Tears and crying for the teen girl who had her bottom paddled at school

This gallery contains 7 photos.

When it comes to a proper school paddling for a high school girl there are many essential elements that are required to make it an effective punishment.  In the past I have covered most of these in great detail, which … Read the rest of this entry

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School corporal punishment paddling in private Christian schools

private school paddling

About to have her bottom paddled in a private school.

While most public schools within the United Stated, that allow corporal punishment, are governed by the rules set forth by the district school board, the same does not hold true for a private school.  This is even to the point that in states in which corporal punishment is not allowed, private institutions may still use it.  With the majority of private school having a strong Christian influence, school paddling is more often the norm as a means to administer discipline.  They will typically have a written corporal punishment policy, but it is created without any influence from a governing board outside the walls of their schools.  With the majority of private schools either being religious based, or a school for a somewhat troubled teen, the paddle is not only alive and well in these schools, it is used liberally.

Let’s take a quick peek at the policies of a couple of private schools.  The first one is a school in which students who have found themselves in a lot of trouble in the public school, are sent by their parents:


When all other forms of discipline have not produce the desired change in behavior and attitude, corporal discipline (swats) may be administered. A maximum of five (5) consecutive correctly received swats upon the buttocks may be administered. Correctly received swats are those in which the student exhibits a submissive attitude, as determined by the administrator of the corporal discipline. This submissive attitude must be exhibited throughout the discipline session. A maximum of fifteen (15) swats of any kind, whether correctly received or incorrectly received, may be administered in a twenty-four hour period. The Superintendent or any other adult staff member (who is of the same gender as your child) that the Superintendent shall designate will administer the corporal discipline. A flat paddle is used to administer the corporal discipline. The student will remain clothed for the entire procedure. Each incident of corporal discipline will be duly witnessed by another adult staff member (of the same gender).

At this school for troubled teens, the maximum amount of swats at any given time is limited to five.

school corporal punishment

Getting her bottom paddled at a private Christian girl’s school.

But all five of the swats must be “correctly received”, which means they have to remain in position and fully submit to their paddling.  A swat that is not “correctly received” may be repeated.  This means a single paddling, in which a young lady in unable to maintain her position, can quickly become a much longer paddling.  Even if she is able to hold her position while her bottom is being paddled, this school is strict enough, that there is the possibility that she could be paddled up to two additional times in a single day.  This certainly gives the school plenty of options, during any given 24 hour period, to properly bruise a teen girl’s bottom.

The policies below are from a private Christian school, in which no student can even be admitted if the parents will not commit to their child being paddled; it is as simple as that.  What makes this school even more unique, is that the parent has to come to the school and do the paddling themselves.  Below is the consent form and the specific rules governing the parent paddling their child at school:


Under no circumstance will any student be admitted, or re-registered in the L*** Baptist Academy without the completion of this form. It is an agreement that the parent will adhere to, and support the Corporal Punishment procedures of LBA.

I __________________________________, am agreeing with, and will uphold the procedures of LBA. I will be in full support of the administration. As a parent of, ____________________________, enrolled in LBA, I realize that it is a privilege and not a right. I understand that if at any time my child refuses to accept their punishment, or if I refuse to administer their punishment; my child will be expelled from LBA. If a student requires a spanking, the parent must complete it the next school dayThe office will explain why a spanking is necessary and must be completed by the parent in the Principal’s Office. The student will not be allowed to attend class the following day until it has been issued.

school corporal punishment paddling policy

school corporal punishment paddling policy

This is indeed a very unique situation as we now have a school taking full control over how a student will be paddled and the parents now have to do it as the school is required.  It is very clear, if the student will not submit to a paddling, or the parents refuse to administer it, the student is expelled from the school.  Basically, a student gets in trouble and a parent has to go to the school the next day and paddle her.  This young lady is not only going to be paddled by her mom or dad, in front of a school administrator, but she has to submit to it 100%, or the paddling does not count. The girl being paddled is not really even allowed to make any noise, or move in any way during her paddling.  This is the 1st school policy I have ever read in which is a girl does not cooperate completely during the process of having her bottom paddled, then the paddling will just continue.  But beyond the young lady having to cooperate 100%, the school actually gets to decide how hard she is to be paddled be her parent.  It clearly states that the swats have to be administered “to the satisfaction of the designee”, which can only mean that if you do not paddle your daughter hard enough, you will have to do it again.

school corporal punishment paddling

Getting paddled by her mom at school.

This policy really has a way of modifying a policy of 5 maximum swats, and basically assures that the school gets to make sure that the paddling a student receives is a very memorable one.  Picture the young lady at this very strict religious school, sent to the office for a basic infraction.  Being that just about every offense I looked at in the student handbook will result in a paddling, this means that any trip to the office means she will be paddled.  She is given a corporal punishment form and told to take it home.  The next morning, she arrives at school with mom or dad, and waits nervously with her parent, as the school finds a designee to oversee her paddling.  The three of them go into the room where paddlings take place, and under the direction of the school designee, she is put into position and her parent is handed a heavy wooden school paddle.  The parent is then told how many swats to give their child, and she is reminded that she has to remain in position, and fully accept everything that she is about to receive.  Her mom then takes the paddle in her hand and applies the 1st swat to her daughter’s bottom.  It is at this point that the school official gets to make the decision as to whether she accepted the swat properly.  If she moved, made too much noise, stood up, or even “wiggled”, the school official can inform the parent and the student that the swat did not count.  Picture the young lady who is still spanked severely by her dad at home, and he always has to hold her in place during her punishment.  This is a whole new world for her, having to not only fully submit to her punishment, but to cooperate.  Being smacked hard on the bottom hurts a lot, especially for a teenage girl, and it is quite hard not to make much sound during a proper paddling.  But this paddling, at this school, will not end until she learns to do exactly that.  The five swat paddling she had coming, might have turned into a ten, or even twenty swat paddling, until she learns to properly submit.

On the other side of all of this, is that the school official will have to have deemed the paddling

girls school paddling

Getting their bottoms paddled at a private school for girls

as having been hard enough.  The five swats, that she struggles with a few of, became eight swats before it was all over.  But when it was completed, the school official has the power to tell the parent that the paddling was nowhere near hard enough.  Remember, this is a very religious school, which believes very strongly in “Biblical discipline”, which rarely involves an ornamental paddling.  These are the types of schools that believe that a proper spanking involves breaking the will of the child.  So after her eight swats, three of which she struggled with and was unable to properly submit, she hears the school designee tell her mom that the paddling was nowhere near hard enough and that it has to be repeated.  At this point the entire process starts all over again, and with the swats being much harder this time around, there is a good chance that she will struggle with most of them, thus requiring them to be repeated.  Basically, this paddling will not be over until the school administrator has made sure that the young lady being paddled leaves with a very sore and bruised bottom and having learned a very real lesson.

This is a very unique situation, but in reality, most paddlings in private school are administered by a principal, administrator, or a teacher.  The primary differences in paddlings administered in the public school and private school tend to be frequency and severity.  These differences exist mostly because of parental support for corporal punishment.  Parents that seek out a private Christian school, deeply rooted in the teachings of the Bible, typically do not oppose the use of corporal punishment.  In fact, most of them frequently use corporal punishment in the raising of their daughters, in their own home.  They actively seek out an educational environment that is a good extension as to their personal beliefs.  There is an expectation that if their child misbehaves at school, that they will be punished as set forth in the Bible.  This really frees up a school from all of the concerns of lawsuits and protests from parents about a girl being paddled.  It also allows a school to paddle in a way that is much more effective in changing behavior.

In a public school setting, a teen girl, after getting paddled at school, might come home and show her mom her bruised butt, complaining that she was paddled at school and that it was far too hard.  Her mom then gets on the phone, calls the press, calls the school, and begins the kind of uproar that we see regularly on the news.  This is not the case when it comes to a paddling administered at a private Christian school.  A girl that is sent home from school after a hard paddling, with a bruised bottom, is more likely to get it again at home from her parents.  Strict Christian parents see a bruised bottom from getting in trouble at school, as a good starting place for a session with dad’s belt.  They see it as an opportunity for some real learning to take place and are more than willing to make sure that her bottom feels much more in the way of discipline.

The frequency of school corporal punishment in the private school is also greatly

paddling at school girl

Private school corporal punishment is often harder and much more frequent.

increased.  A typical public school policy will state “corporal punishment will only be used when other methods of discipline have proven to be ineffective”.  This means that after a student has had a few detentions, and maybe some ISS, that eventually her bottom might be paddled.  But in a private school, a young lady’s first trip to the office, and every trip after that, will result in her bottom being paddled.  They tend to take the opposite approach in that after she was paddled once, on her second offense she is paddled again, and also receives detention. The one common thread is that if she gets in any trouble, big or small, her bottom will pay the price.

Think of the first school policy that I mentioned above, in which a student cannot receive more than 5 licks at a time, with a maximum of 15 in a 24 hour period.  This means that at some point in time, those in charge of the school’s policy, needed to come up with a policy that allowed a student to be paddled as many as 3 times a day.  This school is a school in which the students live there full-time, which allows flexibility for paddlings outside of classroom hours.  In a public school setting a girl who misbehaves frequently, might find herself paddled a few times over a typical school year.  But it is clear from this school’s policies, that she might find herself paddled every day, if not more often than that.  They clearly believe that a bruised bottom is an effective learning tool and they do not hesitate to provide it as often as is needed. Just take a look at the very 1st line of the contract that the parent must sign when enrolling their student at this institution:

I/We understand that the structure and rules under which my/our child will be educated and trained are very strict.

private school corner time

Corner time still happens in private Christian schools.

Simply the inclusion of the word “trained” makes it clear that some butts are going to end up very sore and the methods they use are not just strict, they are “very strict”. But for additional perspective, let’s take quick look at the “demerits” system.  Having gone through their complete student and parent handbooks, it is quite clear that just about every offense that results in a “demerit” will result in a five swat paddling.  Below is the policy for a student that had 10 demerits in a week.  This is a list of the additional punishment a student will face after a week consisting of 10 demerits, which results in them being placed “on discipline” for the next week.  It is clearly common enough that there is an entire policy of additional punishment that will last for an entire week.  But what we really need to consider, is that to have been placed “on discipline” that means 10 demerits.  Being that a single demerit results in a five swat paddling, this means every student who is “on discipline” typically received at least 50 paddle swats the week before.  That is also assuming that the 50+ swats they were administered were “correctly received”.  The 5 swat paddling could have easily resulted in as many as 15 if she did not submit properly to her paddling.  And if you think that corner time is something for toddlers, or only exists in British spanking videos, think again.  Look at the fourth option for a young lady who is “on discipline” for the week.  She is to stand in her dorm room, with her nose touching the bed for a period of one hour.  What is even more interesting is that there is a 10 minute “sit down break each hour”.  This would lead me to believe that corner time can last well beyond the initial hour, if there are hourly breaks. I am also guessing that a girl “on discipline” and in corner time for a few hours, that does not maintain her position, will probably be getting her bottom paddled as well.  They are also clear in stating that when a student is “on discipline” that all of the things stated below, “will be included”, not “may be included”.

If the student has more than ten (10) demerits in a week then she is placed on discipline for the following week. This discipline will include:

– Loss of desserts and seconds during meals

– Loss of all extra-curricular activities including but not limited to field trips, basketball, volleyball, tennis racquetball, baseball, Ping-Pong, pool, foosball, and swimming.

– Various forms of physical training which include but are not limited to the following: jumping jacks, push-ups, sit-ups, squats, hops, leg lifts, crawls, running, carrying cinder blocks, or all of the above.

Standing with your child’s nose touching the end of your child’s bed for a time period of 1 hour with a 10-minute sit-down break each hour. This is excluding any regularly scheduled activities and school time.

– An altered menu of bland foods will be issued at the discretion of the staff in conjunction with the above referenced discipline measures.

So if you ever find yourself wondering is corporal punishment is alive and well in the US school system, there is no doubt it is more than a common occurrence.  And when you find yourself watching videos, which recreate school paddlings, especially in a private school setting, and you see girl getting a dozen swats at a time, leading to tears and a bruised bottom followed by some good old fashioned corner time, you know that there is indeed a place in this country, that right now, this very thing is occurring.  For the very best in private girl’s school corporal punishment videos, be sure to check out RealspankingsInstitute.com, for the most realistic and severe school paddling videos in the world.

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Paddling a high school girl

The primary goal, of corporal punishment in school, is to provide pain to a girl’s bottom.  There are many more dynamics involved, but the reality is that most people do not like pain.  When there are school policies in place, in which any deviation from this policy, can result in a young lady receiving pain to her bottom, this often influences her to make better decisions.  In the old days, during a time in which parents really wanted, and appreciated, their daughters being paddled at school, it was much easier for the administrator to get the job done.  The school board did not have a policy on how many swats she could receive, what type of paddle could be used, and the countless other policies that effect the ability for an administrator to simply paddle a young lady’s bottom until he felt the job was done.  He could simply have her bend over, and swing as long and hard as he needed, and not stop until her bottom was bruised and she was crying sufficiently to assure a lesson was learned.

In today’s school setting, even in the schools in which corporal punishment is used more liberally, there are still a specific set of guidelines that a teacher, coach, or administrator must follow.  Almost all schools define the dimensions of the paddle to be used to correct a young lady’s behavior.  Gone are the days of 1” thick paddles that can get the job done in as little as three swats.  Most districts are very clear on what type of paddle that can be used.  Here is an example from the 2013 school policies from a 9th-12th grade high school in Alabama:

A wooden paddle approximately 24 inches in length, 3 inches wide and ½ inch thick is recommended. Paddles with holes, cracks, splinters, tape or other foreign material shall not be used for corporal punishment”. The student shall remove any objects in back pockets and/or remove outer garments before the punishment is administered. A teacher who is “not comfortable administering corporal punishment” may ask another teacher to do it. The witness should preferably be of the same sex as the student. Parents shall be given the right to exempt their children, but “should the parent fail to notify the principal, it shall be understood that the student may be corporally punished”.

A 24” paddle in indeed an effective length, but ½” thick is just barely enough to get the job done.  Just as with the dimensions of the paddle, the maximum number of “licks” that can be administered are generally quite specific.  While some schools are still quite liberal with this number, such as another school policy from Alabama:

“A first office referral means 60 minutes’ detention or “six swats with a paddle”; a second referral, 80 minutes or eight swats; a third, 100 minutes or 10 swats.”

This is a pretty good policy and certainly enough to get the job done.  I would guess that they do not see as many referrals to the office as many other schools, as a young lady contemplating that her very 1st referral to the school office will result in six swats to her bottom, might indeed have an effect on her behavior.  But this is not a typical school paddling policy, as most schools have 3-5 as the maximum number of swats allowed.  This leaves a school administrator a little limited in what they are able to accomplish when paddling a young lady’s bottom.  A good school administrator, the one tasked with the issue of handling school discipline, often has to be a little more creative when it comes to the application of corporal punishment.  While the end result will always be physical pain applied to a teen girl’s bottom, there are many things that they can do to supplement the actual paddling.  Let’s explore some of the ways to make the overall paddling experience more effective.

Clearly, every school paddling will indeed end in the same way, with a girl’s bottom being paddled, but the path that is taken to get there can really add to the effectiveness of the punishment.  From the moment she is sent from class, and walking down the hall with a pink slip in her hand, her thoughts are focused on, “will I get paddled for this”? This is what makes a school paddling so effective; girls do not want to have their bottoms smacked with a big wooden board.  If they grew up in the South, where most school paddlings take place, chances are she was spanked as a kid.  It might have been the week before, or it may have been ten years before, but she has enough experience to know that a spanking is not pleasant.  It is the job of the administrator, who is limited by school board policies to make sure that this trip to the office, is bad enough, that she will never want to repeat it.

school paddled

The large paddle that will be used on her bottom is kept in full view.

Many principals like to make sure that when a young lady enters his office, that she knows from the very beginning, that her getting paddled is a very real option, and one that he is likely to choose.  This is best accomplished by a public display of the paddle.  Some choose to hang it on the wall behind their desk, or even more effective, is to leave it on the desk, right in front of her.  As she hands over her pink slip, her hand is less than an inch away from the paddle, and it becomes her entire focus.  For that first minute, nothing exists in her mind except that paddle.  Regardless of how strict her parents were and what they spanked her with when she was growing up, nothing seems quite as intimidating as that two foot long piece of wood in front of her.  For the young lady who only ever got a smack from mom’s hand on her butt when she was a toddler, that paddle looks like the end of the world for her bottom.  An effective administrator, will spend a few minutes looking over her referral and going through her school records, so she has ample time to consider exactly what that paddle will feel like on her bottom.  Remember, the purpose of her entire visit to the office, is to make sure that she does not come back.  If giving her some time to allow the nerves to really set in, to get her heart racing, and maybe even her hands shaking will prevent her from returning, then it should be a required part of the process.  Her overall experience, and not just the paddling alone, is what she will be looking back on when making decisions in the future and the more emotions and bad memories she has of the experience, the better.

Being creative with telling her that she is going to be paddled, will also help to build an overall experience that she will do everything to avoid.  The more he is able to talk about the paddling she will be receiving, the better for the experience.  To simply tell her that her offenses require him to paddle her, and then to have her stand up and bend over, is doing her a disservice. As he is weighing the options, it is very effective for him to pick up the paddle and hold it.  She is no longer just looking at the paddle sitting on his desk, she now has the actual visual of it in his grips, which makes it seem all that more opposing.  I do not think it is out of line for the principal to reference how effective and painful a paddling really can be.  Comments like “we probably could handle this with detention, but my experience has shown that you would be less likely to return to my office after you have shed a few tears”, or “there is nothing like a very sore bottom, for a few days, to serve as a deterrent to prevent you from returning to my office” tend to be very effective.  She is now faced with the reality that this paddling will not only hurt, but that she will cry, and that her butt will be sore for days.  If the increased heart rate and shaking hands had not started up to this point, they most certainly would now.  This also helps prevent her from shrugging the whole thing off, and trying to convince herself that it will not be that bad.

When he finally announces his decision to her, that she will indeed be paddled, he needs to really play it up.  It cannot come across as a casual event, but one that he has given great thought to, and as much pain as he knows he will be providing her, that it is probably the best thing for her overall development.  Creative administrators are able to make all of the moments leading up to the paddling, as bad as the event itself.  Informing her that he is allowed to give as many as six swats for any given offense, and that he feels that would be best for this situation, really lets the whole thing sink in.  She is not only going to be paddled, she is going to get the worst case scenario paddling, and if this is explained in the right way, at for some girls, the tears may begin here.  A paddling, in which she is crying minutes before it even starts, is highly effective.  Once again, she will not just look back and reflect on the pain she experienced, but all of the emotions she felt building up to the actual event.

But once again, we are looking for the best overall experience (worst for her) the decreases the

school corporal punishment paddling

Sitting and waiting knowing her bottom will soon be paddled by the principal.

chances of future transgressions, so the buildup to the paddling should not end here.  Many principals would paddle her bottom right there on the spot, but it is more effective for there to be a gap before she is punished.  There are some principals that administer all of their paddlings at the end of the day, or even the end of the week.  This allows for hours, or sometimes days, or dread and apprehension.  She gets to fully process that she will cry, she will be sore, and that she will be getting the maximum number of swats for quite some time.  At the very least, he should send her out of his office, to sit in the main office, until he can find the time to take care of her bottom.   She then gets to sit in the chairs, watching the rest of the students and office staff going about their daily business.  Only she knows that she is sitting there waiting to be spanked with a paddle at school.  She is able to think about that giant paddle, think about the last time she was spanked and how that felt, and to fully consider how she will react to her paddling.  Thoughts of how hard he swings, what position she will be made to assume, and how will she survive it will consume her.  The paddle has not even touched her bottom yet, and she is making promises to herself to never again, make a decision that puts her in this situation.

waiting to be paddled at school

Listening to another student getting paddled.

Another very effective approach, especially when someone is called back later in the day to be paddled, is that of actually having to hear the process take place.  For the principals that bring every student to be paddled back at the same time, it becomes quite a challenge for those that have to listen.  It allows everything in their mind, and the anticipation of this event, to become reality.  While many schools have a policy that a student cannot be paddled in the visual presence of another student, this does not mean that other students are not allowed to hear a paddling take place.  Many principals leave their door cracked, so it is clear to anyone present in the main office what is taking place on the other side of the door.  It serves as a very real deterrent to other students, even those not in trouble, what happens if they find themselves in trouble.  But for the young lady, who has been waiting all day, or all week to be paddled, and dreading every second of it, actually hearing it take place brings it all home.  If you have ever been paddled in school, or have heard one take place, there is nothing quiet about it.  Most principal’s offices are small and often made with cinderblock walls.  There is not a lot of soft furniture, or curtains, or anything else that absorbs sounds.  The hard crack of a paddle on a student’s bottom has a way of amplifying in that tiny office and echoing throughout the entire front office.  It is not a distant and muffled sound; it sounds more like a gunshot.  Even a moderate paddling has a tendency to sound like the end of the world to a teen girl waiting for her turn.  With a cracked door, the sound is further carried, and as she hears each swat, she knows that her turn is coming.

But what makes the situation of her having to wait for her paddling even more effective in the

waiting to be paddled at school

Policy states that she cannot see another student getting paddled, but that does not mean she can not be made to listen.

overall process, is the sound she hears after the echo of the paddle swat.  Sure, guys will do their best to suck it up during a paddling, but girls are usually not quite as successful.  If the principal is doing his job well, there will be a vocal reaction after each paddle swat, from every girl paddled.  The girl in the chair hears the lick land, then hears the girl being paddled, gently cry out…at first.  When that second swat lands, she now hears more of a muffled scream, as she deals with the very real pain of the paddling.  If the principal is really doing a good and proper job of paddling, after the third swat, the girl waiting her turn will hear crying from inside the office.  When it is all over, she can’t help but watch the girl who was just paddled, leave the office, with her makeup a mess, her eyes red and swollen, still wiping the tears from her eyes.  Everything that she has tried to convince herself, about how the paddling will not be so bad, has all gone out the window.  She now knows it will be the worst case scenario, she knows that he was not kidding about the tears, and she has no doubt from what she just heard that her butt will indeed be bruised and sore.  The anticipation of being paddled is a very effective step and one that should not be ignored.

A proper and effective school paddling should not just be painful, but it should be embarrassing.  At all times the girl should be treated with respect and at no point should she feel humiliated during any part of the process.  But let’s face it, a high school girl will do just about anything to keep from being embarrassed and will go well out of her way to make sure she is never in that situation.  So if being embarrassed is something that she will go to great lengths to avoid, then it should most certainly be part of the punishment.  There are many ways that school administrators can accomplish this task.  One of the simplest ways this is accomplished is through the verbal exchange prior to her paddling.  When she is finally called into the office for her paddling, there can be an element in which she is made to feel like a young girl.  After all, she is in trouble at school, and she is going to get a spanking for it, so why not remind her of that fact.  Even better, remind her of that fact while she is still waiting in the lobby to be paddled.  Embarrassment comes very quickly if he opens the door to his office, and in front of everyone present, he announces to her that “it is time for your spanking”.  By calling it a spanking, and not a paddling, she is once again, taken back to that place in her childhood when mommy would give her a spanking.  Every eye in the office goes right to her, as she turns 10 shades of red, and stands up and walks to his office.  This is no longer the private paddling that she has been dreading, this is now a very public “spanking” in which every student that was in the office now knows about.  The word of a girl getting paddled at school tends to travel fast, and before the end of the day, everyone will know it was her bottom that was spanked.

grabbing ankles for a school paddling

Grabbing her ankles for her paddling makes it hurt more, is very uncomfortable, and embarrassing.

Adding embarrassment to the whole situation can also be accomplished by positioning and timing.  When she walks into his office and he says “OK, let’s get your bottom spanked”, he then tells her what position to assume.  Making it as easy as having her bend over his desk, does not serve the purpose well.  Why give her a somewhat comfortable and stable position to be paddled in, when he can take the steps to make her feel uncomfortable and embarrassed?  The very best position is clearly to have her grab her ankles.  This makes her feel exposed and very vulnerable, and at the very least is not comfortable at all.  This puts her bottom on display like no other position there is, and she becomes even more aware of what part of her body is about to feel the discipline.  It is also very embarrassing, as she is now a grown woman, but her actions have led her to a situation in which a man can order her to bend over and to stick her bottom up into the air.  There is no other situation in her life, where someone else has this type of control over her body, and as she is there grabbing her ankles, she is most definitely embarrassed that it is taking place.

Just as anticipation was created by making her wait throughout the day or week for her paddling,

high school corporal punishment

Grabbing her ankles and waiting several minutes before she is paddled, is almost as bad as the paddling itself.

this can also be revisited just prior to her actual paddling.  Now that she is in the middle of his office, grabbing her ankles, bottom properly presented for a hard paddling, as much as she does not want to be paddled, at this point she just wants to get it all over with.  The position itself is uncomfortable, her bottom is very much on display, and she just wants it to be over.  This is the perfect time for the principal to fill out the paperwork that most schools require whenever corporal punishment is administered.  This gives her a final few minutes to consider everything she has done and all of the events leading up to this moment.  You can ask anyone who was spanked at home or in school, what was the worst part of their punishment, with the exception of the pain, and just about every one of them will tell you it was the last few moments waiting for it to begin.  Everyone, when they know there is no escaping a spanking, just want to get it over with as soon as possible.  But the high school girl with her ass up in the air, waiting for her paddling, should not be allowed this luxury, and the more time she spends grabbing her ankles and waiting, the more effective the overall experience will be for her.

Once a sufficient amount of time has passed, and it is time for her bottom to be paddled, a few nicely worded sentences can help to really bring the point home.  It is very effective to remind her how much it is going to hurt.  Instead of him just walking up to her and starting to paddle her bottom, imagine how much more effective the following would be:

severe school paddling

Informing her how bad the paddling will be is very effective.

“It is very important that you remain in position for the duration of your paddling.  The only way this paddling will produce the desired results, is if I paddle your bottom as hard as I possibly canWe want to provide as much pain as possible to your bottom, but we need to limit it to that part of your body.  If you start moving around, I may end up hitting you somewhere else, and that can be dangerous.  With you grabbing your ankles, it is important you keep your hands on your ankles, as that helps with stability.  I am quite sure that you will be crying from the very beginning, but please keep your hands on your ankles until the paddling is over, you can wipe your tears when we are done.”

For the young lady who just spent the last three minutes convincing herself that it would not be that bad, those thoughts are instantly shattered.  He has made it clear that this will not be gentle, that it will hurt like hell, and that he knows for a fact that she will indeed cry.  Now everything has come together, and all that is left is for her bottom to be paddled.

While everything that has led up to this moment, over the last several minutes, hours, or days, can indeed make the overall paddling experience effective, the biggest factor on whether a paddling will be an effective deterrent is how much it hurts.  A principal can utilize anticipation, embarrassment, and many other elements all day long, but if it is not followed up with a truly memorable and painful paddling, then all is lost.  It is also very important that the pain from the paddling does not end after the paddling.  This is also where paddle selection, and more importantly, paddle thickness really comes into play.  A ¼” thick paddle, when applied over jeans, does have the ability to hurt.  But that pain is going to come in the form of sting, and six good swats with a thin paddle can produce a lot of sting.  The downside is that an hour after the paddling, the sting is gone, and the punishment ends right there.  What is the point of putting so much time and effort into providing her with an experience that she will never forget, and never want repeated, if the paddling itself was simply one minute of pain to her bottom?  Teen girls are pretty good at wiping things from their minds when it is behind them, so the paddling needs to be something that she cannot just ignore when it is over.

A principal, who is good at his job, will take all of this into account, and do his best to make sure that when the paddling is over that the punishment is just getting started.  This is best accomplished by using the thickest and heaviest paddle that the district will allow and by applying each and every lick with maximum effort.  Each paddle swat, from the very first to the very last, needs to be applied just as hard.  There is no reason for there to be some sort of warm-up, beginning with a few swats that are not as hard as the rest.  There is also no reason to do what many principals do and make the last swat harder than the rest.  The goal is a very sore bottom, and with a limited amount of swats to get her to that point, full force throughout is necessary and also best for her development.  Also, a severe paddling tends to numb a girl’s bottom pretty quickly, so the first few swats are the ones she is really going to feel.  The goal is long term soreness, but care should be taken that while the paddling is taking place that it hurts as much as possible.  For safety reasons, and to provide as much long term soreness as possible, all of the swats are applied to the exact same spot on her bottom.  This keeps the paddle far from her tailbone, and also assures that the part of her bottom that touches the seat is the part that ends up bruised and sore.  Six to ten swats, to her sit spot, will provide the tears required as part of the learning process, and will make sure that the learning continues for several days.

Take a look at the pictures below; they demonstrate what a properly paddled bottom looks like.  All of the bruised bottom below come from Realspankings.com and show the results of a proper school paddling.  While we are seeing the after shots, of their bare bottoms, all of the paddlings that led to these sore bottoms were done over clothing.  In all cases below, no more than 10 swats were applied.

bruised bottom from school paddling

The very real results of a ten swat school paddling.

bruised ass corporal punishment

These two teen girl’s bottom show the result of am eight swat paddling over their cheer skirts. There is no doubt that there will be long term learning for several days.

school paddling bruises

Two very bruised bottoms from a hard paddling over jeans…just enough to get the job done.

We are now able to see the potential that a proper school paddling has to make a high school girl’s bottom sore.  There is no doubt, based on those pictures, that after a good school paddling that a young lady will not just forget about the experience.  A proper school paddling will indeed lead to several days of her bottom being sore.  She will not walk out of the office, dry off her tears, and then that is the end of it.  Instead of the sting wearing off in an hour, the sting will now be replaced with a soreness that continues to grow.  As each hour of the day passes, she will begin to feel a little more pain to her bottom.  Sitting will begin to become more uncomfortable as she shifts around in the hard wooden school desks, trying to find a position that feels better.  The real learning begins the next day, and this is also why a hard paddling with a proper paddle is important.  The morning after a good and hard school paddling, the moment that she wakes up, she is going to be reminded of her punishment.  Her bottom will be the as sore as it is going to get the next morning, and instead of waking up, barely aware of the prior day’s event, the first thing she is going to think of is the paddling, her sore bottom, and what she did that earned her that prize.  For that day, and probably a couple more after, she is going to be living her punishment every single minute of the day.  When she sits down to go to the bathroom, she is going to remember what she did wrong.  As she decides that maybe tight jeans are not the way to go that day, she will be thinking of her paddling.  But the best part of her learning process will take place that day at school.  The desks, which just the day before she struggled to find a way to get comfortable, are now a very real source of pain for her.  It is not just uncomfortable for her to sit; it hurts in every sense of the word.  The punishment she was given, even though it was the day before, is nowhere close to being over.  With every beat of her heart, there is a painful throbbing to her little bottom, and she is reminded that it is best to be well behaved at school.

teen bruised bottom

Two days later the bruises are still visible on her bottom.

While the pain is ongoing, it is not the only part of the punishment that continues after the paddling.  If there was any sort of public aspect to her paddling, such as the principal calling her into the office and announcing it was time for her paddling, then there is a very good chance that the word spread around school.  Students love to gossip and when it comes to some cute 18 year old high school senior getting her pretty bottom paddled, you can count on that news traveling fast.  Not only is she sitting in class with a sore bottom, but the other students in the class know that her butt is indeed bruised and sore.  When she winces in pain, each time she sits, someone will be there to giggle a little at her.  Random spanking comments will take place as she walks down the hall and her face will turn as red as her bottom was the day before.  When it is time for PE, cheerleading, or whatever sports tem she plays on, there are going to be a few awkward days in the locker room.  Showering or even changing in the locker room becomes quite embarrassing as she tried to hide her bruised bottom.  Most of the girls probably already know that she was paddled, and everyone is going to try and sneak a peek at her bruised bottom.

A proper school paddling is about more than just a teen girl bending over and having her butt swatted with a board.  When done properly, it can become an event, one that she will always remember and will do anything to never have repeated.

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Paddled by her dad after being paddled at school

The paddling she received at school hurt a lot, but she did have the benefit of the school uniform to help her endure it.  The pleated skirt that she was required to wear, as well as the full panties, took much of the sting away, but it did leave her bottom a little bruised.  After she received her paddling, as required whenever corporal punishment is administered, the headmaster picked up the phone and called her dad.  She knew based from past experience, that when she got home, her school uniform would be of no help to her.  Dad’s paddle was just as big as the school paddle, and he always paddled her teen bottom on the bare.  He also had a direct ratio that he always used to calculate how many swats her bottom would receive, and it was 4 to 1.  She dreaded the rest of her day as she knew that the 5 swat paddling, that had made her butt so sore, was going to be nothing compared to 20 from her bad on her bare butt.  The moment she walked in the door, she was greeted by her dad, who already had the paddle in his hand.  He had her lower her panties, raise her skirt, and then bend over the counter in front of the sink.  Her young bottom was then paddled black and blue with the 20 swats she had coming.

paddled by dad

Her dad paddles her bare bottom, as a result of her being paddled at school.


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Paddled three times in one day for tardies, 9 licks total

This gallery contains 7 photos.

At the high school she attended, the school policy for tardies was very clear, 2 tardies were allowed for any one class over the course of a semester, on a third tardy, it was an automatic referral to the office.  … Read the rest of this entry

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High school cheerleader paddled by the principal

It started with a very public argument in the hallway, with dozens of students watching, which eventually led to both girls pushing each other.  The whole incident was witnessed by a teacher and they were both taken to the principal’s office.  The school code of conduct is very clear in stating that “any aggressive action towards another student” is forbidden and will also be treated in the same manner as if they had actually been in a fight.  School policy calls for a three day in school suspension, or six swats with a paddle for this offense.  The principal was especially disappointed with Kiki, as she is a cheerleader, and therefore a representative of the school.

cheerleader paddled by the principal

Thinking about replacing her suspension with a 6 swat paddling from the principal.

When Kiki was given her punishment options, she immediately chose the in school suspension.  Her last spanking had been at the hands of her dad, when she was 11, and she still remembered it to this day.  Her dad had worn her tiny little butt out with his belt and she knew that she wanted nothing to do with getting spanked ever again.  Just as every other student in the school, she knew that a spanking at school involved bending over and getting your butt whacked with a large wooden board.  She did not care what the other option was; she would take anything but a paddling.

paddled high school cheerleader

Telling the principal that she wants to be paddled.

She arrived at school the next day, a Friday, dressed in her cheer uniform, just as she always did on game day.  She reported to ISS and was asked why she was wearing her uniform.  She explained that it was for the pep rally and for the game that night.  She was quickly informed that ISS precludes her from any school activities, both during and after school, and that she would not be allowed to cheer that day, at the pep rally or the game.  For a girl whose life, friendships, and image were defined by cheerleading, this came as quite a blow.  She went into the ISS room and was left alone with her thoughts.

teen cheerleader school paddling

Seeing the paddle that will be used on her bottom, for the first time.

She spent a great deal of time considering the huge mistake she had made by choosing ISS.  She had no idea that it would kill all her events of the day, which led her to start thinking about the paddling.  She had only even known a couple of girls who had been paddled, but she did not think they were exaggerating when they spoke of how intensely it hurt.  She thought about that last spanking from her dad and the terrible pain of the belt.  He had made her bend over her bed and spanked her bottom hard enough, that he had to hold her in place to complete the punishment.  She can still picture the welts on her butt and how sore her bottom was even the next day.  But today was Friday; this was always the day she looked forward to.  The pep rally and the game were everything to her and there was no way that she could miss it.

school paddling video

Preparing for the first swat on her padded bottom.

She finally found the courage to leave the ISS room and go and ask the Principal’s assistant if she could talk to him.  She explained that she wanted to go with the other option if it was still available.  She was told that she would pass on her concerns and she went back to ISS.  She spent a couple of hours trying to study and to write a paper that was do the following Monday.  As hard as she tried to focus, her mind always wandered back to the thought of the paddle.  It was also not lost on her that all she was wearing was her short little cheer skirt and her little red “spankies” underneath.  The irony also was not lost on her that the only thing covering her butt were called “spankies”.

cheerleader paddled

He checks her bottom as the sound of the paddling is not quite right

About an hour before lunch the principal finally came and sat down next to her in the ISS room.  He asked her if she really did indeed want to be paddled instead of the ISS.  She told him that she would do whatever was required to be able to go to the game.  He explained that there was no “time served” and that she would still get the full six swats.  She quickly replied, “Whatever I have to do to go to the game”.  He had her stand up and took a look at her skirt.  He decided that this was not an appropriate outfit for her to be paddled in and asked her if she had a change of clothes with her.  She said that she did, so he told her to go to the locker room and to change into some jeans for her paddling.  With her heart racing, she headed to the gym to change.  The whole time in her head, all she could hear were the words, “her paddling”.  She thought of the wooden paddle, she thought of her dad’s belt, and she thought about her poor bottom.

school paddle

A female staff member checks to see if she is wearing extra panties.

She went into the locker room and pulled out her cheer bag and grabbed her jeans.  Sitting next to her jeans was a pair of panties.  They were not the little skimpy ones she often wore and they had the same coverage as her spankies.  She made the decision to remove her spankies, and to put the panties on underneath them.  She figured the more layers the better for her little butt.  With double layers on, she squeezed her little butt into her tight fitting jeans.  She looked in the mirror and did not think they were all that noticeable, and then slowly returned to the ISS room.  When she got there, he was waiting by the table where she had been.  Her heart sank as she saw that he had brought the paddle, that she was dreading so much, with him.  She had heard about it before, but had never seen it, and it was far bigger than she could have ever imagined.  She was very petite and that paddle looked like it would destroy her whole bottom with a single swat.

teen girl school paddling

With the extra panties removed, her real paddling begins.

He wasted no time and moved her chair out of the way and told her to bend over.  She placed her hands and elbows on the table, widened her stance a little, a presented her tiny little bottom to be spanked.  He stepped up next to her and she flinched as she felt it touch her bottom.  Through the reflection in her laptop, she could see him raise the paddle high into the air, and then she felt it hit.  The pain was shocking and overwhelming, even with the extra padding in place.  He paused for a moment, seemingly contemplating something, and then he smacked her poor bottom again.  This one hurt her stinging butt even more, and she clenched her hand into fists and gritted her teeth waiting for the next swat, but it never came.  He asked her to stand up and started looking closer at her pants.  He asked her what she was wearing as something sounded off.  With a broken voice, as she was still dealing with the pain, she told him that it was just her pants.  He asked her what else she was wearing, and she said just her panties.

tiny teen school paddling

Her tiny little teen butt is paddled until the tears are flowing.

He told her to stay exactly where she was and he left the room.  She was quite confused as she had no idea where this was leading.  A minute later, his female assistant came into the ISS room and asked her what was going on under her pants.  She repeated her story, and was then told to unzip her pants and show her.  With shaking hands, as she knew she was busted, she unsnapped her tight jeans and pulled open the front to show her red spankies.  The assistant peeled back a layer of the spankies revealing the white panties below.  She was told to pull her pants back up and was then escorted back to the locker room.  With the assistant present, she was made to remove the extra layer, and was then walked back to the ISS room.  The assistant told her to stay there and that the principal would be right back with her.  She was left with contemplating how much more the last four were going to hurt without the extra padding.  Her bottom was already throbbing and she knew her butt was going to be sore for quite some time.

school spanking

She is feeling the sting of the paddle as she is punished at school.

He eventually came back into the room and did not even seem all that mad.  He told her to bend back over and explained that he had been paddling bottoms long enough to know what it is supposed to sound like.  He smiled as he told her that she was not the first to try this, nor would she be the last.  He told her that they would now continue with her paddling, but six real swats were what she had earned, so the first two would not count.  She cringed as she realized they were starting over and once again felt the large wooden paddle touch her bottom briefly.  She watched the reflection of the paddle once again being raised into the air, and then her world was nothing but pain.  She quickly realized how much the extra panties had helped, as now her bottom was really on fire.  She squealed a little as the 1st swat hit and then prepared for the next one.  The paddle came down on the same spot on her bottom and she was really feeling it.  The first of many tears rolled down her face as the next swat hit her teen bottom.  She had very little padding and the paddle was tearing deep into the well-toned muscles of her butt.  The tears turned to crying as the paddling continued.  By the time all six swats had been delivered she could barely feel her butt.  It seemed that the whole thing had gone numb, but the tears continued to flow nevertheless.

dad's belt spanking

She is learning that a school paddle is much worse than daddy’s belt.

With her bottom properly punished and the clear evidence that she had learned her lesson about aggressive action at school, he announced that it was all over.  She was told that she could go back and change into her full uniform and could resume her normal school day.  With that evil paddle still in his hand, he exited the room.  She spent a little while rubbing her poor bottom and was already regretting her decision.  She was not sure how she would resume a normal school day with her butt feeling that way.  She certainly did not know how she would present a smile at the pep rally as she attempted their routines and stunts.  She considered the drill in which hands were on her bottom supporting her as she was tossed into the air, and then caught.  All she had been able to think about was getting to cheer that day, not all she could think about was her sore butt.

This scene is a sneak peek, courtesy of Realspankings.com.  The full video of the exact scenario I just described, will appear in their member’s area in November, 2013.

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The teacher that administers severe school paddlings

There are still many states in the US in which a paddling may be administered by something other than a school administrator.  Within these high schools, coaches and teachers that chose to handle the corporal punishment themselves are allowed to.  They still have to follow the same school guidelines as the administrators, but they are free to paddle students when they feel it is required.  Within every school in which the teachers are allowed to paddle, there are those one or two teachers that have a reputation as the hardest hitting paddlers in the school.

school paddling severe

The real results of a severe school paddling.

This will typically be the classroom in the school in which the students are the best behaved and create the least amount of distractions during class. Tardies are typically also much lower in a class with a hard paddling teacher. It is not that this teacher is meaner than the rest of the teachers, it just means that this is a teacher that decided a long time ago, that they are going to utilize every free moment in class to teach, and anything that distracts from the process, needs to be eliminated.

By being a teacher that is known for hard paddling, he ends up paddling far less than the other teachers as his reputation is well known throughout the student body.  Even incoming freshman have heard the stories of how he can really light a bottom on fire, even if they have not been present on occasion when it takes place.  He is strict and uncompromising in all aspects of the discipline he administers.  It does not matter to him if it is a male or female student, a freshman or a senior, or for a small offense or a large offense.  If there is a situation that needs to be dealt with via a paddling, he simply gets the job done to the very best of his ability.

school paddling severe

Severe swats with a school paddle provide dramatic results.

When the situation does present itself, he is all business, and whoever is on the receiving end, ends up in a world of hurt.  He calls the student from her desk, opens the door to the hallway, and tells her to step to the middle of the hall, assume a wide stance, and to bend over and grab her ankles.  He continues with whatever he was doing at the moment, as he hates for discipline to get in the way of the learning process.  The student, who knows of his reputation, is made to sweat it out in the hallway while he finishes that portion of his lecture.  With her little butt in the air, even if she has been paddled at school before, she knows that this is not going to be a typical paddling.

When he finds a good stopping place, he opens the cabinet to pull out his legendary paddle.  He constructed it himself, and it is considerably longer than the standard school paddle.  It is made from heavy oak, and there is taped wrapped around the handle to assure a good grip.  He reminds the class to stay busy and the closes the door behind him as he walks out into the hall, to join the poor young lady who is still in the middle of the hall, with her hands on her ankles.  It does not matter to him that she has never been in trouble in his class before, nor does it matter to him that she is 110 lbs.  He pays no regard to the fact that she is a straight A student or that he can see her arms and legs trembling as she waits to feel the paddle on her bottom.

severe school paddling

Paddled so severely the seems from her pockets are imprinted onto her bottom.

He knows that by paddling her with a severity that only he is fully capable of, that he is avoiding a dozen paddlings in the future.  He knows that students will talk and that the word will spread about the severe paddling she received for even such a small infractions.  Everyone in his class will hear it, as well the students in every classroom on that hall.  It is because of the paddling he is about to administer, that he will only have to give a few more that semester.  He knows of teachers that paddle just about every day, and he sees that as ineffective discipline if the results or so ineffective that it happens many times a week.  This girl’s bottom is about to pay the price, but it is worth it to him to have an orderly, organized, and well behaved class.

He also knows that this is for this girl’s own good.  Students who get away with small misdeeds, here and there, tend to move up to bigger offenses.  He is going to make sure, right now while he has her full attention, that she remember this paddling throughout her high school career.  The next time she is goofing around in the hall and running late to a class, passing notes, or does not have everything required for a class, she will look back on this day.  He learned many years before to disregard the pain, the pleading, and the crying from a paddling, as he simply sees all of those things as progress and learning.  The more a student reacts to a paddling, the more he knows he is doing a good job.  He is also very aware that the louder the reaction, the better it is heard by other students, and the better his reputation becomes.

severe high school paddling

Even over her cheer skirt and panties, the results of her severe school paddling are very clear.

He walks up behind her and reminds her of why she is about to be paddled.  Once again, it does not matter what she did wrong, if it requires a paddling, he will give her the school maximum of 6 swats.  He tells her to try her best to stay in position, but he knows that this really isn’t possible for a petite teen girl grabbing her ankles.  The large oak paddle is placed on her bottom and he swings for the fences.  He does not just use his arm; he twists his whole body into it and pivots his hips as he lays on the 1st swat.  The sound echoes through the hall like a gunshot, and she is knocked forward, taking a few small steps to catch herself from falling.  For the first couple seconds she makes no sound as her breath is fully taken away, but when she gets her breath back, it is the sound of pain.  She begins to wail and cry loudly, no longer concerned about the other students hearing her.  This single swat is harder than any other spanking she has ever had in her life and she does not know how she will take even one more.

He gently tells her to step back into position and she takes two steps back and grabs her ankles again, with her whole body now trembling.  When her bottom is once again presented properly, he lays on the second swat, with the similar reaction as the 1st one.  Her crying becomes louder and the pain to her bottom intensifies.  While he does not like to distractions to the learning process, he knows that the work in all of the surrounding classrooms has stopped as every student listens to the paddling taking place in the hallway.  He knows that before lunch, the word of this paddling will have made its way around the entire school.  He also knows that any student that can hear it will do everything in the power to make sure that they never experience what they are hearing, which is half the point in his eyes.  This girl might be paying the price for a lesson he wants everyone to get, but she had indeed earned this paddling.

severe school paddling

The results of her severe school paddling are still quite visible when she gets home.

As he has her bend over for her next swat, there is no doubt in his mind that she has already learned a very real lesson.  He has no doubt that his two swats with the paddle has turned her tiny little bottom black and blue and that she will not ever pose any more discipline problems in his class.  But he is very fair as a teacher and a disciplinarian and long ago he decided that every student in his class that needs to be paddled, will get the full six he is allowed.  The remaining swats do not get an easier, if anything, he likes to finish strong to make sure a real impression is made.  With her blinded by her tears and crying uncontrollably, he lays on the rest of the swats.  The next step he feels is just as important as the paddling itself, and that is providing a visual for the students in his class.  School policy does not allow for him to paddle a girl in front of other students, so they never actually get to see it take place.  But there is nothing in the policy that prevents him from showing them the results of what they just heard, so the moment the paddling is over, he walks her right back into the classroom.  The students now get to see the look of pain that goes along with what they just listened to.  They get to see an 18 year old girl still crying hard from the pain of her paddling.  Every eye in the classroom is on her as she walks to her desk, trying to rub the pain from her bottom.  They watch as she tries to sit and are able to see how sore her bottom when she flinches as her bottom touches the seat.  They listen to the gentle crying and whimpers coming from her, for the next ten minutes, as the pain just will not go away.

severe school paddling

A severe school paddling will leave the teen bottom black and blue.

As soon as the bell rings, and students begin filing into the hallway, the students from the neighboring classrooms begin to ask who he paddled.  Within minutes her name is circulating in the hallway, but it should not have been much of a mystery as the look on her face makes it clear that she was the one.  Those that heard it describe it in detail to their friends, and describe how brutal it sounded and how hard she cried.  The story grows a little as people talk about her coming into class, bawling like a baby and unable to sit-down at all.  His large paddle is described as giant, big enough that he must swing it using both hands.  The story continues to grow as some people are now reporting that she took 10 swats with that evil paddle.  When the next bell rings, every one of his students is already at their desk, backpacks put away, books open, and pens in hand.  No one comes into his class late, there is no taking, and he has the complete and undivided attention of everyone in his class.

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The real results of a school corporal punishment paddling

I write often about the long term effectiveness of a school paddling.  By effectiveness, we are talking about how bruised and sore a high school girl’s bottom ends up being.  While it is easy to get caught up in the fantasy of an 18 year old girl being paddled at school, how sore does she really end up being, and how much a deterrent does that really provide?

teen girl school paddling bruises

The results of a six swat school paddling are very clear on her teen bottom.

In all honesty, schools have fairly strict regulations as to how a girl can be paddled.  The paddle size is generally specified on the district regulations, and while they are often big, they are not giant.  How many swats that can be applied are also specified, with the range typically being from one to six, with some school going as high as ten.  I think most administrators and principals tend to swing pretty close to full force, especially when we are talking about high school age students.  While they swing very hard, very rarely is a two handed swing used, or some sort of step into the swing.

real school paddling picture

This young lady pulls down her gym shorts and panties to show us the results of a very real school paddling.

So where does this actually leave us in terms of effectiveness?  When a teen girl, in tight jeans, is made to bend over and take six hard swats to her pants and panty covered bottom, is there learning that takes place after the paddling?  There is no doubt, that even the toughest of girls, suffers through six hard swats being applied to her bottom with a large wooden paddle.  It is a spanking after all, with one of the most effective implements that can be used on a teen girl’s bottom.  Each swat hurts a little more than the last one and the pain is very real.

teen school corporal punishment

Two young girls stand side by side, showing the results of ten swats being applied to their bottoms over jeans and panties.

But what is really going on under those pants?  What does her bottom really look like after a good school paddling?  The truth is, not even the person applying knows what her bottom looks like when all is said and done.  The state of her bottom is her little secret, maybe one that she shares with a close friend but that is the extent of it.  So how do we know if her bottom is actually bruised from a school paddling?  Without being able to see it, it is hard to gauge how sore it is and how difficult sitting will be for her over the next couple of days.

teen school paddling

Her perfect teen bottom shows exactly what a real teen’s bottom looks like after being paddled at school.

This is the most amazing part of the Realspankingspass.com family of sites, is that we know longer have to speculate.  On all of their sites, school paddling is a very reoccurring theme.  While there are many bare bottom punishments, and paddlings, that take place on the various sites, with the school paddlings, they tend to keep it very real.  We get to see girls as young as 18, bend over for a realistic paddling in a realistic environment.  The positions that are used are all typical in the schools of the US and rarely does a girl get more than 12 swats.  The intensity of the swing is realistic, and no harder than a typical school paddling.  The reactions of the girls are exactly what you would expect from an 16-18 year old high school girl, and often they end in tears.

teen school spanking

Two more girls show the effectiveness of a hard paddling. Even with one petite bottom and one a little larger, their is no denying the results.

While I love the very realistic application of school corporal punishment, what I love even more, is getting to see the results.  In most of their paddling scenes, when it is all over, we get to see the girl in another room checking out the results of the paddling.  There is no more mystery as pants and panties come down and we get a long and hard look at a teen girl’s bottom after a very real school paddling.  The results demonstrate that the long term effectiveness of a school paddling is very real.  Teen bottoms do end up bruised, swollen, and sore.  Look at any of these pictures and there is no question that sitting will not be comfortable.  Even for paid models in a spanking video, there is no doubt that these girls will remember their paddling for many days to come.

teen school corporal punishment girl

It took only six swats over her jeans to bruise her 18 year old bottom. This is on the lighter end for a real school paddling, but there is no doubt she will be sore for a day or two.

With their constant recreations of real school paddlings, we get to see the proof of how effective a paddle to a teen girl’s bottom really can be.  There is no faking big bull’s eye bruises and there is no doubt as to how much that really must hurt.  A real school paddling does not just leave a teen bottom red for a couple of hours, it leaves it bruised for a few days.  A proper paddling leaves her sitting gingerly and thinking about her behavior, it is not something that is just forgotten.  We are blessed to be able to see school paddling administered in the most realistic way every portrayed, and as an added bonus, we get to see the results.  For literally 100’s of very real school paddling videos, check out the Realspankingspass.com family of sites.

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Tight jeans, perfect ass, and getting paddled at school

tight jeans teen school paddling

Her perfect little teen bottom will indeed be paddled in those jeans today.

Around the time high school rolls around, teen girls who are blessed with a perfect little bottom; realize that it is a thing of power for them.  They know that every boy is looking at, and they spend a lot of time and money, looking for the perfect clothes that increase the power they know they hold.  If you have ever watched a woman or teen girl try on pants, the very first thing they do is turn around and look at their ass in the mirror.  They are not ashamed of their lovely bottoms, they are actually quite proud, and they do everything they can to make sure that their butt is noticed by all men.  They want the attention at school, and they want the boys to turn around and take a look as they walk by.  They are certainly not squeezing themselves into the tightest pants that they can possibly fit into because of the comfort factor; they do it for the attention.  They know their bottoms are the object of attention and that every boy is picturing what that bottom looks like without the pants in place.

The best case scenario for most of the boys who spend so

teen school paddling jeans

She gets ready for school, not knowing that this is the day that her teen bottom will be paddled at school.

much time looking at these high school girl’s perfect little asses, is getting to be behind the girl as she walks down the hall.  That girl’s boyfriend might be the lucky one that gets to see those tight jeans come off on occasion, but she does not get dressed for school every morning, just with him in mind.  She pulls herself into those tiny little pants so she can get attention from everyone.  At this point in her life, this is the primary purpose of her lovely little bottom, getting attention and turning the boys on.  She spends the little money she earns at a part-time job to make sure this very thing happens.  Yes, fashion is based on recent trends, colors that are popular, but when it comes down to it, she mostly wants to know how the clothes makes her ass look, and what will get her the most attention as possible.

For many young ladies in this world, her ass serves a purpose beyond just attracting attention and turning the boys on, it is also a vessel for learning.  Even the tiniest bottoms have just the right amount of padding that allows them to be the ideal location for corporal punishment to be applied.  Those perfect little curves that she is so proud of are also quite perfect for a hard paddling.  For many teen girls, this may be the first time in their lives that they are not quite so happy about the attention their bottoms are about to receive.  Yes, it will indeed be a man that is giving her bottom the attention she likes, and she may indeed be wearing her favorite tight jeans, the ones she knows that make her ass look awesome, but in this situation, she is not feeling so good about the attention.

teen bottom high school paddling

She dressed this day to show off her bottom, not knowing that she would be presenting it to be paddled.

The power dynamic that she is used to has all of a sudden been turned for her.  The power that she typically has as a result of her perfect ass in those perfect pants, no longer exists.  Now the power is in someone else’s hands, but her ass is still going to be the focus, just not in a manner that she wants.  In all other situations in life, she is in control of her bottom, and she does what she wants with it.  But now, her bottom is about to be under the control of someone else, and there is nothing she can do about it.  She gets to sit and listen as she is lectured, knowing very well, that one of the possible outcomes of this conversation will very much involve her bottom.  She then gets to listen to the sentencing for her transgressions, as this grown man informs her that her bottom will indeed be part of the equation.  She watches as he deliberates, and makes a decision as to how much pain her bottom will be subjected to.  It may be her ass, but what happens to it is no longer within her control, as for the moment, someone else is very much in charge of her bottom.  He gets to decide what happens to it.  He gets to decide how she will be presenting it to him.  But most importantly, he gets to decide how much pain to apply to it.  It can be quite the wakeup call as a teen girl realizes that at this moment in time, someone else is very much in charge of her bottom.

teen school paddling

18 years old and a senior in high school, but as much as she would like to believe it is true, she is not fully in control over her cute bottom. He makes her bend over and present that bottom to be paddled.

It gets even more difficult as she actually has to present her bottom to him to be paddled.  He gets to decide exactly how her bottom will be presented, and even though she wants nothing less in this world, she has to comply.  She would give up every bit of attention she gets as a result of her pretty behind, just to make this moment go away.  She is told how many swats her teen butt will receive and she probably even gets to have a look at the large wooden paddle that will be used on her bottom.  Not once, as she was trying on the tight little pants that she is wearing, and admiring her bottom in the mirror, did she imagine that giant paddle smacking that same bottom.  But it is her behavior and her actions that led her to this moment, and she no longer has a say in what is about to happen to her bottom.  She is told to stand up and then HE, gets to tell her exactly what to do with her bottom.

school corporal punishment

At this moment, in this office, what she does with her bottom is no longer up to her. He gets to tell her what to do with it, how to present it, and ultimately is in control of how much pain will be applied to it.

He may decide that it will be best for the situation to simply have her bend over the desk, as it is a position that allows much stability and will allow him to swat her little butt even harder.  Or he may decide that she needs to be more of an active participant in her paddling and require her to present her bottom in a manner in which she really has to work to stay in position, such as grabbing her ankles.  He may choose a position based on what allows for a harder paddling, what makes her more of a participant or possibly even one that presents her bottom in a manner in which the paddle swats will hurt more.  Regardless of what he decided, it is fully his decision.  For the next several minutes, HE is in charge of everything that happens to her bottom and she is merely a participant.  Once he finally decides it is now up to her to comply and present her bottom exactly how she is told.

school paddling punishment group

Before the end of the day, these cute little bottom, in their tight little jeans, will all be paddled at school.

This can be one of the hardest parts for the teen girl, as she wants nothing to do with a school paddling, but she still finds herself presenting her bottom, to this man, in order for him to bring pain to it.  She stands up, moves to the center of the room, and reaches down and grabs her ankles as she was told.  He can further control the situation, and exactly what she has to do, by fine tuning her position.  While still sitting behind his desk he tells her to widen her stance, straighten her legs, and reach a little farther down and grab the lowest part of her ankles.  When he is content with her position, she if left there, butt in the air, just waiting for when he decides to give her bottom the attention it has earned.  While she spends most morning before school making sure that her ass gets the attention it deserves, this was never what she was looking for.  But, her behavior and actions have indeed created this situation, while in this position, in which the entire focus is of that of her bottom.  He is filling out paperwork, which the school district has mandated needs to completed, as a result of what is about to happen to her bottom.  He is about to pick up a paddle, also designated by the school board, as the one to be used on her bottom.  The exact size, dimensions, and type of wood of the paddle to be used on her, was a result of the decision of many.  In these same meetings, a group of adults sat in a room, and discussed exactly how many swats her bottom could receive.  She got up that morning, hoping her beautiful bottom would receive a lot of attention, and she is getting it, as it was the hard work of many individuals that decided, years ago, exactly what would be happening to her bottom.

three girl paddled at school

All three girls are required to present their bottoms for a hard school paddling.

Remaining in that bent over position, who she is as a person slowly disappears.  He can no longer see her face, or the work she put into getting her makeup perfect that morning.  At this moment in time, the entire world is about her bottom.  The entire purpose of her presenting her bottom in this manner is for the overall effectiveness of the paddling she is about to receive.  It is presented in such a way, that it is easiest for him to paddle her hard, without fear of hitting any other body part.  It also pulls all of the skin on her bottom as tight as possible, so the padding in her bottom is reduced, pulling all of the muscles to the surface.  He knows that the real learning comes as a result of these muscles feeling the full impact of the paddling, assuring maximum bruising and long term soreness.  The overall goal is for her bottom to continue to receive this undesired attention for many days to come.  She needs to think about what she did, every time she pulls on tight pants for the next several days.  As she is walking down the hall, her tight butt being admired by the boys, with each step she needs to feel the soreness.  If he did his job to the best of his ability, her bottom will be getting a lot of attention each time she sits down at a school desk.  But the attention to her ass will now be her own, as she struggles to find a way to sit down that does not provide so much pain.  During every minute of class for the rest of the week, her bottom will have her full attention, attention she never wants her bottom to have ever again.

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Very real school paddling video

A full length video of a very real school paddling of a high school girl receiving corporal punishment for wearing inappropriate clothing during the last week of school. From a recent update in the member’s area of Realspankings.com

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