A bare bottom is not required to teach a lesson with a school paddling.

teen school corporal punishment paddling

A hard school paddling on her bare butt shows the real affects on a teen bottom, regardless of clothing worn.

In reality, 99% of modern day school paddlings take place over some form of clothing.  Most typically, a high school girl wears tight jeans to school and this is the most common way for a teen girl to be paddled at school.  There are certainly many cases in which a young lady may find herself being paddled over a short skirt, assuming the school dress code allows such attire. There are also cheerleaders who find themselves being paddled in their cheer uniform on game day and young ladies paddled over shorts when sent to the office during PE or athletics.

The days of schoolgirls being paddled on the bare bottom are long gone and this probably never happened in a public school environment.  There were certainly strict boarding schools or private Catholic schools, prior to 1970, in which it was not unheard of for a young lady to be required to raise her skirt and lower her

teen girl paddle swats at school

Hard paddle swats compress her bottom and leave it bruised.

panties for some bare bottom school corporal punishment.  But as far as I know, this is certainly a thing of the past.

But when we examine the concept of school corporal punishment, especially regarding a young lady receiving a hard paddling, what does clothing really add to the situation?  Now if we are discussing a young woman getting her bottom spanked by her mom at home, with a hand, the difference between bare bottom and clothes is like night and day.  A handspanking hurts as a result of the sting that it provides to a girl’s bottom.  Having her remove her pants and panties turns a partially effective spanking into a decent one.  A good comparison is clapping your hands together, as hard as you can, with gloves on.  There is really no sting to your hands when you clap with gloves on, but if you do the same thing, as hard as you can, your hands are burning in no time.  A handspanking is made much more effective when you remove the barrier between the hand and the bottom.  However, a handspanking is rarely effective once it is complete as the sting goes away and there are no long lasting results to teach a further lesson.

school principal paddle

A real school principal showing the paddle she uses on her student’s bottoms.

School corporal punishment never takes place with the hand, it is almost exclusively administered in this country with a wooden paddle.  If you follow the online news regarding school paddlings, when you see a picture of an administrator holding the paddle they actually use, it is rarely a little paddle.  We are generally talking about large boards, sometimes a thick as 1”, which are constructed to achieve maximum results over clothing.  With paddles such as these, the clothing worn does not affect the punishment at all.  The sting factor is not much of an issue as a paddle is designed to hit with a heavy thud.  Unlike a handspanking, a school paddling is not designed to simply sting a young lady’s bottom.  Yes, there will be a strong burning sensation that she will feel with each swat of the paddle.  The skin certainly feels the wood being applied to it, but it is the tissue below her skin, being compressed, that really creates the sensations that are desired when punishing a young lady’s bottom with a paddle.

We can see in the animations included in this post the real effects of a hard paddling on a

school paddling

A hard school paddling produces results/

young lady’s butt.  When a heavy wooden paddle is swung properly, with the intention of teaching a very real lesson, her entire butt is compressed under the force of the heavy wooden board.  Her skin ripples, and moves away from the paddle, as it digs deep into the muscles of her bottom.  With a hard paddle swat, you see the skin ripple down her legs and up her lower back.  When the paddle is lifted for the next swat, you can see the bruises already forming.  This takes place regardless of what she is wearing.  This cotton panties and a layer of denim does nothing to protect her teen bottom from the force of a good paddling. She can be wearing a skirt with pleats, spandex gym shorts, or pants, it does not matter, she will learn a lesson from her paddling.

These bare bottom school paddling scenes come from Realspankings.com

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