The proper paddling of a high school senior

This young lady was sent directly from gym class to see the vice principal.  She was late to class for the 3rd time this semester, which in itself is an offense that requires a referral to the office.  But this young lady was not happy with this fact and decided to catch an attitude about being sent to the office for something “as stupid as a tardy”.  Her increased attitude led to another infraction being added to her disciplinary referral.

high school girl paddling

She tries to ignore the school paddle, but it is all that she can see.

As she sits down in the VP’s office, she cannot help but notice the very large paddle sitting on the desk in front of her.  This is perfect, as it takes her mind immediately to that place where she is not only considering the fact that she is in trouble, but she now knows that getting spanked is a very real option.  For an 18 year old high school senior, who thinks she is all grown up, this can be very humbling, and intimidating, as she considers the fact that she may very well be bending over to feel this large paddle on her cute little bottom.

He looks through her records for previous referrals and sees that her little tardy issue in not isolated to gym, and while she has managed to stay under three tardies in most classes, she has 2 in almost all of them.  He sees this as a young lady who is playing the system and taking advantage of a policy designated to allow students the occasional moment when they are late to class.  On top of this, she showed clear attitude and disrespect to the coach, which is becoming a more frequent issue in the school and something he wants to put a stop to.

She watches as he types on his computer and then fills in her disciplinary referral.  She cannot see exactly what he is writing, but based on his demeanor, it does seem like it is going to be a good thing. After a couple minutes of silence, he announces that she is indeed going to be paddled.  Her heart sinks as he announces the sentence, “You will be receiving 5 licks for the tardies, and an additional 5 licks for the attitude”.  It takes a moment to wrap her head around it as she once again stares at the giant paddle and considers the fact that it is about to be used on her bottom.

10 swats at school for the teen girl

He fine tunes her stance to assure the very best position for a very painful 10 swat school paddling.

There is nothing angry about his approach, it is very matter of fact as he instructs her to stand up.  He grabs the paddle, walks around the desk, and moves her chair out of the way.  He then directs her very specifically where to move.  “Take one step back please. Widen your stance until it is shoulder width apart.  Legs a little wider please.  Bend over and place your hands on the edge of the desk.  Push your bottom out a little farther please”.  As she follows his directions and bends, she can feel her tiny gym shorts, the ones that she thinks are so adorable, climbing up her bottom.  She feels the cold AC from his office making contact with a part of her bottom that was previously covered, and knows that this paddling will take place over at least a little bare skin.

paddled over short shorts at school

Getting sent for her paddling, straight from gym, is going to make it even more effective.

The position and the situation is horribly embarrassing for her.  Here she is, a legal adult, in the office of a man that she barely knows, and he is directing her on how best to present her bottom to him so he can hit it 10 times with a large board.  As someone who has not been spanked by her parents in more than 8 years, the whole process is foreign and intimidating.  Even worse, she spent the last 10 minutes staring at the giant wooden paddle on his desk.  It is clear from the design that it is meant for one specific purpose, to bring immense amounts of pain to a young lady’s bottom.  She is snapped back to reality as she feels the wood touch her bottom briefly.  As she feared, she feels some of the wood touching her bare skin.

He knows from years in this position that a school paddling only works if done one way…hard.  The goal for him is to provide an experience that the student would never again want to repeat.  In his school district, he has some of the lowest numbers when it comes to the application of corporal punishment, and he feels this is exactly because he knows how to do it right.  Three quick and moderate swats to a young lady’s bottom, does very little in decreasing the likelihood of her getting in trouble again.  He always works towards the upper limits of the maximum amount of swats allowed and he never goes easy.  He knows that she will be best served if he paddles her little bottom in a manner that leads to tears.  For him, tears and a sore bottom for a couple of days is the very best way to assure that she is never late again and that she tones down her attitude.  Taking a look at her cute butt cheeks, sticking out from the bottom of her shorts, he has no doubt that this will be her last visit to his office.

teen girl school spanking

Her world is about to change as she prepares for the first severe swat on her teen bottom.

She feels the heavy paddle leave her skin briefly, can see his motion out of the corner of her eyes, and then her life becomes about pain.  The first swat buckles her knees and leads to her doing a little dance, somehow trying to shake off the pain.  She is quickly told to get back into position, and feels the paddle touch her bottom briefly again.  Just as before, the paddle is raised high in the air and brought down full force on the exact same spot on the lowest portion of her bottom.  This one takes her breath away and she cannot even make a sound.  As she finally finds her breath the next one lands, again in the same spot.  This is where the real learning begins as her eyes begin to fill with tears.  As she tries to blink away the blurriness, the next swat lands.  She has no idea how many she has received, all she can think about is the pain, as another hard lick is placed low on her bottom.

paddled until bruised at high school

The heavy wooden school paddle compresses her skin making full contact with the muscles of her bottom, assuring a long term lesson is learned.

She knows that there is no way she can take another one and silently prays that it is over.  The next words spoken cut right through her like a knife “That takes care of the tardies, now let’s address that attitude of yours”.  She cannot believe that she is only half way through.  She has been well punished, she is learning her lesson, her eyes are filled with tears, yet he is going to continue?  He knows from experience that once the sniffles begin that they are getting close to an actual lesson being learned.  Clearly this is hurting her quite a bit, which is indeed the goal.  He could stop now and know that there is a good chance she will not be back in his office anytime soon, but that would be a disservice to her and the process.  He knows very well that teen girls have the attention span of a goldfish, and if he does not do this right, an hour later, she will have forgotten all about what she did and how she was punished.  He knows that he needs to see the punishment all the way through as those last swats are often the most important.  He needs to assure that she does not forget about this paddling in an hour and that she feels it for a few days.

high school paddling girl

Exactly the response he was looking for.

With her eyes filled with tears, and the sniffling having started, he knows they are close.  The last 5 licks are spaced out perfectly to allow each one to fully register and sink in.  After swat 6 he can hear the emotion in her voice as she struggles to not actively sob in his office.  Swat 7, really opens the floodgates as she can no longer hold it back.  Swat 8 buckles her legs and she almost drops to the floor.  After the 9th swat, she can no longer be tough and strong and fully breaks down like a child.  He is happy that they finally got to where she needed to be as that is the sound of a young lady who has truly learned her lesson.  The last swat is placed exactly on top of the spot where the previous 9 landed and is done in a manner to be sure she will be feeling it as she spends the rest of the day in a hard wooden desk.

paddled to tears at school

The paddle hurts her bottom so much that she is no longer able to contain her emotions as the sobbing begins.

Her plan to stay strong, to not break, and to not let him see her cry was all the way out the window.  She did not care at this moment, her bottom hurt so bad that she just could not help herself.  As he asked her to stand up, and pulled the chair back over for her, she continued to cry.  Her bottom was throbbing with each beat of her heart, and the act of sitting, even on the padded chair, was quite painful.  As she wiped away the tears he was still very matter a fact about it all, and signed the document required when corporal punishment is administered.  He slid the paper over to her, and she had to wipe away more tears in order to see where she was to sign.  With tears still streaming down her face she was told to return back to gym.

sore bottom from school paddling

The effcts of this paddling will be felt by this sore and sorry young lady for days to come.

This scenario is illustrated by the video in the member’s area of  There is no part of this story that is not fully represented in the video.  You will see a very real school paddling, administered over short shorts, that leaves her bottom bruised and her crying her eyes out.  It is very realistic and very intense.  You can watch the entire video, in HD, from two angles HERE.

school corporal punishment form

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