could hear the crying start after the 5th swat and assumed it must almost be over.  To his delight, they were only half way through the process.  He continued to spy around the corner as 5 more severe swats were applied to her bottom.  With each one, the sounds of her crying grew.  In the span of less than 40 seconds, he quickly realized why a school paddling is so effective.  As much as he enjoyed watching this young lady’s beautiful bottom getting paddled, as he snuck back out to the main hallway, he vowed to never get in trouble at school.

From the very real and intense school paddling scene at

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High School Girl Paddled in Gym Class

Luckily there are still places in this country in which small problems are resolved quickly and effectively.  Take for instance, a typical PE class in a high school in the rural South.  A young lady is unable to participate in PE that day as a result of “forgetting” her gym clothes at home.  Yes, an honest mistake, and it happens on occasion.  The gym coach gives her a gentle warning, her grade is effected a little bit, but no harm, no foul.  The next day, the exact same thing happens again.  The warning is not quite as gentle, she receives a zero for the day, and is handed a broom to sweep the gym floor while the other girls get their exercise in.

But on the third day in a row without gym clothes, it is time to teach her a lesson and help her remember her gym clothes in the future.  She is sent to the locker room to wait, while he gets the rest of the girls started on a gym activity for the hour.  Being sent to the privacy of the locker room can only mean one thing, and it is clear by the look on her face that she knows what is coming.

high school girl paddled in the locker room

Sent to the locker room to wait for her paddling.

Everyone has seen the paddle that hangs on the wall in his little office off of the gym, but it seems much larger when he walks into the locker room carrying it.  There is a brief discussion on the State requiring a certain amount of physical activity a day for each student, and then she is simply told to bend over and present her bottom for her paddling.

high school corporal punishment from the coach

Bending over for her paddling in the locker room.

Knowing that he gave her every opportunity to remedy the problem, that went from no consequences, to gentle consequences, it is time to teach her the lesson she has fully earned.  He is not quick to use the paddle for every little thing, but when it comes out, he uses it to its full potential.

high school coach paddling girl

The paddling begins full force, to assure a proper lesson is learned.

One paddle swat is always enough to get any young lady’s attention, but long term learning is not achieved with a single paddle swat.  He knows that the more swats he gives her, the better she will remember in the future to always dress for gym.  He is confident that when the paddling is complete that she will indeed have her gym clothes the next day.

paddled at school

Her face shows that very real learning is taking place.

He knows that by bruising her bottom with the heavy school paddle that a couple of things will be accomplished.  The primary goal is for it to hurt for her to sit for a few days.  This will assure that there is not a moment, when her bottom touches anything at all, in which she does not remember exactly what behavior led to that soreness.  Even better is the warning this will send to the other girls about dressing for gym.  He knows that word of a paddling spreads fast, and when she is changing in the locker room tomorrow, many girls will sneak a peek at her bottom.  The freshly bruised bottom will serve as a very real reminder for all of the girls.

school corporal punishment paddling

Her very bruised bottom assures better behavior in the future.

From the very hard hitting locker room paddling scene in the member’s area of

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Her 1st High School Paddling

Of course she was very aware that they used corporal punishment in her school, she had just managed to avoid it over the entire course of her school career.  She was an excellent student, very well behaved, but on this day, she not only brought her cell phone to class, she left it on.  Her heart dropped when her purse began to ring, as there is a very strict no cell phone policy at this high school.  It took all of the courage in the world to admit it when the teacher asked whose phone was ringing.  She found herself standing next to the teacher’s desk, as all eyes were upon her, as the teacher filled out the disciplinary referral. 

As she walked to the office she reflected on everything that she had heard about such trips to the office.  The VP in charge of discipline, who she had never directly met except for in passing in the halls, had quite the reputation.  She had heard on many occasions, the description of his paddle, described as “huge, with big holes in it”.  She had also heard about the paddle being raised way into the air and brought down full force…”hard enough to lift you onto your toes”.  She found herself hoping that all of this talk about paddling had been greatly exaggerated, as stories in high school tend to grow with each telling. With the recent crackdown on cell phones in class, she had also heard that corporal punishment was mandatory for cell phone infractions.  She was quietly praying, that this being her first ever trip to the office, might result in anything else.

paddled in high school for cell phone

She sits nervously knowing that her bottom may be paddled as a result of having a cell phone in class.

She handed her referral to the secretary, who read it, handed it back, and told her to have a seat in the chairs outside his office.  She could hear him typing away on his laptop for what felt like an eternity.  Eventually he called for her and she walked into his office and took a seat as instructed.  He took her form, and said nothing as he read it over.  It took her just a moment to spot the paddle sitting on the desk, and it was exactly as had been described to her.  It was indeed giant, it was very thick, and there were two rows of large holes cut into it.  Being that it was actually sitting on his desk, she feared that it was used in such situations more than not.  While he looked over her school records on his laptop, as hard as she tried, all she could see was this giant paddle just a couple feet from her.  She fought back the tears as she imagined what that giant piece of oak would feel like on her tiny teen bottom.

teen paddled at high school

As hard as she tries, all she can see is the giant paddle that is about to be used on her teen bottom.

After looking through her records he asked her is she had indeed had her cell phone with her and on in class, and she replied that she did.  Without any further discussion he announced that there is a zero tolerance policy for cell phones in class and that she would be paddled.  As a result of the “epidemic” in school, she would receive the maximum sentence allowed by the district, which was 8 swats.  Before she could fully process what was happening she was instructed to stand up.  She did as she was told and watched as he did the same thing.  He grabbed the paddle, stepped around behind her, and pulled her chair over to the wall.

In the 5 seconds it took for this to take place she was already beginning to tremble.  From what sounded like another time zone, she barely heard the words, “bend over and place your elbows on my desk”.  In almost trance like state, she found herself following his directions.  She bent over, presenting her tiny teen bottom, in the tightest jeans she owned.  He then told her to widen her stance, which she did.  He quickly explained that a paddling only worked if it hurt and that this would indeed hurt.  But he emphasized that he needed her cooperation, and that she needed to remain as still as possible, as “we only want the paddle to make contact with your bottom”.

young teen paddled at school

Nothing in her life could have prepared her for how much that first paddle swat hurt her tiny little bottom.

She jumped as the paddle barely touched her bottom, thinking that they had already started.  She felt a gentle little tap, there was a pause, and then her world changed.  The paddle swat not only lifted her up onto her toes as had been described to her, but it buckled her knees.  Just a second later the pain registered with her brain and her bottom was on fire.  She pushed her bottom back into position as the next swat immediately landed on her tiny teen bottom.  The paddle was so big that each swat set all of her bottom on fire, including the very top of her thighs.  This was all it took for the tears to start and it was quite difficult to get herself back into position.

real school corporal punishment video

She is learning the hard way that real school corporal punishment only works if it hurts a lot.

Through the tears and the pain, she once again assumed the proper stance and the next swat was applied.  She wad done, there was no way she could take any more, but she still had five left.  She did not get right back into position this time and he expressed to her that things were about to get much worse for her if she did not cooperate.  While she knew she could not take even more more swat, with his raised voice, and that paddle in his hand, he was quite convincing.  Reluctantly she pushed her bottom back out presenting the perfect target for her lesson.

high school paddling girl

Struggling through the pain of her paddling and waiting for the next swat to land.

Over the next 20 seconds she received the last 5 swats and they were all applied with the same force as the first 3.  Tears turned to crying, and the pain her bottom felt grew to a very painful throbbing.  When it was over, she just stayed there, with her burning bottom still being presented, as she felt her chair touch the back of her legs and was told to sit.  She winced through the pain as she sat as gingerly as she ever had in her life.  She continued to cry as he filled out a form and then pushed it across the desk and told her to sign it.  She wiped away the tears, signed the form, and was then dismissed.  She walked out of his office to see the eyes of every student and staff member in the office staring at her as she still wiped the tears from her eyes.  With her bottom feeling the results of her behavior, she walked to her locker and put her cell phone inside.

teen sore from her school paddling

A very sore teen bottom.

To watch the exact video that goes with this post and pictures, you can see it in HD in the member’s area of

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Authentic School Corporal Punishment- Just the Licks

For the lovers of authentic and realistic school corporal punishment, this is THE video for you.  We have taken out all of the lectures and packed this video with 1 hour and 15 minutes of nothing but hard school paddlings.  This video features 30 separate school paddling scenes, all recreating the manner in which school corporal punishment is still used today in high schools throughout the South.  You will see young ladies bent over the desk, grabbing their ankles, and with their hands on the wall or lockers, getting the paddlings of their lives.  These are not gentle scenes, with a long warm-up, or anything else that makes it easy to endure.  These are proper school paddlings, administered with the goal of changing behaviors and bruising bottoms.  All of the scenarios are realistic and for infractions that a high school girl would find herself committing.  Each scene begins with the girl(s) being told to get into position.  You will be able to watch the paddling from both the bottom and face view, as well as being able to see the results of the paddling as each girl lowers her pants and panties to show her bruised bottom.  These are not light paddlings, and in all cases result in a very bruised and sore bottom.  In many of these scenes you will see the direct effects of the learning process as the naughty young lady is unable to hold back the tears.  This is authentic school corporal punishment with a paddle at its very finest and you will not find more realistic, or severe, school paddling videos anywhere else.  30 different paddling scenes, only the licks and the results, so I assure you, there will be no fast forwarding as there is nothing but action throughout.

Now Available at Spanking Library and Clips 4 Sale

School corporal punishment hits

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Two girl school corporal punishment paddling

Meet Maya and Rae

Congratulations, your day is about to get much better.  There are two new models at that are about to rock your world.  They are Maya and Rae and they are real life best friends.  While a bit kinky, they are not spankos, so these are girls that it is clear that there is nothing about the spankings they receive that they enjoy.  Even better, at no time in their lives have either of them been paddled before.

To date they have done four scenes together in which they receive a very hard school paddling.  They are both gorgeous, one being petite and one being curvy, but both in perfect shape.  Their very 1st school paddling is captured during their “School Swats” in which there is a long interview before and after.  They nervously discuss their thoughts prior to their 1st paddling and then he gets right to work on their bottoms.  After a very intense paddling, they discuss the whole thing and then show us the results of their bottoms.

There second paddling in the member’s area at featured them both being sent to the principal’s office and they are faced with a choice of a hard paddling or being suspended.  They both choose the paddling and are sent from the office to wait.  They are called in one at a time for a paddling that neither of them will ever forget.

Their next school paddling involved them being yanked from a classroom and taken to another classroom that is not in use, as a result of their constant disruption in class.  They are both required to put their hands on the board, one at a time, as they learn what very real corporal punishment with a paddle is all about.  The paddling continues until their bottoms are bruised and sore.

There next school paddling takes place in class.  They have both attended class with clothing that is in clear violation of the dress code standards.  The teacher chooses to teach class, but holds them both after class to address the problem.  One at a time they are brought up to the front of the class, required to bend far over and grab a little stool.  He beats their poor bottoms with a paddle until they can barely sit down.

These two are an amazing new addition to and we are so happy to see sweet young things that are willing to take authentic school paddlings.  Rumor is that they have already filmed a 5th school paddling scene and we cannot wait to see it.  You can look at previews and updates HERE.  Below is a full photo gallery showing pictures from all of the paddlings currently online at

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The proper paddling of a high school senior

This young lady was sent directly from gym class to see the vice principal.  She was late to class for the 3rd time this semester, which in itself is an offense that requires a referral to the office.  But this young lady was not happy with this fact and decided to catch an attitude about being sent to the office for something “as stupid as a tardy”.  Her increased attitude led to another infraction being added to her disciplinary referral.

high school girl paddling

She tries to ignore the school paddle, but it is all that she can see.

As she sits down in the VP’s office, she cannot help but notice the very large paddle sitting on the desk in front of her.  This is perfect, as it takes her mind immediately to that place where she is not only considering the fact that she is in trouble, but she now knows that getting spanked is a very real option.  For an 18 year old high school senior, who thinks she is all grown up, this can be very humbling, and intimidating, as she considers the fact that she may very well be bending over to feel this large paddle on her cute little bottom.

He looks through her records for previous referrals and sees that her little tardy issue in not isolated to gym, and while she has managed to stay under three tardies in most classes, she has 2 in almost all of them.  He sees this as a young lady who is playing the system and taking advantage of a policy designated to allow students the occasional moment when they are late to class.  On top of this, she showed clear attitude and disrespect to the coach, which is becoming a more frequent issue in the school and something he wants to put a stop to.

She watches as he types on his computer and then fills in her disciplinary referral.  She cannot see exactly what he is writing, but based on his demeanor, it does seem like it is going to be a good thing. After a couple minutes of silence, he announces that she is indeed going to be paddled.  Her heart sinks as he announces the sentence, “You will be receiving 5 licks for the tardies, and an additional 5 licks for the attitude”.  It takes a moment to wrap her head around it as she once again stares at the giant paddle and considers the fact that it is about to be used on her bottom.

10 swats at school for the teen girl

He fine tunes her stance to assure the very best position for a very painful 10 swat school paddling.

There is nothing angry about his approach, it is very matter of fact as he instructs her to stand up.  He grabs the paddle, walks around the desk, and moves her chair out of the way.  He then directs her very specifically where to move.  “Take one step back please. Widen your stance until it is shoulder width apart.  Legs a little wider please.  Bend over and place your hands on the edge of the desk.  Push your bottom out a little farther please”.  As she follows his directions and bends, she can feel her tiny gym shorts, the ones that she thinks are so adorable, climbing up her bottom.  She feels the cold AC from his office making contact with a part of her bottom that was previously covered, and knows that this paddling will take place over at least a little bare skin.

paddled over short shorts at school

Getting sent for her paddling, straight from gym, is going to make it even more effective.

The position and the situation is horribly embarrassing for her.  Here she is, a legal adult, in the office of a man that she barely knows, and he is directing her on how best to present her bottom to him so he can hit it 10 times with a large board.  As someone who has not been spanked by her parents in more than 8 years, the whole process is foreign and intimidating.  Even worse, she spent the last 10 minutes staring at the giant wooden paddle on his desk.  It is clear from the design that it is meant for one specific purpose, to bring immense amounts of pain to a young lady’s bottom.  She is snapped back to reality as she feels the wood touch her bottom briefly.  As she feared, she feels some of the wood touching her bare skin.

He knows from years in this position that a school paddling only works if done one way…hard.  The goal for him is to provide an experience that the student would never again want to repeat.  In his school district, he has some of the lowest numbers when it comes to the application of corporal punishment, and he feels this is exactly because he knows how to do it right.  Three quick and moderate swats to a young lady’s bottom, does very little in decreasing the likelihood of her getting in trouble again.  He always works towards the upper limits of the maximum amount of swats allowed and he never goes easy.  He knows that she will be best served if he paddles her little bottom in a manner that leads to tears.  For him, tears and a sore bottom for a couple of days is the very best way to assure that she is never late again and that she tones down her attitude.  Taking a look at her cute butt cheeks, sticking out from the bottom of her shorts, he has no doubt that this will be her last visit to his office.

teen girl school spanking

Her world is about to change as she prepares for the first severe swat on her teen bottom.

She feels the heavy paddle leave her skin briefly, can see his motion out of the corner of her eyes, and then her life becomes about pain.  The first swat buckles her knees and leads to her doing a little dance, somehow trying to shake off the pain.  She is quickly told to get back into position, and feels the paddle touch her bottom briefly again.  Just as before, the paddle is raised high in the air and brought down full force on the exact same spot on the lowest portion of her bottom.  This one takes her breath away and she cannot even make a sound.  As she finally finds her breath the next one lands, again in the same spot.  This is where the real learning begins as her eyes begin to fill with tears.  As she tries to blink away the blurriness, the next swat lands.  She has no idea how many she has received, all she can think about is the pain, as another hard lick is placed low on her bottom.

paddled until bruised at high school

The heavy wooden school paddle compresses her skin making full contact with the muscles of her bottom, assuring a long term lesson is learned.

She knows that there is no way she can take another one and silently prays that it is over.  The next words spoken cut right through her like a knife “That takes care of the tardies, now let’s address that attitude of yours”.  She cannot believe that she is only half way through.  She has been well punished, she is learning her lesson, her eyes are filled with tears, yet he is going to continue?  He knows from experience that once the sniffles begin that they are getting close to an actual lesson being learned.  Clearly this is hurting her quite a bit, which is indeed the goal.  He could stop now and know that there is a good chance she will not be back in his office anytime soon, but that would be a disservice to her and the process.  He knows very well that teen girls have the attention span of a goldfish, and if he does not do this right, an hour later, she will have forgotten all about what she did and how she was punished.  He knows that he needs to see the punishment all the way through as those last swats are often the most important.  He needs to assure that she does not forget about this paddling in an hour and that she feels it for a few days.

high school paddling girl

Exactly the response he was looking for.

With her eyes filled with tears, and the sniffling having started, he knows they are close.  The last 5 licks are spaced out perfectly to allow each one to fully register and sink in.  After swat 6 he can hear the emotion in her voice as she struggles to not actively sob in his office.  Swat 7, really opens the floodgates as she can no longer hold it back.  Swat 8 buckles her legs and she almost drops to the floor.  After the 9th swat, she can no longer be tough and strong and fully breaks down like a child.  He is happy that they finally got to where she needed to be as that is the sound of a young lady who has truly learned her lesson.  The last swat is placed exactly on top of the spot where the previous 9 landed and is done in a manner to be sure she will be feeling it as she spends the rest of the day in a hard wooden desk.

paddled to tears at school

The paddle hurts her bottom so much that she is no longer able to contain her emotions as the sobbing begins.

Her plan to stay strong, to not break, and to not let him see her cry was all the way out the window.  She did not care at this moment, her bottom hurt so bad that she just could not help herself.  As he asked her to stand up, and pulled the chair back over for her, she continued to cry.  Her bottom was throbbing with each beat of her heart, and the act of sitting, even on the padded chair, was quite painful.  As she wiped away the tears he was still very matter a fact about it all, and signed the document required when corporal punishment is administered.  He slid the paper over to her, and she had to wipe away more tears in order to see where she was to sign.  With tears still streaming down her face she was told to return back to gym.

sore bottom from school paddling

The effcts of this paddling will be felt by this sore and sorry young lady for days to come.

This scenario is illustrated by the video in the member’s area of  There is no part of this story that is not fully represented in the video.  You will see a very real school paddling, administered over short shorts, that leaves her bottom bruised and her crying her eyes out.  It is very realistic and very intense.  You can watch the entire video, in HD, from two angles HERE.

school corporal punishment form

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Impact and a bruised bottom from a school paddling

There is no way around it, a paddling on works if it hurts.  It has to be something that once she experiences it, that she will never want to repeat it.  This only works if the paddle is swung full force and makes a major impression each and every time it hits her teen bottom.

hard paddling at school

Connecting deeply with her sit spot.

Looking at that swat in slow motion shows us everything we need to see during a true and proper school paddling.  That is a full swing, with a heavy oak paddle, and it is hitting the exact spot on her bottom that will touch her desk seat when she sits in just a few minutes.  There is no doubt that after just a few swats of that nature that a lesson is being learned and that her bottom is becoming bruised.

bruised bottom teen from school paddling

The learning is visible on her bottom.

There can be no leniency when it comes to a school paddling, either her behavior requires a paddling, or it does not, there can be no in between.  If she needs to be paddled, it needs to be done in a way that will teach her a lesson.

petite teen school paddling

Paddling her tiny teen bottom with a large school paddle.

Yes, she is petite and tiny, and that paddle is huge, but it is the behavior that is being addressed, not her look or body type.   Her behavior requires that this experience be a very painful one, with long lasting consequences to remind her to be good in the future.

teen bottom

Her perfect little teen bottom is bruised in a manner that will make this experience memorable for her.

The paddle was so large that part of the impact was made to the top of her thighs.  Had she behaved, then this would not have happened in the first place.  It is behavior that dictates when a paddling occurs and nothing else.

In the schools that allow teachers to handle corporal punishment themselves, it is even more important that with each paddling that they make a proper impression.  These paddlings generally take place in the hallways, with other students being able to hear it taking place.  A single paddling, administered in the most effective way, can stop a dozen future paddlings to other students as simply hearing the process of a severe paddling will have many on their best behavior.

paddled by a teacher

Paddled outside the classroom for all to hear.

After 10 good swats outside the classroom, with her cries of pain reverberating throughout the hallways, all students find themselves acting just a little more more properly, especially as they watch her try to sit down immediately following her paddling.

paddled by a teacher in school

A quick rub of her sore bottom before she returns to class.

All animations come from the HD videos in the member’s area of, all of these scenes can also be purchased for download on the HD PPV movie Severe School Corporal Punishment with a Paddle.

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PPV-Severe School Corporal Punishment with a Paddle – 2017

Hell yes! Here we go:

Severe School Corporal Punishment with a Paddle – 2017

“Yes, we all like a little nudity, maybe some corner time, and much of what lives in our fantasies in the spanking world, but as a producer, as well of a connoisseur of spanking videos, what really speaks to me is realism.  I have put together a collection of the most recent, most severe, and most realistic school paddling videos that I have produced this year.  This is school corporal punishment, with a heavy wooden school paddle, administered with the sole purpose of bruising bottoms and changing behaviors.  There is no warm-up, no gentle swats, this is full force school paddling, administered in the exact same manner that takes place in the high school of the South on a very regular basis.  You will see firsthand why so many schools utilize this form of discipline, as it is very effective.  This video runs 1 hour and 20 minutes, with 14 separate paddling scenes, and 12 different naughty girls, each filmed from a face and a butt camera.  While all paddlings are administered over clothing, each girl reveals the damage to her poor bottom after so you can see the results of very real corporal punishment.  This video truly runs on the severe side of spanking videos, with tears in several scenes, so it is not for the fan of fun little spankings.  For those lovers of very realistic school corporal punishment, this is a must for your collection.  This is a full HD video, filmed at 1920×1080, at 3000kbps.”

Severe School Corporal Punishment with a Paddle

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Now available at Clips4Sale and Spanking Library.

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High school girls receiving corporal punishment with a paddle

There are many aspects to a school paddling that make it quite effective and serves as a deterrent in preventing undesirable behavior at school.  Today we will break down the entire process and look at each element and how it helps with the overall disciplinary process.  All animations and pictures come from as well as  I have been quite happy with the recent videos coming from lately, as they have really stepped it up in the area of realistic school paddling videos, especially in regards to hard school paddlings over yoga pants.  Previously most of their school paddling videos featured bare bottom paddlings, which while wonderful to watch, they fall out of the realm of realism in school paddling videos.  With many school paddlings added each month, with girls getting hard swats over yoga pants, there are many scenes not to be missed there.

school corporal punishment paddling high school teen girl 23

100’s of times a day, in schools throughout the country, teen girls find themselves bending over for a very real school paddling.

Obviously, the precursor to any school paddling is a young lady engaging in a behavior that is forbidden by school policy.  In most cases, these young ladies are making a conscious decision to break a rule and are simply hoping that they will not be caught.  Once they are caught, they must face the music, and make that dreaded trip to see the principal or vice principal of the school, whichever has been charged with the disciplinary needs of the school.  In most cases, unless the behavior is so blatant and witnessed, a discussion must take place between the student and the administrator.  The administrator will need to weigh all of the factors involved, such as severity of the offense, past behavior, previous trips to the office, and the general attitude of the young lady in trouble.  A discussion will take place in which guilt is determined, weighing the description of the incident from the referring staff member vs. the student’s own account.  When all is said and done, the administrator is left in the position of deciding the appropriate punishment.

In many school, district policy clearly spells out exactly when corporal punishment may be utilized.  For many administrators, this leaves their hands tied, and they can only assign a punishment based on what the policy allows. However, in many schools, corporal punishment is an option that may be used at the administrator’s discretion and can be assigned for each and every offense that they may be presented with.  Currently, in well over 1000 schools throughout the South, corporal punishment is not only an option for any offense, it is often the primary form of discipline.  Once the decision to utilize corporal punishment, the process begins at that very moment.  There is more involved in school corporal punishment than just applying a paddle to her teen bottom, as there are many elements that make the entire process effective.

teen high school girl paddling

These girls were just informed that they are about to have to bend over for 10 swats with a heavy wooden school paddle.

Informing a young lady that she is going to be paddled for her behavior is a big part of the process.  This is the very moment in which it is being made very clear that her behavior is unacceptable and that there will be consequences for her actions.  This is not resulting in a warning, she will not be spending a couple of mindless hours sitting in a desk after school, instead, someone is going to physically apply pain to her bottom to teach her a very real lesson.  This is a very powerful moment in the mind of the teenage girl, as she realizes that regardless of how old she is, or how grown up she feels she is, that when she misbehaves, she can still be spanked.  She may have been spanked as a young child by her parents, or never spanked before in her life, but it does not matter in this environment…bad behavior will result in her being paddled.  This often leads to an almost “fight or flight” moment, in which she desperately tries to figure out a way to not be paddled.  But she has committed an offense, one that at this school, can and will result in the paddle being applied to her bottom in a very forceful matter.  She no longer has a say, or a way out, she is indeed going to be paddled.

waiting for her school paddling

After 10 minutes to consider how bad their bottoms are about to hurt…it begins.

Ideally, the paddling she is to receive will not take place at that very moment.  At the very least, she should be sent out of the office while he puts together the required paperwork to paddle a student.  Even better, the paddling that she has been sentenced to, is to be applied at a later time, or date.  A school paddling is a powerful thing, and not just because of how much it hurts.  Her anticipation of how bad the paddling will be is a very important part of the overall process.  She needs to have some time, from minutes to days, to consider exactly how bad it will actually be.  No teen girl is able to just fully block from her mind the fact that she has a paddling coming.  Regardless of what she is doing, or who she is with, at least several times an hour, up until the moment the paddling finally takes place, she will experience that elevated heart rate, as she considers her fate.  This is an important part of the learning process as it creates additional mental struggles that will help guide her towards making better decisions in the future.

teen paddling

This high school girl present her petite teen bottom to be paddled by the principal.

Presenting her bottom
After the minutes, hours, or days have passed while she has considered the paddling she will be receiving, the moment finally arrives.  In general, in a school office environment, she will be called into the room or office where the paddling will be administered in private.  This may be the office where the discussion previously took place, or a side room that is designated for corporal punishment to be administered in.  After being sentenced to her paddling, made to wait a period of time, it is finally time to put that board to work in correcting her behavior. All of this begins with her being told to assume the position that she is to be paddled in.  The importance of this part of the process is often overlooked.  Yes, she needs to be placed into a position that is functional and allows for her bottom to be properly paddled, but her participation is such a defining part of the overall process.

paddled in school over yoga pants

He is in no hurry to start paddling her bottom, instead, he gives her a few minutes to consider exactly how bad it is going to hurt over those very thin yoga pants. From the intense paddling scene at

She is not a young girl, in third grade, being pulled into place over mom’s lap, that is going to be held in place for her spanking.  She is a legal adult, or within a couple of years of that age, and it is expected that she will assist in the entire paddling.  The administrator is not going to pull her into position, he is simply going to tell her what position to assume.  This is the moment is which she is taking full ownership of her transgressions and it is important.  Regardless of the position she is told to assume, she will be presenting her bottom to be punished with a heavy wooden school paddle.  This is often not an easy thing for the teen girl to do.  Her bottom, in general, is a forbidden place that at this age, no one has access to without consent.  But in this environment, as a full result of her behavior, she no longer is in control of her own bottom.  In fact, she is now being told exactly what to do with it, how to present it, for the sole purpose of pain being applied to it.

grabbing her ankles for a school paddling

By having her grab her ankles, she is uncomfortable and feeling embarrassed and vulnerable.

Position is an important part of a school paddling for a few reasons.  The primary reason is functionality, as she needs to be positioned in a manner that allows for the hard application of the school paddle in a safe manner.  She needs to be bent over enough that her tailbone is out of the way, and in general, she needs to be put in a position that allows her stability, so the force of the paddle on her bottom does not throw her off balance.  But position also goes well beyond functionality.  Simply having a young lady bend over the principal’s desk, in a position of relative comfort, certainly works, but takes away some of the powerful elements that can add to the overall effectiveness of the process.  Obviously, the paddling will still hurt, but the more things that can be added to make the overall experience something that she would unlikely want to repeat, the better.

paddled at school

Grabbing her ankles for a hard school paddling in yoga pants. From the two girl school paddling scene at

Consider instead, the teen girl, being told to stand up, turn around, assume a very side stance, and then to grab her ankles.  This is still a very functional position, but one that is far more uncomfortable to assume.  There is nothing about a school paddling that should be comfortable, including the position.  This position also has the added effect of adding feeling of embarrassment and vulnerability.  There really is no way to feel comfortable, or confident, when she is bent over, presenting her bottom to be paddled in such a manner.  While she may have chosen those skin-tight jeans to show off her petite bottom to all of the boys, it feels much different when she is now presenting that same bottom to a man that she barely knows, for the express purpose of him spanking it with a large wooden paddle.

school paddling

Presenting her bottom for the school paddling of her life.

Once she is in the designated position, there should be no hurry for things to get started.  Just as the waiting period before the paddling, this is an important moment for her to consider what is exactly about to happen.  It allows her to not only consider how much it is about to hurt, but for her to reflect on the decisions that led her to this moment in her life.  With her bottom in the air, on display, and waiting to be spanked, she begins to start making promises to herself to be good in the future.  Ideally, she is left bent over, waiting to be paddled, for a good couple of minutes.

While there are many elements that add to the effectiveness of a school paddling, the number one reason that it is so effective is the pain.  There is no reason to sugar coat it, or dance around the issue…school corporal punishment needs to hurt, a lot.  There is a reason that a paddle is being used in the first place, because it hurts like hell even over clothing.  If the goal was not as much pain as possible, then school corporal punishment would be administered with a hand or a ruler.  Paddles are made from hard wood, are long and wide, and generally at least ½” thick.  The reason for all of this, is that when it is applied to a high school girl’s bottom it hurts.  Why go through all of the trouble of constructing a proper spanking implement if it is not going to be applied in a manner that hurts?

school girl crying from corporal punishment

It is clear from the very first swat that this is a paddling she will never forget.

The primary factor in making sure that a young lady does not find herself in trouble, and in the same position again, is to provide her with an experience that she would never in her lifetime want to repeat.  All schools have a maximum number of swats that can be administered, written within the school policies, and with this number often being quite low, each and every swat needs to be applied in the most effective, and most painful manner.  This means that from the first swat to the last, each swat needs to be administered in a manner in which they hurt as much as possible.  Real lessons are not learned from a gentle spanking, they are learned from a safe but severe paddling.

school corporal punishment

With a giant paddle and a hard swing, real lessons are being learned today.

Each swat needs to hit on the lowest part of her bottom, the exact spot that touches a chair when she sits.  With her bent over, the skin will already be tight, allowing the paddle to further compress the skin, and make contact with the large muscles of her bottom.  A paddling in not like a handspanking in which it is all about how much sting is provided to her skin, it is about heavy contact with deep muscles.  It is about sending a very powerful message to her brain, through her bottom, alerting her that this behavior will never be tolerated.  Her reactions to the paddling should not have any effect on the overall process.  Yes, she will scream, moan, and cry, but isn’t that the goal?  Every high school girl will benefit more from a paddling that instantly leaves her in tears, than one that does not.  At the very core, this is a spanking, and spankings are supposed to hurt her bottom and lead to tears…this is why they are effective.

It is clear from the tears in her eyes that a lesson was learned today.

It is clear from the tears in her eyes that a lesson was learned today.


The body has a magical way of dealing with the stress of intense pain through endorphins.  Yes, the entire paddling will indeed hurt, but in most cases, after the first couple of swats, the body goes into overdrive with the production of endorphins and helps to combat the pain.  While the paddling will hurt, and she will cry, just a few minutes later her body will take care of the problem…for a little while.  Real lessons are not learned over the course of 6 swats in 30 seconds.  A proper paddling will linger for days and this is exactly how it should be.  If applied correctly, after about 30 minutes, the effects of the endorphins will begin to wear off.  The pain will once again return, and she will begin to experience a gentle throbbing of her bottom.  Over time, this throbbing will intensify and her bottom will grow increasingly sore.

There is no doubt after their paddling at that sitting is going to be a problem.

There is no doubt after their paddling at that sitting is going to be a problem.

If the paddling happened exactly as it should have, with heavy swats making contact with the muscles deep within her bottom, the real lesson will begin the next morning.  After a night of sleep, her sore muscles will have continued to tighten, and the soreness will have increased.  As she swings her legs out of bed, and puts her weight onto her bottom, she is in for a real surprise.  The paddling is not some distant event, something that she can now just put out of her mind.  Instead, the results of the paddling are very real and very present, and will affect everything she does for the next 48 hours.  The first reminder of her behavior from the previous day will take place when she sits on the toilet.  The very best part of the lesson will take place exactly where her offense occurred…at school.  School desks are always constructed of hard materials and there is simply no padding seating to be found.  She will spend the next eight hours, with a painful and constant reminder of her behavior, as she struggles to try to sit comfortably.

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Forced to change clothes for her school paddling

Something that is rarely considered when it comes to the application of corporal punishment in the high school setting, is clothing.  Not all outfits actually allow for a paddle to be applied in a serious manner.  While yoga pants are becoming quite the trend, for the teenage girl, jeans are still the number one choice when getting dressed for school each morning.

teen girl high school paddling over gym shorts 2

The problem is, that with jeans, the fashion trends change on a very regular basis.  Currently, jeans that are very decorative on the back, are quite popular.  The first issue is simply that of damaging a young lady’s jeans.  With all of the bling, sequins, and such, a hard paddle swat has the potential to damage a pair of expensive jeans.

teen girl high school paddling over gym shorts 3

More importantly, many styles of jeans have large buttons on the back.  Many of these are attached with small metal posts, and a paddle swat to that part of her pants could present a danger to her bottom.  The goal of a school paddling should always be as much pain to her young bottom as possible, but safety issues need to be addressed.

teen girl high school paddling over gym shorts 4

The young lady in these animations, when it is time for her paddling, this exact problem presents itself.  After she is bent over for a well-deserved paddling, he notices that the placement of the closures on her pockets will present a problem.  He is unable to apply the paddle swats to the intended area without fear of driving the metal closures into her bottom.  The solution is quite easy, as she is then sent to the locker room to change into her gym shorts.

teen girl high school paddling over gym shorts 5

The change of clothing helps to immediately solve the problem, and has an additional, unintentional, benefit.  The thin cotton shorts that she changes into, are going to provide far less protection that the jeans would have.  Yes, the paddle is heavy and thuddy, so either way her bottom would have ended up bruised, but the thin shorts are going to increase the amount of sting significantly.

teen girl high school paddling over gym shorts 6

Once she has changed and returns to his office, she is bent right over, and required to wait a minute before the paddling begins.  This gives her just a little extra time to consider how much that paddle, sitting right in front of her, is going to feel when applied over the thin shorts.  Once he finishes with the required forms to apply corporal punishment, it is time to get started.

teen girl high school paddling over gym shorts 1

As should be the case with a proper high school paddling, he starts off with very hard swats.  He takes a few swats to get his aim where it needs to be, and then he really lets her have it.  All the rest of the well-deserved swats, are applied as hard and as fast as possible.  It is quite clear when all is said and done, as she inspects the damage privately, that this is a lesson that will stay with her for many days to come.

From the recent update to the member’s area of

On a side note, let’s show some support for the person responsible for the most amazing school paddling videos to be found anywhere.  The voting is coming to an end soon for the best male spanker of 2016.  Show your support by clicking the link and placing your vote.


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