Tears and crying for the teen girl who had her bottom paddled at school

When it comes to a proper school paddling for a high school girl there are many essential elements that are required to make it an effective punishment.  In the past I have covered most of these in great detail, which include:
– Anticipation leading up to the actual paddling, creating much fear and worry and she contemplates how much the paddling will hurt.
– Being required to be an active participant in her punishment by actively cooperating in the process.
– A sense of embarrassment, as a result of the position she is made to assume as well as a public element in which others are able to hear her paddling, or to see her directly after.
Being made to wait for her paddling while in position, for an extra element of anticipation.
– Words or actions that make her feel like a little girl, even though she thinks that she is a grown woman.
– Providing her with a very painful paddling, one that brings as much sting to her bottom as possible.
– Assuring that the paddling leaves her bottom bruised and sore for many days, so the punishment continues will after the paddling is over.

Today’s focus covers what is probably the most important, or second most important (behind a bruised bottom) element of a proper paddling of a high school girl, and that is crying and tears.

teen girl crying from a paddling in high school

The tears begin to roll down her face which is a very good start.

Tears are so very important when it comes to a teenage girl being paddled at school for several reasons.  The 1st and most obvious is the fact that if she does not produce a single tear during her paddling, then she was clearly not paddled hard enough.  If she is able to just grit her teeth and get through the whole thing with dry eyes, the amount of pain being applied to her bottom was nowhere close to what was needed.  A paddling without an unbearable amount of pain does little to serve as a deterrent from future misbehavior.  This simply leads to a girl who endured a sting to her butt, but later tells her friends “it was not that bad”.  This is never the result any administrator of a high school wants after a young lady has been paddled.

teen girl crying from corporal punishment

Simply wiping away the tears after her paddling is not quite enough, She needs to be actively crying when her bottom is finished being paddled.

Tears are also very important because many girls will do their best, under all circumstances, to make sure that she does not cry from her paddling.  She sees it as a victory to the person who is paddling her if he gets to see her cry.  This in itself is an act of defiance and she is being paddled for her own good and as a result of her actions.  This is not a young lady submitting to her punishment, this is a young lady that even as she is being punished is acting in a willful manner.  Making sure that the paddle hits her bottom with enough force, and enough times to produce tears, will help remove the willfulness and better suit her overall development.

While a school paddling takes place in a more structured environment than corporal punishment in the home, it should not be lost that this is still a girl being spanked.  What proper spanking of a girl by her mom or dad does not involve tears?  One of the purposes of her getting spanked at school is to demonstrate that there are still rules that she needs to follow and that there are consequences for not following those rules. It helps to remind her that even at the age of 17 or 18, she does not have all of the answers and is not fully prepared to go into the world without guidance.  By paddling her teen butt until the tears are flowing, she is reminded that she is indeed still just a girl.  She was bad and bad girls get spanked until they are crying.

teen girl school spanking tears

A few seconds after the last swat hits her teen bottom we see the desired effects. She is not just wiping away tears, this young lady is crying like a little girl who just got the spanking of her life.

While tears are a requirement for any effective paddling, they alone are not enough.  Having her bottom paddled and her eyes simply filling up with tears, does indeed demonstrate that it hurt her bottom, but it is not the same thing as her actually crying.  A teen girl, who is paddled and is simply able to wipe away her tears when it is all over, still leaves with a bit of her dignity intact.  The overall experience should not be one in which she was proud of her behavior, or felt good about how well she took it.  If she was paddled until she was crying like a little girl, she will feel embarrassment, regret, and hopefully a degree of shame that her behavior led to her being spanked at school in the first place.

We have looked at the progression of pain to a girl’s bottom, as she is paddled, in the past, but I have never really evaluated the progression of tears and emotion that a girl expresses during a hard school paddling.  Let’s take a look a look at the expressions and emotions on a young lady’s face as she receives a hard school paddling.

teen bottom spanked at school

The 1st hard swat wakes up her emotions as she struggles with the intense pain to her teen butt.

In the above picture, she is clearly quite nervous as she waits for the 1st swat.  It may be the first time she was ever paddled at school, or maybe she has been paddled before and she knows how bad it is going to be.  She feels the paddle leave her bottom, as it is raised into the air, she then squints her eyes, furrows her brow, grits her teeth, and purses her lips. As the 1st swat hits her bottom her mouth opens and she gasps, her breathing quickly increases, and her eyes begin to blink, showing that the swat had the desired effect and the eyes are already beginning to react with moisture.

teen corporal punishment at school

The tears begin to form and her body language shows that full on crying is coming soon.

After a couple more swats, the desired reaction is becoming much more apparent. Her eyes are no longer just wet as tears are actively beginning to roll down her cheeks. The heaving of her chest has begun as tears turn into actual crying, a clear sign that her bottom is really starting to feel the pain that she requires.  Her breathing has become quick and shallow as she starts to remember what the purpose of a spanking really is.

school spanking

There is no more fighting it, she is crying like a little girl from her school spanking.

Now that she is fully crying, her paddling is not over and the real learning begins.  With her bottom so sore that she is crying like a little girl, she is given another severe swat.  This one causes her to fully break down and let it all out.  There is no more sucking it up and putting on a brave face.  There is no more willfulness in which she will not let the female VP paddling her get the best of her.  All that is left now is pain and the raw emotion of a little girl getting a spanking.  She is no longer trying to act like an adult, or to try an put forth an image of toughness, she is simply blubbering as a result of her teen bottom getting paddled, something that is well deserved and long overdue.

severe paddling school

Her face shows the results of a well spanked little girl.

With the completion of her paddling, her face shows the results of a well punished little girl.  Tears are running all the way down her face and dripping off of her chin.  Her nose is running and her makeup is a mess.  At this point there is absolutely no doubt that this young lady learned her lesson.  She is not going to be able to stand up and look at the VP with a tough look like this was no big deal, as her face tells a much different story.  She is not going to pretend that it was easy to endure and that she could do it again.  There also no way she is going to walk into the main office, with all eyes on her, and act like she took it like a big girl.  Everyone will see the face and the eyes of a little girl who just had her bottom spanked, and there is nothing she can do to try and hide that.

All images come from paddling videos in the member’s area of Realspankings.com

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