Two girl school corporal punishment paddling

Meet Maya and Rae

Congratulations, your day is about to get much better.  There are two new models at that are about to rock your world.  They are Maya and Rae and they are real life best friends.  While a bit kinky, they are not spankos, so these are girls that it is clear that there is nothing about the spankings they receive that they enjoy.  Even better, at no time in their lives have either of them been paddled before.

To date they have done four scenes together in which they receive a very hard school paddling.  They are both gorgeous, one being petite and one being curvy, but both in perfect shape.  Their very 1st school paddling is captured during their “School Swats” in which there is a long interview before and after.  They nervously discuss their thoughts prior to their 1st paddling and then he gets right to work on their bottoms.  After a very intense paddling, they discuss the whole thing and then show us the results of their bottoms.

There second paddling in the member’s area at featured them both being sent to the principal’s office and they are faced with a choice of a hard paddling or being suspended.  They both choose the paddling and are sent from the office to wait.  They are called in one at a time for a paddling that neither of them will ever forget.

Their next school paddling involved them being yanked from a classroom and taken to another classroom that is not in use, as a result of their constant disruption in class.  They are both required to put their hands on the board, one at a time, as they learn what very real corporal punishment with a paddle is all about.  The paddling continues until their bottoms are bruised and sore.

There next school paddling takes place in class.  They have both attended class with clothing that is in clear violation of the dress code standards.  The teacher chooses to teach class, but holds them both after class to address the problem.  One at a time they are brought up to the front of the class, required to bend far over and grab a little stool.  He beats their poor bottoms with a paddle until they can barely sit down.

These two are an amazing new addition to and we are so happy to see sweet young things that are willing to take authentic school paddlings.  Rumor is that they have already filmed a 5th school paddling scene and we cannot wait to see it.  You can look at previews and updates HERE.  Below is a full photo gallery showing pictures from all of the paddlings currently online at

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two high school girls corporal punishment with a paddle for dress code violations 4
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Meet Maya and Rae 14063_1_30001 Meet Maya and Rae
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