Paddled over a skirt in high school

When it really comes down to it, jeans are probably the best thing for a young lady to be wearing when she is paddled at school.  There really is not another clothing option that offers as much padding as denim.  Certainly, the way young ladies wear their jean today, which are ultra-tight, does not help as much as baggie pants, but it still offers more protection than thin cotton pants, or even worse, a thin little skirt.

high school girl paddled over skirt

Bending over for a paddling that she knows is going to hurt very bad over her thin little skirt.

There are those unfortunate young ladies who are sent to the office and end up getting paddled wearing a light skirt, which does so very little in protecting her bottom.  It may be that she is a girl who has conservative parents that make her wear a skirt to school every day.  There are also those occasions at school in which formal attire is required, such as a drama production or a choir performance.  While the skirt tends to be conservative dress, as it may go all the way to the ground, the material is very thin and there is not much between the paddle and the skin.

high school girl paddling

This high school girl is getting a paddling she will never forget.

Many young ladies in recent years often go without panties, especially when wearing something that is full length.  You really cannot get much closer to a bare bottom paddling in school than for a paddling to be administered only over a formal summer type dress.  There is no doubt real lessons are learned in the school when a teen girl is paddled over her skirt.

high school girl paddling

That look shows that this high school girl is learning from her paddling.

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Listening to her friend getting paddled at school, knowing that she is next

He sent them out of his office and told them he would administer their paddling in a few minutes.  They tried to joke about it to each other…”dude, we are going to get spanked at school”, which made them both giggle a little.  While they were both playing it cool inside their hearts were racing a million miles per hour.  Yes, they knew that a paddling at school was an option, but neither of them ever figured they would be in that situation.  Had they known that this would be the consequences of their earlier actions, they certainly would have handled things differently.  They had pulled up from lunch, both with a cigarette still lit in the car, and it was witnessed by a teacher in the parking lot.  There was a strict no smoking on campus policy, and that included in your car in the school parking lot.  The AP that they were sent to treated it all in a very matter of fact way and he showed very little emotion during their entire time in his office.  They had both admitted to having still had a lit cigarette when they pulled onto campus, which made his job quite easy.  He told them that he saw no reason to keep them any longer and asked them to wait outside his office and that he would be right over to paddle them both in the room next door.  There was no lecture, no scolding, and worst of all for them, no options.  He announced that their butts would be paddled like he was placing an order at a restaurant, like it was an everyday occurrence for him, which was certainly not the case for them.

waiting to be paddled at school

Grabbing her ankles and preparing to be paddled while her best friend waits her turn.

For Riley, this was a very big deal, regardless of how she was trying to act.  She had never been spanked in her life, not even a single smack to her butt as a toddler.  She did everything she could to avoid pain and regardless of how hard or gentle this whole process was, she was scared to death.  Although a little nervous, Frankie was handling it a little better and she had had her fair share of spankings over the years, although not since grade school.  Unlike Riley, she had a high pain tolerance so the concept of getting her bottom spanked with a board, while nerve racking; it was not the end of the world for her.  They both sat there trying to be cool, trying to laugh, but it was getting harder with each passing minute.  They finally heard the door to the adjoining conference room to the AP’s office open and close and knew the moment was near.  Now the giggles were silenced and they just waited, not even knowing how many swats they would receive.  He finally came to the open door and called Frankie into the room.  Riley switched seats so she could better hear the whole event so she would know what to expect.

school girl paddled to tears

The paddling begins as she listens to her friend get 10 severe swats that brings her to tears.

From her chair she was able to hear every detail.  She listened as Frankie was told to move to the middle of the room, assume a wide stance, and to bend over and grab her ankles.  Riley peeked through the door to watch this take place, but her nerves got the best of her and she decided that she would not watch.  While Frankie was in position she could hear him shuffling some paperwork and it was a good minute before the paddling started.  She thought it was odd that he did not speak a single word except for her to get into position.  She heard him approach her best friend and then waited for the inevitable.  Once again, without a word being said, she heard the crack of the paddle hitting her friend’s butt.  She was amazed at the noise it made and had not expected it to be so loud.  She also did not expect her very tough friend to scream out as loud as she did.  Riley’s heart rate increased as she wondered what exactly that was going to feel like.  Less than a second later she heard the next swat land with an equally loud reaction from Frankie.  Riley was really stressed now and knew there was no way she was going to be able to take it.  Once again, without a pause, the next swat landed and this time she heard Frankie’s voice begin to crack.  Riley hoped that this was the last one as her friend was really sounding like she was hurting.  But she had no such luck as she listened to her friend receive another seven swats, for a total of ten.  By the 5th swat it was clear that Frankie was beginning to cry.  By the time the last one landed, she was fully sobbing.  She had never once heard her friend cry, and it hit her again that she was next.  She listened as Frankie continued to sob as he had her sign some sort of document.  With tears still in her eyes, she walked back out and told Riley that it was her turn.  Riley stood up, her whole body trembling, and walked into the room with tears already in her eyes.

high school girl paddled

The AP paddles hard and fast which produces the desired results…tears and a very sore bottom

From a severe, two girl paddling scene in the member’s area of

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A high school paddling administered by a teacher

There are those times that a school paddling has nothing to do with lectures and formality.  I believe that a long drawn out paddling experience can be a very positive thing and help with the overall learning process for the high school girl who finds herself facing corporal punishment.  This type of paddling is best accomplished in a school office, by a staff member whose entire job revolves around school discipline.  This allows them to take their time with the process and assure that it is as effective as possible.

teacher paddles girl in high school

Taken to the conference room by her English teacher and told to grab her ankles for a hard school paddling.

For the schools in the South that allow teachers to paddle students, they do not have the luxury of taking their time, as their primary duty is that of teaching and every moment spent out of the classroom is time that the students are not learning.  Yes, I am sure they would like to have the time to spend to really make a point with a student as to why they are being paddled and to give them time to reflect in what they have done.  But there are times when, for a teacher, it is simply about applying pain to a young lady’s bottom as effectively as possible and in a manner that she will remember.

high school girl paddling

He does not have time to lecture her about her behavior, he needs to let the severity of his swats do all of the talking for him.

Take for instance young Roxie here.  After repeated warnings for seemingly innocent behavior such as giggling, chatting with her neighbor and passing notes the teacher finally has had enough.  He tells her to head down the hall to the teacher’s conference room that most teachers utilize for the paddling of students.  It allows a private space for a hard paddling to be administered, outside of the view of other students.  There is a paddle that hangs on the wall in there and sees frequent use by the teachers that choose to handle their own discipline.

sore bottom from a school paddling

Her little butt will be feeling all ten swats for many days.

Roxie takes a seat and cannot help but look at the large paddle that hangs on the wall.  He has limited time, so she is not made to wait all that long.  He gives the class a quick reading assignment and excuses himself.  He knows very little gets done in his class when he is not present, so time is of the essence.  He enters the room and quickly tells Roxie to stand up, turn around, and to grab her ankles. He pulls the paddle off the wall and wastes no time getting started.  He does not have the time to tell her every little thing she did wrong, or give her a long winded lecture.  Instead, he needs to rely on the power of his swats to be effective enough that a lesson is learned.  He raises the paddle in the air and brings it down on her little butt as hard as possible.  She makes a little grunting sound, which leaves him a little disappointed.  With the next swat he gets a little more of his body behind it and starts to hear the sounds of learning coming from Roxie after that one lands…much better.  She receives 10 swats all together and he achieves the tears he was looking for.  He likes every paddling to serve as an example to the other students, so she is walked right back to class while she is still sobbing with tears running down her face.  He believes that the chatting and horseplay in his class with be eliminated for several days.

The animations above and the gallery below are from a hard hitting paddling video of a 19 year old girl in the member’s area of

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Sometimes a harder paddling is required for the high school girl

It was her second time in the office, for the same offense, in a single month.  For her 1st offense, the female VP gave her a hard paddling consisting of six swats with a medium sized school paddle.  It was clear, if she was going to commit the same offense, less than a month later, that the initial paddling had not had the desired effect.  The VP considered suspending Jessica, but finals were a couple of days away and she really hated for someone to fail their classes as a result of a suspension and missing the tests that made up such a large portion of the student’s grades.  She decided that a ten swat paddling would be awarded to Jessica this time; however, the VP would not be the one to administer the paddling.  She told Jessica what was going to happen but that she needed to find someone who could achieve better results with the paddle.  She excused herself and left Jessica alone with her thoughts of being paddled even harder than the previous time.  That paddling had been no joke and Jessica’s tiny little bottom remained bruised for a few days after.  She really could not picture having to endure something longer and even harder than the one before.

severe high school paddling

She knows that this will be the hardest paddling of her life…all she can do now is wait for it.

The VP knew exactly who she was going to get to administer the paddling.  There was a coach on campus that had a reputation as the hardest hitting paddler.  The boys on his football team often spoke of the legendary paddlings that took place in his office.  He was known to paddle for any little offense, and regardless of the offense, he paddled hard.  She had had a few complaints over the years, as to the severity of his paddlings, but severity was what she needed at the moment.  She returned to her office with the hard hitting coach and calmly explained the situation, as if Jessica was not even in the room.  She explained that she had a student that was in her office for a repeat offense that required immediate action.  She stated that the student had been previously paddled, but it was clear that it was not effective.  She told him that a suspension was probably the right move, but that finals were approaching.  She asked if he was able to provide a paddling, similar to that that his players received, as she wanted this to be a paddling that she would never forget.  He was not one to disguise his emotions and he smiled and happily replied that he would gladly provide her with the paddling of her life.  The truth was, he enjoyed administering paddlings, especially well-deserved ones.  He had no issues with paddling a male player to tears, which was often the outcome, and just because it was a cute teen girl whose bottom was about to be presented to him, he saw no reason to go easy.  He was going to paddle her just as he paddled the boys and was quite looking forward to it.

severe school paddling teen girl high school

The coach prides himself on the severity of the paddling he administers. Just because she is a female with a tiny little bottom does not mean he will go easy on her. He lays the paddle on full force, bruising her bottom with every swat.

The VP instructed Jessica to grab the largest paddle off of the wall and to hand it to the coach.  She stated that the previous time she had obviously chosen the wrong paddle and the wrong paddler, a mistake that she would not be making again.  Jessica was told to bend over the desk and waited for her paddling.  The VP reemphasized to the coach that this needed to be a very hard paddling as it was a second offense.  The coach responded that that would certainly not be a problem.  He touched the long maple paddle against Jessica’s tiny teen bottom and went right to work.  The crack of the 1st swat was almost deafening in the small office and Jessica was lifted up onto her toes.  Her legs buckled a little and she cried out in pain.  The VP was quite impressed and told him that he was doing a good job and asked for nine more, just like the first one.  The coach was enjoying himself, as he usually had a 220 lb. linebacker bent over his desk, but now he had a perfect little 18 year old bottom before him and he found swatting her teen bottom to be quite satisfying.  He raised the paddle again and gave her an equally hard swat.  He was immune to the cries and pain at this point in his career, and he viewed tears and crying as a sign that he was doing a good job.  It made no difference to him that it was a girl that was not crying before him, he knew she deserved every swat she was gettingHe continued paddling her teen butt until all ten swats had been administered.  When it was all said and done, she was crying and hyperventilating like he had never seen before.  It was clear in his mind that this young lady learned the lesson she needed and he suspected that she would not be back in that office any time soon.

teen girl swats at school

With each swat a whole new level of learning takes place.

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High school girl paddled in her gym clothes

teen girl school paddling

Being brought to the office for one purpose…to paddle her teen bottom.

Sometimes it is just the luck of the draw as far as what a girl is wearing when she receives a school paddling.  It may be the day that she wore those ultra-thin cotton leggings to school that shows off her teen bottom so nicely.  Or maybe it is that way too short mini-skirt that shows just a little bit of her bottom when she is required to bend over and grab her ankles.  There are many variables that influence what a teen girl is wearing when she is paddled at school, but the most

hard high school paddling

That paddle is going to hurt in that outfit.

common situation in which a paddling occurs over nontraditional school dress is gym clothes.

Just about every high school girl participates in some sort of exercised based school class.  She might be a star athlete and be on the track team or it might also be as basic as general physical education.  There are so many options at large high schools today, but the common thread is some sort of attire that allows for a workout.  If you have ever seen the outfits that are worn by cheerleaders when they workout, you will notice that they are very skimpy.  They often practice outdoors where they get hot quickly, so it is common to see them in short shorts and a sports bra.  With women’s volleyball, both their practice outfits and game uniforms are as tiny as can be.

severe school paddling

Bending over in her tiny little gym shorts, presenting her little bottom for a severe school paddling.

When a young lady finds herself getting in trouble during any sports activity at school, it would be rare for the coach to tell her to change and go to the office.  They are sent to the office in exactly what they are wearing.  There are also some administrators and vice principals that take full advantage of the fact that a girl is wearing an outfit that offers very little protection.  Some paddlings are sentenced, with the girl being told that she will be called to the office later in the day for her paddling.  There are also those cases in which a VP is given information regarding a young lady’s behavior and she is called to his office as opposed to being sent by a teacher.  When a very real impression needs to be made on her bottom, it only makes sense to call her to the office from her gym class knowing that a paddling over tiny shorts will hurt far more than over jeans.

paddled at school

Hard swats on her little bottom and on her booty shorts have the desired effect.

For the girl who has been told that she will be paddled later in the day, it must feel like a very long walk to the office in her tiny gym uniform.  She would have to become hyper aware of the fact that her thin cotton shorts and the G-string she is wearing will offer no protection at all during her paddling.  It will be as close to a bare bottom paddling that a teen girl can receive at school.  There must also be an awareness that she will be presenting her bottom in those shorts.  Certainly she likes the attention she receives from the male students in those little booty shorts, but never in a million years did she ever think that she would be going to the office and presenting her bottom to be paddled in such attire.  She knows that in just a few minutes, a man that she had met for the 1st time that day would be telling her to bend over so she can be spanked with his school paddle.

paddled to tears at school

She tries to stay strong during her paddling, but with so little protection for her bottom, tears are just a single swat away.

A heavy wooden school paddle is effective over any article of clothing, especially if it is thick.  Regardless of the state of dress, a heavy paddle hits with a major thud and does what it is intended to…bruise a teen girl’s bottom.  But with denim jeans, a lot of the sting is taken out of the paddling while it is in progress.  It still results in a bruised and sore bottom that lasts for a couple of days, but it is certainly easier for a young lady to bear during the actual paddling.  In contrast, a heavy wooden paddle over very thin workout shorts is a completely different experience.  She will end up just as bruised and sore after her paddling, but during, the sting will be much more intense.  This is quite beneficial as to the whole school paddling experience and often brings tears to the young lady much quicker.  Being that the primary purpose of a school paddling is crying and a bruised bottom, anything that enables this to take place more quickly can only make it a more effective experience for the young lady in trouble.

bruised bottom school paddling

Left alone to compose herself and dry her tears, she cannot help but to take a look at her bottom which is already starting to form nice bruises.

As you can see in this pictures used to illustrate this post, the short shorts that young ladies often wear in sports classes, offer very little in the way of protection.  Kiki, the young lady being paddled in these pictures (and the video in the member’s area of has a very tiny little bottom.  A severe paddling, like the one she received in the video, needs to be applied to the lowest part of the bottom, to avoid the tailbone.  In her paddling, as I would assume also happens in a real high school environment, there is no way to avoid hitting a little skin on the top of the thighs.  With the little shorts and the tiny bottom, the upper thighs just become a bit of the target area.  As long as it is still the fleshiest part of the upper thigh, this is perfectly acceptable and also has a way of really getting a teen girl’s attention.  This also adds to the embarrassment as when she returns to class, it may be possible to see a bit of the bruising on the area not covered by her shorts.  You can see from the final shot that her bottom is already starting to bruise nicely and the marks extend a bit below her bottom.  While most of my posts feature content from, is quickly catching up with realistic school paddling videos and I love all of their recent features with young ladies paddled in tiny shorts, sheer yoga pants, and traditional gym uniforms.  Regardless of the outfit, the common thread is realistic school corporal punishment paddling videos that lead to tears and a bruised bottom, can’t ask for more than that!

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Bending over and presenting her teen bottom to be paddled at school

There is a common thread to every school paddling that takes place in the high school of the United States, the presenting of the bottom.  Spankings in the home environment might not be so structured and formal and may even require a parent to hold down their child during their spanking.  But in a school environment, administrators are not allowed to put their hands on the students in any way.  This creates the unique situation in which a female high school student has to assist with her punishment.  No one is going to hold her down and paddle her bottom; it is her responsibility to present her bottom to be paddled and to stay in that position, regardless of how much it hurts.

school paddling teen girl

Presenting her teen bottom to be paddled at school.

This is often a very difficult task for a teenage girl.  She has been told she is going to be paddled and is probably looking at the paddle that is going to be used on her, right there on the desk.  She sees it is a heavy piece of wood and she can only guess as to how much it is going to hurt.  The very last thing she wants at that moment in time is to feel it on her bottom.  But she got in trouble and she needs to be punished and there is nothing she can do about it.  The reality is that she wants to run away.  She does not want to be spanked at school and she certainly does not want it to be done by this person that she does not know.

school corporal punishment

Left alone with her thoughts about what she did and how bad it is going to hurt.

As scary and overwhelming the whole concept is, it is out of her hands and she has to do what she is instructed to do.  The 1st step is her submitting to her punishment by presenting her bottom.  This is a very formal and intimate act.  She is 18 years old and this man has the power to tell her to bend over and make a very intimate part of her body accessible for him to bring pain to it.  There are very few situations in this word in which a grown man can tell an older teen girl to present her ass to him.  Not only that, he gets to decide exactly how she is to do so.

teen paddled at school

Required to present her tiny teen bottom for a hard school paddling.

But this is not only an important part of the process, it is a requirement.  No girl has ever been paddled at school in a standing position; it is just not a safe way to go about it.  But it not only a functional part of the process, it helps her own her part of the punishment.  She is actively cooperating in her own discipline by presenting her bottom.  It establishes the administrator’s authority over her when he tells her to bend over and it helps to put a very real focus on what is about to happen.  For a few minutes, all of the attention in the room is going to be focused on her bottom and nothing else.

school paddling punishment

Bent over his desk as she waits for the 1st swat to hit her bottom.

Everything in the past few minutes in that office has built up to this very moment.  She is told to stand up and then she is told to bend over.  There are many positions that a girl can be made to assume for a paddling and different administrators have different preferences.  Regardless of the position, she is being told to make her bottom available so he can provide as much pain as possible to it, which is something that she is more than aware of.  Being bent over, with her bottom in the air is a powerful reminder as to what she did to get herself in this position.  Many administrators will take advantage of what she is feeling at that moment and leave her in place in order to get the required documents for a school paddling filled out.

grabbing ankles for a school paddling

Told to grab her ankles and then made to wait to have her bottom paddled.

Imagine her thoughts as she is bent in the middle of his office, grabbing her ankles, with the entire focus being on her bottom in the air.  She has become faceless and nothing else really matters at that moment except her butt.  His attention will be solely focused on her butt in a matter of moments.  The paddle on his desk will be completely focused on providing pain to her bottom.  Even the forms he is currently filling out have everything to do with her bottom.  She is left alone with her thoughts with her bottom in the air and that leads her to wondering how she got herself into this mess in the 1st place.  This allows her to reflect on her behavior and how to prevent this situation from ever happening again. She feels silly as an 18 year old girl, waiting with her cute butt on display to be spanked…at school.  It will not take long before her attention is diverted from having her bottom in the air, to how much it hurts once that 1st swat lands.

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Knowing when a school paddling has resulted in a very real lesson being learned

How do we know if a school paddling has been effective?  If it is done properly, the results will be visible every time the young lady attempts to sit down.  If she was really naughty and required a severe school paddling, then her bottom should look something like this one:

bruised bottom from a school paddling

A perfectly bruised bottom that shows the potential that a 10 swat school paddling has for teaching a very real lesson.

bruised from a school paddling

Just seconds after her bottom was paddled at school she bares her bottom to show the results.

When it comes to bruising a teen girl’s bottom during a school paddling, it is most important that the lowest part of her bottom is left sorest.  Well placed paddle swats will leave her with two giant bull’s eyes on her bottom, assuring the part of her butt that touches the seat will be unbearable when she puts any weight on it.  The bottom below is close to perfection when it comes to a bruised bottom from a severe school paddling.

school paddling over jeans

Once again from a single 10 swat school paddling over jeans, but you cannot deny the results.

high school paddling

Her bottom shows that learning has taken place and will continue to do so for many days.

The animations above come from the “School Swats” series at where you get to see more than 50 girls ages 18-24 take a severe ten swat school paddling and then talk about how it felt and show you the very real results.


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High school girls get their bottoms paddled for dress code violations

Dress codes exist in just about every school in the United States and for good reason. The purpose

paddled for short skirt

That skirt is shorter than regulations allow, she will receive corporal punishment as a result.

of high school is to get an education and anything that distracts from the educational process becomes an issue. Some schools have eliminated the problems associated with a dress code by requiring all students to wear a school uniform. Although this in itself can cause problems as students will always try to alter their uniform just a little bit. Most schools that require a uniform have very clear cut requirements regarding the length of a skirt. This is best measured by having a young lady kneel and measuring the distance from the ground to the bottom of her skirt. This makes it easier for there to be a standard that can be used with every girl. In many schools in which the students have to wear a uniform, any uniform infraction is an automatic paddling for the offending girl.


high school girl paddled

Wearing a shirt that shows midriff requires for her bottom to be paddled at school.

In public schools the dress code policy varies depending on the school. Many schools allow students to wear shorts, but the short shorts are not allowed. Another common dress code policy is one that does not allow students to wear a shirt that shows any midriff. Many teen girls love to show off their flat little bellies to the boys, but this tends to be a distraction. Guys have enough difficulty focusing on their studies and do not need to see the hot girls sitting in class in their little belly shirts. Because dress code violations tend to be frequent, many schools have a zero tolerance policy regarding it. In all cases the young lady will be sent home to change, which will require her parents to be notified, but there is typically an additional punishment that goes along with it. I know if a school in Oklahoma in which the 1st dress code violation is 3 licks with the paddle, the 2nd is 6 licks, and the third violation is the maximum punishment of 10 licks. Any additional violations require a 10 lick paddling and a three day suspension.

While it is harder to enforce, most schools require the female student to wear a bra. Just as with

teen corporal punishment

Panties are required so the crack of her bottom is not visible to the boys in the classroom when she is sitting.

the belly shirts and short shorts, guys are easily distracted. Allowing a young lady to prance down the hall with her perfect teen breasts bouncing as she walks, is just asking for trouble. The guys will whistle and stare and it will just attract too much attention that is not needed in a learning environment. It is hard to enforce as many young women have perky breasts and unless the nipple is visible through the shirt it might be hard to tell if she is wearing a bra or not. This often leads to a student being sent to a female administrator to check and see if she has the proper undergarments on. This same situation applies to the wearing of panties. No girl is ever going to get called out for no panties if she is wearing pants, however, in the spring when it is common for girls to wear shorter skirts, no panties can become an issue. The leg room under a desk is tight and it is hard for a young lady to cross her legs when sitting down in a classroom. Many young men have “accidentally” dropped their pen so they can get a peek under a young lady’s skirt. When she is not wearing panties, this can indeed cause a disruption in the classroom environment. This is also an issue when it comes to the low cut jeans that high school girls wear. Panties are often visible in these pants, but lack of panties tends to show more than intended. When a girl is sitting in her seat in a classroom, with no panties and low cut jeans, the top of her butt crack is often visible.

Some teachers crack down harder than others on dress code violations and some send multiple students a day to the office for dress code violations. There are many female administrators who have grown sick and tired of the frequent and flagrant dress code violations they deal with on a daily basis. Over the years they have learned that the most effective way of decreasing the chance of repeat violations from the same girls is to give their bottoms a very hard paddling that will make them think twice as they dress for school each morning.

paddled at school

Required to show the Vice Principal that she is not wearing a bra.

Picture the female vice principal who has to deal with the girls who want to push the boundaries on what they wear to school. She gets a call from the secretary telling her that there are two girls waiting to see her, both from the same class, both for dress code violations. She calls the 1st girl into her office and has her take a seat. She looks on the pink slip and sees that it is suspected that

teen girl paddling

Presenting her teen bottom nicely for a hard paddling.

the girl is not wearing a bra. She knows from experience that it does no good to ask the girl if she is wearing a bra or not as they always lie and tell her yes. She simply asks the girl to raise her shirt and to show her that she is wearing a bra. The girl is a little embarrassed, but there are no men present so she does as instructed. As expected, when the shirt is raised, there is no bra, just her bare teen breasts. This administrator is conservative and old school so she finds it as a reflection of today’s society and teen girl’s in general. In her day, she would have never gone to school without wearing a bra, so she sees it as her personal duty to help these young ladies get their heads on straight. For her, a girl sitting in her office with no bra represents what is wrong with the school so she works hard to correct that problem. The young lady is caught off guard as the only words spoken after she bares her breasts are “10 hard swats with the paddle for no bra”. She honestly thought she might get a day of detention and have to go home and put on a bra, but no such luck with this administrator.

school girl paddled

The pain from the 1st swat burns so bad she cannot help but rub her bottom

She is told to put her breasts away and stand up. The administrator grabs her large wooden paddle and comes around the desk, moving the girls chair out of the way. She is told to bend over, stretching her arms way out, grabbing the edge of the desk. She finds herself wondering how she got herself into this situation, as it just seemed like it would be fun to go to school without a bra. She

bruised butt from a paddling

Her butt is going to be bruised and sore before it is all over.

is also now questioning her decision to not wear panties, as she could really use a little more protection for her bottom right now. Before she has time to fully process that thought, the 1st swat hits her bottom. She is shocked by the pain and immediately reaches for her bottom. She is told to stay in position and that they will have to repeat her 1st swat, as it no longer counts. She puts her hand back on the desk and gets her first swat…again. It lands in the same spot and she starts to really feel the burn. She considers herself quite tough, but she has not been spanked since she was 10 or 11 and it never hurt quite this bad. She braces for the next one and when it hits her eyes begin to water. She cannot believe that she is getting her butt spanked at school and that she is actually going to cry. The next one comes and the tears really begin to flow. One after another the rest of the swats with the heavy wooden paddle are applied to her teen butt and she is crying before it is all over.

dress code paddling

Embarassed to have to show her teen breasts to the VP.

She is not even asked to sit back down and is told that she is suspended for the rest of the day and to not come back to school again without a bra on. She stepped out of the office, tears still streaming down her face, and the young lady, who knows that she is next for the same violation, really starts to feel uncomfortable. She just listened to the entire paddling through the door and it was clear that it was not a fun experience. Unlike the girl who was just paddled, she has never been spanked in her life, and as she has a seat in the VP’s office, all she can see is the paddle lying on the desk. Unfortunately, the VP is quite agitated at this point as she is seeing this girl for the exact same violation. She tells her to lift her shirt and show her bra. The girl tells her that she is not wearing a bra, but this does not matter to the VP, she feels she might as well add a little embarrassment to the whole ordeal. She tells her to lift her shirt anyway and to show her. The girl does as she is instructed,

high school paddling

Bending over to have her bottom paddled at school.

raises her shirt, and shows her small but perky teen breasts. The VP sees that this high school senior has her nipples pierced. She makes her keep her shirt up and begins to lecture her on not wearing a bra as well as the stupid decision she seems to have made by deciding to put jewelry in her nipples. She tells the girl that she is damn lucky that pierced nipples in not a dress code violation and she would love to paddle her bottom for such silliness as well. She informs this student that a bra is required to be worn to school, as spelled out very clearly in the student handbook. She tells her that while it might seem like a small offense to the student body, that she sees it as a growing problem and that as a result she will get “10 very hard swats on her bottom”, the maximum that she is allowed to administer. She is told to stand up, bend over the desk, and to present her bottom to be paddled.

teen spanked at school

Not only the 1st swat of her school paddling, it is the 1st time her bottom has ever been spanked.

The girl lowers her shirt, stands up, and bends over the desk as she was instructed. She really is dumbfounded in that she honestly did not know she could be paddled for not wearing a bra. Not once in her entire life had someone spanked her bottom, and not hear she was, about to have her 

school paddling

She is taught a very real lesson about dress code violations.

bottom spanked with a wooden board, from a woman she had only met 5 minutes before. From the sounds that she heard from the other side of the door a few minutes before, and the look on the girl’s face as she left the office, she knew that it was going to be bad. The VP stood up, grabbed the paddle off of her desk, and approached the student from behind. She then said to the student “I am going to give you ten swats for your dress code violation and they are going to be hard ones, because you and I both know we are dealing with a couple of issues here”. She flinched as the paddle lightly touched her bottom, she felt it left her bottom for a moment, as she clinched every muscle in her body, and gripped the edge of the desk, and then she felt it….pain. It quickly became apparent to her why parents and school use spanking as a form of punishment, this hurt a lot. Her bottom was set on fire and she started to cry, after just the 1st swat. One after another her bottom was paddled hard and fast and she was almost breathless from the pain. That wooden paddle was tearing her bottom up and it took every ounce of energy to stay still for the duration. All 10 swats were administered in less than 15 seconds and when it was over she was crying very hard and just stood there rubbing her throbbing bottom. The VP told her to go home for the day and to return to school the next day with a bra and maybe a little more respect for her body. With tears in her eyes, and still actively rubbing her bottom, she walked from the VP’s office into the main office area. Every eye in the office was on her as she walked out, tears streaming down her face, and with her makeup smeared down her cheeks.

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Indicators that her bottom was paddled properly at school

school corporal punishment paddling

Nothing left to her imagination as she has just been told she will be paddle hard, she will cry, and her bottom will be bruised.

There are many signs that demonstrate that a high school girl is learning a lesson during her before, during, and after her paddling.  The 1st sign, one that show things are being handled correctly, it that of fear.  This is the primary purpose for the buildup leading to a school paddling.  It is just not as effective to bring a girl into the office, tell her she was bad, and have her bend over to be paddled.  The process leading up to the paddling is just as important and if done correctly, can be provide an experience that she will not want to ever repeat.  Anticipation can be used as a powerful learning tool and if done properly, the results will be visible on her face.  Many principals make the moments leading up to a school paddling, purposefully long and very drawn out, so she will have a lot of time to consider what is about to happen and how much it will hurt.  All of this can be easily emphasized with a few well-chosen sentences.  Consider the following statements, fully appropriate for the situation, and how they will affect a young lady’s state of mind prior to her paddling:

-“I find that if I give the maximum amount of swats allowed, it tends to make a longer lasting impression”
-“I will not be doing you any favors if I just give you a moderate paddling, my goal is for you to never return to my office for any disciplinary issues, so I think the hardest paddling I can give will do you the most good
-“Don’t be so hard on yourself, we will be able to easily correct this by giving your bottom a good bruising
-“I had the shop teacher create this paddle especially for moments like this, we have tried many designs over the years, but this one has proven to hurt the most”
– “From the look on your face, you seem quite nervous about the paddling you about to receive.  This is completely understandable, as this paddling will be delivered in a manner that will make you cry.  But don’t worry, I will give you 5-10 minutes afterwards to let you calm down and get your tears under control”
-“When you come to school tomorrow morning and attempt to sit down in class, something you will find to be close to impossible, I want you to think about the actions that led to paddling I am about to give you”

The simple act of reinforcing everything she is thinking, with a few choice words, can do a lot to add to the overall feeling of dread prior to a paddling.  The things she fears the most are not downplayed, they are emphasized, and put right out there for her to consider.  When done correctly, the punishment has already started, her heart is racing, she is trembling, and she is fighting back the tears, before the 1st swat ever hits her teen bottom.  These are all visible signs that her paddling is going to be quite effective.

school corporal punishment paddling

There is no denying that look, that is the look of real learning taking place.

During her paddling there are many signs, both visual and auditory, that demonstrate that she is learning a lesson.  The 1st one is the look on her face as she receives that 1st swat.  If she is just sucking it up and squinting her eyes, chances are that the 1st swat was not effective.  The look on her face should be complete and total surprise.  It should be a look that shows that she has just been introduced to a level of pain on her bottom that she did not know was possible.  A successful spanking in the home environment is most often accomplished as a result of the amount of smacks her teen bottom receives.  Parents have the luxury of being able to spank as long as they want until the job is done.  In the school environment, principals do not have the same luxury.  Often they are limited to as few as 6 swats with the paddle, so every one of them must really count.  If that 1st swat does not take her breath away and bring tears to her eyes, then it was just wasted.  Principals need to take full advantage of every swat and make sure that the 1st is just as hard as the last.  The 1st swat might even be the most important as a result of endorphins and numbness.  Her body will fight hard during a severe paddling to combat the pain, and by the end, she will not be feeling as much pain.  While the latter swats will help with overall bruising and soreness in the days to come, that 1st one is so very important.  He needs to be sure that the 1st swat alone is a punishment all to itself, and the look on her face should reflect the pain and discomfort she is feeling.

school girl paddled

Her body fights with the pain and wants to leave the situation. But she still has 9 swats to go and will have to suffer through them all.

During the paddling her body will give signs that a paddling is effective.  After a couple of hard swats, there should be visible shaking and trembling.  It is common to see her legs shaking uncontrollably.  It is a sign her body has gone into flight mode and while she does not have the option of leaving, her body is trying to.  It should take every ounce of energy and willpower for her to remain in place.  A paddling, in which the young lady does not want to flee, is not effective.  If she is able to just stay bent over and handle it all stoically, then a lesson is not being learned.  She needs to be fighting with everything in her to remain in place.  Some principals handle the dilemma a girls faces during her paddling, of not being able to stay in place, with the threat of extra swats, or even an additional paddling.  There are many schools in which not staying in place for the duration of the paddling is covered in the school code of conduct.  It may be viewed as “direct disobedience” or “failure to comply with instruction from a school staff member”, but taken by itself is a separate offense.  Picture the young lady, getting her bottom paddled black and blue, but keeps standing up during the process, being told when it is all over that she needs to report to his office tomorrow for a paddling for not following directions.  As hard as it might be, you can bet she does not move out of position for her paddling the next day.

teen girl cried from a severe school paddling

More than 30 seconds after her last swat and the learning is still visible on her face.

Another sign that a paddling is effective are the sounds a young lady makes as she is being paddled.  Almost every girl, especially when paddled in a school office, with only a closed door between her and the hustle and bustle outside the office, will do their best to stay quiet.  It is embarrassing enough to have her bottom spanked at school, but she certainly does not want the word to spread about how loud she was, or how hard she cried.  But if a principal is really doing his job and giving her a hard paddling with a heavy wooden paddle, after the 1st swat, she will not care about anything other than the pain her bottom is feeling.  All girls try to hold it in, but when the burn starts, that is their only focus.  A proper school paddling will result in a loud cry of pain from the very beginning.  There may be moaning, crying, wailing, and carrying on in all sorts of ways, but if there is not an auditory indicator that she is in pain, then it is not an effective paddling.  Sometimes after the 1st swat there is a moment of silence as her breath has literally been taken away.  If it is a good paddling, that silence will quickly be replaced with the sounds of learning.

crying from a paddling

Tears alone are not enough, she needs to be crying like a little girl for a real lesson to be learned.

The primary indicator from the teen girl that she is learning a lesson is tears.  Tears alone will never demonstrate that she is learning a lesson; it needs to be active crying.  A girl who manages to stay quiet, but has tears running down her face, is fighting the process.  She is not giving in to the process and she is not really learning a lesson.  She needs to be taken to that place, the place of a naughty little child, in which the she not only produces tears, but she cries hard.  There needs to be sniffling, sobbing, and uncontrollable emotion, all of which show she has given in, she has broken down, and most importantly, she is learning.  This is what most parents look for when spanking their daughter at home.  Once again, they have the luxury of taking as long as they want to get the reaction they are looking for.  In a school setting, the only way to assure that this important part of the punishment is reached is with severity of the swats.  It can be quite disappointing for an administrator to paddle a young lady, only to find out that once he has reached the maximum amount of swats, that there are only a few tears.  It is better to be safe than sorry and apply every swat with as much force as he is able to produce.  If he has really taught her a good lesson, the crying will continue for several minutes following her paddling.  This is a sign of a job well done.

crying from being paddled in high school

Still crying uncontrollably and unable to sitdown, shows that real learning took place.

The final indicator of a lesson learned is her not being able to sit very well.  Yes, her butt will have gone a little numb over the course of a hard paddling, but there should still be much discomfort when anything touches her bottom.  When a 110 lb. high school girl sits in a chair, she is putting about 70% of her body weight onto her bottom.  This should cause her to cringe and maybe even cause her to cry harder.  If a young lady is able to sit down, without any visual reaction that it is difficult for her, then the paddling was not effective.  The goal is for her to not be able to sit down at all, in a few hours, but immediately after the paddling, it should still be hard for her.  Her bottom should be black and blue at this point and this will become clear as she struggles to stay in the chair as he finishes up the paperwork.

All of these animations come from very real school paddling videos brought to you by

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A school paddling must be severe and leave a bruised bottom for the teen girl

It is an injustice to the teen girl to not paddle her bottom in the most effective manner possible.  The whole purpose of a school paddling is to provide a negative stimulus so as to reduce the chance of misbehavior in the future.  When utilizing corporal punishment, the negative stimulus is pain.  A little bit of pain to her bottom does very little good.  If a young lady is paddled and it only hurts a little bit, the chances or her getting in trouble again are quite high.  This is really not fair to the girl getting her bottom paddled.  A paddling is a punishment, but it also serves to help guide her to make good decisions in her life.  When she is a teen girl, the bad decisions she makes are often not all that harmful, but as she gets older, bad decisions can have far higher consequences.  It is the job of the person tasked with the job of administering discipline to do so in a way that changes her behavior, before it is too late.

teen school paddling

A proper school paddling. He swings the paddle as hard as he can, she is lifted up onto her toes. There is no doubt her teen butt is bruised from just the 1st swat.

It may be hard for some administrators to apply the paddling that is required.  After all, we may just be talking about a 17 year old girl, 100 lbs., with a tiny teen butt.  Her offense may not even be all that major in the grand scope of things.  But it is often the little infractions, which build to become bigger infractions.  If she grows used to getting away with the small things, it is a natural progression for her to push the boundaries in life.  This progression outside of school can lead to jail, DUI’s, and even worse.  Administrators need to take advantage of the situations as they present themselves and stop bad behavior on the spot.  This is exactly why when that tiny teen bottom is bent over before him, even for something as simple as tardies, he needs to make a real difference in her life.

She needs to learn that there are consequences for all of her actions.  She needs to know

teen butt paddled at school

A proper sized school paddle for paddling her teen bottom.

that rules exist for a reason.  She also needs to know that breaking the rules, however small, will lead to her receiving discipline.  After all, is 30 minutes of detention after school really that much of a deterrent? On that same note, are three gentle swats with a wooden paddle that much of a deterrent?  A school paddling is something that has been earned.  It is her actions that have led to this event taking place in the 1st place.  All schools have very clear and concise rules spelled out and every student knows when they are breaking them.  It is not an accident; it is a conscious choice to misbehave.  It is the duty of the person tasked with disciplinary issues as a school to do their very best when handling such problems. As a result, administrators who go easy during a school paddling are not doing the young lady any favors.  In fact, it is the exact opposite and it is a disservice to the student being paddled.   A young lady who walks away from her paddling thinking “that was not so bad”, learns nothing.

school paddle

The perfect school paddle for bruising a teen bottom

A school administrator, who has the best interest in mind of the students in his school, needs to suck it up and be strict.  When he is choosing the type of paddle to have the shop teacher build for him, he needs to choose a hardwood.  Why use pine when he can have an oak paddle?  He should not go with the smallest dimensions as possible; he needs the biggest paddle the school will allow.  Yes, a ½” paddle stings a bottom pretty good, but ¾” leaves much longer lasting impression. He should also choose a paddle that has holes in it.  First of all, a paddle with holes is much more intimidating to the young lady it is about to be used on.  In addition, it helps the paddle hit more forcefully as there is less air to displace as it strikes her bottom.  A paddle with holes will also compress the skin slightly into the holes, and help with bruising.

Remember, we are talking about creating an experience that was not only very uncomfortable for the student, but one that she never again in her life wants repeated.  It may seem a little unfair, or even cruel, but it is crueler to have a young lady that is not afraid to get in trouble as she can handle the consequences.  We do not want her to be able to handle the consequences; we want her to fear them.  Everything that can be done to make it a far worse experience the better it is for her.  Besides using the most severe paddle as possible, there are so many other factors that can make her paddling worse.  She should not be allowed to just bend over the desk and hold on; she should be made to grab her ankles.  This pulls all of the muscles tight in her bottom, bringing them close to the surface.  The closer the muscles are to the surface, and the tighter her bottom is stretched, the more pain she will feel.  Once again, as with the paddle with holes, this will help with bruising.

Twice now I have stated “will help with bruising”.  This is contrary as to how that term is

teen bottom bruised from paddling

A properly paddled teen bottom the morning after her paddling. There will be no way for her to sit at school without being painfully reminded of her behavior.

usually used. Typically when people speak about something helping with bruising, they are referring to decreasing it, or making it go away quicker, this is not the case when it comes to a school paddling.  A proper paddling, meant to teach a very real lesson, should be administered in a way to increase bruising.  We do not want a young lady who gets a few pops to her butt, it goes a little numb, and then the experience is over for her.  A proper paddling is done in a manner for it to not only hurt as much as physically and safely possible, but done so with the intention of making it sore for days, if not a week.  There is a direct correlation between the amount of bruising and the amount of soreness she experiences.  There is also a direct correlation between maximum soreness and learning.  A bruised bottom equals results; it is as simple as that.  There is no reason for a student to go home with a pink bottom when black and blue is an option.  Not only will her bottom be almost too sore to sit for days, but it serves as a visual reminder for her.  While the soreness might go away after 5-7 days, her bottom will be marked for up to two weeks.  Every time she gets out of the shower and looks at her tight teen bottom in the mirror, there will indeed be a reminder for her of her previous behavior.  This can also serve as a source of embarrassment in the school locker room and others see the results of her actions.

teen school corporal punishment paddling

Even with a large paddle, he does not go easy. Notice that the paddle starts high in the air, he swings using his hips as well, his arm fully commits, and he even uses his wrist at the end for even more force. This si the type of paddle swat that teaches a real lesson.

It will be hard for many administrators, but they should know it is for her own good.  When he grabs that heavy oak paddle and has her grab her ankles, it is indeed decision time for him. His instinct may be to go easy on her.  After all he has this very heavy wooden board in his hand and sees her tiny little bottom before him.  He could swing the paddle using just his wrist, or

bruised bottom from a school paddling

Three days after her paddling, this is the results we are looking for and demonstrates that real learning took place.

maybe just the lower part of his arm.  Yes, this will sting her little butt, he might even be able to get a couple of tears out of her, but once again, this would not be fair for her.  If he really has her best interests in mind, that paddle will be lifted high in the air for each and every swat.  He will not go easy at 1st and end with a few hard ones, tears should be the goal from the very 1st swatWhen that paddle hits her bottom, she should be lifted onto her toes, with the sounds of both the paddle hitting her bottom and her reaction to it, should echo throughout the building.  She should be in tears after just the 1st paddle swat on her bottom.  Her bottom should be swelling and the bruises already forming.  She should be thinking in her mind, after just one, that she will never misbehave again.  The pain should be overwhelming, more than she can ever recall feeling.  After just that one swat, she should have been taught the lesson of her life.  We now have real learning taking place and have a situation that she will never again in her young life want to repeat.  This is the reactions we want.  This is giving her not only what she has earned, but what she deserves.  He is now helping her with her life and helping her with becoming a productive and well behaved citizen.  Her butt is bruised, throbbing, and she is crying uncontrollably, now for the nine swats.

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